9/11 Терористи или сепак не?

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Член од
21 јануари 2009
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Јас верувам дека патнички авиони се удрија во зградите.
Кои ги удри - не знам.
Следново го знам: овие луѓе се јавија дома од авионите да кажат ,,збогум,,.

Flight 93 flight attendant Ceecee Lyles, 33 years old, in an answering-machine message to her husband: "Please tell my children that I love them very much. I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could see your face again."

Thirty-one-year-old Melissa Harrington, a California-based trade consultant at a meeting in the towers, called her father to say she loved him. Minutes later she left a message on the answering machine as her new husband slept in their San Francisco home. "Sean, it's me," she said. "I just wanted to let you know I love you."

Capt. Walter Hynes of the New York Fire Department's Ladder 13 dialed home that morning as his rig left the firehouse at 85th Street and Lexington Avenue. He was on his way downtown, he said in his message, and things were bad. "I don't know if we'll make it out. I want to tell you that I love you and I love the kids."

Peter Hanson, a passenger on United Airlines Flight 175 called his father. "I think they intend to go to Chicago or someplace and fly into a building," he said. "Don't worry, Dad -- if it happens, it will be very fast." On the same flight, Brian Sweeney called his wife, got the answering machine, and told her they'd been hijacked. "Hopefully I'll talk to you again, but if not, have a good life. I know I'll see you again some day."


The stock trader, 24, was in the South Tower as the first plane hit.
Minutes before his own building was struck he called dad Frank, girlfriend Brooke and left this message for his mother Mary:
“Hey Mom. I’m sure you’ve heard a plane crashed into World Trade Center One. I’m obviously alive and well but obviously pretty scared.
Saw a guy fall out of probably the 91st storey all the way down. You’re welcome to give a call. Love you.”

Brian, 29, was struggling to breathe when he tried to ring brother Neal twice.
But Neal had just got home from a nightshift and was trying to sleep.
Office manager Brian’s message said: “A plane crashed into the Trade Center. It’s on fire, and I’m in it, and I can’t breathe. Tell everyone I love them, and if I don’t get out... goodbye.”
For the past eight years Neal has wondered how their chat might have gone.


Doc holidej

I'm your huckleberry!
Член од
6 септември 2012
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MAde hn america and unmade from america i na kraj ispaga edno made ko niedno...nafta irak afganistan toa ke e.
Член од
4 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции
А повеќето од вас заговарачи на теории не верувам дека знаете дека во 97-ма имало неуспешен обид за уривање на кулите, организирано од Ал-Каеда и уапсени се сите до еден вмешани.
И тогаш да не било заговор од злобните американци и илуминати?
А, ако било зошто било неуспешно?


Corvus oculum corvi non eruit?
Член од
16 октомври 2009
Поени од реакции
А повеќето од вас заговарачи на теории не верувам дека знаете дека во 97-ма имало неуспешен обид за уривање на кулите, организирано од Ал-Каеда и уапсени се сите до еден вмешани.
И тогаш да не било заговор од злобните американци и илуминати?
А, ако било зошто било неуспешно?
Знаеме. Знаеме и дека голем дел од нив добиле и американско државјанство од ... yours truly :D

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