Потполно го сфатив Bodhidharma што сакаше да каже.
Секогаш се вадиш на инквизицијата,бла бла...
Погледни што се случува со светов бе човече !
Не биди слеп !
Одговори поконкретно.
Не се вади со Османлиите и инквизицијата.
Заборави го веќе минатото.
Немам потреба да се вадам, вие се однесувате како некој да ви должи свет онаков каков што вие сте си го замислиле и секогаш мора да покажете со прст кон кривец поради кој не ви цветаат рози во животот. Епа како што му реков и нему, светот не е ресторан а животот не е порција од мени која некој е должен да ви ја сервира на послужавник!
Хронолошки гледано човечката цивилизација оди во нагорна линија од квалитативен аспект. Ви беа понудени аргументи со конкретни факти и податоци дека огромен процент од интелектуалниот капацитет на оние чија заслуга е што денес живееме во цивилизација што предходните генерации неможеле ни да сонуваат, биле иницијанти во масонеријата или останатите сродни Редови.
Но до вас аргументи не допираат. За вас совршено одговара следниов текст:
So apparently a bunch of fuckwits here think they're more awake, aware and enlightened than "sheeple" who are "slaves to the system" because said "sheeple" actually have a fucking job or career.
I've actually walked the talk, living off-grid in a tipi and a hydro-powered cabin on the edge of the New Zealand wilderness.
Just me and my mate, our dogs, our bows, and the biggest fucking kukris you've ever seen, growing pot and veges and discussing "the system" as the stars wheeled above the campfire.
I've also worked as a journalist - where one has to sort verifiable objective facts from subjective opinions and unsubstantiated conspiracy bullshit - and good god do I laugh at the fucking idiots who believe journos just stand around the watercooler waiting for the illuminati to fax us the list of approved brainwashing stories to be published that day.
You're not enlightened, you're not in possession of super secret information hidden from the masses, you haven't unraveled any great conspiracy, and you're not a special snowflake.
What you are, is a dumb-ass motherfucker with an internet connection and a predisposition to believe any farfetched bullshit you find on YouTube, without the critical thinking skills required to sort fantasy from reality.
Probably you are an underachieving drop-out who thinks of themselves as edgy and nonconformist, just like the 60s hippies who thought they could "tune in and drop out" from mainstream society, while feeding off it like parasites.
The reality is, you're just another warm body using a digital device to access the internet.
You're not walking the walk.
You're guzzling resources and indirectly spewing C02 into the atmosphere with every screen-swipe, wearing clothing made from synthetic fibers and dyes, driving a car, getting your food from a supermarket, and if you buy organic food, then you're even more wasteful and a greater resource hog than the next person.
You feel smug, like the world's greatest detective, when you congratulate each other on "unravelling the secret plot" of chemtrails/vaccines/GMO/ancient-aliens/Jade-Helm-takeovers or whatever bullshit fantasy is trendy this year.
In reality, you're just a science-illiterate cunt who has never actually interviewed a local professor face to face, nor acquired government documents via FOIA / OIA [or whatever local public-disclosure legislation your country operates under] and all you have are memes, naturalnews, collectiveevolution, Alex Jones, and YouTube.
Which is to say, you are a gullible fucking moran worthy of radicue, who needs to get off your computer/phone/tablet and stop acting like a smug cunt.
If any of you fucktards had any real understanding of any of the issues you pontificate on endlessly, you would work in that field, as opposed to working at WholeFoods, the local tattoo shop, or fucking Burger King.
Now fuck off and go be productive members of society, because nobody gives a shit about your slacktivism.
You're not "awakening humanity" or changing the world, you're just some cunt typing words on a screen.
[Rustling intensifies]