Jedi Philosophy - Филозофијата на Џедаите

Член од
6 април 2006
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Filozofijata na Jedi-ite e implementiranja vo mnogu ucenja i religii, i treba da procitas mnogu povekje od postovte na forumov za da razberes deka kako takva, nema nikakva vrska so svetlosni mecevi i odbivanje kursumi. ;)
Член од
10 март 2007
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oukei , ova e modificirano samurajski zen izreki , proveri na gugl


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Prvo смрдле, зен изреките не се самурајски, второ - од се нарекуваат зен коани, а не зен изреки, трето, гитла, четрвто, ако има слични максими некаде, нели реков дека философијата е проткаена во сите учења, бидејќи е една!


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Да продолжиме:

What is a Jedi? - Jedi Code - Jedi Truisms

What is a Jedi? I don’t know how many times this question has been asked in multiple forums and by multiple people ranging from newcomers to people who have called themselves Jedi for years. There are two things that need to be stated up front before we start discussing what a Jedi is. The first thing is, the Jedi’s path is a way of living, thinking, and believing. It is an individualistic path; therefore it is impossible to lay out a detailed road map and say every Jedi does X, Y, and Z. The second thing is that we all come from very different lives, histories, and locations. Customs, beliefs, and other factors will be different from society to society, and sometimes these differences will be great. As Jedi, we need to remember that just because something is wrong, disgusting, and etc. to us, doesn’t mean people in a different cultures don’t look at what we do and say the same thing.

As mentioned above, the life of a Jedi is a very individualist path, however, there is a foundation which a majority of Jedi share, whether it is openly stated or kept to private. The Jedi Way is much like a house. Every house must have a foundation in order for the house to stand. If there is no foundation or if the foundation is faulty the house will fall. When the foundation is sturdy the house will be strong and will stand for all time. Each house has the commonality of the foundation, however, above that foundation, is where everything changes. Each house is different in its own way. Some houses are shaped differently, have different colors, are designed differently inside, and etc. Even though each house is different and unique does not mean it still does not share the same aspects in a foundation. Below you will find the foundation of a Jedi.

-A Jedi knows, is, and works with and within The Force. A Jedi studies the Force, uses, and helps the growth of the Force. A Jedi is to be guided, influenced, and helped by the Force and also relies on the Force.

-A Jedi follows the Jedi code, or a code that contains the same lessons and principals of the Jedi code.

-A Jedi must contain the qualities found in the Truisms or Maxims. For these are the qualities that show who we are through actions and words. However they may be worded through different versions and personal interpretations these qualities still must be present in all Jedi.

-A Jedi works to preserve individual freedom. Freedom is the ability to choose for yourself. Countries have laws in place to protect freedoms of the individual, however at times those laws step beyond that ability. It is our duty through the Truisms to peacefully and lawfully work towards changing that, with what ability we have. To take away someone else’s choice is against what the Jedi stand for.

Now it is known that not every Jedi will agree with everything mentioned here. However, we feel this is what makes up the foundation of a Jedi. As you can see there is room for interpretation and above this it is your own path, however, what you see above must be present for a Jedi to be a Jedi.
Член од
6 април 2006
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Off topic:
Toa sto nekoj ne moze da se kontrolira ne znaci deka treba da pocnuvas javni prepucavanja. Sovetov e od iskustvo.

Konkretno vo duhot na temata, Filozofijata na Jedi-ite (Filozofijata, posto ne ja racunaat site za religija) ne e prisutna samo kaj samuraite nego i vo hristijanstvoto budizmot itn... Taka da nema potreba da potenciras kade konkretno si ja primetil.
Imam prasanje za psotot na Garfild, ako se borime Jedi-ite se borat za kompletna individualna sloboda, zasto bi pochituvale pravila sto im ja ogranichuvaat slobodata?


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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A Jedi works to preserve individual freedom. Freedom is the ability to choose for yourself. Countries have laws in place to protect freedoms of the individual, however at times those laws step beyond that ability. It is our duty through the Truisms to peacefully and lawfully work towards changing that, with what ability we have. To take away someone else’s choice is against what the Jedi stand for.

Now it is known that not every Jedi will agree with everything mentioned here. However, we feel this is what makes up the foundation of a Jedi. As you can see there is room for interpretation and above this it is your own path, however, what you see above must be present for a Jedi to be a Jedi.

Za boldiranoto. Ako odgovoriv?
Член од
6 април 2006
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Sakav samo da potenciram deka nikoj, pa ni Jedi-ite, ne se za apsolutna sloboda, tuku za vid na harmonija vo soglasnost so Silata, ako ne gresham. Ali kako sto vekje spomna, sekoj ima svoj pat, taka da razbrav za sto se zboruva, fala.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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I? Нели е тоа вистинското, учење, начин на живеење, FREEDOM!


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Колку да се знае, на Нов Зеланд, втора по големина религиска група, пер капита, на последниот попис, е Џедаизмот.


Spectacular Apocalypse
Член од
24 јуни 2005
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значи, мање више, џедаизмот е прво и основно, начин на живеење, а НЕ религија, да?

и, дали in essence, џедаизмот е комбинација на повеќе текстови од различни религиозни движења? Нешо како, the best of all worlds?
Член од
6 април 2006
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Toreador напиша:
значи, мање више, џедаизмот е прво и основно, начин на живеење, а НЕ религија, да?

и, дали in essence, џедаизмот е комбинација на повеќе текстови од различни религиозни движења? Нешо како, the best of all worlds?
Jedaismot e del od celokupnata filozofija (za nekoi, religija) za Silata. Kako takov, normalno e deka predstaviva poseben nacin na ziveenje, pred sve na razmisluvanje i na odnesuvanje. Tocno e deka nekoi ucenja mozat da se najdat kako del od drugi filozofski/religiozni ucenja, mada kontekstot retko koga e ist.


Spectacular Apocalypse
Член од
24 јуни 2005
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сум видел по страниците дека повеќето од луѓето што се декларираат како џедаи, имаат друго/ново име као демек...иницијација у тој стил. дали тоа е стварно или онака само, фурање некаков филм? морам да признаам, ullic quel-droma or whatever it was е баш кул име :icon_cool
Член од
6 април 2006
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Povekjeto strani sto se otvaraat za Jedaismot, obicno se za sobiranje na Star Wars fanovi, taka da razbirlivo e ako koristat iminja od trilogiite. Sto sve nema na internetov...:)
Член од
13 февруари 2007
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Vistinskite Jedi ne kradat iminja od filmovite ili pa nekoe EU ime kako Ulic Qel-Droma, tuku si izmisluvaat svoe. Kako sto spomna prethodno Garfield, sledbenicite na Jedaism-ot recisi ne obrnuvaat vnimanie na filmovite, tuku na samata Jedi-ska filosofija.

Inaku vidov deka veke nekolku pati e napisan kodot vo ovaa tema, i primetiv deka e necelosen.

Eve go celiot kod:

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

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