Пример за загревање и намалување загадување (иако тоа баш не е тема ама не е тема ни исклучиво продажба на клими) од Љубљана, пред некоја година прогласен за најчист град во Европа или во светот, не памтам точно.
city's heating system In 2015, 74% of the population used the system and the goal is to raise this share to 80% by 2024.
cycle rather than drive a car in the city. In 2017, Ljubljana ranked eighth in the Copenhagenize Index of cyclist-friendliest cities in the world. Counters on seven locations around the city recorded 3.81 million bike rides in 2016, and 3.74 million in 2017.
The main source of PM10 particles are individual furnaces, including those in neighbouring municipalities, as well as fireplaces, which are becoming increasingly popular again.
Another emerging problem is nitrogen oxide, whose level has been rising not only in Ljubljana, but in other European cities as well. Jazbinšek Seršen said the reasons for the increase had not been officially confirmed yet, but experts suspect diesel vehicles.
Ljubljana has been expanding its heating and gas supply networks, and replacing coal with gas. In renovating public buildings, it strives for energy efficiency.
The city is also introducing various measures to discourage the use of small furnaces.
The capital is also encouraging alternatives to cars. By 2020, it would like people to conduct 35% of their journeys on foot, 16% by bicycle, 16% using public transport and 33% by car.