Кога ќе сватите дека умре античкиот мит - најаката генетска институција го потврди истото FamilyTreeDNA
Во иста група сме со: Чесите, Пољаците(западни Словени), Украинци(западни Словени) и Хрвати(Јужни Словени) и само со Унгарци од не-словенско потекло.
Не забевај, ја не знаев дека на Чесите сме личеле, изгледа ја на Марс живеам.
Не е само Игенеа бе другар, сите лажат изгледа, нашата пропаганда е толку моќна што сите генетски испитувања ги фингира па дури и ова што го финансирало шпанското министерство за образование, еве како тие направиле класификација на медитеранските народи во кои го сместуваат и македонскиот
И види што напишале во врска со нашата нација
Our results show that Macedonians are related to other Mediterraneans
and do not show a close relationship with Greeks; however
they do with Cretans (Tables 3, 4, Figs 1–3). This supports the
theory that Macedonians are one of the most ancient peoples
existing in the Balkan peninsula, probably long before arrival of the
Mycaenian Greeks (10) about 2000 B.C. Other possible explanation
is that they might have shared a genetic background with the
Greeks before an hypothetical admixture between Greeks and sub-
Saharans might have occurred. The cultural, historical and genetic
identity of Macedonians is established according to our results.
However, 19th century historians focused all the culture in Greece
ignoring all the other Mediterranean cultures present in the area
long before the classical Greek one (25).
Greeks are genetically related to sub-Saharans
Much to our surprise, the reason why Greeks did not show a close
relatedness with all the other Mediterraneans analyzed (Tables 5, 6
and Figs 1–3) was their genetic relationship with sub-Saharan ethnic
groups now residing in Ethiopia, Sudan and West Africa (Burkina-
Fasso). Although some Greek DRB1 alleles are not completely
specific of the Greek/sub-Saharan sharing, the list of alleles (Table
5) is self-explanatory. The conclusion is that part of the Greek genetic
pool may be sub-Saharan and that the admixture has occurred
at an uncertain but ancient time.
The origin of the West African Black ethnic groups (Fulani, MosArnaiz-
Villena et al : HLA genes in Macedonians
Fig. 4. Map showing the location of the populations tested in the
present work.
The Fulani are semi-nomadic hunters and gatherers
and one of the few people in the area to use cows’ milk and its byproducts
to feed themselves and to trade; their facial parameters
show a Caucasian admixture. The Rimaibe Blacks have been slaves
belonging to the Fulani and have frequently mixed with them (27).
The Nuba people are now widespread all over Sudan, but are descendants
of the ancient Nubians that ruled Egypt between 8th–7th
centuries B.C. (28) and later established their kingdom at Meroe,
North Khartoum. Two kinds of Nubians were described in ancient
times: Reds and Blacks, probably reflecting the degree of Caucasian
admixture. Both the Oromo and Amharic peoples live in the Ethiopian
mountains (27). They obviously have in common a genetic background
with the west-African groups mentioned above. Linguistic,
social, traditional and historical evidence supports an east-to-west
migration of peoples through the Sahel (southern Sahara strip), although
this is still debated (26, 27).
Thus, it is hypothesized that there could have been a migration
from southern Sahara which mixed with ancient Greeks to give rise
to a part of the present day Greek genetic background. The admixture
must have occurred in the Aegean Islands and Athens area at
least (Figs 1 and 2). The reason why this admixture is not seen in
Crete is unclear but may be related to the influential and strong
Minoan empire which hindered foreigners establishment (10). Also,
the time when admixture occurred could be after the overthrown of
some of the Negroid Egyptian dynasties (Nubian or from other
periods) or after undetermined natural catastrophes (i.e.: dryness).
Indeed, ancient Greeks believed that their religion and culture came
from Egypt (4, 25).
This work was supported in part by grants from
the Spanish Ministry of Education (PM95-57,
PM96-21 and PM99-23) and the Madrid Regional
Government (06/70/97 and 8.3/14/98). We are
grateful to Alberto Garcia for his help with art
design work on the computer.