Мороњо ги навреди сите од УНИЦЕФ до чистачи во УЕФА, што очекувавте? Да не е случајно Бог? Преблага казна, јас би го исклучил од УЕФА натпреварувања доживотно. Зависта и омразата ги преминаа сите граници. Знаеме дека плачеше да биде тренер на Барса, сега ако не е не значи дека треба да биде ментален случај.
Ах да, уште ова. Заборавив да кажам дека последниот почесен член на Реал Мадрид е Сеп Блатер himself. Исто така, еве некои интересни детали:
Real Madrid always present their referee with a beautiful watch after every game — a memento with a discreet Real Madrid crest on it, so you remember where it came from. The Spanish federation do the same after an international game, where a lady waits for the officials to change before making the presentation.
The most successful club in European club history (Real Madrid) always invite you to take the museum tour. A nice gesture which leaves you in no doubt as to how big and powerful they are.
Jose Mourinho, after joining Chelsea, invited me to the training ground to speak to his team. He introduced me as ‘the No 1 referee, not just in England but in Europe’ (I had refereed his Porto team twice and they had won both home games). The next weekend I refereed his first league match, at home to Manchester United.
Chelsea won 1-0 and he asked me if there was anything I needed. I said, tongue in cheek, that the referees’ dressing room was not up to much. When I returned in the October it had been fully refurbished, flat-screen TV, freshly tiled new showers and complimentary expensive toiletries.