

Член од
21 ноември 2009
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Е серија кој е на еден начин комична (има комични моменти), но самата по себе е всушност акциона серија која започна со снимање кон крајот на 2008 година и досега има снимено 4 сезони, 5-тата се снима. Има 5 главни актери/актерки
- Timothy Hutton - mastermind
- Gina Bellman - grifter
- Alis Hodge - hacker
- Christian Kane - hitter
- Beth Riesgraf - thief

Нивната цел е да крадат од богатите и да им даваат на сиромашните.

  • Timothy Hutton as Nathan "Nate" Ford ("The Mastermind"): A former insurance fraud investigator for IYS Insurance and the team's mastermind. The son of South Boston numbers runnerJimmy Ford,[10] Nate originally intended to become a Catholic priest prior to becoming an insurance investigator. While Nate was working for IYS, his young son Sam became fatally ill and IYS refused to pay for an experimental procedure, resulting in his death. The aftermath led to Nate's divorce from his wife Maggie, his subsequent dismissal from the company and his descent into alcoholism. After meeting the team for the first time and running a con against their first mark, instead of disbanding as intended, Nate is asked to continue working with them and is given the privilege of leading the team and selecting what clients the team will help. A skilled planner, Nate draws on his experience as an insurance investigator to anticipate the moves of his team's marks. Nate is at first very affable, but is unwilling to discuss his own problems with friends or others. His tendency to change objectives in the middle of a job, his alcoholism, and his often-tenuous relationship with his team has on occasion put the client and the team at risk.
  • Gina Bellman as Sophie Devereaux ("The Grifter"): British actress and accomplished grifter with a taste for art theft. Multi-lingual and particularly adept at the use of accents, Sophie is seen to portray many characters in various cons, usually making direct contact with a mark to draw them into the con. Sophie has a collection of aliases, which includes "Sophie Devereaux", but her real name remains unknown. Comically, her attempts to make a career as an actress lead to nothing but failure, as she proves woefully untalented and over-the-top onstage. It is only during a con when she can disappear effortlessly into a character, where ironically she can actually act well if she is pretending to be an actress. She has a long history with Nate, dating back at least ten years to when he pursued her with IYS as an art thief. At some point, they recognized an attraction to one another, leaving Sophie alternately frustrated, angry and disappointed. They have on occasion tried to further the relationship, but for various reasons one or the other has resisted.
  • Aldis Hodge as Alec Hardison ("The Hacker"): The team's computer specialist and hacker. He is a self-proclaimed geek and science fiction fan, with an easy going manner and dry, unusual wit. Hardison was raised by a foster parent, an older woman he refers to as "Nana". Hardison can hack into most forms of electronics and is rarely caught. Hardison designed and assembled the computer and television systems in the team's headquarters, and is responsible for the two-way earpieces used by the team on each episode. He is also very attached to his electronics (and in particular his van) and shown to become very depressed when the con takes a turn for the worse and requires they destroy his electronics to make their escape. Hardison and Parker have a developing romantic relationship but it is fraught with personal complications.
  • Christian Kane as Eliot Spencer ("The Hitter"): The team's highly skilled martial artist, weapons expert and self-described "retrieval expert". A former soldier in the United States Army, his role in cons is often to play small roles while protecting the team, often leading him into hand-to-hand combat that draws on his martial arts skills. Eliot once worked for crime financier Damien Moreau, and has a long history as a hired gun and bodyguard, then a retrieval specialist. Eliot has proficiency with firearms, but dislikes guns. While merely presumed as the muscleman, he demonstrates a subtle intelligence in conversation, often taking advantage of the underestimations of others and later in the series performs as a grifter along with Sophie. In contrast to the other characters Eliot prefers to keep his romantic life private, as well as much of his background.
  • Beth Riesgraf as Parker ("The Thief"): An expert thief, cat-burglar, pickpocket and safe-cracker. The product of an abusive childhood spent in several foster homes, Parker is socially awkward and relates poorly to most people. Sophie has attempted to improve gaps in her social skills on numerous occasions with limited success. Parker also has affection for Hardison, but finds it hard to convey what she feels when confronted by others. While emotionally impulsive, she can demonstrate great physical self-control in her work using acrobatics, strength and concentration to her advantage. Her obsessive focus on theft is to the point that her safehouse is filled with gear and rappelling equipment to help her in various jobs, and during one con, she was put through a rehab to address it. Parker was trained at a young age by expert thief (and recurring character) Archie Leach, who found her proficient with the physical demands of burglary as well as safe-cracking and lock-picking, skills she uses in many of the cons.


Член од
29 април 2008
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Ја имам изгледано цела прва сезона и прекинав.
Хакерот со калкулатор може НАСА да ја урнер. Останатите ликови ич не се симпатични. Таа плавата као УВЕК е безгрижна. А тој што им е водичот па...
Серијава е многу послаба копија на британската Hustle.
Член од
20 март 2012
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Кое време ја даваат серијава и на кој канал беше?
Прашувам бидејќи или ја фаќам на средина, или при крај.
Инаку ми е сосема ОК, во споредба со турско-индиските глупости:)


Член од
21 ноември 2009
Поени од реакции
Кое време ја даваат серијава и на кој канал беше?
Прашувам бидејќи или ја фаќам на средина, или при крај.
Инаку ми е сосема ОК, во споредба со турско-индиските глупости:)
На канал 5 или 5+ :)

Freddy Krueger

The Dream Master
Член од
18 март 2009
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и јас кога ја гледав првата сезона мислев да ја прекинам затоа што на почетокот глумците ич не ми се свиѓаа, ама сепак интересна серија и вреди да се догледа до крај а и со времето и глумците(ликовите) стануваат посимпатични и подобри!!


Член од
21 ноември 2009
Поени од реакции
и јас кога ја гледав првата сезона мислев да ја прекинам затоа што на почетокот глумците ич не ми се свиѓаа, ама сепак интересна серија и вреди да се догледа до крај а и со времето и глумците(ликовите) стануваат посимпатични и подобри!!
Досега е добро, јас сум 3та сезона на средина и немам време да ги гледам. Но кога ќе најдам ќе ги гледам

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