Мисли си дека гајле си немаше.
"The exchange rate of the dinar at the end of 1918 and during 1919 is difficult to assess as the dinar re-emerged on the world’s money markets not before May 1920. Once the First World War was finished, Switzerland took the lead on the world’s foreign exchange market thanks to the stability of its currency and the freedom and flexibility of currency trade and exchange that remained intact even during the war. This is why shortly after the war and in the absence of gold in monetary transactions Swiss franc became the currency which other European currencies’ stability could be most easily compared against; it also explains why Geneva and Zurich became main international foreign exchange markets. I
n the period MayOctober 1920, the exchange rate of the dinar fluctuated on the Zurich money market between 20.41 and 33.65 Swiss francs against 100 dinars. As from October 1920, the dinar sharp slump began, induced by the inflationary, deficit financing of state expenditures and replacing the former crown of the Habsburg Monarchy. Monetary circulation had soared compared to the previous year by 4.5 times and amounted to 3.4 billion dinars!
From October 1920 to January 1923, the exchange rate of the dinar fell from 20.41 to 3.69 Swiss francs against 100 dinars.1 At the same time this was the lowest exchange rate of the dinar recorded at the Swiss money markets between the two world wars."
Втора страна од фајлот (стр 331).
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