Euro truck simulator 1/2 ( Truck games )

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19 април 2013
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Оваа игра се игра само со волан и тоа со оние што имаат поголема ротација, не они ф1 со мал опсег. За целосен реализам, а и подобра контрола.
Со тастатура нема врска, не се управува камионот ич. не е тоа тоа.


Заменик министер без титула
Член од
15 февруари 2013
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Оваа игра се игра само со волан и тоа со оние што имаат поголема ротација, не они ф1 со мал опсег. За целосен реализам, а и подобра контрола.
Со тастатура нема врска, не се управува камионот ич. не е тоа тоа.
Нема везе се зљвиси како сакаш да возиш јас имам волан со педали менувач оргинален логитеч па си фурам на тастатура некако така мие боље бар за мене...[DOUBLEPOST=1464115001][/DOUBLEPOST]
Оваа игра се игра само со волан и тоа со оние што имаат поголема ротација, не они ф1 со мал опсег. За целосен реализам, а и подобра контрола.
Со тастатура нема врска, не се управува камионот ич. не е тоа тоа.
Нема везе се зљвиси како сакаш да возиш јас имам волан со педали менувач оргинален логитеч па си фурам на тастатура некако така мие боље бар за мене...
Последно уредено:
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24 април 2008
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Новата верзија 1.24.1 на Euro Truck Simulator 2, излезена на почетокот на оваа недела, со себеси носи помали промени и новитети.

Освежени се камионите на Сканија со понови детали и додатоци за истите.

Заеднички новитет и кај American Truck Simulator и кај Euro Truck Simulator 2, е воведувањето опција за реална симулација на поврзувањето на камионите и приколките, како и опцијата за кревање и спуштање на предните ногарки кај некои приколки.

Arizona map expansion for American Truck Simulator released!

Monday, June 6, 2016

We are happy to announce that we are releasing Arizona DLC for American Truck Simulator today.

Discover 15 new cities, admire Colorado River with The Grand Canyon, and explore a section of the famous Route 66!

As promised back in January, the map expansion is automatically unlocked for all owners of the game for free, no matter where or when you have bought it.

We would like to thank all the participants of the Open Beta for their feedback. It was very helpful for us, especially the stress and functional tests of World of Trucks improvements, and the help with ironing out the many little details in Arizona!

Both American Truck Sim as well as Euro Truck Simulator 2 Updated

There is good news for owners of both of our flagship truck sim games - they are getting a bunch of new features as a part of a new game update coming out today, too.

Advanced players will for sure welcome the optional physically simulated truck and trailer coupling, while the improvements for our World Of Trucks platform should be appreciated by people playing online contracts.

Changelog of improvements that are a part of this update:


• Improved external jobs support in game (direct control, freight market).
• Physically simulated truck and trailer coupling (option).
• [ATS only] Added external jobs.
• [ATS only] Arizona DLC.


• Blinker auto off can be disabled (option).
• Speeding highlight can be disabled (option).
[ETS2 only] Cabin accessory physics does not require DLC anymore.
• Torque converter simulation greatly improved.
• Automatic transmission behavior improved.
• XInput support added - custom support for XBox controller.
• Added UI support for 4th and 5th controller.
• Gear shift selectors (range, split) now have UI support for position-based switches.


[ETS2 only] Scania trucks reworked.
• [ATS only] New accessories added to 579 and T680 (bullbars, deflectors, sideflares, etc).
• [ATS only] Default air horn added to all trucks (attribute air_horn in sound accessory).
• [ATS only] New engine sound of W900 (air intake).
• [ATS only] Interior sounds of all trucks rebalanced.
• [ATS only] US specific engine data.
• [ATS only] Added new road from San Rafael to Eureka + new city Ukiah on this road


[ETS2 only] Unit name fixes, most interior accessory and some other mods need update.
• Damage params moved out from game_data.sii and some more added (including wear and part damage factors).
• Data driven engines (torque curve, rpm limits).
• Force feedback data for XInput added (force_feedback.sii).
• Torque converter physics data added, separated manual clutch data (physics.sii).
• Data change from driven wheel to driven axle.
• Added check for internal camera continuity.

Posted by Piotr Łuciuk at 6/06/2016 03:36:00 PM
Член од
19 април 2013
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Без волан ова не бива. Возиш со 100 на саат, доаѓа блага кривина и ги собираш сите коли од патот. Не бива, не се одржува каминотот во лентата.
Сум ги играл сите игри со камини од 18 Wheels of Steel наваму и сум ги бришел после ден-два баш поради тоа што камион со тастатура не се возе.
Член од
6 април 2014
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dajte dobar link da slegnam euro truck da ja poigram pak posle dolgo vreme >?
Член од
24 април 2008
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Конечно новитет кој од поодамна беше потребен во Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Во новите верзии на Euro Truck Simulator 2 и на American Truck Simulator ќе биде воведен серво воланот, кој ќе може да се смени кај камионите кои нудат повеќе од една линија на опрема за ентериерот на камионот, а ќе може и да се зумира, односно да се погледнат шал-таблата и инструментите одблиску, како и приближување на погледот до ветробранското стакло.

Исто така, за играчите кои ги играат Euro Truck Simulator 2 и American Truck Simulator со волан, ќе можат да го отстранат воланот од камионската кабина преку внесување на команда во конзолата во играта - уште еден новитет кој доаѓа со новите верзии на Euro Truck Simulator 2 и на American Truck Simulator.

Cab Improvements

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Adjustable steering wheels are not the only in-cabin feature we are going to include in the upcoming update coming for ETS2 and ATS. We are also going to deliver two new features:

1) Interior camera zoom:

When inside the cabin, you will be able to do a quick zoom-in by holding the right mouse button. It may be useful while maneuvering, reading far off road signs, or when you would like to see all the info on the dashboard in more detail. Of course you can bind this functionality to any other key or button in the game's options.

2) Changing the steering wheel:

Decoupling the steering wheel geometry from the rest of the cabin, which was needed for adjustable steering wheels, opened up the possibility to offer changeable steering wheels. Until now, steering wheels were a native part of interior model; the unfortunate consequence of this being that players could not replace a truck's standard wheel with alternate models. With the release of our upcoming update however, trucks which have more than one type of interior will also sport the option of choosing from two different steering wheels. Finally, some people using an external steering wheel feel that having two wheels in sight is a bit disingenuous: so we are going to add a new experimental console command that will allow you to hide the virtual steering wheel.

Posted by Piotr Łuciuk at 8/16/2016 02:17:00 PM
Последно уредено:
Член од
24 април 2008
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Излегоа новите верзии 1.25 на Euro Truck Simulator 2 и 1.4 на American Truck Simulator.

Меѓу новитетите кои со себеси ги носат новите верзии спаѓаат воведувањето на опција за бирање на приколката со која ќе се превезува товарот - кај пратките кај кои тоа ќе биде изводливо, воведувањето на серво волан кој може да се менува по избор на возачот - кај моделите на камиони кај кои тоа ќе биде изводливо, како и воведување на внатрешен зум во кабината на возачот со кој може да се зумира, односно да се гледа поблиску кон шал-таблата и останатите инструменти за управување со возилото.

Исто така за играчите на Euro Truck Simulator 2 освежени се ентериерот и опремата на камионот DAF XF.

The Day of the Updates

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

We are happy to announce that the final version of the 1.4 update for American Truck Simulator and 1.25 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 are now available via Steam. Big thanks to all of you who have contributed with your feedback and bug reports during the Open Beta period!

Let's recap the key features included with these updates:

• [ETS2 only] Completely revamped DAF XF - we've reworked the old model and improved the it in many areas, increased the detail of textures, and remodeled quite a few of the parts.

Trailer selection - When you pick up a new job the game will now give you a chance to change the trailer look (or the trailer itself) if it finds that there are alternate trailer styles or textures available for the given cargo. Even better, it works with modded trailers as well.

Custom steering wheel position -You'll be allowed to adjust the tilt of the steering wheel column or telescope it so you can create your perfect driving position.

Here's a log of the additional fixes and improvements that went into this update:


Cruise control is not disabled by the throttle anymore.
Interior camera zoom - You can bind the key for zoom in Options → Key and buttons → Camera controls → Zoom interior camera.
Option to set preferred job length generation in options.
Option to set split shifting input.
More unit display options (volume, consumption).


Steering wheels are now a separate model with a default and exclusive version for each truck
Steering knobs - six different steering knobs in each game; you are able to install them at four possible locations on a steering wheel.
[ATS only] Customizable cabin lights and horns on all trucks.
Low air warning sound added.


Separated map_data.sii from game_data.sii
Look_presets_defaults[] in interior camera
Change trailer looks to paint jobs.

Please also check out our modding wiki to get the best advice for modding either game.

Posted by Piotr Łuciuk at 9/07/2016 01:04:00 PM
Член од
24 април 2008
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Euro Truck Simulator 2: Vive la France излегува во продажба задутре, понеделник, 5 декември 2016.

Во меѓувреме, за да се подготви теренот на мапата за новитетите кои со себеси ги носи Vive la France, минатиот вторник, 29 ноември 2016, беше исфрлена новата верзија 1.26 на Euro Truck Simulator 2, која со себеси носи повеќе новитети, како што се целосно подновување и освежување на подрачјата на Париз и северна Франција во играта, нови преноси за сите менувачи на брзини кај сите камиони во играта, како и воведување на опцијата за вршење на надградба на веќе постоечки мотор во сервисните станици за поправка и надградба на камионите во играта.

First Vive la France ! Community Videos

Friday, December 2, 2016

Only three days are left until Monday December 5th. That's when the new map expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2 Vive la France ! is going to be released after well over a year of hard work of our ETS2 design team.

We are very excited by the reactions from people who have reviewed the DLC or had access to it as part of closed beta test. We have already started sending out press keys to media, so reviews, videos, and streams are now popping up online. There will surely be more of them over the weekend. A few of our friends helping us with beta testing have also contributed with their own opinion on what a launch trailer should look like, or started showing extensive gameplay videos.

If you are curious what to expect with "Vive la France !" this post is going to collect what we have found on YouTube so far...

Posted by Nemiro at 12/02/2016 07:09:00 PM

ETS2 Update 1.26 Is Now Live!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

We would like to sincerely thank the fan community for the awesome feedback on Open Beta of Euro Truck Simulator 2 version 1.26. We have received a lot of valuable input on the new content and tons of reports for little things that we would have almost missed but that were fixed thanks to you.

We are now ready to make the 1.26 Update live for everyone.

The game will actually update itself automatically on Steam. The legacy non-Steam edition of the game will have the update ready for download in a couple of days.

If you participated in the Open Beta on Steam, please don't forget to switch back to the non-beta branch in ETS2 properties.

We have already covered the changes and improvements coming with this update extensively, in the post annoucing the Open Beta, but let's review them again so that you have all the news in one scoop.

Older Parts of France Reworked

The main star of this map refresh is the city of Paris, which actually has been completely rebuilt to make it way more elaborate than before! We have re-touched the existing region of northern France in the base game. It's not a total rework from scratch, but we believe that you will appreciate some very visible changes in the world; new models, new intersections and use of higher resolution textures in many places.

New Transmissions for all Trucks

We have adjusted and added some new options for the transmissions of all the trucks tractors in the game, so now there are more options to choose - from the standard or overdrive style of transmissions or even the Allison 4500. We hope that especially the players who care for more choices and precision of the vehicle simulation will appreciate the new adjustment, now there are new opportunities to play with the ratio between engine and wheels.

Upgrade Shop & Truck Browser Search Tool

A new search line was added into the game's upgrade shop and truck browser screens, so now you will be able to look up for example a specific paintjob or a particular engine upgrade. This new feature will come handy if you own a lot of our minor DLCs or if you happen to have lots of truck tuning mods installed.

Game Changes

• Adjustable interior FOV per truck
• Added parking difficulty (preset option included)
• Truck repair/refuel performed by hired driver costs money, included in logs
• Added informational dialog showing when game detects upgrade or downgrade
• Added pounds + short tonnes as weight unit option
• Better trailer air pressure simulation
• Low air warning should only be active with running engine
• Revised rolling resistance computations
• Hired driver use the very same formulas for eco skill as the player

Info for Modders

• Changed map parameters (climate_profile, map_data)
• Moddable interior camera zoom parameters. (speed, factor)
• 1 degree rotation on Ctrl + R, 90 degree rotation on Home
• Merged editable sign and sign dialog
• Refresh sign template and its model from content browser
• Added letter-spacing to sign editor
• Store content browser navigation history
• Support for day/nigh effect switching and child hookups for lod_model_hookup_u

You can follow this link to see the whole changelog of this update. Please also check out our modding wiki to get the best advice for modding the game.

Posted by Nemiro at 11/29/2016 05:00:00 PM


Заменик министер без титула
Член од
15 февруари 2013
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Ја усовршуваат што е можно повеќе, тоа мене многу ми се допаѓа бидејќи ако ја остават со основна верзија ќе стане монотоно само истото да го играш иако е голема европа за возење али сепак нема којзнае какви патишта за возење освен автопати и само пун гас. Како што видов на видеото во Франција ставиле и од оние селски патишта што јас пример би ги возел само нив. :D
Член од
24 април 2008
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Конечно, после летото и есента 2016-та, Euro Truck Simulator 2: Vive la France излезе во продажба вчера, понеделник, 5 декември 2016.

"Vive la France !" Available Now!

Monday, December 5, 2016

We are proud to announce that the Vive la France ! map expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2 is now available for purchase and activation!

You are invited to check out Vive la France ! Steam Store page.

Make your way through broad boulevards of industrial cities and narrow streets of rural hamlets. Enjoy the French outdoors with its diverse looks and disparate vegetation from north to south. Discover famous landmarks, deliver to expansive industrial areas, navigate complex intersections and interchanges, enjoy visually unique roundabouts inspired by real locations. Transport a variety of new cargo to service new local French companies as well as connecting the region to the rest of Europe.

Main features

• Extensive map of France to explore
• 20,000 km of new roads and highways
• Famous landmarks, recognizable places
• 15 new cities
• Rural French villages and sceneries
• Enhanced vegetation with dense forests along to roads
• New local companies to work for
• French tollgate system
• New industries including 5 nuclear plant zones
• New cargoes to haul

Vive la France ! YouTube Trailer

Useful links

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Vive la France ! Steam store page
Vive la France ! press kit
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Steam store page

We hope that you will have a great time exploring the new part of the universe of our truck simulator games!

Posted by Nemiro at 12/05/2016 03:41:00 PM
Член од
24 април 2008
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Излезе новата верзија 1.28 за Euro Truck Simulator 2 и за American Truck Simulator.

Главните новитети кои го себеси ги носи новата верзија се двојните приколки во скандинавските држави во Euro Truck Simulator 2, односно тројните приколки и Rocky Mountain двојните приколки во сојузната американска држава Невада во American Truck Simulator, променети светла на камионите, како и нов изглед на камионите DAF XF 105 и DAF XF Euro 6 во Euro Truck Simulator 2.

ETS2 and ATS update 1.28 has arrived!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

We want to thank everyone who participated in the open betas for their feedback. We are truly grateful for your time and dedication.

After several weeks of thorough testing and bug fixing, the open beta is finally over today, and we are here to release live 1.28 update for everyone. Thank you for your patience, we hope that you will enjoy this update as much as the previous ones.

Here is the list of major changes and added features in this update:


• Doubles

We introduced doubles in this update into Euro Truck Simulator 2 across Scandinavia where they are allowed and doubles into American Truck Simulator with the addition of triples and Rocky Mountain doubles in the state of Nevada where they are legal.

• Background screen options

This feature, admittedly mostly cosmetic, is a neat break of monotony when coming back to the game's main menu. As the options for alternate background scenes will grow over time, there will be more choice for you to picking a unique atmosphere that matches your style.

• Changed light look on the player and AI vehicles

Light flares are a great change that sharpened the game's look quite a bit, as such, they have earned their own dedicated blog post.

• DAF XF 2017 Facelift

We have added facelifted version of DAF XF Euro 6 as a free update for everyone!


• Auxiliary brakes system support (engine brake and retarder in one control element)
• Fixed licence plate change in states/countries where no city formats exist
• Fixed brake vs parking brake behavior
• Fixed tire noise of silent tires
• Retarder improvement (better cruise control behavior, no braking with throttle, icon when moving only)
• Steam Inventory support to allow for distributing rewards from upcoming World of Trucks events
• Added three more steering wheel designs into Steering Creations DLC

Your games will be automatically updated on Steam (make sure to opt OUT of beta branches now!). For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, an update should be ready in a few days. Enjoy!

Published by Loutis at 8/17/2017 07:27:00 PM[DOUBLEPOST=1503265183][/DOUBLEPOST]Излезе новата верзија 1.28 за Euro Truck Simulator 2 и за American Truck Simulator.

Главните новитети кои го себеси ги носи новата верзија се двојните приколки во скандинавските држави во Euro Truck Simulator 2, односно тројните приколки и Rocky Mountain двојните приколки во сојузната американска држава Невада во American Truck Simulator, променети светла на камионите, како и нов изглед на камионите DAF XF 105 и DAF XF Euro 6 во Euro Truck Simulator 2.

ETS2 and ATS update 1.28 has arrived!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

We want to thank everyone who participated in the open betas for their feedback. We are truly grateful for your time and dedication.

After several weeks of thorough testing and bug fixing, the open beta is finally over today, and we are here to release live 1.28 update for everyone. Thank you for your patience, we hope that you will enjoy this update as much as the previous ones.

Here is the list of major changes and added features in this update:


• Doubles

We introduced doubles in this update into Euro Truck Simulator 2 across Scandinavia where they are allowed and doubles into American Truck Simulator with the addition of triples and Rocky Mountain doubles in the state of Nevada where they are legal.

• Background screen options

This feature, admittedly mostly cosmetic, is a neat break of monotony when coming back to the game's main menu. As the options for alternate background scenes will grow over time, there will be more choice for you to picking a unique atmosphere that matches your style.

• Changed light look on the player and AI vehicles

Light flares are a great change that sharpened the game's look quite a bit, as such, they have earned their own dedicated blog post.

• DAF XF 2017 Facelift

We have added facelifted version of DAF XF Euro 6 as a free update for everyone!


• Auxiliary brakes system support (engine brake and retarder in one control element)
• Fixed licence plate change in states/countries where no city formats exist
• Fixed brake vs parking brake behavior
• Fixed tire noise of silent tires
• Retarder improvement (better cruise control behavior, no braking with throttle, icon when moving only)
• Steam Inventory support to allow for distributing rewards from upcoming World of Trucks events
• Added three more steering wheel designs into Steering Creations DLC

Your games will be automatically updated on Steam (make sure to opt OUT of beta branches now!). For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, an update should be ready in a few days. Enjoy!

Published by Loutis at 8/17/2017 07:27:00 PM
Последно уредено:
Член од
24 април 2008
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Во пресрет на Euro Truck Simulator 2: Italia - најновото продолжение на Euro Truck Simulator 2, кое излегува во продажба на 5 декември 2017, SCS Software денес ја исфрлија најновата верзија 1.30 на Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Главните новитети кои со себеси ги носи новата верзија 1.30 се целосен редизајн на Милано и други делови од северна Италија, новите камиони Scania R и S серија, подобрување на навигацијата во играта, воведување на временски зони во Euro Truck Simulator 2 - кои на сегашната мапа ќе функционираат само во Велика Британија бидејќи само Велика Британија е 1 час поназад од останатите европски држави на сегашната мапа, како и бројни други новитети.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.30

Friday, December 1, 2017

Paving the way for next week's major map expansion release, here we are with the official Update 1.30 for Euro Truck Simulator 2. We would like to thank everyone for their participation in the Open Beta, your support was awesome as always!

The game should update automatically through Steam. If you have switched to a beta branch, don't forget to opt out now! On the other hand, if you are concerned with mod compatibility and need to stay on the older version of the game for a time, there are still branches available on Steam giving you access to previous game versions. Update for non-Steam legacy edition of the game and VR-compatible beta build of the game may take a few additional days to get ready.


New Generation Scania R-Series and S-Series trucks

With almost two man-years invested in building the new vehicle models and implementing them into the game since the start of the year, this is our most detailed truck ever created.

Map improvements - city of Milano was completely remade, the whole northern part of Italy improved

We refreshed the old part of Italy which is already present in the base game to make it fit better with the quality of the upcoming Italia DLC. Consider it a sneak-peek into what it is going to be like.

Overhaul of navigation algorithms

New navigation code has been introduced in American Truck Simulator already and it is a huge change that required major programming effort and ended up being a large improvement over the old one. The navigation is now capable of sending the driver back along the same stretch of the road if need be, which may seem trivial, but it actually required a total redesign of the underlying data structures. We are looking forward to your feedback on this.

Time zones support

ETS2 now also supports time zones, which is going to be handy for further growth of the map. For now, this change will be affecting the UK only, since other ETS2 countries are in the same time zones.


• ZF-16 transmission supporting upcoming DLC for all trucks that missed similar one
• Map fitted to correct projection (more exact environment behavior), map panning option
• Multi-torque engines support (used in DAF engines 2017)
• Basic engine and transmission info in quick job truck tooltip
• Trailers with country restrictions are towed only to services in given countries
• Further polish to DAF, Volvo, and SCANIA trucks
• Tons of map tweaks and fixes in the base map and older map DLCs
• New luxury yacht cargo


• New interactive tool for environmental lighting and weather setting (included in the editor)
• New interactive tool for traffic behavior and rules debugging (included in the editor)
• New scene preview tool (included in the editor)
• New navigation parameters in map data
• Assistance service parameters in economy data
• Truck scale weight costs in economic data

Published by Loutis at 12/01/2017 11:20:00 AM

ETS 2: Italia coming next week!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The roads are stretched. The trees are planted. The buildings and landmarks are in place. You can hear a deep hum of engines from the garage. Minor cosmetic touches are still applied this week, but we are pretty much done, and ready to announce the release date. We cannot wait to present our work in all its beauty!

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Italia DLC will be available on December 5th, 2017.

To be more specific, we are planning to release the DLC in afternoon hours our local time - Prague, Czech Republic (GMT+1). We are planning a pizza party in the office to celebrate the occasion! ;)

Please be aware that in places ahead of us on the clock like Australia or China, it may be very late night already and the calendar may even show a new day. On the other hand, for our fans in Brazil or Canada, it will still be morning hours.

We have less than a week to orchestrate the release in the digital sphere. The DLC will also be distributed as a boxed edition in some territories and our distribution partners are doing their magic in the retail channel to be on time, too.

The ETS2 - Italia coming soon page on Steam is loaded with screenshots, video trailer, and all the other important information. Do not forget to add Italia to your wish list!

If you are wondering about pricing, here is a copy & paste of the pricing string as it has been set up on Steam: $17.99, £13.49, 17,99€, CHF 17.--, 699 pуб., 69,99zł, R$ 44,99, ¥ 1,980, 126,00 kr, Rp 125 999, RM35.00, P459.95, S$18.00, ฿339.00, 179.998₫, ₩ 19,000, 35,00 TL, 219₴, Mex$ 175.99, CDN$ 19.99, A$ 19.99, NZ$ 21.99, ¥ 60, ₹ 559, CLP$ 8.800, S/.44.95, COL$ 36.000, R 199.00, HK$ 110.00, NT$ 438, 50.00 SR, 56.00 AED, ARS$ 209,99, ₪66.95, 2 600₸, 3.15 KD, 38.99 QR, ₡7.800, $U389.

Published by Meddy at 11/29/2017 01:01:00 PM

Kajgana Shop

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