Pogovorkata e sosema tocna: Makedonija si e Makedonija, Bugarite se turko-moncoli.
Bugarite se turki so mongilski genetski i kulturni primesi (Mongolcite isto taka se turki). Ulogata na Mongolcite vo bugarskata etnogeneza: Bugarite se pobedeni od Mongolcite i regrutirani vo vojskata na Han Batu kako "Tatari" (shto znachi "pobedeni"). No Bugarite/Tatarite svojot identitet go crpat od Islamot, a Mongolcite podocna gi primaat islamot. Mongolcite so tekot na vremeto se asimilirani od Bugarite/Tatarite. Shodno, istorijata na Mongolcite stanuva Tatarsko nasledstvo.
" Bulgars, the ancestors of Tatars, were the Turkic people who settled in the middle Volga and lower Kama region during the first half of the 8th century.
In their psychological makeup and aspirations, Islam has played a defining role. Without Islam, Tatars asert, they would have been asimilated into the Russian culture and absorbed into the Russian Orthodox Christianity, retaining no trace of their own Bulgar-Tatar identity.
In 922 a determined attempt to spread Islam among the Bulgars was made when the Abbasid Caliph, Jafar AI-Muktadir, sent Ahmed lbn-Fadhlan, a missionary, to the Bulgar state. His mission converted practically the entire Bulgar population to Islam by the end of the tenth century.
In the eleventh centuries Bulgar stale had expanded when its borders reached the River Zai and in the south touched the Samara. Khorazmian Turkic in the Arab script was widely used as the literary language, as it was then widely used in Crimea.
The Bulgars conquered by the Mongols were drafted into Batu's army as Tatars, the conquered people. Consequently, in the Russian perception, the Mongolian invasion came to be known as the Tatar conquest.
This conversion of the Mongols to Islam generated the synthesis of Mongol with that of the Tatar culture and eventually Mongols were totally assimilated. Consequently, the Mongol history becamed Tatar patrimony. ....."
Postojat tri brana na turki koj go zaplisnale Balkanot. Prviot se originalnite Bugari, vtoriot bran se Kumanite i slichni, tretiot Turcite. Od prvite dve grupi, deneshnive Bugari crpat identitet, od tretite - ne. Bugarska rabota. ;-)
Seto ova iako e interesno, no nema vrska so temata ("Makedonski bogatstva") ... pa so objasnuvanjevo se vrakjame na taa diskusija, a sekoja druga kje se brishe.