Што антивирус користите?

Член од
25 јануари 2005
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Sophos Anti-virus 3.90 For Windows Nt/2k/xp/2

ophos Anti-Virus protects your network, desktop and even remote laptop computers from the latest viruses, Trojans, worms and spyware. The quality of its award-winning technology has been confirmed time and time again by independent bodies such as West Coast Labs, ICSA Labs and Virus Bulletin.

- Protecting the desktop means that regardless of how a virus attempts to break in (email, CD, floppy disk, network shares, instant messaging, web download etc) it can be stopped. Using patented InterCheck technology, Sophos's on-access scanner provides constant real-time protection with minimal system overhead.
- Network servers can also be protected with scheduled or constant real-time scanning, ensuring there is no opportunity for a virus to spread or damage your company's data.
- Using Enterprise Manager, Sophos Anti-Virus can be kept automatically up to date with protection against the very latest virus threats. The Enterprise Manager suite provides a set of tools allowing fully automated web-based installation and updating of Sophos software across a network and even to remote users, via Remote Update. Enterprise Manager also incorporates powerful reporting facilities. Sophos Anti-Virus is available for all popular desktop and network operating systems, protecting laptops, workstations and servers
Член од
25 јануари 2005
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Symantec Norton Systemworks 2005

Symantec’s Norton SystemWorks™ 2005 is the smartest way to solve computer problems and protect your valuable data. This easy-to-use software helps you eliminate viruses, prevent computer problems, and restore your system to a healthy state. The One Button Checkup makes it easier than ever to find and fix computer problems.

Key Features :
- One Button Checkup allows you to quickly identify, and fix common PC problems.
- LiveUpdate™ automatically downloads protection updates to defend your PC against new threats.*

Norton AntiVirus™
- NEW! Norton™ Internet Worm Protection blocks worms at their attempted point of entry.
- NEW! QuickScan detects and removes viruses after new protection updates are installed.
- Automatically removes viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.
- Scans and cleans instant message attachments, incoming and outgoing email messages, and other files.
- Detects spyware and certain non-virus threats such as adware and keystroke logging programs.

Norton Utilities™
- Optimizes and defragments files for faster hard drive performance.
- Detects and fixes many Windows® and disk problems automatically.
- Can monitor your PC continuously to spot problems before they occur.

Norton GoBack™
- NEW! SafeTry Mode creates a temporary environment that allows you to test new programs and accept or reject changes to your system.
- NEW! Familiar, intuitive search bar makes it easy to find the files or folders you want to restore.
- Restores your disk drive to a previous healthy state after a system crash, failed software installation, user error, virus attack, or other problem.**
- Allows you to restore just the files or folders you need, or an entire drive.
CheckIt® Diagnostics
- NEW! Gives you a fast, thorough evaluation of your PC’s hardware.
System Optimizer
- NEW! Makes it easy to manage and customize Windows XP settings from one simple interface.
- Additional problem-solving tools
- NEW! Norton Cleanup now also deletes temporary and most recently used web pages. Customize your cleanup by selecting web pages, cookies, and other file types that you wish to save.
- Connection Keep Alive helps prevent dial-up Internet sessions from being interrupted
Член од
25 јануари 2005
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Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 8.1

Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition


500 Megabytes

Key Features:

* Provides advanced, enterprise-wide virus protection and monitoring from a single management console
* NEW! Expanded Threat Detection and Threat Categorization recognizes unwanted applications such as spyware and adware
* NEW! Threat Tracer identifies the source of blended threat attacks that spread via open file shares (e.g. Nimda)
* NEW! Outbound email worm heuristics prevent client systems from spreading worms via email
* NEW! Internet Email Attachment Scanning of incoming emails delivered through POP3 mail clients such as Microsoft® Outlook®, Eudora®, and Netscape Mail
* NEW! Symantec VPN Sentry ensures systems are in full compliance with corporate policy prior to accessing corporate network resources
* NEW! Store and Forward Alerts feature ensures that machines not connected to the network store and forward event data to administrators after reconnecting to the network
* On demand In-Memory Scanning detects threats and can terminate suspect processes, helping protect against threats such as Code Red and Nimda
* Centralized network auditing capabilities help identify unprotected nodes, as well as those protected by Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition and select third-party security products
* Backed by Symantec™ Security Response, the world's leading Internet security research and support organization

Comprehensive virus protection for enterprise workstations and network servers

Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition provides scalable, cross-platform virus protection for workstations and network servers throughout the enterprise. Symantec System Center™ enables centralized configuration, deployment, policy management, and reporting*, and allows administrators to audit the network to determine which nodes are vulnerable to virus attacks. Administrators can manage client and server groups logically, and can create, deploy, and lock down security policies and settings to keep systems up-to-date and properly configured.
Член од
17 февруари 2005
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pazetese od norton ako mozete izbegnuvajtego sto podobro to poubo

pusta informacii sto ne trebat
Член од
23 февруари 2005
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Ако сакаш полека да си го уништуваш компјутерот, користи Нортон :lol:
јас го користам касперски веќе 2 години и сум презадоволен. Уствари, сите антивирусни програми кои се на самиот врв по детекција(f-secure, extendia...) се со Kaspersky engine.
Има automatic update скоро на секој саат. Препорачливо е да се користи extended databse update, на тој начин те штити од adware,spyware...
Џабе не го викаат крал на антивирусните програми :D
руска направија :twisted:
Член од
27 јануари 2005
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Lugje, od iskustvo da kazhete koj e spored vas najdobar antivirus? Jas go koristam Panda Platinum Internet Security 2005 momentalno ali premnogu resursi mi zema bukvalno edna 256ka (ram) treba za nea... Ali pa za razlika od drugite antivirusni programi shto sum gi koristel do sega e najdobra... Nekoja druga solucija osven Panda Platinum?
Член од
23 февруари 2005
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MindHunter напиша:
Lugje, od iskustvo da kazhete koj e spored vas najdobar antivirus? Jas go koristam Panda Platinum Internet Security 2005 momentalno ali premnogu resursi mi zema bukvalno edna 256ka (ram) treba za nea... Ali pa za razlika od drugite antivirusni programi shto sum gi koristel do sega e najdobra... Nekoja druga solucija osven Panda Platinum?
Јас ти го препорачувам Касперски 5.0.227, троши многу помалку ресурси отколку Панда. Плус е еден од најдобрите антивируси. Сега искочи прототип на Касперски- Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 (technological prototype) build Како што можам да видам од моето досегашно тестирање и реакциите на официјалните форуми, овој прототип е одличен, да не речам совршен.
Други анти вируси кои ти ги препорачувам се NOD32 и Extendia. NOD32 е за нијанса е послаб од Касперски но користи помалку ресурси и има одлична хеуристика. Extendia ја користи Касперски технологијата со некои додатоци.

Би те советувал да не користиш пакети од ист производител. Ако имаш цел пакет Internet Security, тогаш пред инсталирањето оди на custom и избери го само оној програм кој е проверен. На пример: Инсталираш Панда, тогаш избери го само панда анти вирусот. Ако ти треба firewall, тогаш ти ги препорачувам Look N Stop и Outpost.


Член од
23 јануари 2005
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Што ќе кажете за AntiVir ?
И за SpyBot search and destroy?
И за Sygate Personall Firewall Pro?
Член од
23 февруари 2005
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Spybot е одличен програм, го користам веќе 2 и пол години и сум презадоволен. Ја користам и опцијата teatimer, па на тој начин ме известува за секоја промена во конфигурацијата во системот и регистрите. Мора така, кабловски интернет, конектиран сум 20h, па нападите не се ретки :D

AntiVir е добар програм само има мал проблем со тројанците, не ги детектира баш успешно, што значи ти треба додатен програм за тоа. Многу важно е антивирусниот програм да има добра real time заштита, зошто, со влегувањето на вирус, црв или тројанец во машината и без тоа да се фати, со рестартитрањето на копмпјутерот вирусите се интегрираат во компјутерот, мутираат и нивното откривање е многу потешко.

Sygate Personall Firewall Pro е солиден, само е малку потежок за поставување и креирање на правилата. Има недостатоци во outbond конекцијата.

За да го тестирате својот Firewall : http://www.firewallleaktester.com ова е една од најпознатите страни за тестирање. И самите производители на Firewall софтвер ги користат овие алатки и тестови. Овде ќе ги видите и резултатите од тестирањата па можете да процените кој Firewall е најсигурен.

Јас би ви препорачал уште spywareblaster како додатна заштита, и самиот автор на spybot го препорачува овој програм. Што е најдобро, бесплатен е http://www.javacoolsoftware.com
Член од
23 февруари 2005
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Ако сте заинтересирани да го тестирате најновиот касперски, еве ви еден forward :lol: :

Kaspersky Lab announces the beta version of Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 Technology Prototype

Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 Technology Prototype

This solution is the technology prototype of Kaspersky Internet Security 2006, an antivirus product designed to provide complete protection for personal computers against cyber threats.

This beta-testing presents the new architecture which the majority of future Kaspersky Lab products will be based on.

The aim of the beta testing is to:

• familiarize themselves with the new technologies
• familiarize themselves with the concepts and planned functionalities of the new product
• provide feedback on product functions
• provide feedback on the product interface
• provide feedback on product ease of use
• provide information on critical errors and compatibility issues
• provide data which will be used to extend the current databases (scanning exception rules, Anti-Hacker rules, Anti-Spam databases)

The Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 technology prototype will be used as the basis of applications providing integrated protection for computers and workstations against all cyber threats. The prototype incorporates both Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 functionality and the latest proactive antivirus technologies.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 technology prototype incorporates the following components:

1. Continual antivirus protection for file system
2. Continual antivirus protection for email
3. Continual antivirus protection while surfing the Internet
4. On-demand scanning module
5. Module which proactively detects new malicious programs
Personal firewall which utilizes extended bases of preconfigured application rules Module which detects network attacks; includes updateable databases
6. Personal anti-spam component with algorithms for self-modifying rules, meaning databases do not need to be updated
7. New module for downloading antivirus database updates; acts to minimize the size of updates.
8. Completely new interface

If you would like to receive descriptions of the skin engine, anti-spam technologies and the current set of anti-hacker preinstalled rules, please send a request to kav2006@kaspersky.com. The subject should read "technical information request". Please include your contact information and a brief description of your line of work in the message itself.

We are glad to receive feedback on any issues connected with the beta-version of this product.

You can send feedback automatically via the product interface using:
• The ‘Send feedback’ link in the lower left corner of the main application window
• The start button in the main Windows menu: Start/Programs/Kaspersky Internet Security/ Send Feedback

You can also send comments to kav2006@kaspersky.com.

If you send comments to this address, you are recommended to use the link in Services in the main application window. Using this link ensures that details of your hardware and software configuration will be automatically attached to your message.

You can also discuss any issues arising from the beta-testing in the Kaspersky Lab forum at http://www.kaspersky.com/forum/beta2006

The beta version can be downloaded here :




Timofey Obolochkov
Beta Test Expert
Kaspersky Lab

Програмот ќе ви работи до 1 септември! Јас го возам веќе :P
Член од
15 февруари 2005
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Jas imam McAfee.
Detektirav virus so ime: W32/Mydoom.n@MM
No nemozam da mu napravam delit, nitu clean, nitu quarantine zatoa sto The disk is write-protected.
Ima li resenie? :?


Член од
24 март 2005
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Ја користам Symantec Corporate Edition 8.1 и е доста добар .... Нортон САКС ... а Касперски не сум пробал, ама викаат дека е најдобар :wink:

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