Студирање во Словенија



Ае пофалите се по колку летат еврејки месечно,и што јадете таму,лесно ли најдите стан/цимери ? :icon_lol:

Патем лесно ли е да се снајдеш таму сам за почеток,дали има кај да шетнеш да отепаш слободно време етц.....


Muy Tranquilo
Член од
30 јуни 2012
Поени од реакции
Ае пофалите се по колку летат еврејки месечно,и што јадете таму,лесно ли најдите стан/цимери ? :icon_lol:

Патем лесно ли е да се снајдеш таму сам за почеток,дали има кај да шетнеш да отепаш слободно време етц.....
Jaс сум сместена кај роднини, така да не сум баш информирана за кириите. Запознав и некои македонци што се во дом.

Ако сакаш да си заработиш нешто, и тоа можеш (за џепарац и слично) но за да живееш самостојно, да студираш и да работиш наеднаш, малце потешко.

За шетање има многу места, поготово сега во декември. Не е тешко да се уклопиш ако доволно се потрудиш.
Јазикот се учи брзо, со константна комуникација со словенци. А ако се затвориш во круг на македонци, малце потешко.
Сите што дошле тука од Мкд викаат дека го научиле јазикот за од прилика година дена.

За јадење имаш студентски бонови, и во многу ресторани има акции на различни менија, на пример ако некое мени чини 5 евра, студент може да го добие тоа мени со бон и доплата од околу евро или евро ипол . Така да храната за студенти е доста погодна...

На факс кај мене, младиве словенци се доста комуникативни, а и професорите ми се погодија, имаат доста разбирање за тоа што не го познавам сеуште јазикот, па ми дозволуваат некои активности да ги завршувам на англиски јазик.
Принципот и системот на студирање е доста поразличен од кај нас. Бараат многу активност на предавања, вежби, проекти, дебатирања и што уште не, и ако не ги завршиш тие, нема поминување по предметот, па џабе ти се сто бода на писмен испит, или колоквиуми, и мајка Јана нека е.
Барем така е на мојот смер.

Тоа е тоа што за сега го знам... Тука сум само месец дена така да, овие ми се досегашните импресии..

П.с. Цигарите ќе ги поскапувале пак од нова година, така да е непогодно место за студенти пушачи како мене.. Ќе треба да си зеам кило тутун коа ќе се враќам во Скопје, па ќе вртам ризли, оти некако мн луксуз било овде да се купуваат цигари :)
Член од
29 август 2012
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zdr ...sakam da se zapisuvam slovenija ..ama se plasam od angliski ili matematika nz so da polagam ...nekoj so polozil lani a gi znaj dobro i angliski i matematika mozi d ami pomogni da mi akzi so e polesno

Memento Mori

Yeah science, bitch!
Член од
24 август 2009
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Доколку познавате некој кој бара стан во Љубљана пишите :)
Член од
11 август 2011
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Ако има некој шо е запишан во Љубљана на некој од информатичките смерови, ќе го замолам да се јави :) И уште нешто, во Словенија за странски студенти партиципација нема, така?
Член од
21 септември 2008
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Ако може некој да каже кога излегува конкурсот за постдипломиски на економски факултет во Љубљана и плус некоја информација ако поседува. фала
Член од
8 јули 2012
Поени од реакции
А ја имам просек 5.00 во средно дали има шанса да земам Зоисова?
А успеа ли да аплицираш за Зоисова пошто имаше 5,00 просек дали ја доби? И со јазикот како се снајде,го учеше пред да заминиш,лесен е? :(
Во стан седиш или и во дом можи? И како се трошоците месечно ако можиш да ми кажиш....
Сега те бомбардирав со прашања ама и јас би сакала да студирам Словенија и би ми биле од корист вакви информации.
Фала многу :)
Член од
28 октомври 2011
Поени од реакции
Ме интерсира дали има некој на форумов што е запишан на земјоделски факултет во марибор и ако има кои се условите да се запишиш дали е задолжително да имаш документ за познавање на јазик? И дали може да се продолжи од втора година


Ме интерсира дали има некој на форумов што е запишан на земјоделски факултет во марибор и ако има кои се условите да се запишиш дали е задолжително да имаш документ за познавање на јазик? И дали може да се продолжи од втора година
Исто и мене за земјоделски ме интересира за словенија ако има некој да каже импресии :) и како е за уписот околу бодовите дали се барат многу.


дали има некој шо учи на факултет за програмирање во Словенија да ми кажи точно како се вика и некои подетални информации и со колку поени е примен дали е добар факултетот и да сподели некои искуства...и најважно дали знај некој како се пресметуваат поените за упис во Словенија ?
Член од
18 јуни 2012
Поени од реакции
А ако на пр. некој што е сеа прва година на факс, и сака втора година да запиши у Словенија, ќе му ги признаат положените предмети? Запознаен е некој со ова?
Член од
17 јули 2010
Поени од реакции
Бидејќи добивам многу пораки со прашања како да се запишам во Словенија еве како најправилно да се информирате! Плус, најдобро е вие самите да си пратите порака до установата каде што сакате да се запишите, така да добивате информации од first hand!

1.1. Application deadline
The application period for foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship lasts from 5th February to 31st July 2013. Candidates can apply using:
• Application Form which is available at: www.vpis.um.si under chapter Foreigners. The application form has to be sent by registered mail to: Higher Education Application and Information Service of the University of Maribor, p.p. 246, 2001 Maribor;
• E-application form which is availabe at www.vpis.um.si, www.vpis.uni-lj.si, www.vpis.upr.si or www.ung.si between 5th February to 5th March 2013.
Candidates may submit only one application, where they may specify a maximum of three different study options in the order of preference.
Candidates wishing to enrol in study programmes that require a test of specific aptitudes, abilities and skills must apply no later than 5th March 2013.
Late applications (after 31st July 2013 or after 5th March 2013) will not be considered in the application and admission procedure. In case of justifiable reasons candidates can submit the application form after the appliation deadline, but no later than 20th August 2013. Application request must be attached to the application. Requests and appeals are considered by the Appeals Commission.
After 5th March 2013 (for study programmes which require candidates to pass a test of specific aptitudes, abilities and skills) or after 31st July 2013 changes of study options are no longer available.
1.2. Review and consideration of applications and informing candidates of the status of their application
All registered foreigners and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, who have submitted their applications until 5th March 2013, will receive from Higher Education Application and Information Service of the University of Maribor no later than 31st May 2013 or within one month from the receipt of applicaton a notice of the status of their application and legal instructions on how to proceed as well as deadlines to complete the application with the required documentation.
1.3. The evidence of fulfilment of enrolment requirements
Candidates, foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, who have completed secondary education abroad and already have a Decision on Recognition of Foreign Education or a Decision of nostrification, have to send all necessary documents that show the fulfilment of enrolment requirements, along with the application at latest until 31st July 2013 or until 5th March 2013 for study programmes which require a test of specific aptitudes, abilities and skills.
Candidates, foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, who will finish secondary education abroad in academic year 2012/13, have to send all necessary documentation also at latest until 31st July 2013.
Documents needed are stated in point 3.
Admission and Information Office UM
Admission requirements for foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship Hague convention countries
1.4. Aptitude tests
Registered foreign citizens will perform aptitude tests at higher education institutions in time and manner specified in the Call for enrolment in the academic year 2013/2014. The notification of tests of specific aptitudes, abilities and skills will be sent to the candidates by individual higher education institution.
1.5. Information on the number of applied candidates
The information on the number of applications for each study programme will be published on the website www.vpis.um.si on 16th April 2013, 28th June 2013 and 9th August 2013.
1.6. Decision on enrolment limit
Higher Education Application and Information Service of the University of Maribor will determine the enrolment limit for certain study programmes considering the number of applicants and enrolment places until 19th August 2013 and publish the information of the final number of applied candidates and enrolment limit on the website www.vpis.um.si .
1.7. Classification of candidates
For all admitted candidates who will qualify for entry, Higher Education Application and Information Service of the University of Maribor and University of Ljubljana will carry out a selection or ranking procedure on 27th August 2013 based on selection criteria published in the Call for enrolment.
1.8. The decision on the results of the selection procedure for enrolment into the first year of undergraduate study
To all candidates with a valid application a written Decision on acceptance will be issued at latest until 10th September 2013 and sent to their stated mail address.
1.9. Deadline for appeal
Candidates can appeal against the decision on the results of the selection procedure to the competent authority of the University within 15 days of receiving the decision on the results of the selection procedure for enrolment into the first year of undergraduate study.
1.10. The list of admitted candidates
 The list of admitted foreign citizens shall include:
• Candidates, who choose a study programme with a decision on enrolment limit as their first study option, will be admitted to this or another study programme with enrolment limit if they meet the general requirements for enrolment and achieve a sufficient number of points. Candidates will be admitted to the remaining enrolment places in study programmes with unlimited enrolment if they meet the general requirements for enrolment.
• If too many candidates have applied to the remaining enrolment places in a study programme with unlimited enrolment and have specified it as their second or third study option, they will be selected in accordance with the criteria that are determined by the study programme with limited enrolment.
• If candidates, who have chosen the study programme with unlimited enrolment as their first study option, are admitted to the remaining enrolment places, the candidates who have chosen that study programme as their second or third study option cannot be admitted.
• On the list of admitted candidates are placed those with the same number of points as reached by the final candidate, regardless of the number of vacant enrolment places specified in the decision on enrolment limit.
 Those failing to submit the required evidence until 31st July 2013 will not be placed on the list off admitted candidates.
Admission and Information Office UM
Admission requirements for foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship Hague convention countries
 On the list of admitted candidates can subsequently be placed those candidates, who were decided on appeal.
Higher Education Application and Information Service of the University of Maribor will send a written list of admitted foreign citizens to all higher education institutions no later than 10th September 2013. Higher education institutions will be informed about subsequently admitted candidates (appeal procedure) via Internet.
1.11. Enrolment into the first year of undergraduate study
Admitted candidates can enrol into the first year of undergraduate study in the student office of the faculty until 30th September 2013. Those candidates who will afterwards be placed on the list of accepted candidates can enrol until 30th October 2013. The enrolment is possible only on the basis of a written Decision on acceptance.
Foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship can enrol in the first year of undergraduate study by fulfilling the following conditions:
a) Successfully completed appropriate secondary education (to enrol in university study programmes, the candidates must have a recognised national exit exam, like the Slovene matura or American SAT or final examination before 1 June 1995. To enrol in professional higher-education programmes, the candidates must have a recognised final examination, vocational certification or national exit exam);
b) Knowledge of Slovenian language (for some study programmes the candidates must pass the Slovene language examination);
c) Completed recognition procedure for secondary-school certificates obtained abroad;
d) Some study programmes require the candidates to pass a test of specific aptitudes, abilities and skills.
The following documentation is required:
- Notarised copy of birth certificate or certificate of citizenship or passport or personal identity card (notary or Apostille).
- Translation into Slovenian by a court translator of birth certificate or certificate of citizenship or passport or personal identity card.
- Verified1 copies of the secondary school certificates (secondary school exit certificate and certificates of the last two years with all the graded subjects, including the corresponding marks, must be specified in the certificate).
- Translation into Slovenian by a court translator of the secondary school exit certificate and certificates of the last two years with all the graded subjects, including the corresponding marks, must be specified in the certificate.
- Decision on recognition of certificates obtained abroad. The recognition procedure determines the equivalent Slovenian certificate to the certificate issued abroad. The procedure is carried out by University of Maribor. For the Decision on recognition acquisition it is necessary to file application on N Form (Obrazec N), that needs to be done in appointed time in order for the Decision on recognition to be issued till deadline. Information: tel: +386 (0)2 23 55 221, e-mail: janja.gracnar@um.si , http://www.um.si/studij/priznavanje/Strani/default.aspx . See point 5.
- A Slovenian language certificate (only for some study programmes). All courses at the University of Maribor are conducted in Slovene thus the Slovene language is mandatory, but some faculties require also the candidates to obtain a Slovenian language certificate for enrolment. See point 4. Verified1:
According to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (Hague Apostille Convention) the documents must be verified with APOSTILLE.
Admission and Information Office UM
Admission requirements for foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship Hague convention countries
Candidates who successfully completed matura in the Republic of Slovenia after 1995 or vocational matura after 2002 do not need to send their certificates. All certificates, except bilingual, must be translated into Slovenian by a court translator. For certificates from former Yugoslav republics obtained before 25 June 1991 the recognition procedure is not necessary. Diploma of International Baccalaureate (IB) is equivalent to the Matura certificate obtained in the Republic of Slovenia and the recognition process in not necessary.
Foreign citizens who finsihed secondary education in Slovenia must submit the following documentation:
- Verified2 copy of birth certificate of citizenship or passport or personal identity card;
- translation into Slovenian by a court translator of birth certificate or certificate of citizenship or passport or personal identity card;
- verfied2 copies of the secondary school certificates (seconday school exit certificate and certificates of the last two years with all the graded subjects, including the corresponding marks, must be specified in the certificate.
Evidence must be verified by a notary, official of any administrative unit or by an official of admission and information office of the University of the Republic of Slovenia.
All courses at the University of Maribor are conducted in Slovene thus the Slovene language is mandatory, but some faculties require also the candidates to obtain a Slovenian language certificate for enrolment:
 a Slovenian language certificate before enrolling into 1st year of undergraduate study (intermediate level):
 Faculty of Education (except for program Music education) (intermediate level),
 Faculty of Arts (intermediate level).
 a Slovenian language certificate before enrolling into the 2nd year of undergraduate study:
 Faculty of Criminal Justice (intermediate level),
 Faculty of Medicine (basic level),
 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (intermediate level),
 Faculty of Law (basic level),
 Faculty of Education (only program Music education) (intermediate level)
 Faculty of Health Sciences (basic level).
 no Slovenian language certificate:
 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
 Faculty of Civil Engineering,
 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
 Faculty of Logistics,
 Faculty of Energy Technology,
 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
 Faculty of Business and Economics,
 Faculty of Organizational Sciences,
 Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
Faculty of Tourism.
A Slovenian language certificate is obtainable at:
Andragoški zavod Maribor
Ljudska univerza
Admission and Information Office UM
Admission requirements for foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship Hague convention countries
Maistrova ul. 5
2000 Maribor
Tel: +386 (0)2 234 11 11
University of Ljubljana
Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language
Kongresni trg 12
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 (0)1 241 86 47
E-mail: center-slo@ff.uni-lj.si Internet: www.centerslo.net
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - just for candidates enrolling on the Faculty of Arts of University of Maribor:
University of Maribor
Faculty of Arts
Office for student affairs
Koroška cesta 160
2000 Maribor
Tel: +386 (0)2 22 93 787
(Candidates' Slovene language exam, that will be taken at Center for Slovene Language at University of Ljubljana, will be acknowledged).
Candidates who have completed primary or secondary school in Slovenia or have already obtained an undergraduate diploma in Slovenia do not have to participate in the Slovenian language exam.
If the candidate does not speak Slovenian and it is hers/his first contact with the Slovenian language, she/he can enrol in the one-year school for the Slovene language at the Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language of the University of Ljubljana. For information please contact Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language of the University of Ljubljana at above address.
The applicant, a holder of a foreign qualification, who applies to study at the University of Maribor, should make an application to:
University of Maribor
Office for general and legal affairs
Slomškov trg 15
2000 Maribor
with “Recognition of foreign qualifications” written on envelope.
The procedure starts with application: the applicant should complete the N form (Obrazec N) and enclose the required documentation. The N Form has to be filed on time in order for the Decision on recognition to be issued till deadline for filing all required documents, needed for fulfilment of enrolment conditions, stated in point 3.
Information on the recognition procedure which is carried out by:
University of Maribor, Office for general and legal affairs, Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Tel: +386 (0)2 23 55 221, e-mail: janja.gracnar@um.si
Internet: www.um.si (under Studying at UM, under Recognition of Foreign Qualification).
The International Baccalaureate (IB) certificates do not need to be recognised.
Admission and Information Office UM
Admission requirements for foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship Hague convention countries
The tuition fees for undergraduate studies are set individually by each faculty. Tuition fees for full-time undergraduate study for one academic year are paid on enrolment in the faculty. Citizens of European Union Member States do not need to pay the tuition fees.

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