The Black Greeks — (by Prof. Clyde Winters)

Член од
17 февруари 2005
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The Black Greeks

To deny the African origin of Grecian civilization the Eurocentrists attack Martin Bernal’s book: Black Athena. This book has nothing to do with Afrocentrism. In the two volumes published thus far, Bernal maintains that Semites from Phoenicia and the Semitic Hyksos speaking rulers of Egypt, took civilization to Greece, not Black Africans.

J.A. Rogers in Sex and Race, Parker, Diop and DuBois on the other hand, are Afrocentric scholars. These scholars have reviewed the writings of the classical authors, the anthropological, linguistic and historical evidence to reach the conclusion that the ancient Greeks were blacks and that the European Greeks learned the liberal arts and sciences from their “black ancestors” who first settled Greece and the Egyptians.

According to the Olympian Creation Myth the earliest groups to appear on earth were the Libyco-Thracians .The Libyans were Proto-Saharans, as were the original Thracians. Some Thracians were descendants of the Ku****e and Egyptian troops established at Trace, by Sesostris (Thutmose III or Ramses II), when he conquered Asia and Europe.(Diop 1991; Winters 1983a,1984b,1985a)

Many of the so-called Greek myths are in reality historical texts which show the ancient lifestyle of the pre-Aryans in Greece and the transition from Pelasgian matriarchy to Greek-Aryan patriarchy. The term Amazon was often used by the Aryans to denote matriarchal societies living on the Black Sea. The battle between Thesus and the Amazons, led by Queen Melanippe, records the conflicts between the ancient Aryan-Greeks and the Libyans settled around the Black Sea.

Dr. Lefkowitz (1992) and Snowden (1992,1976) perpetuate the myth that the only blacks in ancient Europe were slaves or mercenaries. This is false the Greek historical works make it clear that many ancient settlers of the Aegean came from Africa , especially the Garamantes and Pelasgians. G. W. Parker wrote that: “I need not go into details concerning the ethnical relations of the Romans, since they, too are Mediterranean and are closely related to the same African confederation of races …[situated in Greece]. Aeneas, their mythical founder of Troy. The Aenead, like the Illiad, and Odyssey and all other of the world’s great epics, is the poetic story dealing with African people”. The heroes of these tales used long shields, the characteristic shields of the Indo-European speaking Greeks were round.

The Eurocentrists attempt to prove there was “considerable cultural and linguistic continuity from the twelfth century to the eight century BC” ,in the Aegean . Yet there is no way it can be proven that Indo-European Greeks have always been in Greece. This view on the continuity between the Linear B Greeks and later Greeks held by Lefkowitz is disputed by Hopper who noted that ” after all, so much which characterizes Minoan Crete seems wholly alien to later Greece, despite the efforts of scholars to detect ‘continuity’ ” .

Original: The Black Greeks


Byzantium in Dark-Age Greece (the numismatic evidence in its Balkan context)

© 2005 Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Vol. 29 No. 2 (2005) 113–146

Florin Curta
University of Florida

Much has been made of the presence or absence of seventh- and eighth-century coins on several sites in Greece, primarily in Athens and Corinth. Kenneth Setton and Peter Charanis have paved the way for a cultural-historical interpretation of coin finds, but a thorough comparison of both single and hoard finds from Greece with others from the Balkans suggests a very different interpretation. Instead of signalising decline, lowdenomination coins, especially from Athens, may point to local markets of low-value commodities, such as food, as well as to the permanent presence of the fleet.

Almost half a century ago, three polemical articles appeared in Speculum on seventhcentury Corinth. Apparently, the debate opposing Peter Charanis to Kenneth Setton was about an obscure episode, the alleged conquest of Corinth by a group of nomads known to Byzantine sources as Onogurs.1

In fact, at stake was more than just the interpretation of a confusing passage in a late source, namely a letter of Isidore, the fifteenth-century metropolitan of Kiev, who had allegedly preserved ‘a reminiscence of a Peloponnesian tradition’.2

In his first article, Setton reacted against Charanis’s earlier work,3 in which he had treated the Chronicle of Monemvasia, one of the most controversial sources for the early medieval history of Greece, as ‘absolutely trustworthy’. According to Setton, the Chronicle was no more than ‘a medley of some fact and some fiction’ that historians should use ‘with caution’.4

Charanis had taken the Chronicle at face value. By contrast, Setton believed it was ludicrous to claim that the Peloponnese had remained under Avar-Slavic domination for 218 years. According to him, ‘much of the Slavonisation of the Balkans and of Greece’ was the result of peaceful settlement: ‘unknown numbers of Slavs’ came ‘at unknown times and under unknown circumstances’. There was, however, no such thing as a Slavic conquest of Greece. ‘The Slavs came, but they did not conquer.’5

In response, Charanis wrote of Slavic domination and great numbers of settlers coming to Greece during the entire period from ‘just before the beginning of Maurice’s reign [582–602] to the early years of the reign of Heraclius [610–41]’.6 He attacked the ‘official version of the Slavic problem in Greece’ espoused by Stilpon Kyriakides: ‘no Greek scholar, writing in Greece, has ever acknowledged that Slavs settled in Greece during the sixth century’.7

At a first glimpse, the Setton-Charanis debate was nothing new. Many of the arguments used by both sides were almost a century old.
The Chronicle of Monemvasia was first used as a primary source for the history of the Slavs in Greece by Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer, the German journalist who claimed that the modern Greeks were descendants not of ancient Greeks (TRUE OR FALSE?), but of Slavs and Albanians whose ancestors had settled in Greece during the Middle Ages and had learned to speak Greek from the Byzantine authorities.8

In fact, Setton went as far as to claim that although Charanis seemed to hold Fallmerayer up to opprobrium, his views were not ‘unlike those entertained by Fallmerayer more than a century ago’.9

In 1952, comparing one’s work with that of Fallmerayer was a serious charge. In Greece (HE, HE, WHY?), Fallmerayer had been demonised to the point that, although actually an enemy of Russia, he came to be regarded as a Panslavist and as an agent of the tsar.10

Long before its first translation into Greek, Fallmerayer’s work was stigmatised as ‘anti-Greek’.11

During and after the Civil War, the ‘Slavs’ became the national enemy. By 1950, those embracing the ideology of the right saw their political rivals as the embodiment of all that was anti-national, Communist, and Slavic. A strong link was established between national identity and political orientation, as the Civil War and the subsequent defeat of the left-wing movement turned Slav Macedonians into the

Sudetens of Greece.12

To hold Fallmerayeran views was thus a crimen laesae maiestatis. Dionysios A. Zakythinos, the author of the first monograph on medieval Slavs in Greece, wrote of the Dark Ages separating Antiquity from the Middle Ages as an era of decline and ruin brought by Slavic invaders.13

Some insisted on the beneficial Byzantine influence that forced the Slavs to abandon their nomadic life of bandits.14


JOK оr NO?

Има некој за коментар за Хеленската античка убавина?
Член од
22 јуни 2007
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KAk da razberesh za nekoi blog ce ima nuleva nauchna istoriceska stoinost.EMi kato vidish cinizmi oshte na glavnata stranica go zatvori i davat natatak.Anaveno a za srbite podobni blogove sto ne pravite.Smeniha vi azbukata smeniha vi imenata znameto istoriata-drebni kompleksirani dusicki kolko povece gi mackas tolko povece te obicat


Anaveno a za srbite podobni blogove sto ne pravite....

Tе бендиса, а? Nе мешај баби и жаби. Aко ви се Србите 48% генетски браќа, значи и за нив важи истото.

Бугарската наука има nuleva nauchna istoriceska stoinost.

Кога Божо кажува дека братучедите му имале имиња да се чудиш, а тој самиот квргоглав и црномурест. И плус кажува за Славска крв. А незнае од која ОРДА е...
Член од
17 март 2005
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Одамна се спремав да ја прочитам книгава (“Црна Атина: афроазиските корени на класичната цивилизација’’), но тоа го сторив дури неделава.

Со еден збор: Проф. Мартин Бернал ги напрвил Европјаните и арапо-грците - парам парче!!! Импресивен текст, посебно воведот т.е. историската парадигма од 60тина страни.

Бернал докажува дека “античката грчка цивилизација’’ е измислица створена во 19. век и дека е расистичка во основа! Сходно, основата за целата “Западна цивилизација’’ треба да се преиспита. Имено, на 300+ страни, Бернал го документира потеклото на Западната цивилизација како египетско и феничанско.

Има многу нешта со кои нема да се сложиме со проф. Бернал. Не завлегувам во степенот на влијанието на Египтјаните и Феничаните врз античките Хелени кое очиглено е дека е големо. Она што за нас е битно е дека Бернал ДОКАЖУВА со име, презиме, цитати, настани, години - нешто што го нарекува ХЕЛЕНОМАНИЈА во Европа кое нешто создало политички концепт “грчка цивилизација’’ и таа конструкција не потпаднала под третман врз правилата на науката.

Во книгата “Црна Атина’’ има не едно туку две поглавја за Хеленоманијата! (интересно пред да се појави Хеленоманијата, Европјаните се одушевувале на Индија и признавале дека се што имаат доаѓа од Индија). Тие две поглавја треба секој од нас да ги прочита и да ги знае, плус да ги користи како моќно оружје против блудницата вавилонска и нејзиното копиле - Грција.

Еве еден извадок од “Црна Атина’’ од познатиот филозоф, Хегел, кој во 1892 год. вели дека името Грција ги топли срцата на образованите луѓе во Европа, посебно на Германците. Но, вели Хегел, главницата на својата религија и култура, Хелените го превземале од Азија, Сирија, и Египет. Нив толку ги измениле и извртеле, продолжува Хегел, што сето она со што денес се гордееме, го цениме и љубиме, е нивнo.

"The name of Greece strikes home to the hearts of men of education in Europe, and more particularly in this so with us Germans ... They [the Greeks] certainly received the substantial beginnings of their religion, culture, ... from Asia, Syria, and Egypt; but they have so much changed, worked on, turned around, and altоgether made so different, that what they -- as we -- prize, know, and love in it is essentially their own. "

(Hegel, Lectures on the History of Philosophy, 1892, vol. I, pg. 149-50)

Книгата може да се прочита на интернет:,M1

Член од
27 мај 2008
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Мисирков,првиот текст да го работам? или ќе треба да се среди малку?


Херодот татко на историјата,но татко и на лагите,ова им беше добро,сепак браво одличен материјал против гејризмот


Член од
5 февруари 2007
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Ова е контраверзна тема од многу причини.
Но колку и да е вистинита, колку и да нее, веќе со Денаиве не бива со арно.
Така што и да пука нека пука навистина нема што да се воздржуваме во нашите коментари.
Член од
17 март 2005
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Точно, контроверзна е темава, но прочитај уште еднаш зошто е битна книгава за нас, a после прочитај ги тие делови (линкот е даден):

Misirkov напиша:
Она што за нас е битно е дека Бернал ДОКАЖУВА со име, презиме, цитати, настани, години - нешто што го нарекува ХЕЛЕНОМАНИЈА во Европа кое нешто создало политички концепт “грчка цивилизација’’ и таа конструкција не потпаднала под третман врз правилата на науката.

Во книгата “Црна Атина’’ има не едно туку две поглавја за Хеленоманијата! (интересно пред да се појави Хеленоманијата, Европјаните се одушевувале на Индија и признавале дека се' што имаат доаѓа од Индија). Тие две поглавја треба секој од нас да ги прочита и да ги знае, плус да ги користи како моќно оружје против блудницата вавилонска и нејзиното копиле - Грција. ...

Книгата може да се прочита на интернет:,M1


Добро,оваа тема стои скоро година дена,и никој не напишал за истоимениот филм?
Член од
17 март 2005
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Информирај за филмот де!

За жал, Бернал како да виде дека ќе го јадат и некако ја смири дебатата, односно избега од дебатата за расата на Хелените (египтјаните, итн). Ова е неговата втора книга-одговор на критичарите под наслов “Црната Атина одговара’’:



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