Стихови од песни што би ги посветиле...

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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I don’t know why I came here,
But I know I just will stay
Everything they told me,
Suddenly fades away.
Sorry but I’m gone,
For all the things I’ve done
Now that I see life,
Before my very eyes.
Here I sit, listening to the rain.
I’m ok but not the same.
I feel alive, on my own,
In a place called home.
Планирав да ги посветам овие стихови,но сто пати го избришав тоа што сакав да го кажам.


Im Gotham's Reckoning
Член од
26 мај 2007
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my life suffocates , planting seeds of hate
i've loved , turned to hate
trapped far beyond my fate

i give , you take
this life that i forsake
been cheated of my youth
you turned this lie to truth

you'll suffer unto me

harvester of sorrow , language of the mad
harvester of sorrow


BabaSera pod Ste4aj
Член од
22 април 2006
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I can't help falling in love with you.. You know, that I can't help falling in love with you... Wise men said only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love..

Земља Чуда - Ван Гог

и Знам многу зборови кои не ги кажав јас
Знаев и патеки кои водеа до нас..

Одведи ме - Ареа
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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...When you go would you have the guts to say I don't love you like I loved you yesterday?


Fashion is my opsession
Член од
5 февруари 2007
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Last christmas
gave I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I’ll it to someone special.


Царевата ќерка
Член од
30 јуни 2006
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You love me but you don't know who I am
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
And you love me but you don't know who I am
So let me go

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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I wanted to hold you
I wanted to make it go away
I wanted to know you
I wanted to make your everything...alright
Член од
8 мај 2007
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You are my little baby girl, We share all Our fears. Such joy to hold you in my arms and kiss away all your tears. But now you're gone, there's only the pain and nothing I can do about it.And I don't want to live this life any more,If I can't live for you.To my beautiful baby girl.
Our love will never die.


Find Beautiful Womans from your city for night
Член од
13 август 2006
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Hello and goodbye
And a runaround Sue
You follow me around like a pretty pot of glue
I kick you in the head
You got nothing to say
Get out of the way cause I gotta getaway
You never realise I take the piss out of you
You come up and see me and I beat you black and blue
All day
I'll send you away
There ain’t no moonlight after midnight
I see you silly people out looking for delight
Well, I'm so happy
I'm feeling so fine
I'm watching all the rubbish wasting my time
I look around your house
You got nothing to steal
I kick you in the brains when you get down to kneel
I pray
You pray to your god

No feeling
No feeling
I’ve got no feeling
For anybody else


If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right


Ако одам во Битола..
Член од
11 јули 2007
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Многу причини да те оставам,
а премалку да останам
Дека не си за мене не ти верував
А можеби и не сакав..
Дај потсети ме уште еднаш ти
дека пак ме повреди
Барем срцево да го убедам
Дека ништо јас не губам

ВО ПРАВО СИ, крив сум што не верував
и што не те послушав, па лошо поминав
За се во право си, јас сум крива а не си ти,
што на сите грешки твој, очи затворив
а сега научив..ВО ПРАВО СИ

На крај дозволи ми прва да заминам
иако знаеш дека не сакам
Само така срцево ќе го убедам
дека тебе овојпат јас те оставам

ВО ПРАВО СИ, крив сум што не верував
и што не те послушав, па лошо поминав
За се ВО ПРАВО СИ, јас сум крива а не си ти,
што на сите грешки твој, очи затворив
а сега научив..

ВО ПРАВО БЕШЕ јас сум крива за се
Од себе што те сакав повеќе
и не знаев на се што бараше да кажам не

ВО ПРАВО СИ..крив сум што не верував и
што не те послушав..
па лошо поминав..
ЗА СЕ ВО ПРАВО СИ, јас сум крив а не си ти,
што на сите грешки твој очи затворив
А сега научив..

ВО ПРАВО СИ!!!!!!!!!....


I Laugh In The Face Of Danger
Член од
11 јуни 2007
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As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realize nothings left
Cause Ive been blasting and laughing so long that even
My mama thinks my minds gone but I aint never crossed
A man that didnt deserve it.
Me be treated like a punk, you never unheard of
You better watch how youre talking and where youre walking
Or you and your homies might lined the chalked

I really hate the trip but I gotta loc
As the croak I see myself in the pistol smoke
Fool! Im the kinda g that little homies wanna be like
All my knees in the night
Saying prayers in the street light..

Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?:pipi:


Im Gotham's Reckoning
Член од
26 мај 2007
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And it feels right this time
On this crash course we're the big time
Pay no mind to the distant thunder
beauty fills his head with wonder, boy

Says it feels right this time
Turned around, and found the high line
"Good day to be alive, Sir
Good day to be alive" he said.

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way


Are you coming to the moment
when you know your heart can break
I am inside you..I am around you
I Don't know why..I just want то see you cry..

За дечкото кој ме повреди најмногу пред некое време..а сега...?!

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