Вести, настани и гласини поврзани со игри


Wanna play a game?
Член од
14 февруари 2007
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Моменталната цена на XBOX ONE во Game_On. Според информациите, оваа е првична цена затоа што нема доволно залиха за конзоливе, и поскапо се продаваат преку реселери, плус поскапа поштарина.... Понатаму би требало да се нормализираат.

Член од
9 март 2013
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Знае некој нешто за продолжение на Test Drive последното е 2011 има нешто најавено за 3 дел или нешто изработка?


/b/ House /b/
Член од
13 декември 2007
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Ајј за 3 саати завршува. Ги гагнав :D


Wanna play a game?
Член од
14 февруари 2007
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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls излегува на 25 Март, 2014, а може да се купи уште сега преку battle.net по цена од 40$ и Digital Deluxe Edition по цена од 60$ (за нас се истиве цифри, ама во евра :) )



Член од
4 април 2010
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Го продавам својот стим:
Понуди по ПП


Juve Fan
Член од
29 јули 2008
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An open letter to all Hitman fans

Dear Hitman fans,
We wanted to share this open letter with all of you out there eagerly awaiting morenews about what’s happening next in the franchise.
At Io-Interactive right now, we are building the next AAA Hitman game for PC and next-gen consoles. It has our total focus and we wanted to take a moment to tell you a few things about it.
In the next game you will experience a globetrotting Agent 47 at the prime of his career – the apex predator stalking his prey across the world, with the support of his long-term handler Diana Burnwood and the whole of the ICA.
The game concentrates on the core Hitman fantasy of using a wide range of tools to take out a diverse group of targets across expansive, exotic locations around the world. We are building this game on the backbone of the Glacier 2 engine, using the best parts and what we have learnt through Hitman: Absolution and drawing inspiration from past titles like Contracts and Blood Money to fulfil the core Hitman fantasy. That means we’re packing in an extreme level of detail on the largest levels we have ever built for a Hitman game. We’ve adopted an open, non-linear level design approach to the game, ensuring the game will play out across huge, checkpoint-free, sandbox levels. Our aim is to create living, breathing and believable levels which will allow gamers to play around with the AI to create those unique moments every fan of the Hitman franchise loves.
Contracts Mode is back – you will be able to create and build challenges by experimenting with the large levels and possibilities within them. And of course, you can share them with the world and challenge your friends or foes to complete your hits. Your rules, your Contracts.
You will also be glad to hear that we have removed 47’s magic pockets. We believe that’s all we need to say about that subject.
As we get further into 2014, we will reveal more and get into much closer contact with all of you. There are so many things we have planned and we are extremely excited for the future of Hitman.
Thank you all for your dedication. We will share much, much more in the coming months.
The Io-Interactive Team
Член од
7 април 2012
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An open letter to all Hitman fans

Dear Hitman fans,
We wanted to share this open letter with all of you out there eagerly awaiting morenews about what’s happening next in the franchise.
At Io-Interactive right now, we are building the next AAA Hitman game for PC and next-gen consoles. It has our total focus and we wanted to take a moment to tell you a few things about it.
In the next game you will experience a globetrotting Agent 47 at the prime of his career – the apex predator stalking his prey across the world, with the support of his long-term handler Diana Burnwood and the whole of the ICA.
The game concentrates on the core Hitman fantasy of using a wide range of tools to take out a diverse group of targets across expansive, exotic locations around the world. We are building this game on the backbone of the Glacier 2 engine, using the best parts and what we have learnt through Hitman: Absolution and drawing inspiration from past titles like Contracts and Blood Money to fulfil the core Hitman fantasy. That means we’re packing in an extreme level of detail on the largest levels we have ever built for a Hitman game. We’ve adopted an open, non-linear level design approach to the game, ensuring the game will play out across huge, checkpoint-free, sandbox levels. Our aim is to create living, breathing and believable levels which will allow gamers to play around with the AI to create those unique moments every fan of the Hitman franchise loves.
Contracts Mode is back – you will be able to create and build challenges by experimenting with the large levels and possibilities within them. And of course, you can share them with the world and challenge your friends or foes to complete your hits. Your rules, your Contracts.
You will also be glad to hear that we have removed 47’s magic pockets. We believe that’s all we need to say about that subject.
As we get further into 2014, we will reveal more and get into much closer contact with all of you. There are so many things we have planned and we are extremely excited for the future of Hitman.
Thank you all for your dedication. We will share much, much more in the coming months.
The Io-Interactive Team
Е, редно беше.

Не знам, среќен сум дека добија уште една шанса да направат игра достојно да е продолжение на Blood Money, ама после разочарувачката Absolution не се надевам на многу.


Програмер, гејмер, psy-trance уживател
Член од
11 август 2009
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Е, редно беше.

Не знам, среќен сум дека добија уште една шанса да направат игра достојно да е продолжение на Blood Money, ама после разочарувачката Absolution не се надевам на многу.
Всушност, Absolution е најдобра досега. Најусовршен гејмплеј и технички најпоткована од сите претходни.
Член од
1 март 2010
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У курац, Fifa World Cup нема да ја има за на компјутер :mad:
Член од
2 февруари 2014
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Gta v ќе има pc верзија или слабо

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