Па и криминалците сепак се само луѓе, секако дека заслужуваат втора, трета... n-та шанса.
Треба на криминалците да им се помогне за да почнат да ги почитуваат законите - платено со парите од даноците на луѓето кои ги почитуваат законте - а на тие кои не се криминалци, односно кои ги почитуваат законите, нивен проблем, нека продолжат да плаќаат даноци за едукација и финансиска помош за криминалците.
Да важеа вакви правила и регулативи кон крајот на 1980-те и почетокот на 1990-те години во Њујорк, најверојатно Џон Готи ќе си останеше на слобода, а Руди Џулијани кој го испрати Готи на доживотен одмор позади затворски решетки, ќе завршеше линчуван и истражуван најверојатно слично како и Доналд Трамп за непостоечката врска со Русија.
Mayor Adams Announces Plan to Combat Retail Theft in New York City
May 17, 2023
Watch the video here at:
• Establish two new diversion programs — “Second Chance” and Re-Engaging Store Theft Offenders and Retail Establishments (RESTORE) — to allow non-violent offenders to avoid prosecution or incarceration by meaningfully engaging with services to help address underlying factors that lead to shoplifting.
• Install resource kiosks in stores to connect individuals in need to critical government resources and social services.
• Launch an employee support program to train retail workers in de-escalation tactics, anti-theft tools, and security best practices to help keep them safe in the event of an emergency and to support employees who have been impacted by thefts.
• Create a Precision Repeat Offender Program (PROP) in which retailers can submit dedicated security incident reports to the NYPD to better identify and track repeat offenders and facilitate stronger prosecutions by the five District Attorneys’ Offices.
• Establish a neighborhood retail watch for businesses in close proximity to one another to share real-time intelligence with each other and with law enforcement in the event of a theft. This program builds upon the NYPD’s Operation Safe Shopper initiative created under Mayor Adams’ leadership as Brooklyn borough president to expand video surveillance camera usage among participants.
• Advocate at the state and federal level for additional online sale authentication procedures to prevent the resale of stolen goods to build upon the federal Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces (INFORM) for Consumers Act, which goes into effect in June 2023.
• Establish a New York City Organized Retail Theft Task Force, comprised of retailers, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to collaborate and respond to retail theft trends.
Значи криминалците се вистинските жртви, а не луѓето кои ги почитуваат законите.