Религијата и обичаите на древните Македонци

Член од
14 јули 2007
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Немав вчера време да барам, па наместо наш вез ставив од Навахо, еве тој доле е од Навахо. Подоле ќе ви постирам наш со фигурата број 9. Што уште еднаш потврдува на сличности.

Значи горе е Навахо а следната слика е Македонски вез.

Уште една интересна карактериситка е дрвото и птиците.
Еве долу е Навахо вез.

А долната слика е Македонски вез, тој е голем преку 3м. Тоа се стилизирани дрва со птици, истиот мотив како и кај Навахо.

Има уште поно сличности. Но треба да ги средам. Ова незначи дека немаме сличности и со везовите од Персија. Ако почнеме се да редиме крај нема, иако не е лошо да се види.


Немав вчера време да барам, па наместо наш вез ставив од Навахо, еве тој доле е од Навахо...

za genite vidovme..imaat nekoja zicka od EU...
ama,tamu,tie indijancite,imaat frapantna slicnost na nekoi zborovi/poimi so grupata jazici,na koi im pripaga i MK jazikot...
Член од
14 јули 2007
Поени од реакции
za genite vidovme..imaat nekoja zicka od EU...
ama,tamu,tie indijancite,imaat frapantna slicnost na nekoi zborovi/poimi so grupata jazici,na koi im pripaga i MK jazikot...
Не сакам да шпекулирам, но или порано многу лесно се патувало до Америка, или варијантата на СИВИТЕ (вонземјаните) е прифатлива.
Член од
14 јули 2007
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Вечерва ни раскажаа приказна од Персиски записи, како Персиците ги гледале Македонците.
Македонците доагале на бојното поле со песна и музика, играле. Имале тапани кои ја треселе земјата. Тапанот го удирале со две прачки, една тенка и една дебела. А исто така играјки се качувале и на тапаните.

Потоа доагале групи кои свиреле на надувани овчи кожи кои пуштале пискав звук.

Имало и некои кои дувале низ дрвени стапови отворени од едната страна и звукот пробивал се.

Од самата гледка кога доагале Македонците, татнежот на тапаните, пискотот на зурлите и гајдите, борбата веќе била решена.
Некои единици наликувале на денешните Русалии.

Се надевам записите ќе станат достапни.


Не сакам да шпекулирам, но или порано многу лесно се патувало до Америка, или варијантата на СИВИТЕ (вонземјаните) е прифатлива.
kakvi vonzemjani..tie se od K. Arnold navamu..
EU bila spoena so Amerika so..MRAZ...
poguglaj za arheoloski naodi vo SAD,koi se isti so tie od EU,a se od vremeto na mrazot....

a za zborovite,eve ti pomos..
na Hetitite,im dosle MUSHKI...od Balkanov..
a kaj indijancite,ima legenda za dogovor (MUSHKI).. so "beliot covek" (pred belcite da dojdat)..pa spomnuvaat Bahanna..

sto,vidi majkata,na Sanskit Vahana (isto kako Biblija-Vivlija),znaci patnik,setac,brod,camec......

i uste mnogu..

i ne samo kaj nego..


aj uste edna postara tema,za vrskite Amerika-navamu-natamu..
Presence of drugs in different tissues of an egyptian mummy

Franz Parsche1 and Andreas Nerlich2 (1) Institut fьr Anthropologie und Humangenetik der Universitдt Mьnchen, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 36, D-80333 Mьnchen, Germany
(2) Pathologisches Institut der Universitдt Mьnchen, Thalkirchnerstrasse 36, D-80337 Mьnchen, Germany

Received: 1 October 1994 Revised: 21 December 1994 Accepted: 23 December 1994
Abstract Data are presented on the biochemical findings in several intermal organs from an Egyptian mummy with a 14C-dating of approximately 950 B.C. By use of radio immunoassay systems and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, significant amounts of various drugs were detected in internal organs (lung, liver, stomach, intestines) as well as in hair, bone, skin/muscle and tendon. These analyses revealed a significant deposition of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), nicotine (and its metabolite cotinine) and cocaine in the tissue from the mummy. The concentration profiles additionally provide evidence for the preferential ways of consumption: Thus, the highest levels of THC in lung specimens point to an inhalation of this drug — as it has been assumed from known ritual smoking ceremonies —,
while nicotine and cocaine containing drugs showed their highest concentrations in the intestines and liver, so that they seem to have been consumed perorally
. Furthermore, a histopathological examination of the internal organ tissues revealed some evidence for the underlying disease and the probable cause of death. Thus, a severe and presumably recurrent intravital pulmonary bleeding, most obviously due to a parasitosis affecting the lung, was observed.

i ova..
The Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies

Then four years ago a German scientist, Dr Svetla Balabanova, made a discovery which was to baffle Egyptologists, and call into question whole areas of science and archeology to chemistry and botany.

She discovered that the body of Henut Taui contained large quantities of cocaine and nicotine. The surprise was not just that the ancient Egyptians had taken drugs, but that these drugs come from tobacco and coca, plants completly unknown outside the Americas, unheard of until Sir Walter Raleigh introduced smoking from the New World, or until cocaine was imported in the Victorian era.

a i nekoi Sudanski mumii,kazuvat,bile narko-tutuno zavisnici...
ama,na nekoi,im se muti od toa vo glavata...


Член од
23 декември 2007
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ako zboruvame veke za religijata makedoncite bile pagani odnosno veruvale vo poveke bogovi i bozestva a imale i eden vrhoven bog koj najverovatno se vikal egej imale bog na vojnata na mirot na vinoto na moreto itn taa religija bila slicna na veruvanjata na starite grci no sepak sustinski se razlikuvala grcite veruvale premnogu vo natprirodni moki i sili na svoite bozestva a kaj makedoncite prvensveno zemena e mokta i silata na covekot i negovite razmisluvanja i idei . naskoro koga aleksandar go osvoil svetot ovaa religija i kultura se raseala niz nego i pocnala da go osvojuva i po negovata smrt . i tuka e napravena najgolemata izmama od strana na grcite sakajki da unistat se sto e makedonsko vo 19 vek potplakaat eden anglicanec koj ovaa religija i kultura ja narekuva helenizam avrska toa nema so grcka kultura i grcka religija


aj..ova gi spojuva temite..
narkomanite od Egipet i opiumot (afionot) od Makedonija...
Opium was being used in Egypt as far back as 2000 BC as a children’s sedative and teething remedy.
The Ebers Papyrus
Opium is mentioned in Ebers Papyrus too, which happens to be the earliest record in medicine. This document was found between the legs of a mummy in a tomb near Luxor, a town on the east banks of the River Nile. It is dated about 1550 BC Incidentally, it is called Ebers Papyrus because it was acquired by a Professor Ebers in 1872 during a sale. This Papyrus describes a mixture of opium and another material which was found effective in quietening crying children. Till some time ago children in Egypt, India and even Europe were being soothed with opium. It is said that mothers often used poppy juice to smear on their nipples so that the child would immediately stop crying on sucking this ‘drugged’ milk....

vo Egipet,nikogas ne rastel afionot...

vo MK,go ima od najdamnesni vreminja (sekoj arheolog ke go potvrdi toa)...

a i Omer da e ziv i zdrav..
The Greek poet, Homer (9th century BC) was aware of opium and mentions it in his epics Iliad and Odyssey....

ta neli od opium si opien?..
(nekoi mu baraat etimologija vo arapskiot i turskiot,iako tie ne videle opium-afion so oci pred da dojdat na Balkanov) ..

kako,16 veka pred n.e.,"odel" afionot do Egipet?...
(ispituvanjata pokazale,deka poteknuval od Egejot,a ne od drugi podracja)

Indian opium contains seven units, and Turkish opium only six, Macedonian opium contains a full 14 morphine units and is undoubtedly the best quality opium in the world.


ne e religija (ama za nekoi e)..ami obicaj (i toa)..
The poppy in Macedonia

The poppy was likewise not unknown in this area. Thus:

In the Hippocratic period the poppy was known to the Macedonians, and its existence is mentioned as an ornament on the rooftop of the Philippeion erected at Olympia in honour of Philip.[112]

Its hypnotic properties were known at this time as is mentioned by the tutor of Alexander the Great, Aristotle.[113]

A small bronze object found at Kozani and now in the Museum in that town - obviously of local origin and of the geometric period (700 B.C.)[114] - confirms the fact that the poppy [115] was known in the area (Fig. 27). The spherical section of the object presents a resemblance to the poppy-head, bearing the characteristic notches for opium extraction.

112 Cf. p. 21 of the present study.
113 Cf. p. 20 of the present study.
114 G. Daux, Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques en Grèce en 1960, BCH 85, 1961, p. 777, figs. 8 and 9.
Член од
14 јули 2007
Поени од реакции
EU bila spoena so Amerika so..MRAZ...
poguglaj za arheoloski naodi vo SAD,koi se isti so tie od EU,a se od vremeto na mrazot....

a za zborovite,eve ti pomos..
na Hetitite,im dosle MUSHKI...od Balkanov..
ОК е тоа за мразот, не спорам, затоа и реков дека морало (прилично) лесно да се патува, а и за Мушки имам читано.


citav eden post na eden blog..
i na citatot..
In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God,..
komentirav vaka..

from Sanskrit...
word=dhUmavat=smoky , steaming..containing the word %{DHUMA} ..smokiness...moving like smсsmoke...

word=DHUMA=DUMA (Mac)

from Sanskrit...
word=bata=svar-Adi (stvarati,stvoruva..so zbor)generally = ah! oh! alas!


from Sanksrit
Slovo (MK)=utterance(word)=MATI(devotion , prayer , worship , hymn , sacred utterance,thought , design , intention , resolution , determination , inclination , wish , desire)=MATYA ( wittingly , knowingly , purposely)=MATIM....

vo pocetokot bese DUMATA (Duhot Bozji,koj kako dim..),STVARANJETO (so zbor),SLOVOTO ili MATI,MATYA,MATIM (prayer,sacred utterance...)+ DON (ZEMJA)
i moram da citiram..
Vo Atharva veda VI, 21 e zapisano :
Sudejki spored imeto i predvedskata materijalna kultura, verojatno, MAKEDONIJA e srceto na "GOLEMATA ZEMJA" ili "POVISOKATA ZEMJA" od kade sto PROTOVEDSKIOT NAROD nekade vo III ili sredinata na II iljadoletie p. n. e. (okolu 2.700 ili 1.500 g. p. n. e.) trgnal na dalecen pat kon Indija, nosejki gi so sebe svojata materijalna i duhovna kultura, svojot jazik i svoeto pismo za zapisuvanje na VEDITE.

Toa i od prosta pricina sto "VEDA" na Makedonski jazik znaci "MOLNjA", "MOLSKAVICA", "SEKAVICA", no znaci i "VESTERKA", "ZLOBNA SAMOVILA", pa duri ima i nijansa za BRZA REAKCIJA, za VESTINA VO RABOTATA, za ITRINA NA UMOT, pa zatoa denes samo MAKEDONECOT ke rece :

i DUMATA (Duhot Bozji,koj kako dim..),STVARANJETO (so zbor),SLOVOTO ili MATI,MATYA,MATIM (prayer,sacred utterance...)+ DON (ZEMJA) BESE BOG..

i zatoa,ne slucajno naseto EVA..
from Sanskrit..

eva=indeed , truly , really (often at the beginning of a verse in conjunction with other particles , as...)

eva=(in its most frequent use of strengthening the idea expressed by any word , %{eva} must be variously rendered by such adverbs as) just , exactly , very , same , only , even , alone , merely , immediately on , still , already ,..

EVA= no other is on earth
EVA=just so long as a night=evvaaaaaaaa (MK..koga kazuvame za nesto voshiteno,vozviseno,dolgo-dosadno)..

a word=SLOVO=DUMA=STVORUVA=EVA=devapUrva (sekoja slicnost so Deva Prva e namerna)


from Sanskrit (Atharva-veda)
VEDA=vid, vidhi , vitta=knowledge , true or sacred knowledge or lore , knowledge of ritual...

the oldest of its hymns being assigned by some who rely on certain astronomical calculations to a period between 4000 and 2500 B.C...

a nikoj od nas ne lici na Indiec,nitu pak tie na nas..
Член од
14 јули 2007
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Ах тие Индо-Европејци, Ах тој Санскрит. Ах колку работа ми се отвори.

Ова е религијата на Индоевропејците, екстремно далечно минато. Кружната форма на цветот, сонцето, небесните тела, галаксиите, кружното движење на енергијата.

Mandala is from the Sanskrit meaning circle. Everywhere in life there are circles. Wheels, themes from nature, all reflect the circle of life. Just think of the middle of a flower, the perfect form of a snowflake, our solar system, the Milky Way and the galaxy all follow the pattern of a mandala. You see this pattern and path reflected throughout nature and the universe.
Throughout history, many cultures have used circles in their art, notably Tibetan art, as well as the Gothic Cathedrals, holy temples, shrines and sacred dances all reflect the mandala or circle of life. The quest for knowledge have led many cultures to the fundamental idea that all life transcends cultural boundaries. That is to say, there are universal truths for all people, independent of race, creed, colour or gender. Life is energy, oscillating, moving, rotating atoms that never stop moving. Nothing can exist without the smallest atom because everything that exists is composed of atoms. Colours too are nothing but an oscillation perceived by our eyes with the “image” of colour happening in our brains. When we see colour we react to it and so does every organ in our bodies. Everything oscillates to its own specific energy or vibration but it can’t exist just by itself.
Mandalas actually help healing by meditating upon them, seeing their colours permeate your vision and imagining all the colours permeating your body with healing vibrational energy. It is very much like hypnosis because the last 5 seconds before you fall asleep, you’re mind is very calm and can absorb any suggestion it is given. In hypnosis the final five seconds before sleep is extended and your hypnotist guides you to reach your goal. With mandalas, it is self guided since you concentrate and focus upon the wheel until your mind has absorbed it fully, allowing your body and subconscious mind to send healing vibrational energy throughout your body.
See MANDALAS for Healing – A Personal System for Diagnosing & CuringWolfgang Mertl & Hubert Janko – Sterling Publishing co. Inc. New York 2002
Член од
14 јули 2007
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Во светот дури и софтвер направиле, а Македонците кога немало софтвер си шарале по носијата и каде стигнале (слика доле).

Член од
14 јули 2007
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Ајде малку да си поиграме со МАНДАЛАТА

Nagamandala is a form of snake worship that is predominant in the coastal districts of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi. This traditional dance form is interesting to watch. The origin of Nagamandala is rooted in human curiosity. Snakes have always been a subject of awe and wonder in India. Nagamandala portrays the divine unification of male and female snakes.

Naga Mandala (the Snake Web) или змиски круг
AdarzamaNDala (a round mirror) одраза, круг кој одразува, огледало
mAtRmaNDala (the circle of divine mother) кругот на божицата мајка
mukhamaNDala (face-orb) муцка обла, обло лице
nabhomaNDala (sky-circle, the moon) набо/небо, круг на небото, небесни тела
pratimaNDala (secondary disk) прати, пратечки круг, следен круг
zvetamaNDala (kind of snake) ??????????????

maNDala (anything round, a halo round the sun or moon)

Да резимираме, нешто што опколува, опишува и е поврзано со змиите, со космосот со небесните тела. Еве ја приказната во Египет, змија го опколува сонцето. Најверојатно Мандала е синоним за ороборос.

А кај нас изгледа се задржало да се величиш со големо мандало, најверојатно големо и важно како змија која го опколува сонцето и сите небесни тела.

maNDa the scum of boiled rice, the thick part of milk, ornament , decoration
Andola m. swinging ; fanning ; a swing L

МАНДАЛО (украс кој се љуља и произведува млеко):pos2:

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