Со што ли ги хранат во Вирџинија, па нешто не штима во тврдењата на падавичарите.... дури и Њујорк излегоа дека стапката на смртност е многу помала од таа што прогнозирале.
This action, in combination with efforts to expand capacity at our hospitals, has led to a tremendous availability of beds at our hospitals. There are almost 6,000 open beds at our hospitals along with 2,200 unused ventilators.
There are currently 1,301 COVID-19 patients (confirmed and pending test results) hospitalized across Virginia. Only 21% of the 2,865 ventilators available are in use by both COVID-19 and non-COVID19 patients. Critically,
these numbers have remained consistent since the end of March.
In the meantime, it is estimated that
60,000 Virginians have had their non-urgent inpatient and outpatient medical procedures
canceled over the past month and
15,000 procedures will be
canceled every week going forward. While the crisis is far from over and COVID-19 will continue to be the primary focus of our hospitals and health care providers for the foreseeable future, we are mindful of the tens of thousands of Virginians who have deferred care for chronic conditions and other non-urgent medical needs. We are concerned that
continuing to delay their care while we have available capacity to address and/or stabilize their conditions will have long-term negative impacts on health across the Commonwealth.
Значи поради паниката од корона, многу случаеви не добиваат третман иако имаат услови. Автоматски, тие случаеви подоцна ќе си имаат потешки проблеми, ама
тие луѓе не се битни. Битно биле преполни болниците, како муви умирале
Ама без грижи, ќе им напишат дека е поради короната, ќе добијат 13.000 долари од случај и 39.000 долари ако е ставен на вентилатор