Местенките на УДБа во Австралија


Методија Андонов
Член од
3 јули 2008
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Вчера во македонскиот дневен весник "Дневник" се појави еден напис со ваков наслов:

Поранешен македонски конзул ја наместил хрватската шесторка

во кој се раскажува за делувањето на југословенската УДБа во Австралија во 70 и 80-тите години од минатиот век.

Еве ЛИНК до целиот напис којшто е всушност збирна информација од истражувањето што подолго време го прави еден Македонец што живее во Австралија по име Саша Узунов.

Еве ЛИНК до неговиот блог од каде се превземени информациите за случајов.

Изгледа дека Узунов е во фаза на изработка на документарен филм за дејанијата на југословенската УДБа против изблиците на национална посебност на Хрватите, Македонците и другите емигранти од Југославија во Австралија за споменатиот период.

Би било интересно ако некој од Македонците што се во Австралија и се членови на форумов имаат некакви дополнителни информации за ова да ги споделат со нас.

Или случајно имале лично познанство со поранешниот југословенски конзул Георги Трајковски да ги споделат своите мислења за ова овде со нас.


Абе ние од секогаш сме биле мозок и сила, ама само за погрешни интереси.

А дојде редно за интересите на државава наша да се работи, веднаш
се веднат глави и се виткаат опаши.


Dokumentarecot na Sasa ke bide jak. Ne e samo ova govno za zal gi imase i uste gi ima mnogu vo zaednicata vo Aus. Za vreme na eks Jugoslavija na udar bea Makedonskata i Hrvatskata zaednica vo Avstralija.

Makеdonskata zaednica, osobeno pripadnicite na DOOM (dvizenje za osloboduvanje i obedinuvanje na Makedonija), bea pod dosta pritisok i dosta clenovi ja imaa videno sobata za macenje vo Jugoslovenskata ambasada vo Kambera. Deka taa postoi bese dokazano otkako Srbite ni ja predadoa ambasadata vo koja imase kada so stici koj bile korsteni za water boarding od UDBa.

Hrvatite isto taka dosta losi spomeni imaat od udbasite ovde. Ova e samo edna od mnogute epizodi sto se imaat sluceno vo Avstralija. Kidnapiranja i apsenja posle sekoe JUST (Jugoslav United Soccer Team) vs Melbourne Croatia - Sydney United - Preston Makedonia bea relativno normalna rabota.

Sega istite kopilinja si najdoa drug gazda - grcite. Imame 'vidni' luge vo zaednicata koj vodat radio programi i glumat patrioti, a defakto ja unistuvaat zaednicata preku razedinuvanje, preku pravenje crkovni problemi, preku stvaranje partiska omraza itn. Zaednicata ni propaga toa e fakt.


by Sasha Uzunov

The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), the country's counter-intelligence service, was monitoring Macedonian Orthodox Bishop Kiril (Cyril) in late 1970s over his close association with the then Yugoslav Communist government's attempt to bring Australian-Macedonian Orthodox Churches under the control of Belgrade and his connection to controversial Yugoslav diplomat Dr Georgi Trajkovski, believed to the Yugoslav Secret Police (UDBa) mastermind behind the Croatian Six set up.

Bishop Kiril, who passed away recently, was appointed head of the Australian-North American Diocese in 1971.

The ASIO assessment paper from 1978--which is included on the ASIO file of Dr Georgi Trajkovski reveals that a fierce struggle, and in some instances resulting in physical violence, broke out between the pro-Yugoslav and pro-Macedonian factions, including an organisation called D.O.O.M. (Movement for the Liberation and Organisation of Macedonia) within the local Macedonian community in Australia.

The ASIO paper: "The struggle for influence and power gained momentum late in 1975 when a move was made by pro-Yugoslav factions to take over control of the Macedonian Orthodox Church councils and management bodies. The situation worsened in May 1976 when the Macedonian Bishop KIRIL visited Australia..."

The late Bishop Kiril (Cyril) (1934-2013) of the Macedonian Orthodox Church was under surveillance by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) in the 1970s for his close relationship with the then Yugoslav Communist government and the then Yugoslav Consul General in Melbourne, Dr Georgi Trajkovski. Below is the de-classified ASIO assessment of the struggle between the then Yugoslav Communist government and those Macedonians who were independent of Belgrade for control of the Australian-Macedonian Orthodox Churches, including a group called D.O.O.M. ! Photo taken in 1973 of Kiril consecrating a Macedonian Orthodox Monastery in Kinglake, outside of Melbourne. Source: National Archives of Australia. www.naa.gov.au
The ASIO assessment paper from 1978 detailing Bishop Kiril's role in Communist Yugoslavia's attempts to take over and subvert Australian Macedonian Orthodox Churches and his association with Yugoslav Consul General Dr Georgi Trajkovski. This paper was included in the ASIO file on Dr Georgi Trajkovski. Available for viewing at the National Archives of Australia.
Previous article
Who Was The Croatian Six Mastermind?


One of Australia’s worst miscarriages of justice, the Croatian Six terrorism case in 1979-80, may have been perpetrated by a Yugoslav master spy posing as a diplomat and who, would you believe it, not once but twice managed to outsmart Australia’s domestic spy catchers, ASIO, and even shook hands with an unsuspecting Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser.
Intelligence sources in Washington and in the Republic of Macedonia, one of the successor states of the former communist Federal Yugoslavia, have confirmed that Dr Georgi Trajkovski, the Yugoslav Consul General in Melbourne, Australia during 1978-79 was “hardcore UDBa (Yugoslav intelligence) and a key player in the Croatian Six set up.”

An agent provocateur set up members of Australia's Croatian community in 1979. Six Croats were imprisoned on false charges of wanting to plant bombs in Sydney.
Masters tracked down the agent provocateur, Vitomir Visimovic, who was an ethnic Serb living in Bosnia but had passed himself off as a Croat.

In fact, ASIO, the Australian Federal Police (successor of the Commonwealth Police) and the infamous and corrupt New South Wales Police Special Branch were all aware that Visimovic was an UDBa operative but suppressed the information during the trial of the Croatian Six. Moreover, the alarming thing was the Australian authorities let the man depart the country. This was during Malcolm Fraser’s tenure as Prime Minister (1975-83).
Yugoslavia was a multi-ethnic communist federation founded in 1945, modelled on the Soviet Union, and fell apart in 1991 into various independent nation states, including the Republics of Croatia, Macedonia and so on.
Yugoslav intelligence (UDBa) later known as SDB, together with Yugoslav military counter-intelligence (KOS) were largely pre-occupied with silencing dissident Croats, Macedonians, Serbs and Albanians living in Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, who were agitating for independence from Yugoslavia. UDBa was so ruthless and efficient it at one time rivalled the old Soviet KGB and Mossad in liquidating opponents. In Munich, West Germany, a whole section of a cemetery was set-aside for Croats assassinated by UDBa Communist strongman Marshal Josip Broz Tito ruled Yugoslavia until his death in 1980 and during the height of the Cold War managed a great balancing act between East and West. He was seen as an indirect ally of the West after his infamous split with Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in 1949.
Dr Georgi Trajkovski (points to a map of Yugoslavia) was the Yugoslav Consul General in Melbourne from 1975-79. He is pictured here with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser. Trajkovski was active in infiltrating the local Macedonian and Croatian activities. Photo - National Archives of Australia. www.naa.gov.au
See link for more on this... Read about Dr Georgi Trajkovski
Член од
1 ноември 2005
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by Sasha Uzunov

Yugoslavia was a multi-ethnic communist federation founded in 1945, modelled on the Soviet Union, and fell apart after military action (illegal, simply said RAPED) by NATO and EU-orospijata in 1991 into various independent nation states, including the Republics of Croatia, Macedonia and so on.
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