Мислење дали е превара или не?

Член од
5 август 2007
Поени од реакции
Значи вака,
Брат ми се регистрира на една страна http://www.ceevee.com .
Оваа страна е за аплицирање на работа низ светов.
Aплцирал за неколку работи, од кои една му одговорија.
Станува збор за работа како менаџер во lounge bar во King Palace Hotel - London.
еве го огласот

Offer type
Full time
Career level
No experience, Entry-level, Experienced (Non-manager), Manager / Executive
City (Cities)
London (UK)
Offer domains
OfficeJobs - Administrative
Services - Hotels

Available positions

Our 5 star hotel in London is a key part of the city’s history. Stars, socialites and the crowned heads of Europe have enjoyed our The King Palace London Hotel for over 100 years.
Some of the world’s greatest designers have left their mark on The King Palace London Hotel. Original features mingle with distinctly modern twists, refining the effortless Art Deco elegance that makes London’s finest hotel so special.
A stay at The King Palace London Hotel is an unforgettable experience. Our dedicated staff will ensure your every whim is catered for.
Dear Applicant,

Employment Type: Full Time
Monthly Salary: 3,000GBP and above depending on level of experience
Preferred Language of Resume/Application: English
Years of Work Experience: One year minimum

OLD SCHEME HOUSING LOAN: One (1) year service to King Palace London Hotel is required for eligibility. Starter’s amount will be Ј15,000.00 GBP which can be re-paid within ten (10) years with 5% interest.
LIEU CAR LOAN: All Employees are eligible to apply. Starter’s amount will be Ј5,500.00 GBP which can be re-paid within five (5) years
TRAFFORD BUSINESS LOAN: All Employees are eligible to apply starter’s amount will be Ј10,000.00 GBP to Ј30,000.00 GBP annually

Available Positions for all Hotel and restaurant positions.

* The Hotel Management would be responsible to pay for your Visa, Flight Ticket and Accommodation.
* Employees are entitled to 2 times leave in a year, the duration of the leave is one month each.
* Employee is expected to reside at the Marriott London Hotel Hotel’s Housing Estate if they so wish. There are double bedroom and flat options for Employee to choose from. Family package status is available for Employee that wishes to relocate with Family.
* Employee is entitled to take meals free of charge at the general staff canteens. Dietary option, customized cooks and dietitians are available options

All other information about benefits which would be received by new employees would be given in their application process.

Interested Applicants should contact the Director of Human Resources or send to us his/her CV/RESUME via email as soon as we receive the response to our email we will furnish you with more details as regards the job application.

Kindest Regards,
N:B: Answered application should be sent to the email specified below.
Mr.James Micheal
Head of Human Resources

The King Palace London Hotel
Golders Green Road
London NW11 9BX
United Kingdom.

Registered in England No

Значи прво му пратија е-маил со содржина
ништо друго немаше, освен attachment во word документ, со следнава содржина
155-159 Golders Green Road
London NW11 9BX,

Dear Applicant,
I will like to inform you that we received your job application for a job placement here at the King Palace London Hotel. After going through your CV, the management has considered hiring you for your service. Below are some questions we would like you to answers. Please kindly read the questions carefully and provide us with your honest answers.
1-What is your full name?
2-Why do you want to work in Hotels?
3-Why do you want to work here? Why should we hire you over the others waiting to be interviewed?
4- What can you do for us that others can’t?
5- Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?
6- What are three positive things your Last Boss would say about you?
7-What are the things you like most?
8-What is your greatest strength? Why did you leave your last Job?
9-What do u mean by the words 'Service'?
10- What three specific job positions do you target from this company?
11- What salary are you seeking?
12-Are you willing to relocate toUnited Kingdomto do your duty as soon as possible?
13- Give three reasons why you want to work inUnited Kingdom?
14-Will you comply with the company laid down rules and regulations?
15-Will you be able to be patient with a customer when they are insulting you?
16- What’s your nationality?
17- Do you currently have a Visa and Work Permit?
18-The CV you sent, are they for you, and best describe you?
19-Contact number………………………………………………………………….

20- Present location…………………………………………………………………

21-Three job offer sites where we can find your CV

We are expecting the answers to these questions as soon as possible to enable us carry out further examination. As soon as we receive your answers we will furnish you with more information as regard your job application.

Yours faithfully,
Mr. James Micheal
Manager, Human Resources Department

Одкако ги одговори прашањава, повторно му стаса маил од истата адреса career@thekingsizehotel.com со истата содржина само со pdf документ со job offer. еве ќе го копирам и пдф - от.

155-159 Golders Green Road
London NW11 9BX
Tel: +44 (0) 702 4029878
Date: 23th May 2012
Congratulations! We are pleased to confirm you have been selected to work for the King Palace Hotel. We are delighted to make you the following job offer.
The position we are offering is that of (Pub/Lounge Manager) at a salary of (£3,950) per month, which is a gross salary and the Net salary is (£2,920). This position reports to (Assistant HR Manager – Jane Bedrock). Your working hours will be from (7am – 3pm (8hrs) Mon-Fridays), with break period of 2hrs only, beginning from (12pm - 2pm) This is a contract position which you would be able to work here in London for a minimum of 1yr and a maximum of 5yrs.
We would like you to start work on (16th June 2012). If this date is not acceptable, please do inform us.
• Employee’s are entitled to (2) times leave in a year, the duration of the leave is one month each. Employee will receive £1,250 take home for each leave period.
• Employees are entitled to three (3) square meals daily and also expected to reside at the King Palace Hotel staff quarters for a period of one (1) year, whereby the hotel management would be responsible to take care of the employee’s accommodation, The only fees which would be required of a new employee to pay before moving into the staff quarters is the A.R.F (Accommodation Registration Fee). There are three (3) packages from which a new employee can choose from and they are listed below.
Executive King Room (Family Package Included) - £ 1,520.25
Double Superior King Room (Family Package Included) - £ 987.25
Deluxe King Room (For Single Worker Only) - £ 535.25
155-159 Golders Green Road
London NW11 9BX
Tel: +44 (0) 702 4029878
• The King Palace Hotel will provide the employee with comprehensive health care for the term of contract and follow-on care for injuries suffered during the term of contract for employee and family.
• Employee shall be entitled to comprehensive health care services, which are to be administered by medical experts on job locations.
• In a case of emergency situation, an employee will be flown to his home country or any country suitable for the best medical attention. This decision can be influenced by the findings of the King Palace Hotel medical experts, unless the employee in question states otherwise.
Information Regarding Travelling Documentations:
• As a Non-EU Citizen, you would require a Visa and a Residence Work Permit, so as for you to be eligible to work here in the UK. The King Palace Hotel management would be responsible to cover the expenses for the processing of your Visa and Flight Ticket, whereby you would have to bear the charges for the processing of your Residence Work Permit
• As an EU citizen and a member of the EEA and the SWISS National, you do not require a Visa or Work Permit to enter and work in the UK. The King Palace Hotel management would be responsible to pay for your Flight Ticket.
Note: EU citizens, especially from (Romania & Bulgaria) would require a Residence Work Permit so as for them to be eligible to work here in the UK and as for other EU Citizens, you wouldn’t need a Visa or Work Permit to work here in the UK and the only fees which would be required of you to
pay for is the A.R.F (Accommodation Registration Fee).
155-159 Golders Green Road
London NW11 9BX
Tel: +44 (0) 702 4029878
You should also note that your employment here at the King Palace Hotel, would be considered under the TIER 2 CASES work permit application scheme and you are entitled to work for a period of one (1) year or five (5) i.e. if you which to extend your employment here at the King Palace Hotel or with some other company/organization.
Kindly sign this letter and return it back to us as an email attachment to indicate your acceptance of this offer.
We are confident you will be able to make a significant contribution to the success of the King Palace Hotel and look forward to working with you.
James Micheal
Human Resource Manager
King Palace London Hotel
I accept the offer as outlined above.
Date: -------/-------/-------- Signature:



Член од
12 април 2008
Поени од реакции
Прво не постои таков хотел, посебно не во Барнет :icon_lol: , нема шанси да добиеш плата од £3.000 како хотелски работник.
Скем и тоа добро смислен!


Член од
24 мај 2005
Поени од реакции
Лесно може да се провери телефонски, и преку официјалните контакт методи на нивната страна.
Како што читам треба да се добие работна виза или перманентен претстој за да може да работи во хотелот.
Летот до таму ти го плаќа хотелот, значи за да средиш документација по амбасадите - ти праќаат авионска карта. Нешто слично како работа по бродови, и други туристички дејности. Врз основа на авионскиот тикет и хотелската резервација, тие во амбасадата треба да доделат работна виза.
А обично преварите се зачинети со манипулации од типот, "плати предвреме 50еур за виза, уплати 20еур за почеток на процесот.. итн итн.."
Aдресата во меилот укажува на King Solomon Hotel
Официјален маил контакт им е: info@kingsolomonhotel.com
Е сега... King Solomon Hotel / King Palace Hotel / King Size Hotels.. е малку збунувачки, освен ако не се работи за ресор од хотели.
Според мене, не е превара :cautious::rolleyes:


Султан :P
Член од
16 февруари 2012
Поени од реакции
Мислам дека не е.
и 3.000 £ е супер плата и не е многу за нивни стандард за овде многу е!
плус кој е глупав за да пишува толку текст и да објаснува безцелно....


Член од
12 април 2008
Поени од реакции
Ево извадок од нивната веб страна

Discover a magnificent view of
The King Palace London Hotel and the Seine
which flows past your feet... :pos:
Не сум знаел дека Сена тече низ Лондон.
Најдобро намерно ти кажувам пријателе, во таа област нема хотели, има само неколку шугави мотелчиња, тоа е претежно индустриска област и не е во центарот на Лондон.
Член од
24 март 2010
Поени од реакции
Овде е многу но таму не баш!
Друже таму просечна плата е 2000-2300 фунти. А хотелски работник спаѓа во професиите од долниот дел во пресметката на просечна плата. 1200 фунти е максимум што некој може да извади без работно искуство во такви професии.
Член од
3 ноември 2009
Поени од реакции
Погуглајте и ќе се уверите.Ова е scam.


А тоа дека на ќоро ќе ти дадат 3000 фунти сигурно. За работник во бар тоа е премногу, колку доселеници има во Британија кои би работеле за тие пари. Пробај со апликација, сигурно ќе ти побараат некакви application fee преку Western Union.

По се изгледа дека е превара :(



Нека стој темава, да не се заеби некој друг, да треба пари да прати.
Од авион се гледаше, вака ептен е појасно. Туку сменете наслов на темата да биде поспецифична.


Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
Поени од реакции
Брат ти го чекаа за менаџер таму, друг човек не се најде :icon_lol:.


Самострел да зеам, да истепам тоа племе
Член од
3 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
Мислам дека не е.
и 3.000 £ е супер плата и не е многу за нивни стандард за овде многу е!
плус кој е глупав за да пишува толку текст и да објаснува безцелно....
Член од
21 јануари 2009
Поени од реакции
Кажи му на брат ти, подобро да најде работа со дирекно праќање на CV во хотелот (или било каде) каде што сака да работи.
Ако на некого му се допадне, и така ќе му даде работа, нека не си ,,посредува,, со агенции најпаметно ;)

Kajgana Shop

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