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5 мај 2005
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the relations of Albanian to Illyrian

I am afraid to say that, if most historians and archaeologists really subscribe to the Illyrian theory, linguists are divided. There is some support for the Thracian theory. One of the latest important thorough analysis of this problem, the one of Georgiev, puts Albanian in close typological relationship to a Thracian language: the Daco-Misian (Georgiev believed that Daco-Misian was entirely different from languages of the Thracian group). Georgiev hypothesis has been, however, more than once rejected.

Though unenthusiastic about the Thracian theory, Cabej has nevertheless tried to explain through Albanian some Thracian insciptions. He didn't exclude the relevance of a Thracian component in Albanian. Having had for teacher and scientific mentor the albanologist Norbert Jokl, Cabej seems to have believed that Thracian and Illyrian were quite similar in structure and even in lexicon.

The supporters of the Thracian theory bring forward some convincing linguistic evidence: the close relationship between Albanian and Romanian. It is generally believed that Romanian, developed from Latin on a Thracian (Daco-Misian) substrate.

Nevertheless, some scholars, like G. Meyer, thought that Romanian had an Illyrian substrate. One thing seems very likely to be true: the substrate of Romanian is practically the same language as the "mother" of Albanian.
Еве ти пример кај се побиваш...Албанскиот и романскиот (староримскиот) имаат заедничко нешто. Тоа би било дека Римскиот јазик, бил како субстрат на Тракискиот јазик.

Е сега, со тоа што Илирскиот јазик, е исто така субстрат на Тракискиот, и Римскиот..значи имаат сличности.

Албанскиот, со сличности со илирскиот, на некој вид, е субстрат на римскиот, и илирскиот (тракискиот).

Дали се побиваш, или сеуште мислиш дека набиваш...


Batali angliski, latinski...

Ovoj Artan bil turk,a ne unknown.

Pa, rimskiot jazik nemal samo trakiski, tuku i makedonski zborovi, i sub-saharski...

Ama, sto ima toa vrska so albanskiot?!?
Toa sto imate latinski zborovi?
Pa imate i makedonski i grcki.

No fintata e, onie arbeni, Shqip,-hл, i razni cuda koi ne se PIE.
Ili ne ti teknuva?...


Na primer:

mлrzitem=I get bored ili (jas sum) mrzliv,dosadno.....

Kakov e toj ilirski, so ruski zborovi?!?

Starite Iliri bile site vredni?

Nemalo merzlivi?...


O H Q(Teta) H

An inscription on a ring found in Kalaja Dalmaзes, near Shkodлr, thus
within Ancient Illyricum...

Aj prevedete od ilirski...
Член од
14 јули 2007
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Еве светот како ја познавал историјата пред создавањето на грчкиот мит, и миленичето ГЕЈЛАДА, а во поново време и гегите, секоја шушка стана албанолог.

The issue of the origin of the Macedonians in Ancient times is very complex. The Macedonians were NOT greeks (Hellenes), and consequently not proto-Hellenic, but proto - Slav (however weird that may sound). And here's why:

We find confirmation of this thesis (especially) in the writings of G. S. Grinevich, dealing with the subject of pre - Slavic literacy (Genadij Stanistavlovich Grinevich, World History Department, Russian Physical Society, Moscow, 1994).

The decoding and the linguistic coding results, that Grinevich had revealed show that the pre - Slavic literacy existed much before the creation of the letters and coding of the Slavic language by the brothers Sts. Cyril and Methodius.

The most important argument to the proto - Slavic origin of the Macedonians is that Grinevich has decoded the inscriptions using a language, according to him, spoken by the Aegean Pelasti who were pre - Slavs (p. 175). Grinevich concludes that the pre - Slavic written language had been very close to the Old Slavic written literary language of all Slavs, the later was introduced by the brothers Sts. Cyrilus and Methodius and their students, Sts. Clement and Naum of Ohrid. Since we know the Old - Slavic language from the area around Salonica, it will lead us to the conclusion that that is the language of the Macedonians.

The decoded writings from the period of the old Pellastis, including the Cretan - Micaenian civilization and culture originate from the "nomad - rural Balkans" . Even Herodotus writes that the Pellastis language was not Greek, but he couldn't tell in which language they actually spoke. Since Herodotus had an opportunity to meet and speak to a Pellastis, personally he had stated:

Pellastis spoke some barbaric language and they still do as in the past.
(Herodotus, The Histories, I, 57).

The presence of pre - Slavic language, such as that one of the Pellastis, is not a new discovery. Even in the distant 1815 the German philosopher L.F. Pasof said that Homer's language is as a matter of fact a form of Slavic. In 1850 his work was translated in English and published in New York (a proof that this theory was not discarded once it emerged). Pasof said that Homer's lexic in the Illiad actually corresponds to the lexic of the Slavic Languages. Because contemporary Macedonian language is also a Slavic language, and according to a lot of research the ancient Macedonian language was of the same kind as the language of the Pellastis, being the oldest recognized Slavic language, it is very likely that contemporary Macedonian in certain laxic elements is like the Homerian Language.

It should be taken into consideration, that the Iliad became popular in Athens in 592 BCE, in the time of king Solon, and his heir, Pysistrates, ordered that the be Iliad translated and decorated in Greekso that the Greek people can be familiar with the victory of the Hellenic peoples over the non - Hellenes (M.N. Gjuric, History of Hellenic Literature, 67 - 8). Plutarchus says that the Iliad was not originally written in Greek, and that Solon used Homer's masterpiece in his own advantage.


Член од
18 мај 2005
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Од кај ти е ова? Извор?
Член од
14 јули 2007
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What was the Mother Tongue of Alexander the Great?

by Charles Bryant-Abraham, Ph. D.
Fellow, The Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies and Research
Jerusalem, Israel

The passage that caught my eye and that I would bring to the attention of our fellow Augustan, Dr. Jozko Šavli, and his co-authors of Veneti, Prof. Matej Bor and Father Ivan Tomazic, occurs in Anna Panagiotou's study (pp. 187-188), "He Glossa ton Archaion Epigraphon tes Makedonias," "'The Language of the Ancient Inscriptions of Macedonia." I urge Dr. Savli and his colleagues to reexamine the known Macedonian inscriptions -- there are some 6,000 of themthrough the prism of Slovenian diachronic dialectology, and I first pose the challenging question here in The Augustan: Though thoroughly assimilated into the Greek culture and language through the education of his teacher, Aristotle, can it be that Alexander the Great himself emerged into world history from a Proto-(West) Slavic, i.e., Venetic, family background?

" . . . Macedonatus, homines linguae suae per interpretem audire,"
". . . born a Macedonian, to hear the men of his language through an interpreter,"

The Macedonian inscriptions, must be scrutinized anew by the trained and sensitive eyes of Slavicists of the stature of the authors of Veneti. Let this task be undertaken at the earliest possible moment.




Член од
9 март 2008
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The Illyrian myth survives in those Albanian intellectuals who believe that they have to take part in elaborating the Nation's culutral conscience. I consider this belief as part of a noble attitude in general, though I do not think this is the only right way to creating and maintaining the cultural conscience of a Nation. The average Albanian doesn't care of the Illyrian hypothesis. This is regrettable, because it is due not to a recent enlightenment, but simply to a lack of cultural conscience.

Speaking of Albanian race in the end of the 20th century is like trying to sell for true a fairy tale. Those authors who described an Albanian race were entirely involved in the paradigm dominating the romantic age of anthropological sciences. That paradigm nowadays is obsolete. There is no Albanian race, and I am very sceptical about an Illyrian race as well. Very tentatively we might speak of an Indo-European race, but in this case the concept is culturally contaminated as well.

е д кој го тврди ова Георгиев хахахахахха а изворот ти е јак од некојси веб сајт со никаква содржина не е ни од гугл што стана ти завршија изворите од гугл или што.

Не се мачи брат а ова зна дека го правиш за своја сатисфакција затоа не се мачи. :toe:


Член од
9 март 2008
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What was the Mother Tongue of Alexander the Great?

by Charles Bryant-Abraham, Ph. D.
Fellow, The Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies and Research
Jerusalem, Israel

The passage that caught my eye and that I would bring to the attention of our fellow Augustan, Dr. Jozko Šavli, and his co-authors of Veneti, Prof. Matej Bor and Father Ivan Tomazic, occurs in Anna Panagiotou's study (pp. 187-188), "He Glossa ton Archaion Epigraphon tes Makedonias," "'The Language of the Ancient Inscriptions of Macedonia." I urge Dr. Savli and his colleagues to reexamine the known Macedonian inscriptions -- there are some 6,000 of themthrough the prism of Slovenian diachronic dialectology, and I first pose the challenging question here in The Augustan: Though thoroughly assimilated into the Greek culture and language through the education of his teacher, Aristotle, can it be that Alexander the Great himself emerged into world history from a Proto-(West) Slavic, i.e., Venetic, family background?

" . . . Macedonatus, homines linguae suae per interpretem audire,"
". . . born a Macedonian, to hear the men of his language through an interpreter,"

The Macedonian inscriptions, must be scrutinized anew by the trained and sensitive eyes of Slavicists of the stature of the authors of Veneti. Let this task be undertaken at the earliest possible moment.


се обидувш да кажеш дека словените биле тука и пред 6 век хммммм епа интересно али има така наречени писатели што го потврдуват тоа но никој од историските светски институти не му го признава тоа и ептен е интересно зашто таа теиорија не се признава али се знае зошто не се признав пошто е фикција.

Читај од посиурни извори пошто авено се скрши од копи пастирање.
Член од
19 јули 2006
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се обидувш да кажеш дека словените биле тука и пред 6 век
Венетите се претци на Словените односно како што пишува Јорданес, Венетите се делат на три групи и сите му припаѓаат на големиот венетски род: Венети, Словени и Анти.

These people, as we started to say at the beginning of our account or catalogue of nations, though off-shoots from one stock, have now three names, that is, Venethi, Antes and Sclaveni.
Во сите германски наречја Словените се нарекуваат Венди или Винди.

Венетите на Балканот прв ги спомнува Хомер во Илијадата значи некаде 1200 ПНЕ.


Член од
9 март 2008
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Венетите се претци на Словените односно како што пишува Јорданес, Венетите се делат на три групи и сите му припаѓаат на големиот венетски род: Венети, Словени и Анти.

Во сите германски наречја Словените се нарекуваат Венди или Винди.

Венетите на Балканот прв ги спомнува Хомер во Илијадата значи некаде 1200 ПНЕ.

венетите ги спомнува тој но не кажува дека се словени а како ја објаснуваш ти поврзаноста на венетите и словените?

Некоји поопшти докази ако имаш?

и пак тие дошле во 6 тиот век тука мислам словените
Член од
25 октомври 2007
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Венетите се претци на Словените односно како што пишува Јорданес, Венетите се делат на три групи и сите му припаѓаат на големиот венетски род: Венети, Словени и Анти.

Во сите германски наречја Словените се нарекуваат Венди или Винди.

Венетите на Балканот прв ги спомнува Хомер во Илијадата значи некаде 1200 ПНЕ.
3начи дека еден ист народ бил именуван со повеќе имиња.

и секој си дава за право да присвојува, пр . нашиве старо-нови комшии...


Член од
9 март 2008
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The origin of the word Slav remains controversial. Excluding the ambiguous mention by Ptolemy of tribes Stavanoi and Soubenoi, the earliest references of "Slavs" under this name are from the 6th century AD. The word is written variously as Sklabenoi, Sklauenoi, or Sklabinoi in Byzantine Greek, and as Sclaueni, Sclauini, or Sthlaueni in Latin. The oldest documents written in Old Church Slavonic and dating from the 9th century attest slověne to describe the Slavs around Thessalonica. Other early attestations include Old Russian slověně "an East Slavic group near Novgorod", Slovutich "Dnieper river", and Serbo-Croatian Slavonica, a river.

Scholars such as Roman Jacobson and others link the name with the Slavic forms slбva "glory", "fame" or slovo "word, talk" (both akin to slusati "to hear" from the IE root *kleu-). Thus slověne would mean "people who speak (the same language)", i.e. people who understand each other, as opposed to the Slavic word for foreign nations, nemtsi, meaning "speechless people" (from Slavic němi - mute, silent, dumb). For example, the Polish word Niemcy means "Germans" or "Germany", as do the Serbo-Croatian word Nemci/Nijemci and the Bulgarian word Nemtsi.


Historical distribution of the Slavic languages. The area shaded in light purple is the Prague-Penkov-Kolochin complex of cultures of the 6th to 7th c. AD, likely corresponding to the spread of Slavic tribes at the time. The area shaded in darker red indicates the core area of Slavic river names (after en:EIEC, pp.524-526)

Slavs are customarily divided into three major subgroups: East Slavs, West Slavs, and South Slavs, each with a different and a diverse background based on unique history, religion and culture of particular Slavic group within them. The East Slavs may all be traced to Slavic-speaking populations that were loosely organized under the Kievan Rus' empire beginning in the 10th century A.D. Almost all of the South Slavs can be traced to ethnic Slavs who mixed with the local population of the Balkans (Illyrians, Dacians/Getae) and with later invaders from the East (Bulgars, Avars, and Alans), then fell under the hegemony of the Ottoman Empire. The West Slavs and Slovenians do not share either of these backgrounds, as they expanded to the West and integrated into the cultural sphere of Western (Roman Catholic) Christianity around this timeframe.
In addition there has been a tendency to consider the category of Northern Slavs. Presently this category is considered to be of East and West Slavs, in opposition to South Slavs, however in 19th century opinions about individual languages/ethnicities varied.
Please note that some of the following subdivisions remain highly debatable, particularly for smaller groups and national minorities.

кај постои некоја година порано од 500 мислам дека нема се до 500 словените биле во Украина и во останатиот дел на европа.
Член од
14 јули 2007
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се обидувш да кажеш дека словените биле тука и пред 6 век хммммм епа интересно али има така наречени писатели што го потврдуват тоа но никој од историските светски институти не му го признава тоа и ептен е интересно зашто таа теиорија не се признава али се знае зошто не се признав пошто е фикција.
Преселбата е фикција, ако не ти се свига таа работа, твој проблем. А сигурни извори има и повеќе од што мислиш. Дури и мегународни награди добиваат за она што го велиш фикција.

А дали Венетите се Словени, не е важно, јазикот е важен.
А доказите се дека Варварите северно од грците зборувале прото-словенски. А инаку истите тие Варвари под разни имиња се и староседелците на Европа, пред се Балканот.
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