Euro truck simulator 1/2 ( Truck games )

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24 април 2008
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Вчера, вторник, 5 декември 2017, излезе во продажба Euro Truck Simulator 2: Italia - најновото продолжение за Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Новото продолжение со себеси носи 11.500 километри нови патишта кои се протегаат низ цела Италија, 19 нови градови - вклучувајќи ги и Рим, Неапол и Палермо, бројни локални и регионални индустриски и деловни објекти како каменоломите за мермер Карара и најголемата челичарница во пристанишниот град Таранто, кој меѓу другото е` и дом на италијанската поморска воена индустрија, како и на главната поморска воена база на Италија.

Додадени се нови видови на роба за транспортирање, а вегетацијата на мапата е променета за да биде поверодостојна на медитеранската клима.

За дизајнерите и програмерите на Euro Truck Simulator 2, Италија претставувала голем предизвик бидејќи повеќе градови се сконцентрирани на помала географска површина на мапата во споредба со останатите поголеми европски држави. Ако Италија им претставувала проблем, тогаш можеме само да претпоставуваме каков кошмар ќе им претставуваат балканските држави кога ќе им дојдат на ред за да ги додадат на мапата - а порано или подоцна ќе мораат да ги додадат.

Моја лична претпоставка е дека наредното продолжение на Euro Truck Simulator 2 ќе ги опфаќа балтичките држави и северните и источните делови од Скандинавскиот полуостров кои не беа опфатени со Euro Truck Simulator 2: Scandinavia, или Пиринејскиот полуостров со Шпанија и Португалија, или Ирска, но Балканот и европските територии на Русија сигурно ќе им останат во последен план.

Benvenuto in Italia!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

We're excited to announce the release of Italia map expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2.

This map DLC expands Euro Truck Simulator 2 with our rendition of the beautiful European country Italy with its rich history, modern industry, traditional architecture, and diverse natural environments.

Players will experience the typical features of Italy from behind the wheel. Explore roads leading through the Apennines, where tunnels and bridges alternate with scenic vistas and curvy segments, opening the view to distant horizons. Descend from the height of mountain passes to the shores of the seas, travel from manicured farmland to wilder and more arid places.

The geography and shape of Italy have led to a comparatively high concentration of cities in the Italia map expansion. Local industries contain, among others, famous places like Carrara marble quarries and Europe‘s largest Steelworks in Taranto.

Main features

• 11,500 km of new in-game roads
• 19 new cities, including Rome, Napoli, Palermo
• Unique new 3D-assets
• Realistic junctions including ring roads around big cities
• Many regional industries and companies
• Typical Italian toll gates and signs
• Recognizable landmarks
• Typical Italian architecture
• Improved vegetation for the Mediterranean climate
• Interesting new cargoes added
• New Italia achievements to unlock

Useful links

ETS Map Booster Bundle page (make sure to visit first if you already own any other map DLC!)
Italia Steam store page
Italia press kit (screenshots, video, assets, information)

Published by Meddy at 12/05/2017 04:05:00 PM
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24 април 2008
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Вчера, понеделник, 14 мај 2018, беше исфрлена најновата верзија 1.31 на Euro Truck Simulator 2 и на American Truck Simulator.

Главните новитети кои со себеси ги носи новата верзија 1.31 се каблите за струја и воздух кои се поврзуваат со приколките на камионите, новата 8x4 шасија за Сканија камионите од сериите R и S, а од сега па понатаму, при секое продолжување со играта камионот е со крената рачна кочница.

ATS and ETS2 Update 1.31 Out Now!

Monday, May 14, 2018

We are happy to give you official new updates for both our flagship truck sims, at last. Testing of this update wave took us longer than we had hoped, both internal tests and the open beta revealed a lot of areas requiring our attention before we could call the update done. There's quite a lot of new content and functionality for both games there, and we have run into some unexpected problems when things refused to work together.

Thumbs up to everyone who participated in the beta (for both of our games) and sent us his opinion and reported any issues. We would like to express our sincere thanks for all your help, bug reports, and general feedback, they were even more important and helpful than usual. After over a month full of testing, bug fixing, (and sometimes yelling and panicking), we're finally there. Update 1.31 is out for both of our games!

You can find the long and dry list of changes and additions below, but for those of you preferring moving pictures to written words, here is a very nice overview of the major changes in the 1.31 update courtesy of Squirrel's YouTube channel:


• Power/air lines between truck and trailer(s) (read more)
• More realistic mirror rendering (head position-based FOV)

ATS only:

• New road through Yosemite added - CA-120 (read more)
• New trailers (bottom dumpers)

ETS2 only:

• Random road events
• 8x4 Scania R and S truck chassis
• New routes for Special Transport DLC missions (read more)
• Mighty Griffin DLC aftermarket tuning parts for next-gen Scania S & R (read more)


• Job selection screens have new filter and cargo search elements
• Parking brake automatically ON after truck spawn (g_park_brake_init)
• Screenshot name format now based on date and time
• Increased precision trip data (dashboard computer display)
• Fixed torque converter locking
• Fixed damaged predefined trucks in dealers and quick jobs
• Fixed trailer damage reporting
• Fixed HDR interpolation

ETS2 only:

• UK trailers no longer have a different license plate from the lorry
• Faster gear shifting for new Opticruise transmissions
• Fixed/updated license plates in various countries (Belgian, Norwegian, Polish, Czech)

• New terrain brushes in the map editor
• Dropped support of very old maps (pre ver. 4.38)
• Mirror_data
• A trailer can be registered as standalone or not
• Variable shift length
• Truck dealer trucks are not in a single file/list anymore, the game reads all files/units in the given directory, making things friendlier for mods to coexist
• Steerable wheel independent on wheel model
• Dropped support for old attributes

Make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches now and your game will be automatically updated on Steam. For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, the update should be ready in a few days. Enjoy!

Published by Carthoo at 5/14/2018 05:07:00 PM
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Декстер,бро,ти си последниот Мохиканец на форумов со играва :LOL::LOL::LOL: :cuc: Уше држиш живот за играва. Вина ме фаќа шо ја откажав пред 1,5 година од играње.:place:
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10 август 2013
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ets2_20180502_141647_00.png Има и нов event на сајтот World of Trucks. Но важи само за тие кои ја имаат оригиналната игра.
BTW кој сака т.е. кој ја игра играва нека се приклучи во мојава група.
Еве и една фотка од мојот камион.
Поздрав до сите вас! :)
Член од
10 август 2013
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Ајде да ја вратиме во живот играва!
ОБЈАВЕТЕ БАРЕМ ПО ЕДНА СЛИКА ОД ВАШИОТ КАМИОН! ets2_20180524_194338_00.png ets2_20180524_194523_00.png


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4 август 2010
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Ееее времиња, кај другари окапувавме играјќи 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America, потоа кога земав компјутер и јас ја инсталирав, али по неколку тури ја избришав играта...јебига премногу монотона станува :)
Член од
24 април 2008
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Денес, понеделник, 17 септември 2018, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.32 на Euro Truck Simulator 2 и на American Truck Simulator.

Новата верзија со себеси носи отстранување и редизајнирање на некои од приколките, воведување на опцијата за автоматско активирање на кочницата за паркирање кога камионот не работи, малку освежен изглед на менито и корисничкиот интерфејс, освежување и ажурирање на регионите и мапата на Германија, а главниот новитет е воведувањето на опцијата за купување на приколки за камионите.

Сега играчите можат да купуваат приколки за своите камиони и да ги дизајнираат истите по свој вкус, а се воведуваат и двојни приколки во Euro Truck Simulator 2.

ATS and ETS2 Update 1.32

Monday, September 17, 2018

It's on! We have taken quite a while with the open beta - testing and tuning the new version was a very extensive task, as this is one of the biggest game updates we have ever produced. The reactions from the volunteer testers are very enthusiastic, and we are eager for the player-base to enjoy all the new features as well now.

The amount of open beta feedback was so huge, thanks a lot to all the participants! We may not have been able to respond to all of the messages individually, but rest assured that we read everything and all your opinions, suggestions and bug reports are noted. The power of the community is fantastic!


• Trailer ownership (read more)
• Major UI changes (Main menu, Company Management screens, Dealerships, etc.)
• Job filters redesign
• Some of the old trailers discarded and redesigned
• Power/airlines on AI trucks added (optional)
• Rendering speedups
• Option for automatic parking brake - disabled by default

ETS2 only:

• Scania 2016 added to AI traffic
• B-double type trailers added
• Updated part of Germany map (read more)
• Lighting improvements (sync with ATS)
• The speed limit in France dropped to 80 KPH on some roads

ATS only:

• New roads added: US-550 (NM), US-95 (AZ), US-191 (AZ), Clifton city (AZ) and I-580 Carson city bypass (NV)
• Remade and redesigned few places (e.g. I5-I80 interchange)
• Long 53ft trailers (40+ feet from kingpin to rear axle) forbidden in California


Completely redesigned trailer-cargo logic (cargo data, trailer data, economy, etc.). Most mods will need some work to catch up!

To enjoy the 1.32 update, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be automatically updated on Steam.

On the other hand, if you are a heavy mod user and believe that the mods in your mix are still not up to date for 1.32, you may consider switching to 1.31 branch on Steam to continue playing the game with all the mods, while the mod authors catch up to the new features in the game.

For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, the update should be ready in a few days.

Enjoy! And keep your eyes open for the rest of today, we still have great news for you! ;)

Published by Carthoo at 9/17/2018 01:05:00 PM
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10 април 2018
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кога ќе направат truck simulator Australia. по неасфалтирани патишта, по дивината да се возе.
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22 септември 2016
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Дали ќе работи верзијава 1.32 заедно со ПроМодс 2.30? сакам да ја апдејтирам ама ми е страв дека ќе ми крашнува со ПроМодс... :toe:
Член од
24 април 2008
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Дали ќе работи верзијава 1.32 заедно со ПроМодс 2.30? сакам да ја апдејтирам ама ми е страв дека ќе ми крашнува со ПроМодс... :toe:
Тоа не зависи од верзијата на видео играта, туку од самите модови, во зависност од тоа дали се прилагодени да работат со понова верзија од видео играта.
Член од
24 април 2008
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Вчера, четврток, 29 ноември 2018, излезе во продажба Euro Truck Simulator 2: Beyond the Baltic Sea - најновото продолжение на Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Најновото продолжение на Euro Truck Simulator 2 со себеси носи нови 13.000 километри патишта за возење, балтичките држави Литванија, Летонија и Естонија, како и јужна Финска, делови од западна Русија, 24 нови поголеми и мали градови, меѓу кои спаѓаат и Калининградската област со нејзиниот главен град Калининград, како и Санкт Петербург - вториот најголем град во Русија и еден од најголемите пристанишни градови на крајбрежјето на Балтичкото Море. Euro Truck Simulator 2: Beyond the Baltic Sea со себеси ги носи и двојните приколки кои се користат во Финска.

Предвесник на најновото продолжение на Euro Truck Simulator 2 беше најновата верзија 1.33 на видео играта, која SCS Software ја исфрли во понеделникот, 26 ноември 2018, а која со себеси донесе повеќе новитети за да биде подготвена видео играта за најновото продолжение Euro Truck Simulator 2: Beyond the Baltic Sea.

Меѓу новитетите кои со себеси ги носи верзијата 1.33 на Euro Truck Simulator 2 спаѓаат додавањето на новите пристанишни градови Травеминде во Германија и Капелскар во Шведска, понатаму воведување на двојни приколки кои се користат во Финска, двојни приколки од отворен тип кои се користат на Скандинавскиот полуостров, како и подобрување на звучните и визуелните ефекти во видео играта.

Approaching the Baltic Sea!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

We celebrated another important day for SCS Software - the release of Euro Truck Simulator 2's large map expansion Beyond the Baltic Sea.

Beyond the Baltic Sea was published 06:00PM UTC on Thursday, November 29, 2018

To shorten the wait before release, we held a broadcast of a live-stream from our just-established studio in SCS Software's office. It's was the first experiment with streaming by ourselves, it was a bit improvised. You can see on the screenshot how it looked just a few hours before the start! We made a couple of interviews with people from the development team, answered some of the questions that may come our way, and of course, we played the new DLC live most of the time. You can watch the recorded stream on our new SCS Twitch channel.

As mentioned in the previous blog post, we also published three new national paint job packs bound with this expansion. It means that the players in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia will get an option to get and use their own unique graphics packs from now.

Published by Meddy at 11/29/2018 02:27:00 PM

Beyond the Baltic Sea releasing on November 29

Friday, November 23, 2018

The release of the Beyond the Baltic Sea map expansion is knocking on the hood! The results of the latest testing are in and are so positive that we can establish a firm release date. We can't wait for you to cross the border and to explore the countries of the Baltic Sea. We thank you for your continued patience and support of this eagerly awaited expansion.

We are happy to announce that the latest addition to Euro Truck Simulator 2
'Beyond the Baltic Sea' DLC will be released on Steam on November 29th, 2018!

Today we're presenting Beyond the Baltic Sea main features list for the first time. We hope that a summary of the upcoming expansion will leave you with no doubt in your mind that this is a very content-rich DLC.

• Over 13 thousand kilometers of new in-game roads
• Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to explore
• Southern Finland containing major cities and industry
• Russian territory including Saint Petersburg and Kaliningrad
• 24 new major cities and many smaller towns
• Characteristic Baltic architecture
• Famous landmarks and recognizable places
• Brand new unique 3D-assets
• Lush climate accordant vegetation
• Local AI trains, trams, and traffic cars
• Over 30 new local company docks and industries
• Finland-only High Capacity Transport (a tractor and two long trailers)
• Baltic-region achievements to unlock

You may start seeing reviews, videos, and streams appearing online early this weekend. We have allowed the media, trusted content creators and members of our senior volunteer tester group to show video footage and other visual material from the DLC today at 22:59 UTC.

Published by Meddy at 11/23/2018 05:08:00 PM

Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.33

Monday, November 26, 2018

You're probably used by now to SCS bringing a new game update just ahead of a major DLC release. This time is no different. We need to add support for new features specific for the new DLC content, but we also take the opportunity to add new gameplay and technical features that every player of the game will enjoy.

We've decided to do a little trial and released an Experimental Beta prior to the Public Beta. It proved us right with putting our trust into you, our amazing community – The Experimental Beta, or rather your bug reports and general feedback, helped us a great deal in getting to the stable Public Beta, and eventually to the full 1.33 update faster than anticipated.

A huge thank you to all who participated in helping us to pinpoint all the problems the Beta builds had. This was one of the smoothest Betas we’ve ever had, which is interesting, considering the number of new features. So enjoy all the new additions - including our first update video! We hope you'll like it!

To enjoy the 1.33 update, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be automatically updated on Steam.


• Buyable HCT (High Capacity Transport) double trailers (Finland only, Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC required)
• Buyable double flatbed trailers (Scandinavia DLC required)
• Buyable container and brick trailers (flatbed variants) and cargo market
• Buyable Krone Boxliner (Krone DLC required)
• Steam cloud based profiles
• Reusable truck and trailer configuration templates
• Physics improvements (suspension, damping, braking, COGs)
• Rain drops behavior on glass improved
• Music shuffling
• Country and city name localization settings
• g_disable_beacons (0/ 1/ 2) - for people having issues with blinking lights (watch the video)
• Two new port cities added - Kapellskär in Sweden and Travemünde in Germany (read more)
• various customization options


Due to the number of changes, most mods will need some work to catch up!

Published by Carthoo at 11/26/2018 08:17:00 PM
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24 април 2008
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Денес, петок, 8 февруари 2019, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.34 на Euro Truck Simulator 2 и на American Truck Simulator.

Новата верзија со себеси го носи новиот камион MAN TGX Euro 6, поправање на временските зони за играчите на продолжението Euro Truck Simulator 2: Beyond the Baltic Sea, како и мали поправки на мапата.

ATS and ETS2 Update 1.34

Friday, February 8, 2019

After the content-loaded updates from previous months, 1.34 is a relatively small maintenance update serving primarily to introduce new content prepared by our vehicle department. The next big things planned need more time in development, and we anticipate 1.35 to be a lot juicier. Still, we believe these new additions will please players of both of our games. The limited scope of this update is also the reason why there wasn't an Open Beta. So what do we have for you?

First and foremost, this update brings a very long awaited truck into Euro Truck Simulator 2 - The Man TGX Euro 6! It comes with 3 cabin and 6 chassis variants, all the way up to the 8x4 and thanks to the unique MAN design, all three cabins are compatible with the heavy-duty chassis!

The road to implementing the new truck into ETS2 was actually very bumpy. Work on this model started several years ago based on limited references we had for the Efficient Line 2 edition. We aimed to release it with all chassis variants but spent over a year chasing various leads and sources to get them right. We are excited to have finally completed it now after obtaining important missing reference blueprints. In the future, it will be complemented by an up to date current production model, The Efficient Line 3.

ATS receives one of the highly demanded additions to the game - buyable log trailers! Our traffic report sources for Oregon shows a large convoy inbound for the wood transport companies, with a high chance of traffic jams on the forest roads, so be careful out there. As an alternative route, we can recommend OR-140, which is now prolonged all the way to Nevada. And if you're still worried about driving in Oregon, we recommend visiting a Tonopah city, which has been completely refreshed.

To enjoy the 1.34 update, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be automatically updated on Steam.

For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, the update should be ready in a few days.


ATS only:

• Buyable Log trailer
• Tonopah city refreshed
• Another segment of OR-140 (Oregon DLC required)
• Timezone areas fixed - Malheur county, OR (Oregon DLC required)
• Numerous little map fixes and world polish added

ETS2 only:

• MAN TGX Euro 6
• Timezone areas fixed - Kaliningrad area, RU (Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC required)
• Many little map fixes and world polish added


• As with any update, due to the changes, a number of mods may need some work to catch up!

Published by Carthoo at 2/08/2019 11:13:00 AM
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24 април 2008
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Вчера, среда, 5 јуни 2019, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.35 на Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Новата верзија со себеси носи повеќе новитети, меѓу кои спаѓаат француските автопати A10-A6 и A6-N44 за играчите на Euro Truck Simulator 2: Vive la France, италијанскиот остров Сардинија за играчите на Euro Truck Simulator 2: Italia, подобрување на сигнализацијата во скандинавските држави за играчите на Euro Truck Simulator 2: Scandinavia, подобрување на германските патишта, нови приколки за купување, воведување на опциите за возење на двојни приколки во Германија и Холандија, купување на гаража преку Интернет, GPS гласовен асистент, итна служба за полнење гориво, како и бројни други новитети.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.35

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

We're happy to announce that after spending some time in internal testing, Experimental Beta and Public Beta, the Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.35 is now ready for all trucking enthusiasts!

As we have said before, this update is really huge so we'd like to thank all those who helped us in testing it. Due to its size, we won't describe all the details here again (read the Public Beta article please).

Instead, we'd like to address some questions regarding a new feature that was added only a few days ago; GPS voice navigation. As with many other features, please do consider this to be the initial phase. For now, you can choose from 9 different language options (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Turkish and Mandarin Chinese), but we do plan to add more in the future, in addition to other improvements. The beta feedback we've received so far has been really positive, but don't be shy about adding your own on our forum. Your opinion is important to us!

And for those who like short recap videos, here's ours for this content-packed update!

To enjoy the 1.35 update, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be automatically updated on Steam.

For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, the update should be ready in a few days.

Some mods, however, may have not caught up yet - this update may effectively break them. So remember that you can always stay on 1.34 or an even older branch. The way to access and select them is: Steam client → LIBRARY → right click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 → Properties → Betas tab → select the version you want.

Also, check our modding wiki to get details pertaining to mods for the game.



• Germany improvements, stage 2
• New French roads: A10-A6 (Vive la France! DLC) and A6-N44
• Sardinia island (Italia DLC)
• Scandinavian signage improvements (Scandinavia DLC)
• New special transport routes (various DLCs)


• Purchased container trailers
• Purchased logging trailers
• Browse purchased trailers & accessories
• Double trailers in Germany and Netherlands
• Krone Boxliner for 40ft or 2x20ft containers (Krone DLC)
• Purchased Schwarzmüller reefer, curtain and log trailers; also traffic (Schwarzmüller DLC)
• Adjust purchased trailers without service visit (extendable trailer, sliding tandem)
• Copy truck/trailer configuration across fleet
• Wiper settings improved


• GPS Voice navigation
• Use your own purchased trailers in External Contracts (WoTR)
• Online garage purchase
• Emergency refuelling service
• Input improvements (Steam controller support, Tobii eye tracker support, controller hotplug support, better FF on Linux)
Razer Chroma support (RGB)
• New options: truck stability, truck suspension, cabin suspension, dual localization of names in map
• Faster job generation for hired drivers
• Lots of new drivers to hire
• Experimental DX11 support


• Curve item (new editor item)
• Walker/mover item improvement
• Multiple LODs for models
• Modded trucks support (in-game function)
• Traffic data improvement
• Vehicle data improvement (COG, wipers, transmission names, bracers sound)
• Randomized cargo model (eg. container color)

Published by Carthoo at 6/05/2019 05:59:00 PM

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