The path you wish to undertake is a journey, not a destination. This is not an easy task. It can be very rewarding, but not an easy life. You must ask yourself, Why this path? First off you must realize that you are whole and complete as you are. You can try to make yourself better, but that just a fix. There is nothing to fix in you. We are beings of great power. We must learn how to harness this power and gain the knowledge from the FORCE.
You must learn that we all live in the moment. What is about to happen is not to concern us, and what has happened is in the past. Just as a walk in the woods, once we and passed the river or certain rock it is behind us and we can not go back. It will not be in front of us to discover again. Just as we do not traverse the same path over and over again to get to our destination, so we must leave the expeditions of the past behind us to grow. You must unlearn what you have learned.
Touching a hot ember teaches us that there is a pain and injury involved in that action. Standing before a large group and giving the incorrect answer, although it may embarrass us, no pain or injury occurs. If there is a pain, it is self-inflicted. We have put meaning to something in that past that will always be part of our future. This past event will control each trial you confront . Where does that leave us to be free to be at peace?
One thing you must know that you are your word. We live in a world of words. Our language gives the meaning to our world. Without language live has no meaning. In this we can find the power of the FORCE that is within us.
To harness this FORCE, the powers with in we need to master the following in our live. The arts of being Peaceful, Integrity, Courageous, Charismatic, Reaching others, Powerful, Scheme-Free
The words are used, but the meanings given to them may surprise you. We will, as we progress through the teachings, learn to use each of this practices to access each of these steps to live a powerful live governed by the Ways of the Force.
Each of the teachings are meant to be a starting point. I will accept discussion on any point. Whether Padawan, Knight, Or Master, we are all learners. If you are teaching or mentoring, remember that learning never stops. I have studied many years. I have read, watch and listened and come to some realizations. Only when at peace, when you are calm will you realize the full power of the FORCE.
You will hear the inner voices, what George Lucas has named the midi-chlorian. What they are can be call many things. You hear them always. Right now as you read this you are saying to your self, "I don't hear any voice", who do you think just said that? That is the true voice of us. We can control it, but it will also help us to live an extraordinary and power life.
I am not looking for a new religion. All religions have these teaching, but many of us are jaded by the Pomp and Circumstance of the trapping of the "powers that be" and tune them out. I am suggesting looking at these teachings and looking for them in your own faith. As I said earlier, we live in our words. What I choose to call something is what I choose to best express myself. You, your faith, or religion may say it differently, but the message is the same.
-- May the Force Be With You ... Always