Романија и Бугарија пет години во ЕУ, а политички и економски на Балканот


Вардар - Егеј - Пирин: Македонија!
Член од
17 јануари 2008
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Vo Romania imase interesna kombinacija.

Od edna strana nova (?) progresivna partija porazlicna od dotogasnite vodecki partii i od druga strana golema dijaspora, progresivna, i so zelba da ja promeni situacijata vo matecnata zemja odnosno kriticna prema vlasta. Dijasporata imase udel vo segasnite izbori kade izgubi aktuelnata vlast a dobija progresivni partii, iako vlasta se obide da im go otezne glasanjeto tie sepak doprinesoa vo rezultatot odnosno debaklot na vlasta.


“It seems like they don’t want us to vote. They are afraid of the diaspora vote because we know they’re thieves,” says a young man who was nevertheless determined to stay until the end.

paralelite so Makedonija se samo slucjani....


Член од
1 февруари 2007
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Имаме неколко новини от изминалиот период.
Првата е дека Бугариja ке прими един от суперкомпутрите на ЕУ (8 за целиja ЕУ). Инвестициjaва ке биде во Софиja. Ке може да се користи и от државите от Балканите.

Бугариja се подготвува до краja на 2019 година да влезе во ERM II, што е прва стапка ком примането на еврото, а во моментот се извршуват тестови на бугарските банки от европската централна банка.

Во изминатат недела, Бугариja за прав пат пласира 20 годишни обврзници на внатрешниот пазар со камата 1,6%.
10 годишната обврзница падна на 0,41% камата
Член од
29 септември 2013
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Член од
1 февруари 2007
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ЕУ издигна кандидатот си за шеф на МВФ, тоа е бугарката Кристалина Георгиева, коja во моментот е CEO на светската банка.

Ако биде изгласана, таа ке биде втората жена на врвот на МВФ после Лагард, но ке биде првиот човек от източна Европа,што може да стане на чело на мегународниот монетарен фонд.


Член од
1 февруари 2007
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Веке со сигурност можеме да кажеме, дека Кристалина Георгиева ке биде на чело на ММФ.
Реално нема друг кандидат.


Член од
1 февруари 2007
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Бугариja днес подпиша изградбата на бугарскиот дел от Турски поток и му даде името Балкански поток за 1,1 милиарда евра со државната саудитска компаниja - Аркад.



Член од
1 февруари 2007
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Веке и официално Кристалина Георгиева стапува от 1 Октомври во функциja на директор на ММФ.



Член од
1 февруари 2007
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Каде са Бугариja и Романиja во однос на ITO и BPO

Eве и малце информациja за невработеност во региона

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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„Повеќе сакам да имаме луѓе кои нелегално доаѓаат од Гвинеја или Брегот на Слоновата Коска и кои доаѓаат да работат наместо бугарските и украинските банди“, кажа францускиот претседател.
  • Ми се допаѓа
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Член од
1 февруари 2007
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Бугариja и САД подпишха 10 годишна рамка за стратежко партнерство.

The United States and the Republic of Bulgaria have forged a strong and enduring relationship as friends, strategic partners, and Allies that share transatlantic commitments. Recognizing the significant challenges currently facing our two countries and the international order, we affirm the need to develop and solidify the cultural, economic, institutional, and military ties that bind us together to enhance our mutual security, prosperity, and opportunity. We further express our continuing conviction that our relationship remains rooted in our shared commitment to democratic principles and values, including the rule of law and respect for human rights.

Taking into account the substantial progress we have achieved in recent years and looking to the future, we aim to undertake additional efforts to realize further the potential benefits of our strategic partnership in the following areas:

Recognizing the need to enhance our collective security, Bulgaria intends to continue to undertake investments to modernize its military forces, increase interoperability, and meet its declared NATO capability targets. In line with the defense spending pledge made by all Allies at the 2014 NATO Wales Summit, Bulgaria intends to continue to implement its credible plan to reach defense spending targets by 2024.

Both countries intend to build upon the success of our 2006 Defense Cooperation Agreement to co-develop a roadmap to advance bilateral defense cooperation to counter maritime, cyber, and hybrid threats in the Black Sea region over the next decade. This 10-year roadmap will support Bulgaria’s modernization efforts through the provision of security assistance, facilitating access to advanced U.S. defense technology and expanding the scope of military exercises, engagements, and training to bolster further our interoperability and respective capabilities.

Viewing with concern the security situation in the Black Sea, the United States welcomes Bulgaria’s offer to provide a maritime coordination function at Varna in support of NATO’s Tailored Forward Presence initiative. Both countries share a desire to pursue additional cooperation, bilaterally and through NATO, to bolster Bulgaria’s maritime operations capabilities and thereby bolster our collective security along NATO’s southeastern flank.

The United States and Bulgaria expect to convene a high-level strategic dialogue to discuss further the implementation of these goals.

Economic, Trade, and Energy Cooperation

Energy security is national security. The way to ensure Bulgaria’s energy security and lower energy prices lies through real market liberalization and reforms. We want to engage in continued dialogue on this process. Our shared goal is for Bulgaria to become a true gas hub and key source of regional energy security, free of monopolists, foreign or domestic, and operating on market principles. U.S. experience can help Bulgaria create a truly dynamic energy market.

The two countries intend to work together on addressing the challenges of the future. Recognizing Bulgaria’s interest in moving toward more efficient, cleaner sources of energy, we want to cooperate on increasing the supply of gas from reliable sources and diversifying the nuclear energy sector, as well as on increasing the share of sustainable renewables in the overall energy matrix. Continued commercial exchanges in this realm are expected to bolster Bulgaria’s energy security and lower energy prices for the Bulgarian consumer. We recognize the importance of civil nuclear power as a reliable and clean energy source and look forward to working together to find solutions to Bulgaria’s energy needs. To take maximum advantage of secure and affordable gas offered by U.S. liquefied natural gas producers, Bulgaria needs the right infrastructure. Together, we intend to monitor and work to ensure decisive progress on the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria and the Alexandroupolis Floating Storage and Regasification Unit in Greece.

In the interest of deepening our economic relationship and strengthening our commercial links, we intend to enhance our sustained dialogue on investment climate issues. Our goal is to help foster connections between our two countries’ entrepreneurs and to further improve Bulgaria’s investment climate, helping attract additional U.S. investment and know-how. We intend to ensure that investors are treated fairly and that any investment disputes are resolved in a just manner that reinforces investors’ confidence. As part of this dialogue, we intend to identify ways to solidify the positive performance and to extend recent gains in Bulgaria’s Intellectual Property Rights enforcement regime.

Strengthening Democracy and the Rule of Law

Good governance forms the basis of our shared security and prosperity. The United States intends to support Bulgaria as it addresses corruption that limits economic growth and trust in public institutions through robust judicial and law enforcement cooperation and technical assistance and training. These efforts aim to prevent and prosecute high-level corruption, transnational organized crime, and financial crimes in Bulgaria. Bulgaria plans to foster strong economic development by upholding the primacy of law and the sanctity of contracts. The United States and Bulgaria also intend to partner to protect media freedoms.Department of State,

Односите мегу САД и Романиja и Бугариja се изкачуват на друго ниво поради проблемите мегу САД и Турциja.
Член од
6 август 2011
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Агенцијата „Стандард и Пурс“ деновиве го подигна кредитниот рејтинг на Бугарија до BBB/A-2 , кој во моментов е највисок меѓу балканските земји . Rating.png

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