Стихови од песни што би ги посветиле...


Член од
20 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
Karma police, arrest this man
He talks in maths
He buzzes like a fridge
He's like a detuned radio

Karma police, arrest this girl
Her Hitler hairdo is
Making me feel ill
And we have crashed her party

This is what you get
This is what you get
This is what you get when you mess with us

Karma police
I've given all I can
It's not enough
I've given all I can
But we're still on the payroll

This is what you get
This is what you get
This is what you get when you mess with love

And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself

For for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself

I bi dodal

Karma police, arrest this girl
she stares at me
as if she owns the world and
we have crushed her party


Член од
25 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
Азра - Далеко од истине

Како си глуп
како си охол драги мој
судиш о мојим осјечајма
како си ружан
у својој незрелости драги мој
На твоме лицу
празнује велико ништа
и да живиш тисучу година нечеш успјети
далеко од истине
Далеко си ти од истине...



Во име на сите прекрасни моменти, сите бакнежи, сите допири, неколку грама кокаин и неверојатниот марципан. Мрш бре дестинации ...
Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to beeeeeeeee.

Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.

Fuck L Ron Hubbard and Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all these gun-toting Hip gangster wannabes.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Fuck retro anything. Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and Fuck your short memory.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Fuck smiley glad-hands with hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional, insecure actresses.
(Learn to swim. 8x)

I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.
I wanna see it come down.

Член од
14 август 2010
Поени од реакции
Mogu da ne vidim,
mogu da ne cujem
Mogu da oprostim
ne i da zaboravim

Mogu da ne pitam
i luda se napravim
Mogu da oprostim
ne i da zaboravim

Tu gde si doveo me
samo na korak je dno
Jos jednom pogledaj me
ja ne zasluzujem to

Samo je korak do dna,
taj korak napravi sam
A ja cu dalje
kako umem i kako znam

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
...а мене студени соништа ме мачат,
ќе ме убијат

Вака ни зората не ме скорива,
и уште повеќе ме прави тажна
и сега јасно е,
денот што ме буди, ќе ме полуди

Свирете ја Зајди зајди, тивко полека
мене ми е таа песна гледам судена
чашата е преполна ме задушува
душата е уморна и ме напушта...
Член од
13 август 2010
Поени од реакции
Ljubav je kad

Cesto se zagledam
u odsjaj neba iznad tvojih prozora
noc je nada za nas bez sna

Ako te nikada ja na ovoj zemlji ne bih imao
ona bi stala i to je kraj

Mozes me mrzeti, a mozda mozes me i dugo voleti
i jedno i drugo znam ipak ce nas boleti

Pitaj me sad ljubav je kad
kad znas kada da pustis sve
i podjes dalje bez nje, bez nje
ljubav je kad

Ti maleni plamenu
namotaj slike sve u klupko secanja
noc je nada za nas bez sna

Mozes me mrzeti, a mozda mozes me i dugo voleti
i jedno i drugo znam ipak ce nas boleti


100% Milla
Член од
15 јуни 2009
Поени од реакции
Picture perfect memories,
Scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone cause, I can't fight it anymore.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.

Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door.
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

Yes Id rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

Oh baby I need you now.


Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
Поени од реакции
Кој не сака кој не сака
мајмуни да гледа
нека бега нека бега
мајката му се еба :icon_lol:.
Член од
17 февруари 2012
Поени од реакции
Leptiri u mom stomaku,
uvek me na tebe potsete.
Ja ih uspavam na foru,
al te osete

Onda potonem u sebe
tamo dole sretnem tebe
pa se slike k'o komadi
ostrog stakla
zariju u dlan
Посветена на мојата нова симпатија :P


Hey you - Pink Floyd

Hey you out there in the cold
Getting lonely getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles
Can you feel me?
Hey you don't help them to bury the light
Don't give in without a fight.

Hey you out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone
Would you touch me?
Hey you with you ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out
Would you touch me?
Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?
Open your heart, I'm coming home.

But it was only fantasy.
The wall was too high,
As you can see.
No matter how he tried,
He could not break free.
And the worms ate into his brain.

Hey you, out there on the road
Always doing what you're told,
Can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall,
Can you help me?
Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall.
  • Ми се допаѓа
Reactions: wot

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
Не е на некој посветена песнава, повеќе е израз на самата себе и мојот карактер, најверојатно стихови кои би сакала некогаш да ги посветам... :) Од збор до збор.

I can't buy your love, don't even wanna try.
Sometimes the truth won't make you happy, so I'm not gonna lie.
But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

I know i'm far from perfect, nothin' like your entourage
I can't grant you any wishes, I won't promise you the stars.
But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

You won't see me at the parties, I guess I'm just no fun.
I won't be turning up the radio singing "Baby You're The One".
But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

I know sometimes I get angry, and I say what i don't mean.
I know I keep my heart protected, far away from my sleeve.
But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

Cause when you've given up.
When no matter what you do it's never good enough.
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
Thats when you feel my kind of love.

And when you're crying out.
When you fall and then can't pick, you're heavy on the ground
When the friends you thought you had haven't stuck around.
That's when you feel my kind of love.
Член од
14 август 2010
Поени од реакции
Stay With Me
Don't Let Me Go
Cause I Can't Be Without You
Just Stay With Me
And Hold Me Close
Because I've Built My World Around You
And I Don't Wanna Know What's It Like Without You
So Stay with Me
Just Stay With Me



Член од
24 мај 2005
Поени од реакции
Не ти е лесно знам
Мислиш светот се распаднал..
А секое лошо за добро е..
Што и да е, ќе помине.

Болката не значи да се предадеш, затоа не плачи
ме имаш мене и гушни ме
Што и да е, ќе помине..
Член од
21 август 2008
Поени од реакции
A tato tato ti si trebal da go izvadis
pred da svrsis
Kad sam bio dete otisla je majka
od tada se moja zavrsila bajka
babo i dedo so vas da rastev
sega covek ke stanev
Striko, brat na tatko
Da vi dade Gospod 90g zivot
da nema koj casa voda da vi dade
i papmers da vi menja
Od svoja roda podaleku
zavidlivi zluradi ako ne jas Bog ke ve kazni
naivno sam vjerovao da postoji samo jedna prava
al kurva me prevarila ispo sam budala!

Edina pocit imam kon papagalite koi peeja koga pustav glasna muzika
i kon macinjata koja mi ja lecea depresijata!


You talk too much... Let me shut you up
Член од
4 септември 2007
Поени од реакции
....Cause it’s a sweet sensation
Thinking of all that hot temptation
You know it’s going right where you want
Yeah, you know what’s going on
I keep breaking my own rules playing your love fool
Trying to forget about the consequence
We keep saying we should and yeah we know we could stop...

Kajgana Shop

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