Систем “Фаланга’’

Член од
17 март 2005
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Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (PCIW)

The MK 15 Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS - pronounced "sea-whiz") is a fast-reaction, rapid-fire 20-millimeter gun system that provides US Navy ships with a terminal defense against anti-ship missiles that have penetrated other fleet defenses. Designed to engage anti-ship cruise missiles and fixed-wing aircraft at short range, Phalanx automatically engages functions usually performed by separate, independent systems such as search, detection, threat evaluation, acquisition, track, firing, target destruction, kill assessment and cease fire. Phalanx underwent operational tests and evaluation onboard USS Bigelow in 1977, and exceeded maintenance and reliability specifications. Phalanx production started in 1978 with orders for 23 USN and 14 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) systems.

Phalanx is a point-defense, total-weapon system consisting of two 20mm gun mounts that provide a terminal defense against incoming air targets. CIWS, without assistance from other shipboard systems, will automatically engage incoming anti-ship missiles and high-speed, low-level aircraft that have penetrated the ship primary defense envelope. As a unitized system, CIWS automatically performs search, detecting, tracking, threat evaluation, firing, and kill assessments of targets while providing for manual override.

Each gun mount houses a fire control assembly and a gun subsystem. The fire control assembly is composed of a search radar for surveillance and detection of hostile targets and a track radar for aiming the gun while tracking a target. The unique closed-loop fire control system that tracks both the incoming target and the stream of outgoing projectiles (by monitoring their incoming noise signature) gives CIWS the capability to correct its aim to hit fast-moving targets, including ASMs.

The gun subsystem employs a gatling gun consisting of a rotating cluster of six barrels. The gatling gun fires a 20mm subcaliber sabot projectile using a heavy-metal (either tungsten or depleted uranium) 15mm penetrator surrounded by a plastic sabot and a light-weight metal pusher. The gatling gun fires 20mm ammunition at either 3,000 or 4,500 rounds-per-minute with a burst length of continuous, 60, or 100 rounds.
CIWS has been a mainstay self defense system aboard nearly every class of ship since the late 70’s. It was originally designed to defeat low altitude antiship cruise missiles (ASCMs) and was called the block 0. As antiship cruise missiles became more complex in maneuvers and ability to be detected, and warfare areas moved from open ocean to littoral environments, CIWS has evolved to meet the threat.

Block 1 incorporated a new search antenna to detect high altitude missiles, improved search sensitivity, increased the ammunition available for firing by 50 percent, a pneumatic gun drive which increased the firing rate to 4500 rounds per minute, and started using tungsten ammunition as well as depleted uranium. Block I improvements provide increased elevation coverage, larger magazine space for increased round capacity, a variable and higher gun fire rate, and improved radar and processing capabilities.

Block 1A incorporated a new High Order Language Computer (HOLC) to provide more processing power over the obsolete general purpose digital computer, improved fire control algorithms to counter maneuvering targets, search multiple weapons coordination to better manage engagements, and an end-to-end testing function to better determine system functionality.

Block 1B Phalanx Surface Mode (PSUM) incorporates a side mounted Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) which enables CIWS to engage low slow or hovering aircraft and surface craft. Additionally, the FLIR assists the radar in engaging some ASCM’s bringing a greater chance of ship survivability. Block 1B uses a thermal imager Automatic Acquisition Video Tracker (AAVT) and stablilization system that provide surface mode and electro-optic (EO) angle track. These Block 1B enhancements will allow day/night detection capability and enable the CIWS to engage small surface targets, slow-moving air targets, and helicopters.

Baseline 2C improvements provide an integrated multi-weapon operations capability. During integrated operations, the command system controls CIWS sensors, target reports, mode employment, and doctrine. The sensors are utilized to provide 360 degree search and track coverage, while providing track data to, and receiving designations from, the Command system. This CIWS installation includes a conversion kit for each weapon group to facilitate ease and safety of maintenance; the "maintenance enclosure" kit installs the below-deck equipment for a gun mount in a prefabricated enclosure with the mount located above it.



а оти го нема центурион...

тоа е варијанта за одбрана на бази...која седокажа со преку 100 уништени ракети

инаку навистина скапа играчка е....скоро 5 милиони евра многу пара е:toe:

smart ass

и покрај скапотијата...типично за Raytheon еве џавелинот е пример...претеруваат со цените а и одржувањето е скапо но изгледа америте си ги ценат бродовите.а и не се само они 20 држави го користат иако е прескап за одржување ама онаа српската боље спречити него лечити изгледа важи.

П.С ако некој е конкретно заинтересиран за системов имам едно 25-6 страни каде добро е претставена неговата работа:)

за тоа системов дали треба да се користи говори фактот што од 60-сетите па до денес од Противбродски ракети 86 бродови се оштетени а некои од нив потопени,конкретно од ракетни чамци дури 12 брода погодени.

Raytheon’s Phalanx Block 1B
Surface Mode is a complete
weapon system to counter
threats of today and tomorrow.
With an integrated FLIR and
operator control panels merged
with a proven ASM defense
capability, the Block 1B system
is unique. The system has been
thoroughly tested in real-world
scenarios against a variety of
ship defense threats and had
initial operational capability
in 1999.
Optimized Gun Barrels
The original M61A1 gun barrels
were designed for short bursts
and are subject to wear and
increased dispersion patterns.
The new optimized gun barrels
are 18 inches longer, substantially
thicker and include both a barrel
brace and muzzle restraint to
improve life expectancy and
projectile dispersion patterns. In
addition, the enhanced lethality
cartridge, fielded with Block 1B
provides a 50 percent increase in
penetrator mass.
Phalanx FLIR
To provide its Surface Mode
tracking and engagement
capability, Phalanx Block 1B
incorporates a thermal imager
with automatic acquisition
tracking. The system operates in
the 8- to 12-micron wavelength
and is mounted on a stabilized
pedestal attached to the existing
Phalanx track antenna radome.
This system provides a reliable
day and night passive search and
track capability against slow-speed
air threats and surface craft,
while improving anti-air-warfare
performance in multi-path and
glint environments via enhanced
angular track accuracy (50–100
microradians) against the high-G
maneuvering ASM.
Operational Features
• Autonomous detect, prioritization,
track, engagement and kill
assessment of air targets from
wave-top to steeply diving
• Day and night detect, identification,
track and engagement,
and kill assessment of surface
craft and low-speed aircraft
• Remote designation available
from other ships’ sensors
against air and surface targets
• Interface and control to provide
fire-control and search-sensor
capability for other shipboard
gun and missile systems
Scale UAV
Small Boat Threat
Personal Watercraft
Surface Mine
• Worldwide logistics, training
and depot-level maintenance
• Automated/integrated test
system including moving
end-to-end target simulation
• Affordable and fits virtually
any ship without major ship

smart ass

ај би додал уште некој додаток кој се надевам ќе даде една приближна слика за што станува збор.

всушност некои од земјите кои го користат.а и системот е навистина специфичен и комплетно интегриран...ова РАМ-от е позанимлив:vozbud:

smart ass

би прашал каква врска има системов за заштита од копно со фаланкс-от... е а и премногу повторуваат,доасадни се:tapp::tapp:

немаат осет:smir:

П.С би било добро во иднина кога отвараш теми да не бидат само со слика или видео-членот кој отвара тема е обврзан да внесе вовед во истите...еве на пример оваа тема има основен вовед има и низа други теми кои се со вовед но и лоши примери...теми без вовед имаше во ЧДА:toe:

егзосет...јакхонт се поголема закана дефинитивно а фаланк-сот е баш тука за нив....инку да во право си има потреба од вакви системи и тоа како...едно резил е брод да ти биде потопен па жртви...превентивноста е важна.
Член од
10 јуни 2005
Поени од реакции
би прашал каква врска има системов за заштита од копно со фаланкс-от... е а и премногу повторуваат,доасадни се:tapp::tapp:
Видеото е како што кажав за да се има осет потребата од вакви системи.Знам дека е офтопик но би било убаво нели да има и "military" подфорум каде ќе може да се дискутира на вакви теми,до тогаш сметам дека нема потреба да давам детални објаснувања за било какви системи(се наоѓаме во подфорум авијација нели)

smart ass

да да јасно се разбираме...па има неколку члена кои сакаат таков подфорум меѓу кои сум и јас а знам уште неколку но нема....имаше тема во историја мислам за втора светска војна исто еве би ти препорачал некои теми каде има М од милитари:helou:

би ти препорачал да ги разгледаш темите интересни се(штета имаше и нешто недолично но средено е) заклучокот ти преостанува тебе:toe:

smart ass

би додал уште нешто конкретно за прецизноста како и пенетрационата моќ на системот.
Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Кинезите тврдат дена нивните ракети наменети за уништување на носачи на авиони во завршната фаза летаат 6 маха и напаѓаат од горе, вертикално, за Фалагната да не може да ги фати ниту било која раета во сегашниот арсенал на Американската морнирица.

Интересно ќе е да дознаеме дали Фалангата има надградба за да постигне ваква противмерка.


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