Eврото пропаѓа!? - Европска сигурност?!

Член од
17 март 2005
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Поранешниот американски секретар на државниот трезор, Џон Сноу, лично и персонално вчера во Оксфорд:

Snow Says Euro Faces ‘Tough’ Survival Without Budget
A By Jennifer Ryan

May 13 (Bloomberg) -- Former U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow suggested the euro may not survive unless member nations agree to merge policies from budgets to labor markets.

“I hope it works, I believe in it,” Snow said in an interview late yesterday at the University of Oxford’s Said Business School in Oxford, England. “But the economist in me says that it’s going to be tough without accommodations.”

The common currency has weakened against the dollar this year amid investor concern on how indebted nations will cut budget deficits and access aid if needed. European Union officials agreed to a $1 trillion bailout this week to keep Greece from defaulting and stem a rout in government debt that jeopardized the ability of Spain and Portugal to borrow.

“For the euro to be able to survive long term, fiscal consolidation of some kind -- tax policy consolidation, fiscal policy consolidation -- is probably necessary,” he said. “But that’s not enough, you really need one labor market, one capital market. Europe is going to face hard choices in the future to make this thing work.”

The euro slid to $1.2594 as of 11:18 a.m. in London, from $1.2614 in New York yesterday. It’s fallen 12 percent against the dollar this year.

‘Canary in the Coal Mine’

Snow, who served as Treasury secretary from February 2003 to June 2006, spoke yesterday before delivering a speech. He is now chairman of Cerberus Capital Management LP.

He said turmoil in government bonds is one of the most serious problems facing the global economy. While governments can prop up failed companies, there’s no backup for states that run into trouble, and because so many nations have so much debt, it’s not clear that countries can rescue each other, he said.

“The problem is that this is so widespread, the United States has its own exposure to fiscal risk, sovereign risk, most of Europe does -- Greece is the canary in the coal mine, as they say,” he said. “Who do you turn to if we get a run on sovereign debt, who backstops it? That’s the whole problem, there isn’t a backstop.”

The International Monetary Fund can’t be relied on to rescue faltering states because it depends on donations from member countries, Snow said. Countries that refuse to get their finances in order also pose a risk to the global economy because they may start printing money to meet liabilities, which could fuel inflation and undermine debt markets linked to government bonds.


“It’s a really serious problem, and you get the risk of hyperinflation, governments printing money to pay their debts, a race to see who can print first to get ahead of the others, so their currency has more purchasing power than their neighbors’,” he said. “It’s not a pretty picture. All the other paper trades off the government paper, once government paper gets into default condition, what happens to the whole debt market, the fixed-income market?”

While the EU’s rescue package gives the Greek government and leaders of other countries time to convince their citizens of the urgency of making spending cuts, it won’t shift the management of public finances onto a more sustainable path, Snow said. Cost reductions are unavoidable when monetary union prevents some countries from adopting a weaker currency to fuel exports and nations refuse to subsidize each other’s overspending, he said.

“How do they get competitive? They lower their own internal cost structure, it’s the only option available to them, he said. “They don’t have the ability to get a more competitive exchange rate, so they’ve got to do it internally. The question is, is there the political will?”

To contact the reporters on this story: Jennifer Ryan in London at jryan13@bloomberg.net


Член од
3 септември 2008
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Берлускони: “Еврото не поеба сите’’

Почнаа и јавно да цвикаат од ЕУропската блудница. Ќе биде интересно ако Италија одлучи да се врати на Лирата (што сепак мислам дека нема да се случи), но во тој случај другите земји ќе го следат таквиот потег и ќе ја девалвираат валутата.
Во 2002 година кога еврото јавно стапи на сцена тие ја спасија инфлацијата, не знам како се променија цените во другите држави ама знам дека во Германија се што беше една марка стана едно евро, можно е и сега истото да се случи? :raz:
Член од
17 март 2005
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Минатиот петок еврото падна на најниско ниво последниве 18 месеци ($1.245).

Предупредувањето на Сони дека Грчката должничка криза може да им го разниша бизнисот додатно влијаеше и акциите да паднат.


Euro Slumps as Jitters Over Greece Return

Published: May 14, 2010

The beleaguered euro fell to an 18-month low on Friday amid lingering nervousness about the state of European nations’ finances and the pace of the global recovery. Global stocks also sagged after Sony warned that the fallout from the Greek debt crisis could undermine its business.

The euro fell to $1.245, its weakest level against the dollar since November 2008, before rising to slightly above $1.25 in later trading.

Stocks opened lower on Wall Street, following the day’s trend in Asia and Europe. In early trading, the Dow Jones industrial average was off 151.38 points, or 1.4 percent, at 10,631.57. The broader Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index was down 1.8 percent, and the technology-heavy Nasdaq composite was 2.1 percent lower.

Major indexes in Europe opened lower on Friday and accelerated their losses as the day progressed. By late afternoon in Europe, the Euro Stoxx 50 index of blue chips was down 3.2 percent.

In France, the CAC 40 in Paris slumped 3.4 percent, and in London, the FTSE 100 lost 2.5 percent. The benchmark DAX index in Germany was down about 1.9 percent.

A cautious outlook from Sony, which released earnings after the close of trade on Thursday, set the negative tone in Asia by shining the spotlight on how the massive currency swings set off by the global jitters about Greece’s debt could affect companies as far away as Japan.

The consumer electronics giant, which makes about 25 percent of its sales in Europe, forecast a profit of 50 billion yen, or $541 million, for the current business year, but also warned that the European troubles could jeopardize its return to profit.

This helped revive concerns about the impact of the still-feeble economic recovery in the United States, and of the huge savings efforts being put in place by European governments struggling to reduce their budget deficits.

And while the weak euro may be welcome news for European exporters, as it makes their goods cheaper for consumers overseas, it is a worry for non-European companies that rely heavily on sales to Europe, like those in export-dependent Japan and China.

The losses capped a tumultuous week in the global financial markets, which on Monday received much-needed support from a giant financing package that was designed to aid some of Europe’s most deeply indebted countries and stave off a potential debt default.

But sentiment has remained fragile, with several ups and downs during the course of the week. Although investors welcomed the global efforts to contain the crisis, they remained intensely nervous of the long-term costs and the prospects of a slowdown in Europe’s already weak recovery.

In a research note Friday, analysts at Barclays Capital summed up the overall picture: “Calm after the tempest, but still a perilous climb.”

By Friday, investor sentiment had turned decidedly negative again: Asian stocks were mostly down, and the sell-off gathered pace as the European day progressed.

The benchmark Nikkei 225 index ended 1.5 percent lower, and Sony shares slumped 6.8 percent.

Elsewhere in the region, the stock markets in Taiwan and South Korea edged up less than 0.1 percent after similarly muted losses earlier in the session — mirroring the mixed performance shown by many of the world’s markets all week. The Straits Times index in Singapore slipped 0.4 percent.

“What surprised me was that there was no real feel-good factor,” said Markus Rösgen, head of regional strategy at Citigroup in Hong Kong, referring to the global market reaction to the bailout package. “But at the end of the day, Europe has written an insurance policy, rather than pumping actual money into the market.”

Many analysts also believe a debt default — or a rescheduling of some of Greece’s debt — is still likely further down the line. This is continuing to weigh on the euro, which has received little respite from the bailout news. Since the start of the year, the European currency has fallen 13 percent against the dollar and 14 percent against the yen.
Член од
13 декември 2009
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Минатиот петок еврото падна на најниско ниво последниве 18 месеци ($1.245).
Само да потсетиме, тоа е пред една и пол година. Не е пред 200 години. Една и пол година. Кога еврото излезе беше 60 денари, доларот беше 70.Сега доларот е 43 денари, еврото е 60 денари. Плус едно евро е 1.35 долари, паѓа на 1.30 и готово, најниско ниво бла бла бла. Шпекулации од Сорос и компанија.

Предупредувањето на Сони дека Грчката должничка криза може да им го разниша бизнисот додатно влијаеше и акциите да паднат.
Да, само едно прашање. Кога последен пат Сони имал профит? Провери си ги информациите.
п.с. Врвот на целава евроскептичарска глутница тука на форумов е кога земаа изјави од Голдман Сакс, банката која ги фалсификувапе податоците од Грција за Грција да влезе во еврозоната, и ја предизвика кризата, за тоа како да се реши кризата. Ах, што прави омразата кон ЕУ во оваа земја. А после ќе барате кредити.
Член од
17 март 2005
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ЕУропејците мислеа дека со стварање на кризниот пакет од трилион долари ќе се зацврсти еврото.

Причина - последница.

Меѓутоа, резонот им беше погрешен. Еврото е послабо на сите фронтови:

Што попрво ќе се случи, дали златото ќе може да купи 1000 евра или 960 евра?

ЕУропејците шпекулираат дека попрво ќе биде 960 т.е. дека еврото ќе стане по вредно и по скапо во однос на златото. Другите се обложуваат дека еврото ќе стане помалку вредно во однос на златото.

Во меѓувреме, многу ЕУропејци набрзина менуваат евра за злато со што придонесуваат вредноста на еврото и понатаму да паѓа.

Еве еден типичен Француз кој познавајќи ја состојбата свршува бидејќи Америте од Coinstar Corp (NASDAQ: CSTR) покажуват нова вендинг машина: ставаш евра, добиваш злато.

Член од
26 април 2010
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Како да не .
И Америка имаоо илјади милијарди долари задолженост, па светот сеуште се врти.Врзани се интересите.
Да не треба да им помогнеме со нашиов денар?.
Член од
17 март 2005
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Америка е на врвот на пирамидата и е малку подруга приказна. Во Америка има федерализам и е усогласена фискалната и монетарна политика, додека во ЕУ не е.

Се јави и Пол Волкер, поранешниот шеф на ФЕД, кој изјави дека еврото е на работ на пропаста -- иако тој (како комуњар) “верува’’ во таа валута.

The Euro Is on the Brink of Extinction

From The Business Insider, May 14, 2010:

Paul Volcker has added his substantial intellectual weight to the chorus of professionals worried about a complete disintegration of the euro, in a London speech yesterday according to Bloomberg.

That's because “The essential element of discipline in economic policy and in fiscal policy that was hoped for” has “so far not been rewarded in some countries.”

Still, he remains a 'believer' in the currency and says that Europe would have been worse off without it.

“There is strong opinion to keep it going... That does require, I think, changes in the structure of European economic policy... If you didn’t have that common currency in Europe, they would have bigger problems than they have now.”

Ie. not all hope is lost, he appears to think there is a solution whereby the euro remains intact and sustainable. Yet he failed to elaborate on how this could be done, saying, “The nature of the problem does not lend itself to one-word sound bites.” Fair enough.

It seems extremely difficult to unwind the euro system now, it has come to far and exiting the euro would require substantial lead time and thus create massive market pressure on the economies involved. The Eurozone may be forced to undergo severe economic and political adjustments in order to manage a currency system they're stuck with. Many Europeans are suddenly realizing that they had no idea what they were agreeing to when they joined the Eurozone.
Член од
17 март 2005
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На берзите денес се плаќа највисоката цена во последниве 7 години за да се осигура Еврото за да не продолжи да паѓа, при што се шпекулира дека ЕУропскиот план да се реши должничката криза само ќе ја направи потешка ситуацијата со Еврото.


1. Кризниот пакет од $1 трилион не ги убеди инвеститорите ниту само една недела откако истиот беше склепан од Бриселското политбиро дека ќе има подобрување.

2. Истовремено, Европската Централна Банка под водството на Французот и маскиран комуњар Жан Клод Трише ја изгуби довербата бидејќи ги смени правилата “во текот на натпреварот’’ за купување обверзници (sovereign bonds). Довербата во ЕЦБ како играч е срозана.

3. Оценките за опстанокот на Еврото се поразителни и доаѓаат од сите страни.

4. Сетете се на изјавата на Меркел - ако го нема Еврото, ќе ја нема Европската Унија.

Euro Swaps Corner Trichet as Currency Slide Persists
By Liz Capo McCormick

May 17 (Bloomberg) -- Traders are paying the highest price in more than seven years to insure against the euro weakening, betting European plans to fix the region’s debt crisis will worsen the currency’s slide.

Demand for one-month options giving investors the right to sell the 16-nation currency rose last week to the most since before 2003 relative to those that allow for purchases. The premium traders pay to swap one-year euro loans for those in dollars was the widest this month since February 2009.

The increasing price for protection against further declines shows the European Union’s $1 trillion in loan funds to keep members from default has, so far, failed to persuade investors that nations will get deficits under control. At the same time, traders say the European Central Bank and President Jean-Claude Trichet have lost credibility by shifting policies on government bond purchases that are part of the plan.

“The road ahead is still shaky for the euro,” said Stephen Gallo, head of market analysis at Schneider Foreign Exchange in London, which serves clients who trade more than $3 billion a year. “The stress within the European banking system is elevated. ECB credibility has been hurt.”

UBS AG says the euro may depreciate to below $1.15. BNP Paribas SA sees parity with the dollar by March, saying the currency’s outlook “remains bleak.”

The shared currency fell to $1.2235 today, the lowest level since April 18, 2006, after weakening 3.1 percent last week. The euro was 0.4 percent lower at $1.2304 as of 10:56 a.m. in London. It dropped to as low as 112.46 yen, the least since May 6, following a 2.1 percent decline last week.

Volcker’s View

While the euro never really became a rival to the dollar after its inception in 1999, the debt contagion that began in Greece is driving investors away. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker said May 13 in London that he’s concerned the euro area may break up after the rescue package failed to stem the currency’s decline.

“You have the great problem of a potential disintegration of the euro,” Volcker, 82, said in a speech. “The essential element of discipline in economic policy and in fiscal policy that was hoped for” with the creation of the euro has “so far not been rewarded in some countries,” he said.

Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Currency indexes show the euro has lost 9 percent this year after falling 7.7 percent in 2009. It has depreciated against all of the 16-most traded currencies since December, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

‘Euro Is Doomed’

While a weaker euro makes European exports more competitive, it may damp the appeal of the region’s financial assets. A foreign investor in German bunds would have lost 9 percent this year after exchanging euros for dollars, Bank of America Merrill Lynch indexes show.

“The euro is doomed,” said Andrew Wilkinson, senior market analyst at Interactive Brokers Group LLC in Greenwich, Connecticut. “The strains among the partners are becoming clear and it’s becoming harder to see global growth not being threatened by this.”

Foreign bank borrowing of dollars from their U.S. offices increased almost 50 percent to $353.3 billion in the three months ended May 5, according to Fed data tracked by Nomura Holdings Inc. The jump is the largest quarterly percentage rise since 2007.

Lack of Appetite

Derivatives also show a lack of appetite for euros. The currency’s one-month options risk-reversal rate fell to minus 3.2 percent on May 12, from minus 1.25 percent in December, signaling a relative increase in demand for puts, which grant traders the right to sell the euro versus the dollar. It was minus 2.46 percent at the end of last week.

The rate on one-year cross-currency basis swaps between euros and dollars reached minus 58.75 basis points this month, the largest effective premium for dollar borrowing in swaps since February 2009. Basis swaps allow investors to borrow in one currency and simultaneously lend in another.

“Dollar funding got relatively expensive in October 2008 as everyone was looking for dollars, so even though we aren’t yet at those extremes, the basis swaps bear watching,” said Brian Kim, a currency strategist at UBS in Stamford, Connecticut. “They could move sharply and exacerbate any dollar-related moves with regard to the euro as a result.”

UBS cut its 2010 euro forecast last week from $1.30, and lowered its 2011 estimate to $1.10 from $1.25. The median of 39 estimates in a Bloomberg survey is for the euro to trade at $1.25 by Dec. 31. Two months ago, they predicted $1.38.

Relative Deficits

“The cost of securing the future of the euro is proving to be extremely high, as can be seen by the size of the package, and there are a lot of long-term negative implications attached,” Ian Stannard, a senior currency strategist at BNP Paribas in London, said May 10. While the rescue package “may provide some very near-term support for the euro” it “doesn’t have an impact on the longer-term outlook,” he said.

Europe’s debt challenges are no greater than any other major economy, and may be less severe, according to Axel Merk, the president and chief investment officer of Merk Investments LLC in Palo Alto, California. The firm manages the Merk Hard Currency Funds, which gained 6.01 percent the past 12 months, beating 94 percent of its peers, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The U.S. will post the third-largest budget deficit among advanced economies this year at 11 percent of gross domestic product, behind the U.K.’s 11.4 percent and Ireland’s 12.2 percent, the International Monetary Fund said May 14. Japan’s debt may rise to 250 percent of GDP by 2015, the IMF said.

Some European companies may welcome a weaker currency as it boosts the value of their sales abroad.

Hellenic Petroleum SA, Greece’s biggest refiner, said in February that part of its fourth-quarter loss of 37 million euros came from the currency’s strength against the dollar. Novara, Italy-based Autogrill SpA, the largest manager of airport restaurants, said a month later that profitability in its Spanish operations in the same period was “hit particularly hard” by the financial crisis and the euro’s strength against the pound.

The euro weakened 2.2 percent versus the dollar in the fourth quarter and fell 3.3 percent against the pound.

Shifting Policies

The ECB’s shifting policies are weighing on the euro. Trichet said May 6 that bond purchases hadn’t been discussed when the bank’s 22-member Governing Council decided to keep its main interest rate at a record low of 1 percent. Four days later, the ECB said it would start buying debt securities “to address severe tensions in certain market segments.”

Purchasing government bonds means the ECB would effectively be printing cash. Policy makers say they will counter the effects on money supply by draining reserves equal to the amount bought, so-called sterilization.

The dollar fell 10.2 percent last year as measured by Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Currency Indices when Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke started a debt-buying program to support the U.S. economy.

‘Head Through Parity’

The euro “can easily head through parity” with the U.S. dollar under a “hard landing” recovery scenario from the European deficit crisis, according to Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc. The currency may depreciate to $1.14 by mid-2011, Alan Ruskin, head of foreign-exchange strategy at RBS Securities in Stamford, Connecticut, wrote in a May 13 report.

Bond purchases risk stoking inflation, making it more difficult for the ECB to stick to its mandate of keeping consumer prices in check while at a time of keeping interest rates low to boost the economy.

“Once the recovery becomes entrenched, if the ECB is still buying bonds, investors will become worried about inflation,” said Marco Annunziata, the chief economist at UniCredit SpA in London. “At that point, the ECB, which used to be very proud of its independence, now looks like it has been overwritten by political constraints and will be in a more difficult position to counter inflation expectations.”

Futures Bets

The Fed reinstated its emergency currency-swap program last week, providing as many dollars as needed to central banks to complement the EU bailout plan.

“Funding frictions are not going to go away quickly this time as market participants realize that the broader system is still fragile and in need of central bank support again,” said George Goncalves, the New York-based head of interest-rate strategy at Nomura.

Futures traders increased bets this month to a record that the currency will fall against the dollar. The number of wagers by hedge funds and other large speculators on a decline in the euro rose on May 11 to 113,890 contracts more than those anticipating a gain, according to data from the Washington-based Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

“There are so many headwinds, so many structural issues affecting the euro,” Manoj Ladwa, a senior trader at ETX Capital in London, said on Bloomberg Radio May 11. “It calls into question whether the euro can last. What is the point of having a euro if not only other European countries are bailing out the likes of Greece but also the International Monetary Fund? There’s not much reason to have the euro around anymore.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Liz Capo McCormick in New York at Emccormick7@bloomberg.net
Член од
7 мај 2005
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Еврото продолжува да паѓа. Еве што изјавува Ангела Меркел:

"The euro is in danger. If we don't deal with this danger, then the consequences for us in Europe are incalcuable"

Сега планираат да воведат нов трансакциски данок доколку групата земји Г-20 не се договорат на самитото во јуни.

Дупло ќе им се врати за Јохан.



Член од
1 февруари 2007
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Европа е доста поголемо от ЕУ,а уште поголемо от еврозоната.


Член од
3 ноември 2008
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Еврото ќе ја доживе судбината на "југото"

Кризата и банкротот на Грција не само што ги разниша темелите на еврото, туку го загрозуваат и неговиот опстанок, смета Кругман

Банкротот на Грција ги разниша темелите на европската валута и таа во моментов потсетува на лошата судбина што ја имаше југословенскиот автомобил "југо". Ова е оценка на Паул Кругман, угледен американски економист, нобеловец и колумнист во Њујорк Тајмс, според чие објаснување постои добра аналогија меѓу наследените проблеми, како и на расцепканите групи на земји кои ја чинат ЕУ, но и на одвоените држави што се на територијата на бивша Југославија.
-Причината заради којашто финансискиот пазар е скептичен околу еврото е во тоа што европските лидери иако дадоа се од себе тие се во криза, а најдалеку отидоа со самата финансиска помош што и ја дадоа на Грција - укажува Кругман.
Според него, финансиската помош предизвикала сериозни политички проблеми на германското раководство. Во своите анализи тој заклучува дека за еврото постојат две можности. Прво, еврото да биде фалена валута која ќе биде подготвена да го истисне американскиот долар, како светска резервна валута. А второ, да стане валута "југо", односно валута чие време дошло, ама сега поминува.
-Мислам дека во иднина ќе видиме како некои земји ја напуштаат заедничката валута, бидејќи ќе биде неможно да се управува со сопствената економија под раководство на еврото - смета Кругман и како земји-кандидати за тоа ги наведува Грција, Шпанија, Португалија и Ирска. Тој смета дека се поверојатно е дека Британците нема да отстапат од својата валута во замена за еврото.
-Оние што ќе останат се појаките земји, како што се Германија и Франција, а може и уште некоја, а во таков момент нема да има многу причини излитеното евро воопшто и да се зачува - заклучува Кругман.
Професорот и ректор на Европскиот универзитет РМ, д-р Зоран Ивановски, укажува дека "југото" се уште вози, а друго е прашањето колку и како ќе вози. Според него, слично е и со валутата на еврото која во моментов во однос на американскиот долар е однос 1,2 - односно еврото паѓа, а доларот расте.
-Еврото од ноември 2009 година до денеска изгуби од својата вредност 12 проценти - укажува Ивановски. Тој појаснува дека за да се зајакне европската валута неопходна е консолидација на 16 земји и нивните влади кои ја имаат воведено оваа валута.
Професорката за монетарна политика при ЕУРМ, Емилија Стевановска смета дека не е за потценување актуелната девалвација на вредноста на еврото во однос на американскиот долар.
-Еврото не стои на цврсти нозе, а на тоа влијае и неодамнешната одлука на 10-те големи германски банки што доведе до отсуство на кохезија во европската монетарна политика - смета Стевановска. Таа појаснува дека европските авторитети во моментов немаат вистински план како да се излезе од финансиската криза.
Професорката Стевановска го цени Кругман како експерт и вели дека доколку неговите прогнози се реализираат, тогаш таа ќе ги земе како репер.
Загриженост за еврото искажа и германската канцеларка Ангела Меркел која вчера пред пратениците во Бундестагот предупреди дека кризата со еврото претставува егзистенцијална закана за Европа.
-Пропадне ли еврото, ќе пропадне тогаш и Европа - предупредила Меркел и нагласила дека Европа се наоѓа пред еден од најголемите тестови во последниве децении. Пратениците во Бундестагот во петок ќе одлучуваат за законот за спас на еврото, чиј нацрт Владата во Берлин го усвои пред неколку дена. Нацрт-законот го дефинира германското учество со најмалку од 148 милијарди евра, во вкупно предвидените суми од 750 милијарди евра за спас на еврото.

Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Што и да направи Меркел сега, сo еврото приказната е завршена.

Whatever Germany does, the euro as we know it is dead

...Now we know the truth, jet-hosing it with yet more debt makes no sense. Another dose of funny money will delay but not extinguish the need for austerity.

This is why the euro, in its current form, is finished. The game is up for a monetary union that was meant to bolt together work-and-save citizens in northern Europe with the party animals of Club Med. No amount of pit props from Berlin can save the euro Mk I from collapsing under the weight of its structural dysfunctionality. You cannot run indefinitely a single currency with one interest rate for 16 economies, when there are such huge fiscal disparities.

What was once deemed unthinkable is now, I believe, inevitable: withdrawal from the eurozone of one or more of its member countries. At the bottom end, Greece and Portugal are favourites to be forced out through weakness. At the top end, proposals are already being floated in the Frankfurt press for a new "hard currency" zone, led by Germany, Austria and the Benelux countries. Either way, rich and poor are heading in opposite directions.

Член од
30 август 2008
Поени од реакции
Edno e sigurno,, EU nema idnina, uste nekolku godini i Game Over...


Член од
1 февруари 2007
Поени од реакции
Edno e sigurno,, EU nema idnina, uste nekolku godini i Game Over...
А што ке стане,ако ЕУ излезе поjaка след се това? Брзо отписа едни от наjголемите икономики во Европа. Па и да не зборуваме,дека до този момент во Европа нема алтернатива. СИВ се разпадна и единствениот икономически соуз от таков тип е ЕУ.
Член од
30 август 2008
Поени од реакции
А што ке стане,ако ЕУ излезе поjaка след се това? Брзо отписа едни от наjголемите икономики во Европа. Па и да не зборуваме,дека до този момент во Европа нема алтернатива.

Ne bidi naiven,ova kriza e sozdadena od USA i od Velika Britanija, so cel evroto da paga,a dolarot da se pokaci, sega duri izleze na videlina,zosto USA ja sozdade svetskata ekonomska kriza..

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