Two Greeks trapped in the Mumbai Taj Mahal
The Greek authorities are in contact with both Greeks and the Greek ambassador in New Delhi directed to Mumbai.
Two Greek nationals, a man and a woman are trapped - but not held hostage - in Hotel Taj Mahal in Mumbai, which took place yesterday Wednesday target of terrorist attack, while among the hostages there are no Greeks. As announced earlier today the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs George Koumoytsakos, the Greek authorities are in contact with both Greeks and the Greek ambassador in New Delhi directed to Mumbai.
The foreign minister Dora Bakoyannis, referring to the attacks, made the following statement: «Yesterday's terrorist attacks in India rise worldwide, creating internationally, feelings of anger and horror. It is cold, cowardly, criminal acts which we all condemn in the most strongest and most unambiguous way. Condemn them because first and foremost acts katarrakonoun is any notion at the highest respect for human rights, the right to life, but also on respect for human dignity ».