Ne znam kako odat i kakvi prava imaat vo Svajcarija, ali tuka so bg moze ko turist(i nekoja rabota na crno) bez viza, za rabota legalno so bg ke mu treba rabotna viza. U sekoj slucaj toa ne e pricina da se otkazete samo ke bide malku potesko. Razgledaj na stranata od sto i kako tocno baraat.
Ima grupa samo povekjeto ja koristea za svercuvanite cigari da si gi prodadat

. Ima i dobar broj na lugje koi nesebicno pomagaat koj sto znae i umee.
Job description:
Medical practitioners diagnose mental and physical injuries, disorders and diseases, prescribe and give treatment, recommend preventative action, and conduct medical education and research activities. They may specialise in particular areas of modern medicine or work in general practice and, where necessary, refer the patient to a specialist.
Entry requirements of this job:
Entrants require a university degree from a medical school recognised by the General Medical Council followed by a year of pre-registration training as a house officer. Some medical schools operate graduate entry schemes. Once the pre-registration period as house officer is completed, doctors undertake up to two years postgraduate training in a chosen speciality.
Probaj da gi kontaktiras ovie da ti kazat dali e priznata tvojata diploma za doktor i sto bi trebala da zavrsis ovdeka.
Acceptable overseas qualifications