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2 јуни 2007
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Знаете ли нешто повеќе за Dimitrie Bolintineanu ?????
Познат романски поет,1851 г. Патувал низ Македонија, Египет,Бугарија, Палестина....
Напишал и повеќе збирки,меѓу кои и „Македонки„.......

Dimitrie Bolintineanu (1819 (1825 according to other sources) -1872) was a Romanian poet (though he wrote in many other styles as well), diplomat, politician, and a participant in the revolution of 1848. He was of Macedonian Aromanian origins. His many poems, of nationalist overtone, fueled emotions during the unification ofWallachia and Moldavia.
Nicolae Iorga, a major Rumanian historian, literary critic, extreme-right nationalist and politician (at one time, Fascist Prime Minister) made shure that he stressed the Bolintineanu's un-Rumanian roots: "His parents are not Old Moldavians, Old Muntenians, or Old Transylvanians, but rather from a family from the Balkans, apparently recently resettled in this country, some sort of 3rd rate boyars or more exactly of the land-renters class." In any case, be it for racist or other reasons, Nicolae Iorga denied that Bolintineanu had any value as a writer, while Aron Densuşianu believd that Bolintineanu was the greatest romantic poet of Rumania.
For ethnic clarification, Bolintineanu's father, Ienache Cosmad, came to Wallachia from Ohrida. The poet was born in Bolintin / Bolintinul din Vale (Ilfov county / judeţul Ilfov), a village near Bucureşti.

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