Да се надеваме, да се надеваме
Инаку ѕирнав сеа на официјалната страна, има по некоја новост од Америка. Сега држеле прес со и за тие што се вратија од одморот, т.е Англичаните + Борини. Ова што го кажа Роџерс за Керол ми дава надеж дека ќе го задржиме:
- "Andy is a terrific young player. I had a brief chat with all the lads and over the next couple of weeks I'll be able to speak to them with more confidence and on a one to one basis.
"There is no doubt he is a terrific talent. There has been a lot of unfair criticism aimed towards Andy.
"He is a player who can play in a number of styles and it was a wee bit unfair on him (for people) to say he couldn't fit into the way I would want to play.
"For me, your game is based on your players, the players you have. I am here to win games.
"We've got a number of very, very talented players in the group, of which Andy is one."
И еве кај ќе играме утре: