Европска Унија


Драган Богдановски
Член од
17 јануари 2008
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pa obicno toa ide vaka...

#1 italjanci ja prezimaat germanskata banka.

#2 sledat vnatresni promeni. neli profitabilnost da se zgolemi da se napdavat zaednicki sistemi itn...

#3 sleduva zategnuvanje na kreditiranje na mali/sredni firmi i tuka pocnuvaat problemite...

istoto sto svabite im go pravea na italija, grcija, spanija itn...
Ја преценуваш улогата на Комерцбанк искрено. Си има правила за давање кредити и двете банки веќе се активни на Германскиот пазар.
Член од
13 јули 2006
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Многу вести од Франција

EU could die, warns Macron
French president tells fellow European leaders the bloc is falling behind the US and China because of over-regulation and under-investment

  • Ми се допаѓа
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Супер модератор
Член од
16 март 2005
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Многу вести од Франција

EU could die, warns Macron
French president tells fellow European leaders the bloc is falling behind the US and China because of over-regulation and under-investment

Сега татарчињата ќе скокнат да кажат „тази дупка не е дупка„
Автоматски споено мислење:

Пази ова, оние кои ја направија не само ЕУ туку и целата модерна цивилизација, е баш заради нив ќе се распаднела ЕУ :lolzz:

Белата боја на кожата и европското потекло се опасност за ЕУ
Последно уредено:
Член од
3 септември 2010
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China is conquering Europe's port infrastructure



Член од
27 ноември 2014
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Автоматски споено мислење:

ne go sakam od mnogu pricini ama ako ne pocnat da go slusaat Yanis Varoufakis malku poveke bas za 3 do 5 god ke se svedat na nivo na juzna amerika... ni ovoj ne e premnogu pameten (si tera tipicno grcka/socijala ekonomija) ama barem razbira do kade se i sto treba da se napravi za bar da go amortizira padot. iniciajalno so nego pa desnicarska ekonomija podocna so vlozuvanje vo sopstveniot dvor e edini izlez za eu... ali se toa e nebitno...

lgbt, ukraina, migranti, polska and hungary bad se prioritetite... :toe:

ne zasluzuvaat podobro

The xx

Russia state-affiliated bot. ☑️
Член од
8 април 2013
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Супер. Затоа еве денеска изгласаа 45% данок на електро возила од Кина со што неофицијално им влагаат во трговска војна. Во моментот кога не баш сјајно стојат економски, ќе си ја руинираат до крај.
Член од
12 март 2009
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не ви иде памет, уште АТЕНТАТИ треба ???
Автоматски споено мислење:

Супер. Затоа еве денеска изгласаа 45% данок на електро возила од Кина со што неофицијално им влагаат во трговска војна. Во моментот кога не баш сјајно стојат економски, ќе си ја руинираат до крај.
сега му е мајката да склапаме кај нас кинески автомобили, како УК со МГто, не мора во тој обем, немаме ни работници...
МНЕ и АЛБ не смеат бидејќи почнаа преговори со гЕУ, Србија, БиХ и ние можеме...преку Солун ќе носи кинезо за нас и Србија, за БиХ преку Плоче, било од Кина било од МГ ( УК)
Последно уредено:
Член од
13 јули 2006
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Редит последното големо упориште на woke баграта е преполно со вакви теми последно.
Најинтересно е што Данците се жалаат што од Шведска сега му иди многу криминал. :pos:

@Harald толку е лошо, ова ко ќе објаснуваат на Редит ми личи ко Бугарија од 90 тите.

Sweden told people to open their hearts to immigrants 10 years ago. Its U-turn has been dramatic
Член од
13 јули 2006
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National states lose power: Ursula von der Leyen initiates radical EU reform

Ursula von der Leyen wants tougher conditions for payments to member states, more centralism and more leeway for military spending.

Penalties for non-EU-compliant behavior, such as those recently imposed on Hungary and Poland, are likely to become more frequent in the future. The President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, wants to restructure the EU budget in order to be able to impose stricter conditions on the member states for the disbursement of EU funds. The plan amounts to greater centralization. Von der Leyen wants to “push member states to implement key economic reforms if they want access to the EU's €1.2 trillion pot of money for seven years”, reports the American magazine Politico. The magazine, which has seen the plan in question, writes that the states will have to overcome “increasing hurdles” to get their money in the next budget. The years in question are from 2028 to 2034.

The big idea, according to Politico, is that Brussels will impose “far stricter conditions than in previous budgets”. To this end, around 530 programs that currently exist for each EU country are to be combined into a single national pot of money, from which all spending from agricultural subsidies to social housing is to be made. The biggest change to the current rules is that countries will only receive the money if they implement the reforms demanded by Brussels. These reforms are usually implemented as austerity programs. Politico: “Overall, this model marks a dramatic departure from the EU's current practice of funding local regions or national governments with fewer conditions.” The conditions should include values such as gender equality or organic farming.

The regions that will no longer be supplied directly, but via the national route, are particularly affected. In a petition, 134 regions are opposing the plans. There is also some unrest in the EU Parliament. As Euractiv reports, MEPs want to question Raffaele Fitto, the candidate for Executive Vice-President of the EU Commission for Cohesion and Reform responsible for the reform, about the plans. Fitto had already sought similar centralization in Italy.

The master plan recently presented by former ECB President Mario Draghi, which according to Politico is the basis for the structural change, stipulates that the EU must become a stronger player on the financial markets in future. The EU is facing considerable new costs, which are to be financed through joint debt. According to Politico, the Commission's document indicates “that Ukraine's accession to the EU and the gradual repayment of more than 300 billion euros in debt after Covid” will require a reorganization of EU finances. The EU wants to set new priorities, including defense spending and the development of pan-European industrial champions.

According to Politico, “there are persistent fears that the Commission's budget restructuring is a diversionary tactic to cut existing programs and divert money to new priorities such as defense and industrial development”. For example, the Commission's budget framework proposes merging a dozen different pots of money for research, defense and innovation into a single “European Competitiveness Fund”.

Critics accuse von der Leyen of wanting to take on an excessive role in the distribution of money by the EU to the detriment of local authorities and other Commission departments.

In an “indication of centralization”, the document provides for an ad hoc steering group to handle the budget process, according to Politico. This group is to be made up of von der Leyen, the budget department and the General Secretariat, which is under the direct authority of the President. Vice Presidents and other departments can be involved as mere “guests”.

Von der Leyen has instructed the new EU Budget Commissioner Piotr Serafin to “develop a plan for each country that links important reforms with investments”.

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has expressed his openness in principle to a reorientation of the EU budget. “We need an EU budget that finances the future and not just preserves structures,” Lindner said on Monday in Luxembourg at a meeting of finance ministers from the eurozone countries, according to AFP. One of the conditions he set was a reduction in debt.

The payment obligations from the EU's multi-billion euro coronavirus aid fund must continue to be taken into account, Lindner emphasized. It was also “important to Germany that our national contributions remain calculable”.

The xx

Russia state-affiliated bot. ☑️
Член од
8 април 2013
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Според Хаебек, Германија влегува во рецесија за година според сегашнава проценка. Контракциите беа јасни уште минатата година.

Мдааа појќе санкции ќе им помогнат :tvg:
Ај важно за Кина се фатиле умрените куртони на форумов :pos:


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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“Vom der Leyen comes here, insults Hungary and leaves.”

Spanish MEP criticizes Ursula von der Leyen and the European Commission for hypocrisy and blaming Hungary instead of solving the problem of mass immigration

The head of the delegation of the Spanish Vox party in the European Parliament, Jorge Buxade, called the structure "a house of demonic hypocrisy" and criticized the MEPs who again supported the candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen:

"The rule of law is under threat from left-wing governments all over Europe... But the problem is Hungary. German governments have been Putin's main allies, and the Spanish Prime Minister carelessly buys gas and oil from Russia. But the problem is Hungary."

Buxade gave his speech after the debate between the Hungarian Prime Minister and the head of the European Commission. Viktor Orban said that the European Union is on the brink of a crisis due to the numerous mistakes of its left-wing leaders: from uncontrolled migration policy to the rejection of Russian energy resources.

In response, Ursula von der Leyen accused the Hungarian authorities of not accepting enough illegal immigrants. In his speech, Buxade emphasized that this is why the streets of Budapest remain safe, unlike other European countries.


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