WTA тенис - општа дискусија

Член од
19 март 2011
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Радванска во пензија.

My Dear Friends,

I’d like to share with you one of the most important decisions of my life. Today, after 13 years of playing tennis competitively, I have decided to end my career. This was not an easy decision. I am grateful to have so many special memories, including 20 WTA titles, The WTA Championships in Singapore, a Wimbledon final, and so many others. Unfortunately I am no longer able to train and play the way I used to, and recently my body can’t live up to my expectations. Taking into consideration my health and the heavy burdens of professional tennis, I have to concede that I’m not able to push my body to the limits required.

I’m hanging the racquet up and say goodbye to the pro tour, but I’m not leaving tennis. Tennis is and always has been special in my life. But now it’s time for new challenges, new ideas, equally as exciting as those on the tennis court, I hope.

Throughout my career, I always did my best to represent my country in the best possible way. I hope that my tennis matches were the source of emotions and joy for you all. Your support, warm words and faith in me were with me in every single match I played and this is what I’m thankful for. Thank you for every sleepless night in front of the TV and all those Fan Favorite awards – that was the biggest honour and best reward for my hard work. I am truly grateful for having the best and most loyal fans in all of tennis.

Special thanks to all those who were with me through thick and thin: my parents, my sister and my best team: David, Tom, Krzysztof, Jason, my sponsors and partners – I will always be thankful for what you’ve done to me. Aga

Една од моите омилени тенисерки.
Член од
23 август 2010
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Една од моите омилени тенисерки.
Една од најинтелигентните на турот без дилема, со физички недостатоци кои ги надоместуваше со мозок. Увек ми е жал кога некој спорист е спречен до крај да ја истера својата кариера ради повреда.


Патник, педер, поет, администратор, масон
Член од
29 јануари 2007
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Халеп стварно фатила Македонец :pos: :pos:



Халеп стварно фатила Македонец :pos: :pos:

Цинцарска традиција ....Џаст тхе традишн ...Као нашинец од Австралија,Битолчанка да земи :D
Автоматски споено мислење:

The tradition of the Macedonians is to marry each other. Therefore, the Simone family hardly accepts an "intruder." It is not the case of Iuruc.
Simona Halep has repeatedly stated that he wants his family and children.
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