Грчкиот гeноцид кон Македонците

  • Креатор на темата FilipMacedon
  • Време на започнување


In 1912, the Greek army entered Macedonia for the first time ever in history. Horrific ETHNIC CLEANSING and GENOCIDE against the Macedonians ensued. The cruelty displayed by the Greek soldiers and the Greek state in their dealings with the Macedonian people was unprecedented; they themselves wrote to relatives and friends they have committed crimes that have not been seen since the times of Jesus Christ. More than 135,000 Macedonians were expelled from their land and 200 villages from Aegean part of Macedonia where completely destroyed.

Greeks genocide against Macedonians

In 1913, the Greek army burned down the Macedonian town of Kukush -- 1,846 houses, 612 shops, 6 factories. At the same time, the Greeks burned down 4,000 houses where burned to in the vicinity of Seress.

Macedonian refugees from Greek ethnic cleansing

About 350 000 Muslims were EXPELLED from the Agean part of Macedonia, but 40,000 of these were Macedonians Muslims in place of the Macedonians expelled to Bulgaria and Turkey the Greek state resettled 618 000 persons of Greece and NON-Greeee origin and greeks from Turkey in the Agean part of Macedonia.

In 1913, after the partition of Macedonia, the Greek government employed a policy of denying the nationality of Macedonians and began actively assimilating them.

The name "Macedonian" and "Macedonian language" were PROHIBITED and the Macedonians were referred to as BULGARIANS ,Slavophons Greeks or simlle ''endopes''(natives). At the
same time ALL Macedonians were FORCED to change their names and surnames, the latter to end in: IS -OS-POULOS.

With the deniei of the Macedonian nation went the NON-RECOGNITION of the Macedonian language its was proibited,minimized and it was considered a barbarina language
Macedonian language between parents children among villagers and weddins and funerals WAS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

The written use of Macedonian also strictly prohibited and macedonian literancy was being eliminated from the churches ,monuments and TOMBSTONES...ALL the churches were given Greek names.

In 1926, the Greek government changed the TOPONYMS of the Agean part of Macedonia: ALL villages, towns, rivers and mountanians were RENAMED and given Greek names.The Greek state employed a policy of state terror against Macedonians who exhibited Macedonian national consciousness.

In 1936, Greek general Metaxas bannet the use of Macedonian not only in everyday life in the vilages in the markets in ordinary and natural human COMUNUCATIONS and funerals, but also within the FAMILY. Adult Macedonians were FORCED to attend what were know as evening schools ant to learn ''the greek melodious'.' VIOLATION of this rule led to being DEPORTED to desolate Greek islands.

The Protection of Northern Greece organization PAD and other such MILITARY FORMATON using the teror muder deportation: 3 482 houses were burned down, 80 villages consisting of
1,605 families were plundered and 1,045 head of large live STOCK and 23,382 heads of small live stok were confiscated.

In the Kostur region alone, 4,500 Macedonian men and women were accused of autonomistic activities, even though most of them were on active service with ELLAS. According to the information available, in the period from 1945 to the end of 1974 9,924 Macedonians were remanded in custody and 4,203 were convicted. 23,811 Macedonian men and women were interned on the basis of decisions of the special Security Commission.

The most typical examples of forced migration of Macedonians are to be found in eastern Macedonia, where Greek terrorist bands killed 29 and imprisoned 3,100 Macedonians and expelled 600 Macedonian families across the borders - and this in the period from February to the end of March 1945 alone.



Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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Ќе не удостоиш со превод, барем делумен?


Авторот пишува за екпанзија на грчката Мегали Идеа,и за геноцидот кој го имаат извршено грчките андарти во текот на освојувањето на тој дел од Македонија.

Така наведува прецизни бројки за убиените/раселените , околу 200 села тотално убиени, запалени,опустошени.

Пишува и за морбидните злосторства сторени во Кукуш.

Богати слики со насилство исечени глави (како трофеи) и др.

Ако има некој потреба од буквален превод нека напише,текстот не го преведов затоа што е полесна копи-паст варијанта за ширење по други форуми.
Член од
24 август 2007
Поени од реакции
Ме интересираат реакциите на посетителите. ОК :)

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