Коронавирус (COVID-19) - Општа дискусија

Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Тезата е твоја, само ја преформулирав во прашање. А или Б? Шансите да погодиш се 50%, односно +49% повеќе отколку шансата да беше хоспитализиран. А можеме и за децата, каде пишуваше епови дека требало да бидат вакцинирани. Сакаш?
не се пали Дамби, не знам зошто толку ги наоѓаш моите постови критично. Па дури и ме банираш од теми каде што не сум ни постирал. Вистината не треба да те боли. Не одма да ми правиш асумпции за моето здравје или за тоа што сум стар. Тоа е најдолно нешто што можеш да го правиш у дискусија.
Член од
3 јануари 2023
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Мерките против короната на цел свет беа несоодветни, најверојатно заради СТРАВ од непознато но и БОГАТЕЊЕТО на поединци и институции, врз основа на тие мерки.
Тие генерации на деца се уништени психички, не од короната туку од мерките.
И цел свет гледа дека ниту мерките биле соодветни, ниту пак вакцината помогнала.
Член од
24 октомври 2013
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не се пали Дамби, не знам зошто толку ги наоѓаш моите постови критично. Па дури и ме банираш од теми каде што не сум ни постирал. Вистината не треба да те боли. Не одма да ми правиш асумпции за моето здравје или за тоа што сум стар. Тоа е најдолно нешто што можеш да го правиш у дискусија.
Прво ти ме цитираше, второ констатацијата беше твоја и истата само ја преформулирав во прашање и тоа на заокружување, трето тоа беа твоите ставови за вакцинирање на децата и четврто ти започна да правиш претпоставки за моето здравје, а не јас со твоето. Зошто си плачко?
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Прво ти ме цитираше, второ констатацијата беше твоја и истата само ја преформулирав во прашање и тоа на заокружување, трето тоа беа твоите ставови за вакцинирање на децата и четврто ти започна да правиш претпоставки за моето здравје, а не јас со твоето. Зошто си плачко?
што претпоставки правам околу твоето здравје? Ја реков дека си детиште. Најмалце афектиран од вирусот и збориш во име на сите како требало да биде.
Член од
24 октомври 2013
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Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Сега ќе одговориш на моето прашање?
дамби, како правник си ептен слаб во своите аргументи, највероватно сите клиенти си ги разочарал. Имаш уште многу фурни леб да јадеш додека ме стигнеш.


Вардар - Егеј - Пирин: Македонија!
Член од
17 јануари 2008
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- Post-Covid slucaevi
- Staro naselenie
- Jak griposen bran
- Nedostig na medicinski lica
- Odlozuvanje na vazni proverki i terapii vo vremeto na Kovid.

Toa barem oficijalno.

Inace ako gledame nazad ima periodi kade sto ima nadprosecen broj. Za sporedba vo Germanija 2018ta imase slicen broj kako denes, daleku pred Covid i sve povrzano so nego.

Член од
8 февруари 2020
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5. Conclusions
.... Several studies have documented a quick drop in the efficacy of these substances, a drop which is more evident after the diffusion of the diverse Omicron variants. Because many studies indicate that the actual virus variants are less lethal, and that effective therapies to treat COVID-19 disease exist, this may be the right time to revise the risk/benefit ratio of these pharmacological interventions.
.... A small study, after analyzing the U.K. Health Security Agency data, revealed that the mortality rate in unvaccinated people (for non-COVID-19 causes) was lower than that observed in the people who had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose [198]. A recent document from the “Office for National statistics” in the U.K. (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmariages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland) (accessed on 10 October 2022) reports data of mortality for COVID-19 and for all causes excluding COVID-19 at the time of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign. An accurate and transparent statistical analysis of such data, which should take into account all the variables involved, can clarify the real effects of the genetic vaccines. For instance, if more death occurs in the vaccinated people, one should take into account that, among these people, there are many at-risk and elderly patients. An analysis should be conducted with awareness of this bias and should divide the cases in different classes of ages by estimating the percentage of at-risk people in the most affected population.
Repeated administrations (up to four or five and more) were not included in the seminal clinical trials of the vaccine makers, so the intensity and frequency of adverse events can now change in the face of an infection that has a current mortality comparable or even lower than that of flu [199]. No large human studies are available on updated mRNA products, which encode for two types of Spike proteins at the same time, regarding protection from the disease. In a recent report, immunogenicity of the bivalent vaccine was studied after 28 days, but the safety assessment stopped at day 7 [200]. Compared to other variants, the Omicron variant has at least three times more affinity for ACE2 (affinity is based on Spike protein interaction with its receptor) [24]. This may affect the function of ACE2 in a stronger manner after inoculation, when several Spike molecules of the Omicron type are translated and spread throughout the body. A paper in preprint analyzed, side by side, the adverse reactions to the old and bivalent vaccine among 76 healthcare workers and found more reactions and higher inability to work from the bivalent vaccine [201]. Other and more precise studies are needed for the bivalent and the former vaccines.
In this regard, a recent retrospective study, which was performed in one province in Italy, states that no increased risk of serious adverse events potentially caused by the vaccines could be observed in the reference population. The study claimed to have made observations for 18 months. However, from the tables presented, it seems that people vaccinated once, and especially those vaccinated twice, but not those vaccinated three times, have a higher risk of death from non-COVID-19-related causes and have double or triple the chances of having a heart infarction or a stroke, as compared to unvaccinated individuals. After the third dose, no relevant adverse events were noted. However, the follow-up of 18 months is valid only for the unvaccinated people because the vaccinated were followed only from the date of their first, second, or third dose. Indeed, the days of follow-up of the unvaccinated individuals are double, or more than double, those of the people with one, two, or three doses. It is unclear what makes only the triple-vaccinated people less susceptible to death and other accidents. There is a possibility, not discussed, that those who were less affected by the vaccines could have decided to receive the third doses more promptly. As also stated by the authors, further research in the coming years will be required to evaluate the long-term safety of the COVID-19 vaccines [202]. Other studies are needed. The risk of interference (also via the above-described mechanisms of TCR antagonism and immune imprinting) could be assessed, as this risk depends on the particular genetic background of each individual. The immune system is at risk when dealing with more than one epitope variant at once, and this risk involves outcomes that, at present, are not possible to forecast; among these outcomes, ADE can be envisaged as one the possible effects. “Anergy” of the T-cells involved in anti-viral immunity could result from continuous stimulation of the immune system. Although this is not proven, a recent paper published in Science Immunology shows how repeated boosts of mRNA-based vaccines, but not DNA-based vaccines, induced a class of antibodies (IgG4), which are anti-inflammatory and are endowed with poor effector functions (for instance, less antibody-dependent cytotoxicity, ADCC) [203]. IgG4 usually develops against allergens to protect the body against excessive immune responses. However, if this mechanism dampens the immune response to the virus in mRNA vaccine recipients, instead of inducing a protective response, then this process needs to be assessed. For the moment, we know that anti-Spike IgG4 antibodies were associated with more severe COVID-19 progression and poor prognosis in former studies [204,205]. Other conventional vaccines, which were studied by the authors in another paper [164], did not show induction of this IgG4 class, even after repeated inoculations [203]. Because the production of the right antibodies depends on T-cell help, tolerance in T-cells is an unwanted effect. With regard to induction of T cell anergy, which leads to tolerance, a recent paper demonstrated induction of both cellular and humoral tolerance after repetitive administration of vaccine boosters in a mouse model. The approach in this paper was to boost mice with repeated stimulations in a conventional manner, using a SARS-CoV-2 recombinant receptor-binding domain (RDB) protein. This resulted in a dramatic decrease of neutralizing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and impaired activation of CD4 and CD8 T-cells; T-cells showed acquisition of a phenotype, which promoted adaptive immune tolerance. This also means that the lost efficacy of the immune response might be independent of the vaccine type and may concern the negative effect of repeated stimulations toward a single antigenic determinant to narrow and focus the immune response [206].
At-risk people are not only elderly patients. Apart from cancer, which can affect both young and old patients, immune-mediated and autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and others can also develop in the young. Pediatric patients and young people with these chronic conditions can also be at risk of myocarditis development, as myocarditis cases are not rare in young people, as reported above. In the present review, we have reported frequencies of myocarditis cases of up to 1:300 (active survey) or 1:1000 (passive survey) in young and adolescent patients. When instrumental tests take place, these analyses revealed higher frequencies. In a recent paper, young patients with vaccine-induced myocarditis were followed for several months, and not all of the patients experienced resolved symptoms, although most patients responded to treatment. The authors demonstrated persistence of abnormal findings on cardiac MRI [207], and the elevation of other parameters that can be associated with poor outcomes. Myocarditis is a form of heart inflammation that can lead to future additional health issues in at-risk young patients with an already compromised chance of life. The scientific community needs to be aware and discuss whether the use of the current genetic COVID-19 vaccines, which was justified at the time of earlier deadly coronavirus variants, should still be encouraged at the time of Omicron variants. Another recent paper linked the formation of blood clots to vaccination with genetic vaccines in people aged 65 and over [208]. Thus, at this stage, the risk/benefit could be re-assessed also for elderly people. The development of more traditional vaccines based on antigens that are much less variable and that are not endowed with intrinsic toxic effects is highly desirable for protecting the elderly and at-risk people, including those with autoimmunity [209,210]. These vaccines should be able to induce IgA in addition to IgG to block transmission. A 2021 paper showed that IgA can be increased by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, but only in people that had a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease [211].


Does Your Mother Know?
Член од
14 август 2006
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ајде, ајде, не припаѓајте и немојте нови стравови

додека дое пак пандемија некаква и мерки, Путин, се надевам, ќе му ебе матер на глупово општество што се нарекува западно


Вардар - Егеј - Пирин: Македонија!
Член од
17 јануари 2008
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Uste ramnozemcite se zanimavaat so Kovid? Ima drugi poaktuelni temi.
Член од
7 септември 2016
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...акуелна е и ова тема и те како, ама уште е ограничено (цензура) слободно да се кажат многу работи како и долгорочните последици од антиковид mRNK вакцини, како е и дефокусирање од твоја страна иако се полни амбулантите со корона позитивни пациенти, па и ,,ненајдена смрт,, присутна, а и пандемијата уште трае не е прекината, Урсула и фајзерите нема лесно да се откажат од профитот на глобално ниво.

...како што вели сега Макрон, една, две, три бустер дози на антиковид mRNK не можат да делуваат ефективно за тоа како се направени, туку потребно е да се стават, 5,6...бустер дози да се искористи целосниот бенефит на антиковид mRNK вакцина, инаку како ќе се оправдат толку милиони фрлени пари кои уште се фрлаат!

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