Стихови од песни што би ги посветиле...

Член од
14 август 2010
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I couldn't find another man
Who loves me like you do
I couldn't hold another hand
that holds me quite like you
Such a love is heaven-blessed
Couldn't find another man

Only you can set my heart on fire
Or fill my life with pain
And no matter if I laugh or cry
I love you just the same
Cause the moment that I hold you close
I see in your eyes
With a silent stare, you turn your eyes

If I lost every pleasure
Of silver and gold
I would still find my treasure
With you there to hold

  • Ми се допаѓа
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Член од
6 јануари 2011
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She woke in the morning
She knew that her life had passed her by
And she called out a warning

''Don't ever let life pass you by''


Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Од нашата Тијана, која сега е србинка, специјално со посвета :)

Ona zna da si ti bio lud
za mnom godinama
ona zna, ona zna
da sam umela jedino ja

Da te setam, grejem i hladim
da te mazim i svasta ti radim
da te kupim i prodam u isti mah
ko nijedna

Ona to zna, zato me tako i gleda
ona to zna, tebi ni blizu mi ne da
ona to zna da moji te dodiri loze
ona to zna, al’ briga me, sta mi moze
ona to zna, ona to zna, ona to zna
ona to zna, ona to zna, ona to zna
znam da ona to zna

Ona zna, nisam ja bilo ko
kad se pogledamo
ona zna da bi ti bio moj
ako pozelim to

Ispod oka me gleda sa strane
ne bi li mi uocila mane
da ti kaze da bolja je nego ja
sala mala


The Ugly Duckling
Член од
22 септември 2009
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Oh dear dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me

Oh dear dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll wait up in the dark
For you to speak to me
I'll open up
Release me
Release me
Release me
Release me

Член од
11 ноември 2005
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Посветено до сите политичари во Р.М. [Six Pack - Kupleraj]

Šta me gledaš ko debil?
Šta nije jasno?
Treba jebati vam mater i to opasno
Da se istera jednom u kraj
Dali ste pakao a obećali raj!
Koji kupleraj!!!

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Од збор до збор. До последната запирка и точка.

Ne, nisi ti kriv
sto si u blizini bio tako daleko
mada cisto sumnjam
da ces ikom biti blizi

Ti stvarno nemas
nikakve veze sa tim
sto vise nikom ne dam
da mi se tako priblizi

Da donosio si stvari koje me vesele
valjda svak dobije ono sto zasluzi
dobro si znao sto me raduje
ali nikad ono sto me rastuzi

Sta me sad pitas sta mi je
sta nisi pitao ranije
sta nisi gledao znakove kraj puta
sad nisam vise ni tuzna ni ljuta
svejedno je

Sta me sad pitas kako si
lopove moje mladosti
puno sam bolje otkad te nema
al' sam i dalje nesretna zena
sretno ti moja bivsa radosti

Mili moj, svaka povjest se ponavlja
pitam se sto nisam starije slusala
nego sam krenula
u krivom smjeru

Opet sam bila nekom
samo orden na reveru

Necu te kleti
i nista ruzno zeljeti
ali lijepo na tebe
nece me sjecati


Sretno ti moja bivsa jubavi
zivio ti meni


Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
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DMX (Ain't) No Sunshine lyrics

It's dark and hell is hot

Ain't no sunshine when it's on
Only darkness every day
Ain't no sunshine when it's on
Cuz when its on, ya niggaz gonna be gone
Every time cuz we don't play

"Who turned out the lights?"
Is what niggaz be sayin'
Now you don't wanna fight
But ya niggaz be playin'
Thinkin' its alright keep playin with that road
And you gonna know the night
When you layin in that cold
Dirt gettin' tossed in your grave
Now it's all over
Preacher said "You was brave"
But now it's all over
You just one of the many, plenty I done gave it to
(*boom*) Ain't no savin 'you
No matter how many tears your moms' cried
Ain't gon bring your ass back
Plus in hell, you gon fry
Why? But now the only 2 releative questions
Is "Do we bury him or burn? Any suggestions?"
Either way, you up out of here for good
Now when niggaz mention you name
They knockin' on wood
Did I, get my, point across?
Another body on the shotte
Another joint I toss

Ain't no sunshine when it's on
Only darkness every day
Ain't no sunshine when it's on
Cuz when its on, ya niggaz gonna be gone
Every time cuz we don't play [Repeat 4x]

There ain't no sunshine
When the Dark Man comes out
And I want mine
So I plan to keep my gun out
We got four 9's
So niggaz run in and run out
But I bust mine
Cuz I'd like to hear some shots
+Get At Me Dog+ niggaz know how its goin dizzy
When it comes to that flow, I gets busy
Who is he? Dark Man of the unknown
(GRRR ARF) One dog, one bone
Now who ain't goin home? Looks like you
You hear strike 1, talkin' shit, strike 2
Won't be a strike 3, cuz I don't play fair
I'ma look you in your eye
While he hit you from the rear
Be like "Yeah, holdin' you up cuz you fallin'"
The Lord ain't comin' till niggaz stop callin'
You was ballin' a minute ago
In it for dough
Till it was "Yo, I swear to God, I didnt know"


And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
Whatchu think you gon get
Fuck around with my dough
Just so it ain't no mistakes, this is my show
One (one) two (two) three (three) here I go
Your shit is quick and your shit is sleek
But this shit is thick and when you hear this shit
Damn right I can finish shit
If you caught that verse without a rewind you can see mine
But you be blind, i'll do it 360, come up from behind
Tap you on the shoulder, have you turnin' around
Hit you with somethin' that i'll have you burin' the ground
Be like "Damn ain't nothin' left of money, but a pile of ash"
Life is good, so please enjoy it, while it lasts
Cuz you know ain't got much longer to go
The quicker you go depends the stronger the flow
When niggaz know I don't give a FUCK, right or wrong
There ain't no sunshine when it's on

Член од
13 септември 2007
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Just remember all these things I promised you.
I will move heaven,
I will move hell and earth to be where you are.
I will move heaven,
I will move hell and earth to be where you are.
I will move heaven,
And it may take this life,
It may take forever,

I promise you.
I promise you.


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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Zasto tebe da nosim na dusi
Nama smisla da ratujem s tobom
Dobra moja, idi s milim bogom
Ja ne znam sta cu sam sa samim sobom

Prosao sam davno cmakanje u parku
Drzanje za ruku, lezanje na travi
Ne prodajem zvezde, ni sarene laze
Suvise me toga zviznulo po glavi

Necu da ispadnem zivotinja
Ja ne umem u dvoje da trajem
Ja sam ti ljubavna sirotinja
Otimam, a nista ne dajem

Mogu da ti valjam samo 2-3 dana,
U osecanjima uzasno sam stedljiv
Ja sam Solunac vagon restorana
I priznajem, priznajem, priznajem
Priznajem da sam neupotrebljiv

Necu da ispadnem zivotinja
Ja ne umem u dvoje da trajem
Ja sam ti ljubavna sirotinja
Otimam, a nista ne dajem ;)

Член од
27 септември 2011
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If u had my love and I gave u all my trust
Would u comfort me
Tell me baby
And if somehow u knew that your love would be untrue
Would u lie to me
And call me baby

Now if I give u me
This is how its got to be
First of all I won't take u cheating on me
Tell me who can I trust if i can't trust in u
And I refuse to let u play me for a fool

U said that we could possibly spend eternity
(See thats what u told me thats what u said)
But if u want me
U have to be fulfilling all my dreams
If u really want me baby :pipi:


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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Sa trinaes sam popusio prvu pljugu
A posle prve odma i drugu
Jer tad
Tad sam bio mlad
S cetrnaes sam popio prvo pivo
A posle piva sam pio sve zivo
Jer tad
Tad sam bio mlad
Kad dobijem batine nisam kukao
Bio sam tucen, i ja sam tukao
Jer tad
Tad sam bio mlad
Ja samo petnaes, ona ofucana
Hvala joj, ali bila je tucana
Jer tad
Tad sam bio mlad

Член од
14 август 2010
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Don't promise me forever just love me day by day
No one knows the future, we're young but that's okay
'Cause you'll always be a part of me, whatever life will bring


is a turtle
Член од
21 август 2005
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I will never find another lover sweeter than you,
Sweeter than you
And I will never find another lover more precious than you
More precious than you
Girl you are
Close to me you're like my mother
Close to me you're like my father
Close to me you're like my sister
Close to me you're like my brutha
You are the only one my everything and for you this song I sing

And all my life
I've prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life
I've prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too

I said you're all that I'm thinkin' of.....baby

Said, I promise to never fall in love with a stranger
You're all I'm thinkin' of, I praise the Lord above
For sending me your love, I cherish every hug
I really love you

And all my life, baby, baby, I've prayed for someone like you,
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you, baby
All my life I've prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me

You're all that I ever known
When you smile, on my face, all I see is a glow
You turned my life around
You picked me up when I was down
You're all that I ever known
When you smile on your face all I see is a glow
You picked me up when I was down
You're all that I ever known
When you smile on your face all I see is a glow
You picked me up when I was down
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes I pray that you do love me too

All my life
I've prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I've prayed for someone like you
Yes, I pray that you do love me too
All my life I've prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I've prayed for someone like you
Yes, I pray that you do love me too

Целата песна ти ја посветувам... :*

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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...тој е кучкин син,
а ти си како него иста..
Би поднела од секого се,
но од тебе не,
те имав како сестра блиска.

На здравје нека ти е. ;)

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