- Член од
- 16 декември 2012
- Мислења
- 2.745
- Поени од реакции
- 7.262
Bisexual women and lesbians experienced more emotional stress as teenagers than did heterosexual women. Bisexual women were more than twice as likely to have had an eating disorder compared to lesbians. If a bisexual woman reported being out she was twice as likely to have had an eating disorder compared to a heterosexual woman. Lesbians who were not out and bisexual women who were out were 2-2.5 times more likely to experience suicidal ideation in the past 12 months. Lesbians and bisexual women who were not out were more likely to have had a suicide attempt compared to heterosexual women. Lesbians used psychotherapy for depression more commonly than did heterosexual or bisexual women. This is one of the few studies that compares lesbians, bisexual and heterosexual women.Оф леле. Јас не ги негирам статистиките, тие навистина се самоубиваат повеќе, но било кое истражување да го причиташ за причината за овие самоубиства ќе ти го каже истото што јас ти го кажувам. Еве најди било какво истражување кое наведува било која друга причина за ова однесување освен зголеменото ниво на стрес кај хомосексуалците поради осудата од околината.
И пак не ми кажа зошто жените хомосексуалци во развиените земји не се самоубиваат повеќе?
Lesbians are more likely to experience episodes of intense anxiety. A study in the US found that non-heterosexual women were more than three times as likely to have generalised anxiety disorder than heterosexual women. Younger and older lesbians appear to be at a higher risk of depression than mid-aged lesbians.
Close to two in every ten bisexual women (19 percent) and about one in every ten lesbian women (12 percent) reply that they have tried to commit suicide. Comparatively, the same percentage among heterosexual women is 5 percent.