Виндузи (cupping therapy)


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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СТАНУВА ЗБОР ЗА...кинеска традиционална метода во која се применува топлотна енергија. Името го добила поради тоа што масажата се прави со помош на стаклена чаша или тегла. Чашата, наопаку, се поставува на болното место, а потоа се загрева одозгора за да се создаде вакуум. Со помош на ваквиот ефект кожата потекува, се поткрева нагоре за време од 10 минути. Откако ќе ја извадите чашата на кожата ќе остане црвен круг, но не грижете се, набрзо ќе исчезне сам по себе.

КОГА СЕ ПРИМЕНУВА...методата со чаши служи како терапија за болки во нозете, грбот, рамената. Исто така се покажала и ефикасна во третирањето на воспаление на белите дробови, астма, кашлица, особено кај децата. Многу често ја применуваат и спортистите при повреди и ублажување на воспалението на мускулите.
ДАЛИ ДЕЈСТВУВА...кај пациентите што патат од хронична истоштеност, по 12 терапии, масажата со помош на чаши видливо ја подобрила нивната состојба. Карактеристичните симптоми како дигестивни тегоби, пад на концентрација и постојаното чувство на замор, видливо биле ублажени.



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Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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Хиџама- е слична метода со вакуум чашиве- но притоа испуштаат крв од заболеното место.

на линкот подолу е објаснета етапно целата процедура низ фотографии

оваа терапија претежно е застапена кај муслиманите и ја применуваат за лекување на многу болести поделени во неколку групи
Group (A)
  • Rheumatism (painful joints) (points 1, 55, in addition to all areas of pain(.

  • Roughness of knee (points 1, 55, 11, 12, 13 and cupping around the knee and you may add 53, 54(.

  • Oedema (swollen tissue due to build up of fluid) (points 1, 55, 130, the right and left side of the heel and you may add 9, 10(.

  • Sciatic pain (nerve pain from the buttock which goes down the leg) (for the right leg) (points 1, 55, 11, 12, 26, 51 and places of pain on the leg especially the beginning and the end of the muscle) (for the left leg) (points 1, 55, 11, 13, 27, 52 and places of pain on the leg especially the beginning and the end of the muscle).

  • Back pain (positions 1, 55 and cupping on both sides of the spine and places of pain).

  • Neck/shoulder pain (points 1, 55, 40, 20, 21 and places of pain(.

  • Gout (swollen joints due to excess uric acid) (points 1, 55, 28, 29, 30, 31, 121 and places of pain(.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (points 1, 55, 120, 49, 36 and all large and small joints).

  • Paralysis of one half of the body (Hemiplegia) (points 1, 55, 11, 12, 13, 34 or 35 and all the injured joints, massage daily).

  • Paralysis of all four limbs (Quadriplegia) (points 1, 55, 11, 12, 13, 34, 35, 36 and all body joints and daily massage).

  • Immune system deficiency (points 1, 55, 120, 49).

  • Muscle spasm several dry cupping around the affected muscle.

  • Poor blood circulation (points 1, 55, 11 and ten cups on both sides of the spine from the top to the bottom in addition to taking a teaspoon of pure organic, raw, apple cider vinegar and honey every other day).

  • Tingling arms (points 1, 55, 40, 20, 21, arm muscles and affected joints).

  • Tingling feet (points 1, 55, 11, 12, 13, 26, 27, feet joints and affected muscles).

  • Abdominal pain (points 1, 55, 7, 8 and dry cupping on 137, 138, 139, 140, as well as dry cupping on the back opposite to the pain).

Group (B)
Important Note: The following points are arranged according to their importance. Sometimes, the cupping therapist does not need to use all of the points and sometimes he/she has to use them all, depending on the condition of the disease.

  • Hemorrhoids (swollen vessels around anus) (points 1, 55, 121, 11, 6 and dry cupping on 137, 138, 139).

  • Anal Fistula (opening in skin near anus, due to formation of a channel through which fluid leaks) (points 1, 55, 6, 11, 12, 13 and cupping around the anus and above the fistula hole).

  • Prostate and Erectile dysfunction, ED (male impotence and urinary difficulty due to enlarged prostate gland) (points 1, 55, 6, 11, 12, 13) and you may add for ED 125, 126, 131 on both legs, and dry cupping on 140, 143.(

  • Chronic coughs and lung diseases (points 1, 55, 4, 5, 120, 49, 115, 116, 9, 10, 117, 118, 135, 136, and two cups below both knees(.

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) (points 1, 55, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 101, 32, 6, 48, 9, 10, 7, 8, and you may replace 2, 3 with 43, 44).

  • Stomach problems and ulcers (points 1, 55, 7, 8, 50, 41, 42 and dry cupping on 137, 138, 139, 140(.

  • Renal (kidney) disease (points 1, 55, 9, 10, 41, 42 and dry cupping on 137,140).

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (abdominal cramps and discomfort characterized by bloating and trapped wind and alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation, often related to anxiety) (points 1, 55, 6, 48, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 45, 46 and dry cupping on 137).

  • Chronic constipation (long term difficulty with opening bowels) (points 1, 55, 11, 12, 13, 28, 29, 30, 31).

  • Diarrhea (dry cupping on 137, 138, 139, 140).

  • Involuntary urination (bed wetting) (after the age of five: dry cupping on 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 125, 126).

  • Depression, withdrawal, insomnia (inability to sleep), psychological conditions and nervousness (points 1, 55, 6, 11, 32 and below the knees.(

  • Angiospasm and Arteriosclerosis (narrowing of the blood vessels due to muscular spasm or fatty deposits) (points 1, 55, 11) (cupping points are on the places of pain in addition to a teaspoon of pure, organic, raw, apple cider vinegar and honey every other day).

  • Inflammation in the lining of the stomach (gastritis) (points 1, 55, 121).

  • Excessive sleep (points 1, 55, 36) in addition to a teaspoon of pure, organic, raw, apple cider vinegar and honey every other day).

  • Food allergies (one dry cup using a light suction directly on the umbilicus pit [belly button]).

  • Sores, leg and thigh abscesses (pus filled spots) and itching of iliac fossae (itching in hip area) (points 1, 55, 129, 120).
Group (C)
Important Note: The following points are arranged according to their importance. Sometimes, the cupping therapist does not need to use all of the points and sometimes he/she has to use them all depending on the condition of the disease.

  • Heart disease (points 1, 55, 19, 119, 7, 8, 46, 46, 47, 133, 134).

  • Diabetes (points 1, 55, 6, 7, 8, 22, 23, 24, 25, 120, 49) note: the area of cupping should be applied with black seed oil or honey for 3 days.

  • Liver and gall bladder disease (points 1, 55, 6, 48, 41, 42, 46, 51, 122, 123, 124 and 5 cups on the right, outer leg).

  • Varicose veins (enlarged, unsightly superficial veins) on the legs (points 1, 55, 28, 29, 30, 31, 132 and around the veins but NOT over the veins).

  • Varicocele (enlarged unsightly veins on scrotum of male) (points 1, 55, 6, 11, 12, 13, 28, 29, 30, 31, 125, 126).

  • Elephantiasis (swollen leg due to blockage of lymph channels) note: the patient should rest for 2 days before cupping. He/She should also raise his/her affected leg up and then place it in warm water for two hours prior to cupping (points 1, 55, 11, 12, 13, 120, 49, 121 and around the affected leg from the top of the leg to the bottom in addition to 125, 126, 53, 54).

  • Skin diseases (points 1, 55, 49, 120, 129, 6, 7, 8, 11 and cupping on the affected areas).

  • Overweight (points 1, 55, 9, 10, 120, 49 and areas of desired weight loss), daily massage cupping over area of desired weight loss.

  • Underweight (points 1, 55, 121).

  • Cellulite daily massage cupping over affected area.

  • Infertility (points 1, 55, 6, 11, 12, 13, 120, 49, 125, 126, 143, 41, 42( .

  • Thyroid disease (points 1, 55, 41, 42).


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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Group (D)

  • Headaches (points 1, 55, 2, 3) and you may replace points 2, 3 with 43, 44. If it is caused by eye strain add 104, 105 and 36. If it is caused by nasal sinuses add 102, 103 and 114. If it is caused by high blood pressure add 11, 101 and 32. If it is caused by constipation add 28, 29, 30 and 31. If it is caused by a cold add 120, 4 and 5. If it is caused by a stomach ache add 7, 8. If it is caused by the kidneys add 9, 10. If it is caused by menstruation for women add 11, 12 and 13. If it is caused by gall bladder and liver add 6, 48. If it is caused by the spine column perform cupping on the spine. If it is caused by tension add 6, 11 and 32. If it is caused by anemia add 120, 49 and take one teaspoon of black honey (molasses) with a quarter of a teaspoon of ground fenugreek and 7 ground black seeds daily. If the headache is due to tumors in the brain, cupping should be performed on the area of pain on the head).

  • Migraine (severe headache associated with nausea and visual disturbance) (points 1, 55, 2, 3, 106 and area of pain).

  • Diseases of the eyes (retina, eye disorder, blurred vision, atrophy of the eye nerves, glaucoma (Blue Water), cataract (White Water) and weak eye, eye inflammation and secretion of tears and eye sensitivity (points 1, 55, 36, 101, 104 , 105, 9, 10, 34, 35, above the eyebrows and on the hair line above the forehead).

  • Tonsils, throat, gums, teeth, and the middle ear problems (dizziness, nausea and ringing in ears) (points 1, 55, 20, 21, 41, 42, 120, 49, 114, 43, 44).

  • Weakness of hearing and inflammation of hearing nerve, tinnitus (ringing sensation in ears) (points 1, 55, 20, 21, 37, 38 and behind the ear).

  • Nasal sinuses (points 1, 55, 102, 103, 108, 109, 36, 14 and on the hair line).

  • Neuritis (inflammation) of the fifth and seventh nerves (points 1, 55, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114 and on the affected area).

  • To stimulate the system of perception (encourage awareness) (points 1, 55, 2, 3, 32).

  • Clinical Memory Loss (important: if point 39 is cupped unnecessarily it may cause damage to the memory. Also its unnecessary repetition may increase memory loss (point 39 occipital prominence).

  • Mute (unable to speak) (points 1, 55, 36, 33, 107, 114( .

  • To help stop smoking (points 1, 55, 106, 11, 32( .

  • Convulsion (fits) (points 1, 55, 101, 36, 32, 107 on both sides, 114, 11, 12, 13).

  • For the treatment of mental retardation (points 1, 55, (101 only once) 36, 32, 2, 3, 120, 49, 11, 12, 13( .

  • Atrophy (loss) of brain cells (oxygen deficiency) (points 1, 55, 101, 36, 32, 34, 35, 11 and perform cupping on the joints, muscles and neck, 43 and 44 on the front and back. Eat honey and royal jelly. Perform massage cupping daily).
Group (E) Gynecological
Important warning: pregnant women should avoid cupping during pregnancy except if they are over-due and wish to go into labour. In this case, they should have dry and massage cupping between the knee and ankle on both legs. Cupping a pregnant woman may cause miscarriage.

  • Hemorrhage (vaginal bleeding) (points 1, 55, (3 dry cups under each breast daily until bleeding ceases).

  • Amenorrhea (absence of periods) (points 1, 55, 129, (131 from the outside), 135, 136 (.

  • Brownish Secretion 3 dry cups under each breast daily until secretion ceases (points 1, 55, 120, 49, 11, 12, 13 and 143). If secretion has no smell, no colour or itching, perform cupping on (points 1, 55, 9, 10, 41, 42, 11, 12, 13, 143).

  • Menstruation (period) problems (points 1, 55 (dry cupping on 125, 126, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143).

  • To stimulate the ovaries (points 1, 55, 11, (dry cupping on 125, 126).

  • Pain after a uterus (womb) operation, menstrual (period) pain, the problems of ligation of the fallopian tube (tube being tied/blocked), milk existence in the breast without being pregnant and menopausal symptoms (depression, nervousness, psychological conditions, acute uterus) (points 1, 55, 6, 48, 11, 12, 13, 120, 49) (Dry Cupping on 125, 126). To regulate the menses, it is preferred to perform cupping on the second day of the menses.



Бивши Скај Дог
Член од
25 мај 2007
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E да, овој тип на масажа помага, а и треба на точни места да се постават чашите и то е точно.
Член од
28 март 2006
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Вака не лекуваше баба ми као деца. Ќе ставеше памук во чаша, ќе го запалеше и ќе ја превртеше на грб...по 5-6 чаши, зависно од болките...по извесно време нит температура нит болки. Старите иљачи се често поделотворни, но за жал современата (посебно западна, а и нашата) медицина не ги признава ниту проучува. Штета, сето лекување се сведува на хемија која честопати понатаму остава други далеку потешки последици.


Сам свој психолог
Член од
7 август 2009
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На мама од измрзнано еднаш и правија вака.


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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samo zaboravile ochite da gi izlechat:pos:
едитирано: сликите се ставени во спојлер, кој е со послаба толеранција кон гадости нека не ги отвара
Член од
29 август 2008
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Има некој што веќе се подложил на ова? Искуство, каде што како??

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