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Темата е наменета за прикажување на темната страна од приватниот живот на музичките легенди, т.е. светски познати пеачи, инструменталисти, композитори, продуценти ...
За почеток ќе го представам легендарниот ( а параноичен) композитор, аранжер .
.. Јое Меек..
Интересни се аранжманите на Јое Меек со Том Џонс, се смета дека во песната
Lonely Joe всушност самиот Joe Meek е Lonely Joe..
За почеток ќе го представам легендарниот ( а параноичен) композитор, аранжер .
.. Јое Меек..
Artists that Meek recorded
He passed up the chance to work with the then unknown David Bowie, the Beatles (the latter he once described as "just another bunch of noise, copying other people's music") and Rod Stewart. John Repsch, in The Legendary Joe Meekrecounts that upon hearing Stewart sing, Meek rushed into the studio, put his fingers in his ears and screamed until Stewart had left. He preferred to record instrumentals with the band he sang with – the Moontrekkers.
In 1963 Meek worked with a then little-known singer Tom Jones, then the lead vocalist of Tommy Scott & the Senators. Meek recorded seven tracks with Jones and took them to various labels in an attempt to get a record deal, with no success. Two years later after Jones' worldwide hit "It's Not Unusual" in 1965, Meek was able to sell the tapes he had recorded with Jones to Tower (USA) and Columbia (UK).[14]
Homicide and suicide
On 3 February 1967 Meek killed his landlady Violet Shenton and then himself[9] with a single-barreled shotgun that he had confiscated from his protégé, former Tornados bassist and solo star Heinz Burt at his Holloway Road home/studio. Meek had flown into a rage and taken the gun from Burt when he informed Meek that he used it while on tour to shoot birds. Meek had kept the gun under his bed, along with some cartridges. As the shotgun had been owned by Burt, he was questioned intensively by police, before being eliminated from their enquiries.
Meek was subsequently buried at Newent Cemetery, Newent, Gloucestershire. His black granite tombstone can be found near the middle of the cemetery.
The lawsuit against Meek was ruled in his favour three weeks after his death in 1967. It is unlikely that Meek was aware ofAusterlitz, as it had been released only in France at the time.
Meek by name, wild by nature
The extraordinary producer Joe Meek recorded British pop's first out and out gay classic, and within six months had shot himself dead. Jon Savage traces the impact of sexuality on Meek's life in the Sixties when persecution and criminal prosecution were very real threats ....
Joe Meek stormed into the studio waving a gun around his eyes blazing. He levelled the gun at Tom and pulled the trigger. There was an almighty bang and Tom’s face turned a deathly white. Meek let out a manic laugh and stood toe to toe with Tom, their noses practically touching, ‘Now will you sing it the way I want?’ he hissed through gritted teeth.
Only then did he inform us that the gun was a harmless starting pistol. On the next take Joe got his way.....
The Tornados - Telstar .. This fantastic instrumental by "The Tornados" was released in 1962 and made number 1 in the UK charts, and also number 1 in the U.S in the same week.
He passed up the chance to work with the then unknown David Bowie, the Beatles (the latter he once described as "just another bunch of noise, copying other people's music") and Rod Stewart. John Repsch, in The Legendary Joe Meekrecounts that upon hearing Stewart sing, Meek rushed into the studio, put his fingers in his ears and screamed until Stewart had left. He preferred to record instrumentals with the band he sang with – the Moontrekkers.
In 1963 Meek worked with a then little-known singer Tom Jones, then the lead vocalist of Tommy Scott & the Senators. Meek recorded seven tracks with Jones and took them to various labels in an attempt to get a record deal, with no success. Two years later after Jones' worldwide hit "It's Not Unusual" in 1965, Meek was able to sell the tapes he had recorded with Jones to Tower (USA) and Columbia (UK).[14]
Homicide and suicide
On 3 February 1967 Meek killed his landlady Violet Shenton and then himself[9] with a single-barreled shotgun that he had confiscated from his protégé, former Tornados bassist and solo star Heinz Burt at his Holloway Road home/studio. Meek had flown into a rage and taken the gun from Burt when he informed Meek that he used it while on tour to shoot birds. Meek had kept the gun under his bed, along with some cartridges. As the shotgun had been owned by Burt, he was questioned intensively by police, before being eliminated from their enquiries.
Meek was subsequently buried at Newent Cemetery, Newent, Gloucestershire. His black granite tombstone can be found near the middle of the cemetery.
The lawsuit against Meek was ruled in his favour three weeks after his death in 1967. It is unlikely that Meek was aware ofAusterlitz, as it had been released only in France at the time.
Meek by name, wild by nature
The extraordinary producer Joe Meek recorded British pop's first out and out gay classic, and within six months had shot himself dead. Jon Savage traces the impact of sexuality on Meek's life in the Sixties when persecution and criminal prosecution were very real threats ....
Joe Meek stormed into the studio waving a gun around his eyes blazing. He levelled the gun at Tom and pulled the trigger. There was an almighty bang and Tom’s face turned a deathly white. Meek let out a manic laugh and stood toe to toe with Tom, their noses practically touching, ‘Now will you sing it the way I want?’ he hissed through gritted teeth.
Only then did he inform us that the gun was a harmless starting pistol. On the next take Joe got his way.....
The Tornados - Telstar .. This fantastic instrumental by "The Tornados" was released in 1962 and made number 1 in the UK charts, and also number 1 in the U.S in the same week.
Интересни се аранжманите на Јое Меек со Том Џонс, се смета дека во песната
Lonely Joe всушност самиот Joe Meek е Lonely Joe..