Aвионска несреќа избегната за неколку секунди...

Член од
17 март 2005
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За малку и тоа на полетување.......погрешни податоци внесени во компјутерот значело дека авионот не можел да полета на време. Првиот офицер додал гас, пак исто, а авинот полетал сосема на крајот од пистата кога капетанот “нагазил’’ до даска. При полетувањето авионот ја удрил опашката од пистата два пати како и закачил дел од опремата во тревата после пистата...

Computer error caused Emirates A340 tail strike

Steve Creedy, Aviation writer|April 30, 2009

Article from: The Australian

AN incorrect entry into a computer resulted in an Emirates jet struggling to take off at the end of a Melbourne runway as its tail struck the ground.

The wrong figure meant the jet – with 257 passengers 14 cabin crew and four flight crew – failed to take off when expected as it approached the end of the runway at Melbourne Airport.

This prompted the first officer to apply more power and caused the tail to hit the runway but the aircraft still failed to climb until the captain called for maximum power.

The Airbus A340-500’s tail scraped the runway twice more and twice after it left the runway before it became fully airborne. It also hit equipment on a grassed area at the end of a runway.

An Australian Transport Bureau report released today found that the aircraft already taking off on reduced power when the crew used a weight that was 100 tonnes below the jet’s actual weight to calculate take-off performance.

“The result of that incorrect take-off weight was to produce a thrust setting and take-off reference speeds that were lower than those required for the aircraft’s actual weight,” the ATSB said.

The aircraft dumped fuel over Port Phillip Bay before landing safely back at the airport and there were no injuries reported.

But the lower skin panels had been abraded by the contact with the runway surface and a service panel was ripped off. The rear pressure bulkhead was also damaged and fuselage ribs were deformed and, in some cases, cracked.

The airline said today it had yet to decide whether the plane would be repaired in Australia or sent back to the manufacturer in France.

Both pilots have since resigned and the airline has put in place additional procedures to guard against a recurrence of the event.



alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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За малку и тоа на полетување.......погрешни податоци внесени во компјутерот значело дека авионот не можел да полета на време.

пааа, тоа станува веќе проблем...пилотите се се повеќе лоши дактилографки, одколку дообри авијатичари... :)
Член од
17 март 2005
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Кај ми избега темата за специјалистот за гориво?!?

Жива вистина: типот работи во воен авио танкер (за да напојува други авиони со гориво) и патувал со цивилен авион од Чикаго до Токио. Која коинциденција, забележал како истекува горивото од авионот од неговата страна!

Го снимил истекувањето и откако ја изанализирал снимката, ја викнал стјуардесата да и каже. Таа не го потфермала. Потоа морал повторно да ја викне и да и објасни дека се работи за вонредна ситуација и веднаш да го викне пилотот. Овој дотрчал и откога се убедил дека горивото навистина истекува, слетале во Сан Франциско. Никогаш нема да стигнеле до Токио со таков излив на гориво од авионот.



i'm real
Член од
28 декември 2008
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Како што тргнаа несреќиве со Ербасите, да му е страв на човек да патува со нив, а и најверојатно ќе им падне рејтингот и профитот. Очигледно имаат бројни недостатоци, кои за среќа овој пат не беа кобни како пред 2-3 недели.:icon_conf
Член од
14 декември 2008
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Како што тргнаа несреќиве со Ербасите, да му е страв на човек да патува со нив, а и најверојатно ќе им падне рејтингот и профитот. Очигледно имаат бројни недостатоци, кои за среќа овој пат не беа кобни како пред 2-3 недели.:icon_conf
Да бе, јас летово треба да патувам со авион, прво што гледав на картата што тип ќе биде. Многу се израдував кога видов Boeing 737 дека е. Буквално преку ден едно време стигаа вести Ербас ова, Ербас она...

Ова е врвен професионализам од страна на пилотот! Немаше ни искра долу под авионот!
Член од
17 март 2005
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Принудно слетување на авион на British Airways на летот Париз-Кардиф, кој слетал на Гетвик.


The 46 passengers on board the Flybe flight from Paris Charles de Gaulle to Cardiff were safely evacuated from the plane, airport operator BAA said.

The aircraft was later cleared from the runway, which has now reopened.

A spokesperson for Flybe said the landing of the BE1432 flight followed a suspected technical fault.

The airline said the diverted aircraft landed at 1226 BST local time, with emergency vehicles deployed by the airport as a precautionary measure.

Ирански авион излезе од пистата и се урна, 17 мртви. Меѓу мртвите е менаџерот на авио компанијата Ариа, операторот на авионот.


An Iranian plane carrying 153 passengers and crew skidded off the runway and crashed Friday while landing in northeast Iran, killing at least 17 people, the state news agency said. Among the dead was the manager of the privately owned Aria Airlines, operator of the plane.

Television footage showed the plane sitting at an angle, its tail resting awkwardly on the ground and the mangled front end pointing toward the sky. The rest of the aircraft appeared largely intact.

The crash came just over a week after another Iranian passenger plane nose-dived into the ground shortly after takeoff, killing all 168 people aboard.

Iran's aging fleet is plagued by maintenance problems, blamed on financial straits and U.S. sanctions that make it harder for the country to get many types of spare parts.

The official IRNA news agency reported that in Friday's crash, the plane's tires failed on landing and the craft skidded into a wall. No wall was visible in the footage broadcast on TV.

The Russian-made Ilyushin-62 plane had flown from Tehran, the Iranian capital, to the northeastern city of Mashhad, 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) away.

Local official Ghahrman Rashid told the state news agency that 20 people were injured. He said all the survivors had been evacuated.

U.S. sanctions prevent Iran from updating its 30-year-old American aircraft and make it difficult to get European spare parts or planes as well. The country has come to rely on Russian aircraft, many of them Soviet-era planes that are harder to get parts for since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Iran's worst crash came in February 2003 and also involved a Russian-made Ilyushin that plowed into the mountains of southeastern Iran, killing 302 people — mostly members of the elite Revolutionary Guard.

Some of the jets in Iran's fleet are U.S.-made craft bought before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which led to a cutoff in ties between the nations. U.S. sanctions imposed after the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in November 1979 have prevented Iran from buying parts for those planes or purchasing new ones.

The sanctions also bar sales of European jets with a certain amount of U.S. parts, limiting Iran's ability to buy from Europe.

As a result, Iran has focused on Russian-built planes — like the Tupolev and Ilyushins, the Soviet-era workhorses for Russian civil air fleets.

After the Soviet collapse, government funding sharply declined for manufacturers of aircraft and spare parts, and other countries using the planes have had a harder time getting parts.


Член од
10 септември 2008
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Да бе, јас летово треба да патувам со авион, прво што гледав на картата што тип ќе биде. Многу се израдував кога видов Boeing 737 дека е. Буквално преку ден едно време стигаа вести Ербас ова, Ербас она...

Ова е врвен професионализам од страна на пилотот! Немаше ни искра долу под авионот!
kako da sleta so oprema se normalno
alal da mu e


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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ovie treba definitivno da viknat nekoj od ona tetovsko-gostivarskite "domorodci" da im go SMKNAT toa brdoto....za sto se epten "navezbani" :)
Член од
17 март 2005
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Му откажале сите 4 мотори на А380 Air Singapore А380 во Париз, еден круг и принудно слетување.

PARIS, Sept 27 (Reuters) - An Air Singapore (SIAL.SI) A380 was forced to turn round mid-flight and head back to Paris on Sunday after one of its four engines failed, the head of the airline's French operations said.

The doubledecker A380 took off from Paris at 12.30 p.m. (1030 GMT) with 444 passengers aboard and was headed for Singapore, but had to turn round after 2 hours 45 minutes because of the engine problem, airline director Jerry Seah said.

The plane landed safely back in France at 5.45 p.m. (1545 GMT) and the passengers were sent to hotels as the airline tried to lay on an alternative flight for them.

Seah told Reuters he believed it was the first time the plane had suffered such a problem since it had started operating the Singapore-Paris route earlier this year.

The giant jet built by Airbus (EAD.PA) is designed to continue flying with only three engines, but came back to Paris as a safety precaution.

The engines on the Singapore A380s are built by Britain's Rolls Royce Group (RR.L).

(Reporting by Jean Baptiste Vey, writing by Crispian Balmer; Editing by Elizabeth Fullerton)
Член од
17 март 2005
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:nerv: :nerv:

Не се знае дали пилотите заспале во кабина или правеле нешто друго (se karale za politika?! :twisted:), но во секој случај го промашиле аеродромот за отприлика 200 и кусур километри...

Airliner overshoots airport; controllers feared hijacking

Air traffic controllers lost radio communication with the Northwest Airlines Airbus A320, carrying 147 passengers and an unknown number of crew, when it was flying at 37,000 feet, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. There was no communication with Flight 188 for more than an hour as it approached the airport, the board said.

When air traffic controllers finally made contact with the pilot, his answers were so vague that controllers feared the plane might have been hijacked, according to a source familiar with the incident.

The controllers in Minneapolis ordered the pilot to make a series of unnecessary maneuvers to convince them the pilots were in control of the flight, the source said, adding that fighter jets were poised in Madison, Wisconsin, but were never deployed.
Watch how Flight 188 drama unfolded »

Controllers tracked the aircraft on radar as it flew over its intended destination -- Minneapolis-St. Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain Airport -- and continued northeast for about 150 miles over the next 16 minutes. The airport's controllers then re-established communication with crew members, who said they had become distracted, the safety board said.

"The crew stated they were in a heated discussion over airline policy and they lost situational awareness," the board said in a news release.



Член од
2 март 2007
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p.s. Летал ли некој над Будимпешта? Моментот пред да слеташ на аеродром, при атерирањето, кога авионот минува над гробиштата во Будимпешта....језиво :)
И еј за Шведска ко одев сам пред неколку години, пред да слетаме Будимпешта за во друг авион да одам, реков да видам како е долу, и ко видов.. мн јако :icon_bigg
Член од
17 март 2005
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У п.м. целиот се наежив!

Ел Ал и Ер Франс биле на 300 метра над Белград, кога во ПОСЛЕДЕН МОМЕНТ Израелскиот пилот го сменил курсот...


Dec. 29, 2009

An El-Al passenger jet bound for New York nearly collided with an Air France airliner over the skies of Belgrade on Monday, Channel 2 revealed on Tuesday evening.

According to the report, the Serbian air controller made a mistake and instructed the Air France airplane to fly on a route already used by the El Al plane, so that the jets were on a collision course.

The two planes were about to crash in midair, but emergency alarms alerted both pilots... :nesum:

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