Progressive International или нова интернационала

Член од
13 јули 2006
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Никој не можи да те заеби толку, колку што можеш сам да се заебиш.
Поздрав до моите драги прогресивци.

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Член од
13 јули 2006
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Како Сорос ја уништува левицата и класната борба, со својте квази прогресивни полтрони.

Член од
13 јули 2006
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И официјално од Белата Куќа колку плаќаат данок богатите. За да нема забуна повеќе.
America's billionaires pay an average income tax rate of just 8.2%, Biden administration says

Член од
13 јули 2006
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На локалните избори во Грац, главниот град на австриската покраина Штаерска, се случи политички земјотрес, откако Комунистичката партија на Австрија (КПО) избори јасна победа.

Член од
13 јули 2006
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Редно беше бе Берни, доста си играш политика со нив.

Член од
13 јули 2006
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Why is top US leadership so schizophrenic when it comes to China economic central planning? It simultaneously is unfair and beats the "free market" but it also simultaneously is going to collapse any minute now

As we all know, China is currently beating the USA in just about every metric, from education, to manufacturing, to medicine, technology, etc. China makes our everything, they make our chips, our semiconductors, our pharmaceutical precursors, our drugs, the list goes on. We will never go to war with them because they are the hand that feeds us.
Why does China lead on everything?
Because of strict state control i.e. central planning. China, unhindered by a private sector hellbent on regulatory capture and stopping all public investment, says, "hey, we're going to build this chip fab, and then we're gonna build 3 more by 2032 as outlined in this 15 year plan" and then they just fucking do it.
It's clearly a winning strategy, and the USA kind of used to do it(railroads, highways, critical infrastructure was built with government funds and it was all but central planning in name) back in the day before the government went full rslur and only started caring about the interests of capital instead of the public.
Going back to China, the Chinese government helps build vital infrastructure like chip fabs and bullet trains. Their government goes, "hey, I'm gonna spend money on insert vital technology/thing here" and then they just fucking do it. There's no arguing, there's no bickering about "who's going to pay for that??!?!" they just fucking do it. Again, it clearly works, so you think the top US elites would want to copy it or at least go back to the babby-tier central-planning-lite it used to engage in.
You may ask, what do the top US elite think about China's economic planning?
For starters, you get 100 cope and seethe articles daily from our braindead neolib leaders like this one. They're all schizo shit, because after reading these articles seething about "picking winners and losers" daily, you'll come to realize these articles only come in two flavors(the above being flavor 2, but you can find plenty of flavor one by typing "picking winners and losers" into google):
  1. Flavor one: The mask comes off, and they admit that central planning works, and there's no way that western style "free markets" can compete with state subsidized industries, so their solution is to very angrily demand that china stop subsidizing industries. If China doesn't stop subsidizing industries and doesn't stop engaging in central planning they're going to keep writing them very strongly worded letters. Basically, "stop winning, it's not fair!"
  2. Flavor two: The mask stays on, and they swear up and down, that any minute now, China is going to collapse because central planning and subsidizing industries doesn't work and that the "free market" aka tyranny of capital aka choking out all public investment, will just work bro trust me China is going to collapse and be forced to go free market bro trust me my dad works for Xi Jinping China is gonna be forced to turn free market because if they don't they're gonna collapse any minute bro trust me bro Dennis Prager said so.
I haven't really been able to figure out why they do this, but I do know that their favorite buzz-phrase when it comes to the subject of central planning is "picking winners and losers," here's some cope from the article above:
Instead of asking how the US can improve its economic performance, the administration is imitating China by letting the government pick winners and losers among technologies and industries
In practice, “picking winners” has more often led to supporting losers. Succumbing to political pressure and providing subsidies for otherwise failing businesses merely perpetuates economic inefficiencies. There is no reason why bureaucrats should be entrusted with identifying which innovations will prove successful in the future. Competition among start-ups and incumbent private businesses is a far more effective mechanism
"Picking Winners and Losers" has to be one of those Cato-institute braintrust-created propaganda phrases, because if you type "Picking Winners and Losers" into Google, literally all the results will be from coping neolibs and neocons screeching about how we can't have the government do common sense shit like build trains and chip fabs because it's reee picking winners and losers ree. Sometimes though, like I said, these neolibs will go mask off and admit say that "Picking Winners and Losers" is a good thing and we need to do it.
In fact, 90% of the time, when neolibs admit central planning works, they rebrand central planning as "national security" as seen in this article where they admit the USA needs to go back to making chips. It's like these people literally cannot stand for public investment in anything, and are so far up the ass of serving capital, they can't even fathom or conceive of the government doing anything other than facilitating the tyranny of private capital, and need to come up with more braintrust created buzzwords like rebranding a lack of central planning a "national securiry risk."
I don't really get it, I'm confused as to why our "leadership" is so schizoprehnic, and I wish Daddy Xi would just put us out of our misery already TBH

Post Edit: TBH, now that I think about it, central planning is kind of a prerequisite for having bullet trains. All those overly convoluted, brainlet explanations from all of those "why the USA doesn't have a bullet train" articles can be boiled down to a simple answer: lack of central planning. The free market is too inefficient to support bullet trains. Private capital can't afford to fund it, and the current laws make it impossible (over 9000 land permits needed from 2000 property owners for 2km of track, if one disagrees, the whole project is canceled) Bullet trains are like the ultimate filter for a modern civilization.

Член од
8 февруари 2020
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Why is top US leadership so schizophrenic when it comes to China economic central planning? It simultaneously is unfair and beats the "free market" but it also simultaneously is going to collapse any minute now

As we all know, China is currently beating the USA in just about every metric, from education, to manufacturing, to medicine, technology, etc. China makes our everything, they make our chips, our semiconductors, our pharmaceutical precursors, our drugs, the list goes on. We will never go to war with them because they are the hand that feeds us.
Why does China lead on everything?
Because of strict state control i.e. central planning. China, unhindered by a private sector hellbent on regulatory capture and stopping all public investment, says, "hey, we're going to build this chip fab, and then we're gonna build 3 more by 2032 as outlined in this 15 year plan" and then they just fucking do it.
It's clearly a winning strategy, and the USA kind of used to do it(railroads, highways, critical infrastructure was built with government funds and it was all but central planning in name) back in the day before the government went full rslur and only started caring about the interests of capital instead of the public.
Going back to China, the Chinese government helps build vital infrastructure like chip fabs and bullet trains. Their government goes, "hey, I'm gonna spend money on insert vital technology/thing here" and then they just fucking do it. There's no arguing, there's no bickering about "who's going to pay for that??!?!" they just fucking do it. Again, it clearly works, so you think the top US elites would want to copy it or at least go back to the babby-tier central-planning-lite it used to engage in.
You may ask, what do the top US elite think about China's economic planning?
For starters, you get 100 cope and seethe articles daily from our braindead neolib leaders like this one. They're all schizo shit, because after reading these articles seething about "picking winners and losers" daily, you'll come to realize these articles only come in two flavors(the above being flavor 2, but you can find plenty of flavor one by typing "picking winners and losers" into google):
  1. Flavor one: The mask comes off, and they admit that central planning works, and there's no way that western style "free markets" can compete with state subsidized industries, so their solution is to very angrily demand that china stop subsidizing industries. If China doesn't stop subsidizing industries and doesn't stop engaging in central planning they're going to keep writing them very strongly worded letters. Basically, "stop winning, it's not fair!"
  2. Flavor two: The mask stays on, and they swear up and down, that any minute now, China is going to collapse because central planning and subsidizing industries doesn't work and that the "free market" aka tyranny of capital aka choking out all public investment, will just work bro trust me China is going to collapse and be forced to go free market bro trust me my dad works for Xi Jinping China is gonna be forced to turn free market because if they don't they're gonna collapse any minute bro trust me bro Dennis Prager said so.
I haven't really been able to figure out why they do this, but I do know that their favorite buzz-phrase when it comes to the subject of central planning is "picking winners and losers," here's some cope from the article above:

"Picking Winners and Losers" has to be one of those Cato-institute braintrust-created propaganda phrases, because if you type "Picking Winners and Losers" into Google, literally all the results will be from coping neolibs and neocons screeching about how we can't have the government do common sense shit like build trains and chip fabs because it's reee picking winners and losers ree. Sometimes though, like I said, these neolibs will go mask off and admit say that "Picking Winners and Losers" is a good thing and we need to do it.
In fact, 90% of the time, when neolibs admit central planning works, they rebrand central planning as "national security" as seen in this article where they admit the USA needs to go back to making chips. It's like these people literally cannot stand for public investment in anything, and are so far up the ass of serving capital, they can't even fathom or conceive of the government doing anything other than facilitating the tyranny of private capital, and need to come up with more braintrust created buzzwords like rebranding a lack of central planning a "national securiry risk."
I don't really get it, I'm confused as to why our "leadership" is so schizoprehnic, and I wish Daddy Xi would just put us out of our misery already TBH

Post Edit: TBH, now that I think about it, central planning is kind of a prerequisite for having bullet trains. All those overly convoluted, brainlet explanations from all of those "why the USA doesn't have a bullet train" articles can be boiled down to a simple answer: lack of central planning. The free market is too inefficient to support bullet trains. Private capital can't afford to fund it, and the current laws make it impossible (over 9000 land permits needed from 2000 property owners for 2km of track, if one disagrees, the whole project is canceled) Bullet trains are like the ultimate filter for a modern civilization.

Ах Тенеке, сеуште веруваш дека државното планирање е најдоброто нешто за луѓето. Напишаново врска нема со реалноста. На запад одамна не постои слободен пазар. Самите си признаваат системот не функционира, мора да се сруши и нов да се изгради, во кој повторно кајмакот неправедно ќе иде кај најмалку заслужните.
Џон Кери јавно има кажано
Normal was a crisis; normal wasn’t working,” said former US secretary of state John Kerry in his opening remarks. “We must not think of it in terms of pushing a button and going back to the way things were. We’re a long way off from being able to go back to any kind of normal.”
Не може некој административец, без искуство од реалниот сектор да ти донесе мерка, која ќе е позитивна на долг рок.

Кина за да биде ова што е сега, (како и сите други претходни високо развиени држави), дозволила приватниот сектор слободно да се развива, без да им се меша и ограничува.
Откако станаа светска сила, лесно е да продаваш пуфки, но основите јасни се. За криза во Кина, ќе видиме наредниов период што ќе се случува, посебно со имплементирање на јаглеродните кредити во секоја област на живеењето. :)
Член од
13 јули 2006
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Член од
13 јули 2006
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Хммммм, Трудо ги става far left во иста категорија со far right.

Член од
13 јули 2006
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Добро е што разбудуваат левичарите во САД од илузиите.

Член од
13 јули 2006
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@Bafra и @Dumbledore само да го видите ова кратко е ...

За левичарите една порака од Варуфакис, немаме повеќе непријател т.е. капитализмот се уништи себеси. Сега живееме во ново општество. Уште пострашно е...

За либералите, немате повеќе слобода, џабе се лажите.

Член од
8 февруари 2020
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За левичарите една порака од Варуфакис, немаме повеќе непријател т.е. капитализмот се уништи себеси. Сега живееме во ново општество. Уште пострашно е...

За либералите, немате повеќе слобода, џабе се лажите.
Ако левичарите имале непријател, тоа исто значи дека и тие се непријател. Капитализмот одамна го нема, значи социјализмот победил. Варуфакис, нека не јаде трици, дека капитализмот се уништил сам. Државниот интервенционизам / социјализам со регулациите, законите, ограничувањата и присилните наметнувања е победникот уште пред неколку децении. Аргентина била најбогата држава пред да биде превземена од социјалистите, сега знаеме на кое дереџе. Историски примери има колку сакаш. Фактите се дека во секоја држава, каде немало ограничувања, каде капитализмот т.е. невидливата рака функционирала, тие држави доживеале невиден развој и просперитет. Кина е најтазе пример, каде во бизнис секторот дозволија да функционира капитализмот и затоа успеа да стигнат таму каде што се, за разлика од Русија.

Сега ова што го гледаме е распад на тој систем (не на капитализмот), па затоа првиот ешалон сега ги спремаат основите и правилата, кои не се во согласност со природните закони, а ни праведни, се со цел, пак кај нивната воденица да тече водата и да имаат 100% контрола на се. Народ како народ, верува во прикаски, живее во надеж, некои се надеваат дека Исус повторно ќе се врател и демек ќе живееле подобро, а понаивните сеуште се надеваат дека системот (луѓето одговорни во тој систем) ќе направи живеат подобро :tapp:. Истите тие луѓе кои досега ги ебаваа, лажеа, крадеа од буџетот, кои се директно одговорни и виновни за катастрофалната целокупна состојба.

Ниту слобода, ниту права сме имале, туку привилегии. Ако имаш слобода или права, не може никој, ниту со било какво оправдување да ти бидат одземени. Појасно од примерот со корона забраните не може да биде.

Секој што верува во прикаските за еднаквост, прашајте го зашто тогаш на децата се оценуваат со различни оценки, зашто во природата не постои еднаквост.... Еднаквост треба да постои само во смисла еднакви пред законот, но во некои случаеви ни тогаш.
Се додека мнозинството верува дека постои бесплатен ручек, се додека верува господ ќе работи ЗА нив, а не СО нив, се додека се љубоморни на некој што има повеќе, а не сакаат да потрошат време и енергија и тие да имаат повеќе, елитата т.е. паразитите од највисоките редови немаат гајле.
Член од
13 јули 2006
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Добра опсервација:

Ive identified as liberal/progressive most of my adult life. Campaigned for Bernie in 2016. Yang in 2020.

I thought I was the only progressive minded person who didn’t abandon my values overnight in March 2020.

How did we go from a group of people rallied against big pharma (specifically Pfizer and J&J) into screaming “MISINFORMATION” at anything counterintuitive to their corporate narrative?

The party of workers rights to the party of forced vaccination as an employment condition?

The party of empathy to the party of Hermain Cain Award?

The party of racial equality to forcing POC to vaccinate against covid in a country where the Tuskegee Study took place?

The party of ‘eat the rich’ to standing with our hands in our pockets during the largest wealth transfer of our lifetimes... all because we’re afraid of being mistaken for Trump supporters?

The party of intellectual discourse to arrogant talking points?

The party of free press to raiding journalist’s homes?

The party who doesn’t trust billionaires but Gates and Soros get a pass?

The party known for a healthy distrust in religious/government institutions to treating government like a religious institution?

Remember my body my choice?

The list goes on forever. The progressive and institutional left have both completely lost the plot

I’m so tired of right wing/conspiracy subs making sense while so many of the best equipped people to fight this are completely detached from reality.

This is emboldening genuine right wing fascism. It’s terrifying.

Член од
24 април 2008
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Добра опсервација:

Ive identified as liberal/progressive most of my adult life. Campaigned for Bernie in 2016. Yang in 2020.

I thought I was the only progressive minded person who didn’t abandon my values overnight in March 2020.

How did we go from a group of people rallied against big pharma (specifically Pfizer and J&J) into screaming “MISINFORMATION” at anything counterintuitive to their corporate narrative?

The party of workers rights to the party of forced vaccination as an employment condition?

The party of empathy to the party of Hermain Cain Award?

The party of racial equality to forcing POC to vaccinate against covid in a country where the Tuskegee Study took place?

The party of ‘eat the rich’ to standing with our hands in our pockets during the largest wealth transfer of our lifetimes... all because we’re afraid of being mistaken for Trump supporters?

The party of intellectual discourse to arrogant talking points?

The party of free press to raiding journalist’s homes?

The party who doesn’t trust billionaires but Gates and Soros get a pass?

The party known for a healthy distrust in religious/government institutions to treating government like a religious institution?

Remember my body my choice?

The list goes on forever. The progressive and institutional left have both completely lost the plot

I’m so tired of right wing/conspiracy subs making sense while so many of the best equipped people to fight this are completely detached from reality.

This is emboldening genuine right wing fascism. It’s terrifying.
Демократските социјалисти до последен не му се ни до колена на покојниот Херман Кејн, човекот беше вистински борец и вистински пример за американец кој успеал самостојно да се издигне од ништо до еден од најуспешните бизнисмени во САД.

Како капак на се, човекот беше и црнец, ги исполнуваше сите услови за да биде херој на либералите и левичарите, но имаше само еден политички смртен смртен грев - беше републиканец и едно време беше потенцијален кандидат за претседател на САД на редовните претседателски избори кои се одржаа во 2012 година, против нивниот тогашен херој Барак Хусеин Обама.


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