На самитот во Техеран (Русија-Иран-Турција) турскиот предлог за решавање на состојбата во Идлиб бил:
A few thoughts on the Russia-Iran-Turkey summit on Syria.
The decision to broadcast the whole thing was remarkable, their interaction showed that there are plenty of disagreements remaining
Јасно е дека во Техеран дојде до судир помеѓу Русија и Иран од една страна и Турција од друга страна. Очигледно дека Турците нема така лесно да се откажат од Идлиб.
• Turkey cannot leave İdlib to the mercy of Assad
• De-escalation zones dissolved with excuses. Opp groups feel cheated
• Turkey feels obliged to secure civilians, refugees in Idlib
• Turkey’s refugee hosting capacity is at maximum with 4.5 million refugees
• Attacking Idlib will lead a massacre, calamity.
• Turkey understands the terror threat emanating from Idlib. Resolving it requires patience and time
Idlib is a test on Astana process, will determine the fate of our future cooperation with Iran/Russia
Turkey won’t leave Syria until the political and territorial unity of the country is secured
• Turkey is concerned by US aid to terror groups YPG/PYD
• A real victory in Tehran today would be a declaration of suspension of hostilities in Idlib.
• Turkey wants a reasonable deal
After Erdogan’s call for truce
Putin says Nusra/ISIS reps aren’t in the room so it is isn’t possible to do that.
Erdoğan responded, “then we should issue a call to Nusra/HTS from this room that they should turn in their weapons”
Erdogan, during the press conference with Rouhani and Putin, recited a poem belonging to famous Iranian poet Saadi:
“If you have no sympathy for human pain,
The name of human you cannot retain.”
Erdoğan mentions about civilians, then
both Rouhani and Putin responded by saying civilians are used as human shield by terror groups in Idlib, or a pretext to protect terrorists.
Turkey, Iran and Russia joint statement following Tehran summit.
No mention of truce in Idlib, there is also no mention of any tangible mechanism to prevent bloodshed in the area.
Во продолжение заедничката изјава на Турција, Иран и Русија:
Во меѓувреме продолжува бранот цензурирање на секој што не е послушник на евро-атлантската либерална елита
#Youtube shuts down all pro Syrian channels including, Sama TV, Syrian MoD, Sana news agency, Syrian presidency
Верскиот лидер на Иран ја повика Русија да се вклучи во конфликтот во Јемен
Khamenei: The heartbreaking conditions of the people of Yemen and their massacre by the Saudis entail an occasion for Russia to play a political role in other issues of the region.