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Red Scouser
Член од
18 февруари 2010
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Tom Hicks and George Gillett face £20m bank penalty if Liverpool is not sold
Liverpool owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett will have to pay the Royal Bank of Scotland £20 million in penalty fees if the club remains unsold at the end of August, it has emerged.

By Rory Smith
Published: 11:00PM BST 12 Aug 2010

Happier days: Tom Hicks, left, and George Gillett when they assumed control of Liverpool Photo: GETTY IMAGES
Though Kenny Huang, the leading contender to oust the Americans, yesterday insisted talks are progressing smoothly, he admits he is only "50 per cent" confident of securing a £400 million takeover.
The bank, which holds £237 million of debt placed on the Anfield side by its American owners, has imposed the so-called "ticking fees" against Hicks and Gillett, rather than Liverpool, in an attempt to force a sale of the club.

Hicks and Gillett are also thought to be personally liable for millions of pounds in punitive interest charges since RBS agreed to a new refinancing deal in April. The bank will take the fees out of the proceeds of a sale of the club, though should Liverpool fetch less than the £282.4 million sum of its total debt, RBS will pursue the Americans for the extra funds.

Liverpool's current owners are holding out for a £600 million deal to cover liabilities elsewhere in their business empires, but sources familiar with the sale have suggested that such a price remains a pipe-dream.

Yahya Kirdi, the Syrian-Canadian businessman acknowledged as the Americans' preferred bidder, has denied he will meet that valuation, while Huang is thought to be preparing an offer of around £400 million.

The Chinese entrepreneur yesterday broke his silence on his prospective takeover in an interview published by Love Basketball magazine in his homeland, insisting an outline proposal has been approved by Liverpool's chairman, Martin Broughton, and the club's board.
He also moved to assuage a number of doubts over his offer, including the provenance of funds and the identities of his backers, though he stopped short of confirming whether he had tabled a formal bid to buy the club.

"We have signed a confidentiality clause with regards to the acquisition of Liverpool," Huang was quoted as saying. "I am 50 per cent confident we will acquire the club. We have provided a large number of documents. Liverpool's board has approved our proposal and we will have an answer in less than 10 days.

"Liverpool's board have given us a positive response, but there are still plenty of unknowns. Our competitors are very strong and the board has not confirmed they will accept us. There are rivals from North America and the Middle East. We still have some distance to go, but we were informed the board regard our proposal as acceptable in the macro."

Huang also dismissed suggestions he would walk away should a deal not be completed by the end of the week and confirmed that Yang Guang, his partner in Liverpool's would-be parent company QSL, is involved in the bid in an advisory capacity.

Though Liverpool fans will be unconcerned by personal debts accrued by their unpopular owners, the club's future, should Hicks and Gillett manage to retain control at Anfield, will be a cause of considerable distress.

"Liverpool's is not a long-term business model," said Philip Long of PKF accountants, who conduct an annual survey into football finance. "There simply is not a happy ending to leveraged buy-outs. The burden of the interest outweighs any profits the club make, and that becomes unmanageable.

"The two Americans hanging on and seeing their debt refinanced by RBS, continuing to pay interest, is a far worse scenario than the bank taking over the running of the club. The debt burden will just increase to a point where the interest is not being serviced any more. The ultimate end game, if Hicks and Gillett cling on, is that Liverpool goes bust."

Meanwhile, Huang could come face to face with one of the American owners he is trying to oust from Anfield at a London conference later this year, writes Paul Kelso.

Huang has not spoken to the UK media since making public his bid for the club, but regardless of what transpires with Liverpool, he has already agreed to give a presentation at the Economist Global Sport Summit at the end of October.

Juang is listed under his Chinese name, Jian-Hua Huang, among the speakers on the conference website. A spokesman for the conference said he had confirmed his attendance weeks before his interest in Liverpool became public.

In a twist that could add a little tension to events, George Gillett is among the delegates who have indicated they will attend the conference, which will be held at the Grosvenor House Hotel on Oct 29, two days before the annual NFL match at Wembley.

Whether the ownership of Liverpool will have transferred between Huang and Gillett is a moot point, and it remains to be seen whether both men fulfil their commitment to the event. Two years ago both Gillett and Tom Hicks attended the conference.

Така така... Само поголема казна, што се 20M, нека ги одерат...


Член од
12 декември 2008
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наводно е договорен трансферот на маскерано во барса 15 милиона фунти + хлеб
Член од
3 јуни 2010
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15 милиони + Хлеб за Маскерано. Охоооо, ни отидоа парите што ги рачунавме од него. Многу лошо ако е вака ова. Се бара млада крв, што ке може да донесе нешто ново а не ќорци како Поулсен и Хлеб ( ај да кажам и Кол не ми е ич сигурен). Свежа крв му треба на Ливерпул место Хлеб Барса има многу подобри млади играчи ама не се нетокму да си ги даваат тие, се ослободуваат од непотребното т.е. од ѓубрето. Не дека Хлеб е лош и нема да изигра добро ама со таков профил на играчи не се атакува на титула. Ич не ми се бендисува ова. Ниеден млад играч да се нема, перспективен ( освен Пачеко) кој ке може да го повлече тимот, да го разигра, да смени монотонија у игра, е тоа му треба на Ливерпул. Али ај, се додека Џерард игра на ниво сме добри
Член од
2 март 2007
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15 милиони + Хлеб за Маскерано. Охоооо, ни отидоа парите што ги рачунавме од него. Многу лошо ако е вака ова. Се бара млада крв, што ке може да донесе нешто ново а не ќорци како Поулсен и Хлеб ( ај да кажам и Кол не ми е ич сигурен). Свежа крв му треба на Ливерпул место Хлеб Барса има многу подобри млади играчи ама не се нетокму да си ги даваат тие, се ослободуваат од непотребното т.е. од ѓубрето. Не дека Хлеб е лош и нема да изигра добро ама со таков профил на играчи не се атакува на титула. Ич не ми се бендисува ова. Ниеден млад играч да се нема, перспективен ( освен Пачеко) кој ке може да го повлече тимот, да го разигра, да смени монотонија у игра, е тоа му треба на Ливерпул. Али ај, се додека Џерард игра на ниво сме добри

У тимот на Англија до 19 години најмногу играчи има од Арсенал и од Ливерпул ;)


Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Verified Damsels
Член од
20 септември 2008
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EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Kenny Huang
by LFC Transfer Speculations on Thursday, 12 August 2010 at 19:32
Aug 12, Beijing: This is an exclusive and first interview of Huang by “Love Basketball” (ANQ), a basketball magazine which he is the Advisor
on his effort to buy Liverpool FC. Huang (KH) explained that because of the confidential agreement he would not speak on the present process but would clarify some of the rumours etc.

ANQ: Why have you keep silent on LFC?

KH: There has always been a confidential agreement. Hence I cannot make any comment on the current process and have to go through spokesman and PR company.

ANQ: So why can you accept the interview now?

KH: The details cannot be divulged now. As there are too many interview requests, I feel I should say a few things through my own magazine but I can’t say a lot.

ANQ: At what stage is the bidding going now?

KH: Our interest in buying LFC has been recognised by the Board. At the same time, we have continued our work - researching and evaluating, the overall progress is good. However, there are quite a number of strong competitors. So there are still a lot of unknowns.

ANQ: Who are your competitors?

KH: From Middle East and from North America. The Indians have withdrawn.

ANQ: At what position do you feel you are amongst the bidders? In the lead or what?

KH: I feel everyone has a chance. Every bidder would feel they have an advantage so it is hard to say we are in the lead. We shall strengthen our communication with the Board and the Bank.

ANQ: What are your advantages, you feel?

KH: First we have a very strong Asian market and Chinese market which will be very helpful to Liverpool to get into these markets. However, our competitors have more preparation and more understanding of the EPL.

ANQ: According to the UK media, (you want) the Board to reply you within 10 days? When would you expect the deal be done?

KH: We have put forward many proposals and we have the answer: the Board has accepted our proposal (translator's note: proposal, not bid) and wish us to continue the process. We have a reply in less than 10 days.

ANQ: You mean the Board has given you a positive reply?

KH: Yes but there are still a lot of unknowns. The reports in UK media saying that we have won or ahead in the lead are incorrect. In fact, all our competitors are very strong. We have to recognize our position: not far ahead, nor the Board has confirmed accepting us. There is still some way to go. It was that we asked the Board to let us know whether our proposal would be overall acceptable and the Board has said yes.

ANQ: There are sayings that you hope to complete the deal by the end of the month before the transfer window closes - is it true?

KH: No. Of course everyone feel it would be best but there are certain unknowns.

ANQ: How about the other rumoured completion date - October?

KH: By October, it will be an open secret because by then the loans is due and the Bank has to call back the debt.

ANQ: In the main who are you negotiating with at LFC? The Bank? Board? The American owners?

KH: Mainly the Board.

ANQ: There are Mainland media doubting your ability to buy LFC?

KH: It is definitely not with my own money - but that of a consortium. Membership of the consortium still has to be keep confidential.

ANQ: Someone has said Yang Guang of Franklin Templeton has joined the investment - is it true?

KH: Yang Guang is a fund manager, the best amongst Chinese. However, it is also not Yang’s money but the consortium’s money. He’s only responsible for management.

ANQ: So Yang and you are partners and co-intiators?

KH: Yes, Yang is with me to protect the interests and rights of various investors.

ANQ: What is the purpose of this consortium buying Liverpool? Some media said you have been deliberately pumping up publicity?

KH: We must state that we have not been pumping publicity, if we were it should have started a lot earlier. We only admit our involvement after LFC said we are bidding. If you look at the reports, we have kept a low profile until the Chairman of the Board’s interview and then we admitted we are bidding. Our aims: (1) no firing up publicity (2) no interview. Many people said we seek publicity - this is wrong. On whether Huang Jian Hua is dealing with his own money: I clarify, it is not my money. It is a consortium.

ANQ: How did you convince the consortium to bid for LFC?

KH: This is a very good brand and the price is a lot lower than two years ago. Therefore, I feel it is a good investment project.

ANQ: Any difficulties / obstacles so far?

KH: Not enough understanding of the UK media. This is our biggest oversight. Everything should be confidential but the digging ability of the UK media is just out of our imagination. Our biggest puzzle is that they have known our every move. The ability of our competitors to make use of the media also out-strip us. What I do not expect is the integration of sports and media in UK is even higher than that in the US. This open my eyes but also already given me some disadvantages. Therefore we have engaged the largest PR company in the world which has a high capability in the UK.

ANQ: What have been the fans’ view on the bidding so far? How do you deal with it?

KH: The Bank and Board have had pressure from the media. Their attention to the media far exceed my expectation. This may be my biggest failure thus far.

ANQ: The fans? What have the fans’ responses to all the news?

KH: The PR company told us most of the fans are supportive although there are some noises too - that there are doubts on the depth of our pocket, and on our ability to manage (the Club). Of course we have to deal with these issues step by step.

KH: I feel, there are many things of the EPL to learn from. This is the most successful league in the world. If we can learn of the good and not the bad, that will be good for Mainland. Their training method, advance experience and also raising the ability of players are things we can learn from.

ANQ: How confident are you in a successful bid? 50%? 60%? 80%?

KH: About 50%, I think. Our competitors are strong, and we do not have enough experience, especially we need to understand more on the big teams’ relationship with teh media in the UK. Also we are not well prepared enough on the triangular relationship between the shareholders, debtors and the Board. We still have a lot to do, and we do not have a great advantage as it was reported. We still have a lot to learn and review.


Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Verified Damsels
Член од
20 септември 2008
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ne stavajte celi tekstovi , podobro e da go stavish samo linkot
Па оти ја нејкам така линкови да гледам, затоа го ставам целиот текст.
Во наредна прилика ке те послушам доколку ви смета тоа!


Колку што знам Маскерано беше проценет на 30 милиони. Ако е вистина договорено за Хлеб+15 милиони, онда Хлеб чини 15 милиона.:nesum:

И ви реков јас, дека е за кај нас аргентинецот, вие сте запнале Интер та Интер.:)
Член од
2 март 2008
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И од ден на ден по сите шекулации се понејасно ми е што му е планот на Хоџсон...
Бабел,Кајт,Макси,Јовановиќ,Кол еве сега и Хлеб... Што ќе му прави каде ќе ги носи кој го знае
Член од
13 декември 2007
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И од ден на ден по сите шекулации се понејасно ми е што му е планот на Хоџсон...
Бабел,Кајт,Макси,Јовановиќ,Кол еве сега и Хлеб... Што ќе му прави каде ќе ги носи кој го знае
Не верувам дека Хоџсон е тој што прифаќа или одбива понуди. Најверојатно бордот. Ама не ми се верува дека прифатиле ваква глупа зделка. Како и да е, очекувам понуда од интер најдоцна до утре попладне. Наводно Балотели и Сити ѓи дели само лекарскиот преглед. Се друго е средено, што значи Интер ќе се јави со понуда најбрзо што може.


legend is back
Член од
25 април 2008
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И од ден на ден по сите шекулации се понејасно ми е што му е планот на Хоџсон...
Бабел,Кајт,Макси,Јовановиќ,Кол еве сега и Хлеб... Што ќе му прави каде ќе ги носи кој го знае
Макси изјавуваше дека сака да се врати во шпанија а по се изгледа ќе игра Кајт во нападот:kesa:


Red Scouser
Член од
18 февруари 2010
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Roy: No Masch movement
13th Aug 2010 - Latest News

Roy Hodgson today confirmed he does not anticipate any imminent move away from Anfield for Javier Mascherano and admitted the midfielder is in contention to face Arsenal on Sunday.

The boss last month revealed Mascherano had expressed a desire to leave Liverpool - but Hodgson insists no offers have been received for the midfielder and stressed new signing Christian Poulsen hasn't been brought to the club as a replacement for the Argentina captain.

Hodgson told a press conference at Melwood: "I don't want to let Javier Mascherano go. At the moment, Javier Mascherano has shown no signs of going, so it's not a question of replacing him.

"I believe Javier is going to play for us and I believe Christian is going to play for us. I am happy to have both players.

"This is a big club, a club with hopefully a lot of games to play this year and we're going to need a lot of players.

"We didn't bring Christian in to replace anybody. We brought him in to improve the size and quality of our squad."

Asked whether he felt Mascherano was in the right frame of mind to face Arsenal, Hodgson said: "Yes."

He added: "There is no point in me commenting on things Javier has either said or supposedly said.

"I work with him whenever I can. Obviously he came back very late from the World Cup and has been away on international duty, but I've had seven or eight training sessions with him now.

"We talk about football and he's made no indication (of wanting to leave) since our very early meeting, where he made it clear if possible he'd prefer to leave. Since then he's been getting on with his work and training and playing properly.

"As far as I am concerned, he is a Liverpool player and will be until the day somebody signs him - that day does not seem to be imminent.

"At the moment I can quite categorically state there has been no offer from any club for Javier Mascherano and, as a result, I don't see why I should put his loyalty or desire to play for the club in doubt every day.

"We made it clear to him that if the offer he wanted came along, we probably would not stand in his way. But that offer has not come along and he's working hard to play for Liverpool."

Reporters quizzed Hodgson on the reception Mascherano could receive from Liverpool fans should he feature against Arsenal.

"I think the fans will judge him by what he does on the field on play," said the manager. "If he plays well, does his job and is part of a winning Liverpool team then he'll be very popular.

"If he plays badly and costs us games then no doubt he won't be too popular at all. I don't think it is much more complicated than that."

Hodgson continued: "He is a realistic player and is playing at Liverpool Football Club. He is not looking for a move to a Spanish second division club. There are very few clubs in the world that could even consider having Mascherano on their books - but one of them is Liverpool Football Club.

"If he wants to leave Liverpool, he'll be expecting a club of similar stature and ability to come along. At the moment, that club hasn't come along so I am presuming he's very happy to stay here, but you'd have to ask him."

Сите шпекулации дека е постигнат договор меѓу Barcelona и Liverpool за Mascherano на shit.com паѓаат во вода. Сепак сеуште мислам дека Masch ќе си оди.
Член од
16 ноември 2007
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Бордот има состанок попладнево, да се надеваме ќе излези некоја добра одлука :)

Johnny B

Misogynist, racist, anti woke
Член од
15 февруари 2010
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Moре ќе си оди и те како......има на клоци да го избркаат.....а ова за Хлеб се надевам дека се глупости......ако Хлеб вреди 15 милиони тогаш Маскерано вреди 80...........Балотели отиде во Интер и сега би требало тие да ни дадат 30 милиони и да си го земат.......само не знам оти на никој не му текна за трампа......ама ајде.....таква управа имаме за која се надевам ако дојде кинезот и ако има малку акал сите да ги отпушти пичка им матер...........останаа уште 5 салам напаѓачи кои би можеле да се купат......Суарез,Агуеро,Џеко,Лукаку и Нејмар.....Балотели во Сити и како за инает изгледа против нас ќе дебитира.........убаво.....сите си се засилуваат а ние со Поулсен,Хлеб,Крауч и Белами на титула ќе атакуваме....и денес е петок 13.....се чудам оти уште не ни се случило нешто.....ајде може до вечер и оној копукот Маскерано и за безпари ќе го дадат.....само напред

--- надополнето ---

Море да земеме 25+ милиони за ќопеков и ако е потребно Фигуероа и останатите 20тина може некој како Хулк а???? Или Лисандро Лопез.....баш сега гледав цената му е отприлика 20 милиони......нема да е лошо Лопез и Торес во тандем
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