- Член од
- 24 февруари 2005
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- 27.337
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There is no emotion;
There is peace.
There is no ignorance;
There is knowledge.
There is no passion;
There is serenity.
There is no death;
There is the Force.
"A Jedi's training in the Force never ends." A wise Jedi should strive to remember that there is always something more to learn about the Force. The Force reveals itself to those who have the desire and knowledge to see it, and heeding only the Force's will is much the same as looking at a bantha's toe and saying: "Now I understand banthas." To continue to grow, a Jedi should train each day."
"Jedi can exist in this universe because the Force exists. But the Jedi Order needs more: it requires loyalty. It goes without saying that Jedi should be loyal to one another, and not squabble or fight. More importantly, though, each Jedi should be aware that he must act in accordance with the wishes of his Master, who in turn acts in accordance with the wishes of the Jedi Council. This is not a question of seniority, but rather of understanding the will of the Force."
"A Jedi's responsibility to the Force is to be honest to himself. This does not mean that he must be forthright with everyone else, however."
"From a certain point of view, a Jedi is not being dishonest if he allows people to believe what they wish to believe. A Jedi can and should offer advice to those who need it, but it is not incumbent upon the Jedi to convince anyone to follow his advice.
In service to the Force, a Jedi may employ deception, subterfuge, misdirection, if he does so with a righteous aim. Although most sentient creatures have distaste for such practices, the Force is without such emotions.
Don't confuse this with "moral flexibility." A Jedi does what needs to be done. But also remember that a Jedi is not above the law."
"The most dangerous quotation ever uttered by a Jedi Master is: "A Jedi is not a creature of morals." Jedi, to mean that a Jedi can do no wrong, has unfortunately translated these words, often.
It actually means that Jedi are not enforcers of morality. While Jedi can bring or restore order and justice, they cannot themselves sit in judgement of others."
"The goal of the Jedi should be to create and preserve an atmosphere in which justice can flourish, rather than to try to create justice herself."
"A common mistake among younger Jedi is that bravery is the opposite of fear, and since fear leads to the dark side, bravery is armor against the dark side. Not so. If a Jedi is mindful of the will of the Force, he will know whether it is best to stand his ground, or flee, or even to offer truce. Remember that bravery itself is an emotion, and a Jedi should be at peace - even in the midst of war."
There is peace.
There is no ignorance;
There is knowledge.
There is no passion;
There is serenity.
There is no death;
There is the Force.
"A Jedi's training in the Force never ends." A wise Jedi should strive to remember that there is always something more to learn about the Force. The Force reveals itself to those who have the desire and knowledge to see it, and heeding only the Force's will is much the same as looking at a bantha's toe and saying: "Now I understand banthas." To continue to grow, a Jedi should train each day."
"Jedi can exist in this universe because the Force exists. But the Jedi Order needs more: it requires loyalty. It goes without saying that Jedi should be loyal to one another, and not squabble or fight. More importantly, though, each Jedi should be aware that he must act in accordance with the wishes of his Master, who in turn acts in accordance with the wishes of the Jedi Council. This is not a question of seniority, but rather of understanding the will of the Force."
"A Jedi's responsibility to the Force is to be honest to himself. This does not mean that he must be forthright with everyone else, however."
"From a certain point of view, a Jedi is not being dishonest if he allows people to believe what they wish to believe. A Jedi can and should offer advice to those who need it, but it is not incumbent upon the Jedi to convince anyone to follow his advice.
In service to the Force, a Jedi may employ deception, subterfuge, misdirection, if he does so with a righteous aim. Although most sentient creatures have distaste for such practices, the Force is without such emotions.
Don't confuse this with "moral flexibility." A Jedi does what needs to be done. But also remember that a Jedi is not above the law."
"The most dangerous quotation ever uttered by a Jedi Master is: "A Jedi is not a creature of morals." Jedi, to mean that a Jedi can do no wrong, has unfortunately translated these words, often.
It actually means that Jedi are not enforcers of morality. While Jedi can bring or restore order and justice, they cannot themselves sit in judgement of others."
"The goal of the Jedi should be to create and preserve an atmosphere in which justice can flourish, rather than to try to create justice herself."
"A common mistake among younger Jedi is that bravery is the opposite of fear, and since fear leads to the dark side, bravery is armor against the dark side. Not so. If a Jedi is mindful of the will of the Force, he will know whether it is best to stand his ground, or flee, or even to offer truce. Remember that bravery itself is an emotion, and a Jedi should be at peace - even in the midst of war."