February 6, 1748, exactly 271 years ago, Adam Weishaupt was born in Ingoldstadt (Bavaria) - the founder of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati. This society set educational and republican goals and was created in 1776. Its members chose classical antique names for themselves. Adam Weishaupt himself took the name Spartak. They also used the names of ancient Greek cities in their cypher for the designation of European cities, for example, Munich was called Athens. In 1784, the Order of the Illuminati was banned by the efforts of the Bavarian Kurfurst.
Weishaupt was a professor of natural and canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. After the Order of the Illuminati was banned, he was forced to leave the pulpit and moved to the city of Regensburg, and then to the city of Gotha, where he gained the patronage of Duke Ernst II, and was able to continue to promote his views.