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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
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За 42 години, Американците срушиле или пробале да срушат 72 странски влади. Онаму каде што успеале, често настапувала нестабилност, помалку демократија, опасност од граѓански војни. За на крај на власт да дојдат некои кои се 1.000 пати понепријателски настроени кон Америка.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Ги гледаат краткорочните очекувања, и очекуваат (очекуваните) проблеми да ги решава наредната администрација.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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"Extraordinary" - US Consumer Prices Soar At Fastest In Over 40 Years

TUESDAY, APR 12, 2022 - 04:44 PM
Having warned the world to expect "extraordinarily elevated" levels of inflation due to "Putin's Price Hike", The White House is likely in shock this morning as headline CPI rose 1.2% in March (vs +1.2% MoM) which sent the headline CPI up a shocking 8.5% YoY (vs +8.4% YoY exp and +7.9% prior) - the highest since 1981.

Source: Bloomberg
The 1.2% MoM rise is the biggest since Sept 2005 and CPI has risen for 22 straight months, but we note that goods inflation actually fell on a MoM basis (while energy soared)...

Source: Bloomberg
However, Core CPI (ex food and energy) rose just 0.3% MoM (below the +0.5% expected) and was up 6.5% YoY (above Feb's 6.4% but below the +6.6% exp).
The shelter index was by far the biggest factor in the increase, with a broad set of other indexes also contributing, including those for airline fares, household furnishings and operations, medical care, and motor vehicle insurance.
In contrast, the index for used cars and trucks fell 3.8 percent over the month.

A full breakdown of the top 5 subcomponents in the monthly increase is shown below.

On a year-over-year basis, the rise in prices was dominated by Energy and goods.

Source: Bloomberg
The cost of putting a roof over your head (unless you're homeless in LA) continues to soar...
  • March Shelter inflation 5.0% Y/Y, up from 4.7% in Feb, and the highest since May 1991
  • March Rent inflation 4.44% Y/Y, up from 4.17% in Feb, and the highest since May 2007

A full heatmap of March inflation (more to follow in a subsequent post).

Bear in mind that after this March report, inflation expectations start to step down, with second-quarter CPI seen at 7.6% and 5.7% by year-end, according to a Bloomberg survey. According to at least 6 Wall Street banks, this was the peak of the inflation wave.
And finally, and perhaps most importantly for the average American who actually has to pay for 'stuff' every day with his (or her or zher) own money, real average hourly earnings fell for the 12th straight month...

Source: Bloomberg
This confirms NBC News recent poll that showed 62% of Americans saying their incomes cannot keep up with the rising cost of living.
Still, the good news is, we all know who to blame for this right?

The bottom line: No inter-meeting or 75bps rate hike as the CPI data isn't as bad as it could have been.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Никогаш не очекував дека и овие ќе ги ребраат САД.



mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
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Загреота им е хуморов, ама важно ги ребраат.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Пази цивилизациска разлика…
Последно уредено:


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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How Did America Become Ruled By Its Military-Industrial Complex?

The U.S. Government spends on its military, annually, in not just its ‘Defense’ Department, but all of its departments taken together, around $1.5 trillion dollars. (Much of that money is hidden in the Treasury Department and others, in order to convey to the public the false idea that ‘only’ around 800 billion dollars annually is now being spent for the U.S. military.)

Prior to the creation by U.S. President Harry S. Truman of the U.S. ‘Defense’ Department, on 18 September 1947, replacing the U.S. War Department that had been created on 7 August 1789 by America’s Founders (shortly after the U.S. Constitution had become effective on 4 March 1789), the U.S. was a democracy — however flawed, but a real one, nevertheless.

The U.S. actually began its transformation into a dictatorship (serving the owners of the military corporations and of their extraction-corporate dependencies such as Chevron) when, on 25 July 1945, Truman decided that if the U.S. wouldn’t conquer the Soviet Union, then the Soviet Union would conquer the U.S., and, so, he started the Cold War, on that date, determined that his top priority as the U.S. President, would be to place the U.S. Government onto a virtually permanent war-footing, even though World War II against imperialistic fascisms (the “Axis” powers) was just about to end at that time, and would clearly be a victory for the U.S. allies — mainly, the Soviet Union, and the UK empire.

Truman, very much unlike his immediate predecessor, FDR, who had been a passionately committed anti-imperialist, had previously been on the fence about empires; but, going forward after that date, he would be totally committed to making the entire world into the first-ever single global empire, which would be in control over the entire planet by the U.S. Government and shared only by its ‘allies’ (vassal nations). That was Truman’s American dream, and it contrasted starkly against FDR’s dream of a future United Nations that would possess a global monopoly on all strategic weaponry and serve as a democratic global federal republic of all nations, each of which nation would have its own legal system for internal affairs, but all of which nations would be subject to the sole authority of the United Nations regarding all international matters. Truman despised FDR and got rid of FDR’s entire Cabinet and close advisors, within less than two years.

Within less than two years of FDR’s death on 12 April 1945, such a permanent-war U.S. Government became officially created. FDR’s plan for a U.N. that would internationally outlaw all empires became replaced by Truman’s plan for an America that would itself become what Hitler, himself, had only aspired to create: the world’s very first all-encompassing global empire. Truman’s dream is today’s American dream, in today’s Washington DC; and here was how the Nobel Peace-Prize-winning U.S. President, Barack Obama (the other of history’s slickest liars), stated it to graduating West Point cadets, on 28 May 2014:

The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come. … Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. … It will be your generation’s task to respond to this new world.
It’s endlessly onward and upward, for the U.S. All other nations are “dispensable.” And that objective is backed-up now, by half of the world’s military expenditures.

This is how it happened. It happened by deceit, at every step of the way.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Oвде нема да бидеме офтопик пошто падот на Пакс Американа кога ќе се случи најверојатно ќе биде преку процесите поврзани со губењето на статусот на петровалута и валута на државни резерви, од страна на американскиот долар.

Да. Сакам да го прочитам објаснувањето, како САД го краде светот преку доларот како резервна валута?
Прво основите... И тоа преку цртан филм, како за тебе:

Само не ни ја навредувај интелегенцијата и својата и сечија со објаснувања „не гледам цртани“. Пошто никој нема време да пишува книги за да те едуцира основни макроекономски работи. Тоа што во цртанов го гледаш овде на државно ниво, истото САД го прават на светско ниво - повторно, затоа што доларот е петровалута и валута на државни резерви (барем засега).
Член од
8 февруари 2020
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Oвде нема да бидеме офтопик пошто падот на Пакс Американа кога ќе се случи најверојатно ќе биде преку процесите поврзани со губењето на статусот на петровалута и валута на државни резерви, од страна на американскиот долар.

Прво основите... И тоа преку цртан филм, како за тебе:

Само не ни ја навредувај интелегенцијата и својата и сечија со објаснувања „не гледам цртани“. Пошто никој нема време да пишува книги за да те едуцира основни макроекономски работи. Тоа што во цртанов го гледаш овде на државно ниво, истото САД го прават на светско ниво - повторно, затоа што доларот е петровалута и валута на државни резерви (барем засега).
Ништо страшно што НЕ си информиран, но страшно е што и покрај информациите ти одбиваш да научиш нешто ново, за да си го заштедиш мозочето.

Интелигенцијата нема врска со сфаќање и прифаќање на работите. Цртанов како и твоите досегашни тврдења врска економски работи се тотално погрешни и намерно така прикажани со цел.

Ако сакаш да бидеш поинформиран врска економските работи, економска историја, ќе ти дадам извор за читање. Јасно ми е дека ниту едно нема да прочиташ, зашто си го штедиш мозокот:

Повели мал дел, можеби ќе престанеш да веруваш во рептили. (јас бев во таа фаза, ама фала му на бога, не заглавив, не останав на тоа ниво)

The original design of the Fed was to be private, for banks were to contribute to fund their own bailouts, as JP Morgan had done taking the lead during the Panic of 1907. It was not to be a government bailout operation. The United States had no central bank at that time. There was never any intent to create the institution as it exists today: the original design was altered dramatically by lawyers who never understood the madness of their own minds in their pursuit of power as politicians.
Then came World War I. In order to fight the war, Congress needed to create debt. They instructed the Federal Reserve to STOP buying corporate debt, being the lender of last resort, and buy government debt. Following the war, they never returned the Fed to its original purpose.
So many people hate the Fed, but they do not look at who really creates the bulk of the money – CONGRESS.
QUESTION: the big question: WHY do USA still have the FED (a private company) dictating the USA economy?????????

ANSWER: Very simple. The Fed was originally a private bailout entity to replace J.P. Morgan and what he did during the panic of 1907. Stimulation occurred through buying corporate paper. When WWI came, Congress ordered the Fed to buy government paper; not corporate. They never returned it to its original design. When Great Depression came, Congress usurped all branches and established a single national interest rate. They ordered the Fed to support U.S. debt at par during WWII but removed that in 1951.

The answer is very simple: Congress gets to blame the Fed for inflation because the definition is an increase in money supply, which is the Fed’s job. Meanwhile, Congress relieves itself of any responsibility for inflation and fiscal management. Everyone focuses on the Fed and not on the fact that Congress creates the bulk of the money by debt.

It’s a blame game that relieves Congress of any responsibility. They get to hold hearings and interrogate everyone except themselves. They tell everyone to blame the Fed and they run for office and promise the moon. The Fed is nothing like what it was supposed to be. The elastic money was to allow it to stimulate buying corporate paper that was at least repaid. Once that became government paper, the game was changed. Roosevelt even confiscated the gold from the Fed in 1933 just like all other banks.

So it works. So many people hate the Fed, but they do not look at who really creates the bulk of the money – CONGRESS. It is very naive to think that shutting down the Fed that would solve everything. The problem runs much deeper.

Now that banks are doing transactional banking and not holding long-term loans on their books, they no longer need elastic money or bailouts and should collapse when they screw up. The banks should be held for CRIMINAL prosecution if they are trading with other people’s money. You cannot have it both ways. If the Fed is to stimulate, then they should buy corporate paper, not government, and the money should be injected directly into the economy. Currently, the banks still refuse to lend money long-term.

The Fed is caught between politicians and bankers. That is not a very nice place to be these days. We will have to REFORM this position after the crash, but eliminating the Fed will create chaos and will not solve the problem as long as Congress has the power to create debt.
It was Roosevelt who usurped all the independence of the Fed and created a Washington monopoly to push his socialist agenda into place. We are hearing the same pitch of equality once again and Biden is going to take over the Fed and install his people which will be another full-blown socialist takeover. This will be the final alteration of the Fed making it entirely political to usher in this Great Reset. What was once an independent central bank, owned by the bankers to prevent taxpayer money from being used to bail out the banks, today the banks may own the Fed in name only, but the reins of power are political. The president appoints the head – not the bankers.
When World War I came, Congress ordered the Fed to buy its paper because they would need to issue a lot of debt. They never returned the Fed to its original design to “stimulate” the economy by directly purchasing corporate paper to prevent companies from laying off employees. Therefore, the structural alteration of the Federal Reserve for World War I transformed the theory of Quantitative Easing into an INDIRECT stimulus rather than DIRECT. When the Fed bought only corporate paper, it directly stimulated the economy. When it was instructed only to buy only government paper, which the government NEVER pays off, any idea of the stimulus was wiped out, for at best, it became INDIRECT

Ова ти е за разлика меѓу ЕЦБ и ФЕД

The Federal Reserve does not need permission to create elastic money. It has the authority to expand or contract its balance sheet. However, it cannot simply print money out of thin air. The ECB is the only institution that can authorize the printing of euro banknotes. The Federal Reserve must back the banknotes by purchasing US government bonds. The Fed buys and sells US government bonds to influence the money supply whereas the ECB influences the supply of euros in the market by directly controlling the number of euros available to eligible member banks. This structure was created because of Germany’s obsession with its own hyperinflation of the 1920s.

Each member state retained its central bank and those central banks issue the banknotes — not the ECB. Therefore, the ECB works with the central banks in each EU state to formulate monetary policy to help maintain stable prices and strengthen the euro. The ECB was created by the national central banks of the EU member states transferring their monetary policy function to the ECB, which in effect operates on a supervisory role.

Ова ти е како империите умираат:

Овие за подетално со историски и сегашни факти, не од Петко и Трајко и рептили:



Член од
28 март 2020
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Ништо страшно што НЕ си информиран, но страшно е што и покрај информациите ти одбиваш да научиш нешто ново, за да си го заштедиш мозочето.

Интелигенцијата нема врска со сфаќање и прифаќање на работите. Цртанов како и твоите досегашни тврдења врска економски работи се тотално погрешни и намерно така прикажани со цел.

Ако сакаш да бидеш поинформиран врска економските работи, економска историја, ќе ти дадам извор за читање. Јасно ми е дека ниту едно нема да прочиташ, зашто си го штедиш мозокот:

Повели мал дел, можеби ќе престанеш да веруваш во рептили. (јас бев во таа фаза, ама фала му на бога, не заглавив, не останав на тоа ниво)

So many people hate the Fed, but they do not look at who really creates the bulk of the money – CONGRESS.

Ова ти е за разлика меѓу ЕЦБ и ФЕД

Ова ти е како империите умираат:

Овие за подетално со историски и сегашни факти, не од Петко и Трајко и рептили:

А од кај му е Сократ на Мартин?


Член од
28 март 2020
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Не сфаќам прашањето? Како од кај му е, кога го пратиш, би требало да знаеш дека сам го создал....
Не знам толку многу, затоа и те прашав...на кои физички закони се потпираат алгоритмите. Или можеби станува збор за пратење на алгоритми во минатото и по тие криви да предвидува иднина, односно циклуси.
Член од
8 февруари 2020
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Не знам толку многу, затоа и те прашав...на кои физички закони се потпираат алгоритмите. Или можеби станува збор за пратење на алгоритми во минатото и по тие криви да предвидува иднина, односно циклуси.
Човекот започнал како информатичар. Љубопитноста го довела до ова кај што е, а тоа е да економски волшебник. Покрај циклусите, во комбинација му е и Пи бројот, тврди дека е меѓу топ 3 (можно е и да е бр.1) кои имаат најголема архива на историски податоци, има сигурно уште, но нормално тоа не го открива.
Битно, објаснувањата кои ги дава, се поткрепени со факти, бројки, временски периоди, причинско последични врски.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Знам дека се фолираш, но ќе објаснам.
Земи денарот, не е светска резервна валута и нема денари во оптек низ светот. Ако почнеме да печатиме денари без покритие, ќе се одрази како инфлација, цените на производите ќе поскапат.
Но ако Кина прима плаќање во денари и не ни ги враќа одма назад, во смисол да купи одма нешто од кај нас, тогаш инфлацијата ќе се подели на општата парична маса, дел во Македонија дел во Кина. Формулата е ако отпечатиш 10% од вкупната емитирана денарска парична маса, ќе имаш 10% инфлација.
Доволно добро му објасни, всушност одлично ако мора ова да се каже во 2-3 реченици.

И сега не сфатив како САД со доларот ги крадат Шри Ланка, или како ги краделе СФРЈ и Венецуела, а не ги украле Норвешка....
Ако не можеш да разбереш што е предноста во контрола на валутата во која други држави чуваат девизни резерви - и покрај вака едноставно објаснување, тогаш не дискутираш со чесни намери. Не е неразбирливо ова што го зборуваме, едноставно одбиваш да разбереш. Истовремено ниту демантираш со некои спротивни факти. Практично не комуницираш, секако не во две насоки (излезот работи ама влезот ти е проблематичен).

Во другата тема за Кина 5 пати игнорираш прашање. Ти реков веќе дека културата на дискутирање ти е ниска.

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