Актуелни случувања во светот, со осврти од геополитички аспект


Член од
28 март 2020
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Оти мислиш така, оти така кажа Путин или ти знаеш нешто повеќе ?
Не мислам, знам. Затоа што се идиоти и затоа што се инструмент у рацете на јенките кои ги ги ебат у мозок.


Член од
28 март 2020
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Абе нема проблем, јас не се секирам за Полска, оти како му тргнало, да не биди од играчка плачка :D
Точно, играчка плачка ќе биде за пољаците. Што мислиш ќе им биде опростено на пољаците за тие 20000 војска и за сите убиени руси у Украина?
Се кријат позади НАТО сега, ама ќе се наместат....кучка што јаде маст јаде и стап.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Се кријат позади НАТО сега, ама ќе се наместат....кучка што јаде маст јаде и стап.
Која „маст“ ја јадат жити се? Тоа што ќе задолжат неколку генерации да го плаќаат америчкото оружје кое сега го купуваат - за да водат амерички војни со полски животи?

Теоретски можеби се надеваат да ја лапнат Галиција ако Украина се распадне, ама тоа и не е баш веројатно (лапањето на Галција).


Член од
28 март 2020
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Која „маст“ ја јадат жити се? Тоа што ќе задолжат неколку генерации да го плаќаат америчкото оружје кое сега го купуваат - за да водат амерички војни со полски животи?

Теоретски можеби се надеваат да ја лапнат Галиција ако Украина се распадне, ама тоа и не е баш веројатно (лапањето на Галција).
Галиција им е целта, затоа гинат у Украина. Мислат дека ако останат доволно долго ќе си го земат делот, само униформа ќе пресоблечат. Само што има мал проблем, нема член 5 да ги штити.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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The United Nations General Assembly on Friday passed a resolution asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to evaluate the legality of Israel's “prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territory.”

In a video message, Prime Minister Benjamin Netayahu was quick to condemn the UN vote as a "despicable decision" that has no bearing on Israel -- a government that sprang into existence in 1948 in the wake of a UN General Assembly recommendation to partition Palestine.

"The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land nor occupiers in our eternal capital Jerusalem and no UN resolution can distort that historical truth," said Netanyahu.

Friday's UN resolution also asks the ICJ to give an advisory opinion on Israeli "measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and from its adoption of related discriminatory legislation and measures."

Jewish settlers and Israeli authorities have been intensifying their efforts to push Palestinians out of occupied East Jerusalem, with the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah emerging as a particular flash point.

If Americans Knew

The UN vote comes after Netanyahu's formation of the most ultra-nationalist and religious government in in the country's history. Last week, Netanyahu's government declared that “the Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel," including the West Bank and Golan Heights.

With the new leadership bent on the even more expansion of West Bank settlements-- and thus threatening to obliterate the long-running fictional pursuit of a "two-state solution" -- a leery Biden White House is dispatching national security advisor Jake Sullivan to the Israel for a mid-January visit.

Friday's General Assembly's ICJ resolution passed by an 87-26 vote, with 53 members abstaining. In voting against the measure, Israel and the United States were joined by countries that included Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. France abstained, while Russia, China, Ireland, Portugal and Saudi Arabia were among the yes votes.

The vote tally for Friday's UN resolution referring Israel's occupation to the International Court of Justice (screenshot of UN data via
Times of Israel)

The 15-member ICJ, which is in The Hague, Netherlands, is the UN's senior court for managing international disputes. Though not obliged to take act on the General Assembly resolution, the court is widely expected to.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Russia-Ukraine War
  • Little hope that 2023 will bring peace, despite some European leaders signaling they want a way out, but Ukraine 'not in the mood to compromise' for peace talks: FOX
  • Russia says it has received recent assurances from the US side that the Patriot missile batteries to be sent to Ukraine will not be manned by American personnel on the battlefield: TASS
  • Zelensky says Russia plans to ramp up drone strikes as part of a plan to "exhaust" Ukraine's population and defenses: AJ
  • Ukraine's defense minister claims that starting sometime early this month, borders will be closed in Russia, martial law will be declared and a new wave of mobilization will begin: NEXTA
  • Even The New York Times has expressed rare concern over Zelensky's latest anti-democratic moves, particularly a sweeping press crackdown: NYT
  • Growing anger inside Russia and among Kremlin officials directed at Russian military commanders in wake of one of single deadliest strikes on a Russian base: Reuters
  • Kiev is claiming 400 dead Russians in the attack, reportedly with US-supplied Himars: BBC
  • Russia recently issued new threats to blow up railways, bridges and tunnels in order to halt movement of US weapons: RT
  • Moscow claims its forces destroyed Himars in new strikes: RT
  • Ex-NATO General on Ukraine ceasefire: "I expect a standstill in early summer": Germany's Funke media group
  • Ukraine vows "deeper and deeper" strikes inside Russia: Telegraph
  • Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) holds last service in famous Kiev Caves Monastery: Video
  • China’s warplane incursions into Taiwan air defense zone doubled in 2022, bulk of these after Pelosi's Taiwan visit: Guardian
  • America's longtime 'strategic ambiguity' doctrine collapsing? The Hill
  • Both sides continue pledging they don't want war, as Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen is urging Beijing to resume talks: Bloomberg
  • Signaling softer stance? China appoints ambassador to US, Qin Gang, as new foreign minister: The Hill
  • Taiwan's peace gesture to China - offers pandemic aid amid Covid surge: AFP
  • Foreigners sold a record NT$1.23 trillion last year (New Taiwan dollar), highest amount on record, Taiwan Stock Exchange says: Taipei Times
  • Ongoing disputed border tensions between India & China in Himalayas ensnare cashmere wool trade: WaPo
  • China and Russia increasingly and openly embraced by Saudi Arabia while royals snub US: Insider
  • US in talks with South Korea to manage a nuclear deterrence presence: AP
  • This after Kim ordered 'exponential' expansion of nuke arsenal: AP
  • Japan and Russian relations sink to lowest level in decades: Reuters
Middle East
  • CENTCOM released end of the year report indicating US carried out 313 missions in Iraq and Syria against ISIS, killing 686 suspected members: Pentagon
  • Lindsey Graham issues rare criticism of Israel over 'pro-Russia' line: TOI
  • Lavrov congratulates new Israeli government in phone call, chummy relations angering Kiev: TOI
  • Israel far-right minister enters Al-Aqsa Mosque in provocation as Palestinian anger mounts: MME
  • Hamas says it 'Won't Sit Idly By': MEE
  • 2022 the deadliest year for Palestinians since 2nd Intifada: MEE
  • Netanyahu wants normalization with Saudis as big Abraham accords summit set for March in Morocco: New Arab
  • Moscow-brokered Syria and Turkey detente on horizon as another summit set: Defense Post
  • But some see major Turkish anti-Kurdish offensive in Syria as still imminent: Al Monitor
  • French warship seized $24 million worth of illegal drugs from a fishing vessel in North Arabian Sea: US Navy
  • Comprehensive new 'Arab Index' shows rising anger over sinking economies, poverty and inflation: New Arab
  • 800 Starlinks already in Iran to help the protesters? IranIntl
  • UK To designate Iran's IRGC as a terror organization: Telegraph
  • Turkey's inflation actually slowing down, in boost to Erdogan ahead of elections: Al Monitor
Latin America
  • Brazil's Lula received letter from China's Xi Jinping expressing desire for increased cooperation: Reuters
  • Notorious gang leader was freed in Mexico prison attack that killed 17: AP
  • Multiple killed in shoot-out as Mexico hunts down 30 inmates who escaped: BBC
  • Bolivia unrest continues after opposition leader’s arrest: AJ
  • Maduro says Venezuela "ready" to work toward normalization with the US: Daily Mail
  • Chevron sending 2 oil tankers to Venezuela under US approval for first time in years: Reuters
  • Soccer legend Pele mourned in Brazil and across the world: BBC
  • Bulgaria inks long-term agreement to use Turkish gas terminals: AJ
  • Germany halted imports of Russian oil via Druzhba pipeline as of Jan.1: Oil Price
  • UK confirms it stopped importing Russian LNG to stop 'financing Russia's war': EuroWeekly
  • Unprecedented warmer winter for Europe: Russia's 'energy weapon' backfires? Fortune
  • Pressure is on for Russia to accelerate deliveries East: Oil Price
  • EU officials tell Ukraine they've stopped 90% of Russian oil supplies: Interview
  • UK: risk of winter power cuts fade as gas prices dip: Guardian
  • But gas crisis to continue as planners look ahead to Winter '23: BBG



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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ZH Geopolitical Week Ahead: Chaos In Brazil, China Reopens Borders, Heavy Tanks For Ukraine

A weekly round-up of geopolitical flashpoint and energy news we're keeping our eyes on, and trends impacting global markets.

With the smoke still clearing from Brazil's capital amid the pro-Bolsonaro unrest, Lula is ready to go on the offensive and 'punish' the 'rioters' and so-called "terrorists", with the to-be-expected comparisons to Jan.6 filling mainstream headlines. Bolsonaro himself has been in Florida since last month, and Monday was admitted to the hospital, but there's growing calls from US progressive lawmakers to cancel his visa. This despite widespread admissions, including from the NYT, that he called on his supporters to allow for peaceful transition of power, and to essentially 'move on'. Brazil's currency slipped in the immediate aftermath, with uncertainty in still spooked Brazilian markets after volatile trade amid the initial 'shock' of the capital chaos...

Brasil events meant that media consumers were given a brief respite from non-stop Russia-Ukraine developments dominating headlines, as CNN and others focused on scenes of the weekend chaos which gripped Brasilia. And yet the conflict in Eastern Europe is still escalating, with the Kremlin on Monday stressing it sees itself as already at war with NATO inside Ukraine. This as Western allies, with the UK leading the way, are now weighing heavy tanks for Ukraine, and not just the troop carriers or 'light tanks' earlier pledged by France and the US. The West continues to go 'all in' regarding keeping Kiev away from the negotiating table, as was on display concerning Putin's failed Christmas truce attempt. Zelensky is meanwhile thanking Washington for the latest $3 billion "Christmas present". The White House is touting that Ukraine aid is "rock solid" through at least 2023.
China continues its big reopening amid its Covid strategy pivot, with reports of Chinese citizens scrambling to get their passports in order, perhaps just waiting anxiously for a reversal by Beijing authorities and planners. But reports of huge numbers of infected amid the Covid wave continue unabated for now. China and the US keep signaling over Taiwan, with the Chinese PLA steadily ramping up war drills and muscle-flexing, with breaches of the Taiwan Strait median line now becoming a regular thing. The US-Taiwan trade delegation talks - with the involvement of Biden administration officials - are set to kick off Saturday, with Beijing's reaction anticipated to be fierce.
Below are global developments we are closely following this week...

  • Putin's Christmas ceasefire is being widely seen as a failure, with NY Times calling it 'effort to divide the West': NYT
  • Heavy shelling was reported in Ukraine's east through much of the 'ceasefire': Rtrs
  • Friday's new $3.075 billion weapons package is to include some 50 Bradley Fighting Vehicles for the first time: Politico
  • Western allies weigh sending heavy tanks: WSJ
  • "Bloodiest fighting" currently at Bakhmut and Soledar: Axios
  • Russians fleeing possibility of being sent to war stranded at Seoul airport: Moscow Times
  • Kremlin official says 'not at war with Ukraine, but whole of NATO': TASS
  • Over 100 Russian artists and public figures on a Ukraine sanctions list: AJ
  • Zelensky revoked the citizenship of 13 Orthodox priests: IFX
  • Russia probes its own prominent critics: AP
  • US alleged Iran "contributing to widespread war crimes" in Ukraine: Axios
  • Sweden says Turkey making demands it can't fulfil for NATO membership: FT
  • Sweden conscription for better defense readiness? RT
  • Erdogan says he's ready to mediate "lasting peace" in Ukraine: AA
  • Russia claimed Sunday it conducted a retaliation strike on Ukrainian troops, killing 600: VOA
  • Ukraine vehemently denies the Russian strike claims on a barracks in Kramatorsk: BBC
  • Ukraine school at location rejects claim: AP
  • Foreign policy "experts" think Russia will collapse or break apart in next decade: BI
  • US not seeing any indications Belarus will send troops into Ukraine: Sky News
  • Both sides in talks for more prisoner swaps: Sky News
  • Kiev claims Moscow to mobilize 500k more conscripts: Politico

  • New Chinese drills near Taiwan: Rtrs
  • Beijing angry after US Navy's 1st Taiwan Strait transit of 2023: Maritime Executive
  • War-gaming a China-Taiwan conflict: CNN
  • US military deepens ties with Japan and Philippines to prepare for China threat: FT
  • China extending supply and logistics network deep into South Pacific? SCMP
  • European delegation visits Taiwan: Republic World
  • Readying for US-Taiwan trade delegation talks involving Biden admin: BBG
  • Qin Gang's first trip as FM is to Africa: SCMP
  • Travel influx as China reopens: AP
  • Chinese citizens rush to renew passports as Covid border curbs lifted: Rtrs
  • Hong Kong, China border reopening: Japan Times
  • Official says than 88 million people in 3rd most populous province have Covid: BBC
  • Kim Jong-un recently called for an "exponential" increase in the production of nuclear weapons
  • Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing recently, pledged that maritime disputes will be handled in "friendly" manner: Al Arabiya
  • Japan PM Kishida starts tour of G7 countries, talks military build-up and chip supply: Rtrs

Middle East
  • Drone shot down over Iraqi air base, Ain al-Asad, hosting US forces: New Arab
  • Iranians demonstrate against protest-related executions: BBC
  • Iranian diplomats to be expelled from Western countries?: VOA
  • Israeli gov bars Palestinian flags from all public places: MEE
  • Over $9BN pledged by international donors for Pakistan flood recovery: AJ
  • Heavy fighting in oil-rich Yemeni province: Xinhua
  • Economic collapse, misery especially in northern Syria: MEE
  • US not happy with Syria-Turkey reconciliation talks; Assad & Erdogan to meet? The Cradle

Latin America/World
  • Immigration, trade top agenda for Biden's Mexico visit: VOA
  • Biden first president to visit Mexico since 2014: WaPo
  • Biden's "tightly controlled visit" to southern border his 1st time as president: CNN
  • Venezuelan Embassy in US shuttered as opposition crumbles: AW
  • Brazil unrest: hundreds of Bolsonaro supporters arrested: WSJ
  • Pundits make J6 comparisons, condemn "terrorism", Lula vows punishment: WaPo
  • Wife says Bolsonaro admitted to hospital in Florida: BBC
  • US progressive lawmakers want Bolsonaro booted: NYT
  • Russian ship under US sanctions stops in S.Africa, prompting questions: WSJ

  • US gasoline demand and prices still rising: OP
  • China expands South China Sea gas field: SCMP
  • Kuwait plans to increase diesel exports to EU: The Cradle
  • Energy crisis makes Europe the world’s premium LNG market: OP
  • Russia’s Rosneft looks to supply gas to China via Power Of Siberia 2 Pipeline: OP
  • ‘Meltdown’ of European industry averted with warm winter, Germany’s Habeck says: BBG
  • Canadians will see high oil, gas prices through 2023, experts say: 'A very expensive time': GN



1897 Fighter
Член од
29 декември 2007
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Деновиве не би сакал да сум во Појасот Газа.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Интересно е учеството на Јужна Африка.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Неколку твита од Сириус репорт.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Јужна Африка покрај Кина е дел од БРИКС. Не знам зошто ти е чудно.
Заедничко учество во воени вежби со Русија и Кина во време кога двете се во активна ладна (Русија и во топла) војна со САД, тоа е урнебесно гласна изјава на подршка на РФ и Кина истовремено со кажување fuck you на САД.

Интересен момент е секако. :)


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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The US and its NATO partners are conducting military drills in a region of Romania that borders Ukraine.

Dubbed "Sea Shield 23," the war games kicked off on March 20 and will run until April 2. The US and 11 other NATO countries are participating in the Romanian-led military exercises. Nearly 3,500 soldiers, 30 naval ships, 14 aircraft and 15 other "fast intervention" boats are participating in the live-fire operations, which will occur in the Black Sea and Romania’s Danube Delta. Troops taking part in the Sea Shield drills will come within 20 miles of the Ukrainian border.


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