Фан Клуб: Рома


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17 декември 2012
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Жервињо го постигна победничкиот гол на мечот БСК - Сиера Леоне кој заврши 2-1.


Во италијанската репрезентација Де Роси со гол, а Астори беше еден од најдобрите поединци и МОТМ според WhoScored.com


На Раи коментаторите кажаа дека голот на ДДР е своевиден љубилеј, 100ти гол постигнат од играчи на Рома во Италинјанската репрезентација.
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22 јануари 2005
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  • Corriere dello Sport claims Roma midfielder Kevin Strootman will be fit and ready to return next month, just 7 months after tearing his ACL.
The Dutchman, who was injured on March 9th against Napoli at the San Paolo, is healing quickly and the Rome-based newspaper suggests that his debut will be made on October 18th against Chievo. Strootman had surgery to repair his knee ligament on March 18th earlier this year and inital reports suggested that Roma may decide to hold the the midfielder out until January for precautionary measures.
  • French outlet L’Equipe has reported this evening that Adrien Rabiot of PSG, who has been left out off the club’s Champions League roster, will join Roma in January.
Reportedly, all facets of the deal have been agreed to. The Giallorossi have agreed to personal terms with Rabiot and have agreed to a fee of €9 million plus bonuses with PSG.

Roma look to have beat the competition to Adrien Rabiot.
  • Today’s edition of Il Tempo claims that Adrien Rabiot is very likely to arrive to Roma in January.
Reportedly, just days after the closing of the transfer window, Roma reignited talks with PSG for the young midfielder. PSG do not want to lose the player for free and will likely sell the player for a figure just south of €10 million. Roma had agreed to a fee with PSG but Sheikh Al-Khelaifi insisted on selling the player for €25 million.

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
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29 август 2008
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Pallotta o izdajniku Benatiji
U svom prvom intervjuu po dolasku u Bayern Muecnhen, Mehdi Benatija rekao je da je želio da ostane u Romi, ali da je klub morao da ga proda jer mu je bio potreban novac.

"Pričao sam o svojoj budućnosti sa sportskim direktorom Walterom Sabatinijem. Rekao mi je da klub ne želi da me proda, ali da mu je potreban novac. To mi je zasmetalo, jer sam želio da ostanem u Romi", rekao je Marokanski "Juda", kako su ga već prozvali navijači "vučice".

Ipak, predsjednik Rome James Pallotta danas je demantovao Benatijine priče.

"Mehdi Benatia nastavlja sa svojim fabrikovanih izmišljotinama posljednjih mjeseci. Imali smo usmeni dogovor o njegovoj plati i povišici po povratku iz Bostona u julu. Lično mi je rekao da je zadovoljan nakon što sam mu rekao da uprkos svemu želimo da ostane u Romi. Tokom sljedećih mjeseci lagao je oko svoje želje za ostankom u Romi i u vezi sa detaljima ugovora, i treneru Garciji i saigračima. Laganje meni bilo je nešto sa čime sam mogao da se nosim. S druge strane, laganje Garsiji i saigračima je bilo potpuno neprihvatljivo za mene. Rekao sam Walteru Sabatiniju da Benatija postao otrov id a želim da ode, a Rudi i Walter su se složili. Nije se tu radilo o novcu. Radilo se o karakteru u svlačionici. Mi se nalazimo u veoma dobroj finansijskoj situaciji. Kao vlasinici Rome, donosimo teške odluke svaki dan. Kao navijač Rome, duboko sam razočaran što je jedan naš igrač mogao da se ponaša ovako", poručio je Pallotta.
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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Pallotta o izdajniku Benatiji
U svom prvom intervjuu po dolasku u Bayern Muecnhen, Mehdi Benatija rekao je da je želio da ostane u Romi, ali da je klub morao da ga proda jer mu je bio potreban novac.

"Pričao sam o svojoj budućnosti sa sportskim direktorom Walterom Sabatinijem. Rekao mi je da klub ne želi da me proda, ali da mu je potreban novac. To mi je zasmetalo, jer sam želio da ostanem u Romi", rekao je Marokanski "Juda", kako su ga već prozvali navijači "vučice".

Ipak, predsjednik Rome James Pallotta danas je demantovao Benatijine priče.

"Mehdi Benatia nastavlja sa svojim fabrikovanih izmišljotinama posljednjih mjeseci. Imali smo usmeni dogovor o njegovoj plati i povišici po povratku iz Bostona u julu. Lično mi je rekao da je zadovoljan nakon što sam mu rekao da uprkos svemu želimo da ostane u Romi. Tokom sljedećih mjeseci lagao je oko svoje želje za ostankom u Romi i u vezi sa detaljima ugovora, i treneru Garciji i saigračima. Laganje meni bilo je nešto sa čime sam mogao da se nosim. S druge strane, laganje Garsiji i saigračima je bilo potpuno neprihvatljivo za mene. Rekao sam Walteru Sabatiniju da Benatija postao otrov id a želim da ode, a Rudi i Walter su se složili. Nije se tu radilo o novcu. Radilo se o karakteru u svlačionici. Mi se nalazimo u veoma dobroj finansijskoj situaciji. Kao vlasinici Rome, donosimo teške odluke svaki dan. Kao navijač Rome, duboko sam razočaran što je jedan naš igrač mogao da se ponaša ovako", poručio je Pallotta.

Бенатија дава смешни изјави. Во истото интервју рече дека се надевал на трансфер во Сити или Челзи.
Не ми е јасно која е смислата да дадеш таква изјава кога веќе си во Баерн.

"I was hoping for Manchester City and Chelsea, but there were also approaches with Real Madrid and Barcelona. Let me be clear, I’m happy to be at Bayern. I really like Munich, even though it’s a little cold." :confused:

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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Бенатија дава смешни изјави. Во истото интервју рече дека се надевал на трансфер во Сити или Челзи.
Не ми е јасно која е смислата да дадеш таква изјава кога веќе си во Баерн.

"I was hoping for Manchester City and Chelsea, but there were also approaches with Real Madrid and Barcelona. Let me be clear, I’m happy to be at Bayern. I really like Munich, even though it’s a little cold." :confused:
Ма нека се гони у пм, добро е што замина таков играч подобро и да го немаш,колку само е превртлив. Само управата ја заеба работата, постигнале усмен договор со Бенатија дека тој ќе остане со подобра плата. По тоа и испадна изјавата на Сабатини дека Бенатија вреди 61мил, и тогаш Бенатија секаде изјавуваше дека ќе остане и полека одлуката ја смени, повторно сакаше трансфер, ги предаде на некој начин и го прекрши тој усмен договор, ја зафркна цела управа, али памет за друг пат.[DOUBLEPOST=1410219053][/DOUBLEPOST]Во четврток ќе има прес конференција каде Сабатини подобро ќе ги објасни работите
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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Ма нека се гони у пм, добро е што замина таков играч подобро и да го немаш,колку само е превртлив. Само управата ја заеба работата, постигнале усмен договор со Бенатија дека тој ќе остане со подобра плата. По тоа и испадна изјавата на Сабатини дека Бенатија вреди 61мил, и тогаш Бенатија секаде изјавуваше дека ќе остане и полека одлуката ја смени, повторно сакаше трансфер, ги предаде на некој начин и го прекрши тој усмен договор, ја зафркна цела управа, али памет за друг пат.
Со изјавиве само ја влошува ситуацијата.

Во меѓувреме Пјанич и Стротман во домашна атмосфера.
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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TRS - Roma will be without Kostas Manolas against CSKA Moscow next week as he has a 1-game ban carried over from last season

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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Добрата вест е што Кастан ќе биде спремен и за Емполи, а за Манолас мање битно, барем моментално имаме уште два штопера на располагање и Астори и Мбива, вајда Астори со Кастан би играле против ЦСКА[DOUBLEPOST=1410458748][/DOUBLEPOST]Извадок од статија за Џејмс Палота:)

This is not to say that nobody is ever harsh in Italian football – but that harshness is usually its own caricature, so raked with dramatic gestures and vulgarity that you can’t help but laugh. It is the mode of the Silvio Berlusconis of the peninsula, the Aurelio De Laurentiis, the José Mourinhos, the GiovanniTrapattonis, the Fabio Capellos, the Marco Materazzis, to a lesser extent even that of Antonio Conte – all figures whose register entails instant self-isolation, a framing of oneself as the lone white knight against a malignant and oppressive system. But Pallotta partakes in none of that jazz. It is his sobriety that is most disquieting. His invectives are as lucid as they are direct, and whether his prey be FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio or the likes of Benatia, he speaks not as a loner who rails against the system, but with the brontide of someone who knows that the system is behind him – someone who can say, perhaps, ‘I am the system’.

Whether anything will come of the Pallotta style is yet to be seen, but the word is out in the streets by now and Benatia’s ears must still be ringing. Do not play games with James. The eighth king of Rome did not come to play along with the Italians – he is here to rule them.

Џим не сака да го смени системот, тој е над него, тој е системот:cool:
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Член од
22 јануари 2005
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Roma v Fiorentina: highlights

Alessio Romagnoli was revealed today as a Sampdoria player

"I want to grow as a person and player, to play a lot of games, to improve and then go back to Roma and find my space. My first time away from home? Yes, but there are other Romans here" (Okaka, De Silvestri)

Во четврток ќе има прес конференција каде Сабатини подобро ќе ги објасни работите
Giallorossi sporting director Walter Sabatini spoke at a press conference at the Centro Sportivo Fulvio Bernardini in Trigoria.

"He will be like a new signing for us. It was a big blow to lose him as he’s an extraordinary footballer. We’re extremely determined to keep him. He is a very important player for us and when he returns I’m sure we’ll see him back to his best. He’s a problem for other clubs because he’s not their player – he belongs to us. I can’t tell you how much he’s worth because he’s not for sale and you only give players valuations once they’re on the market. He’s an incredible player for us, but you never know in football. I’m sure that he’ll get some offers, but we will do everything in our power to hold on to him. It's reassuring for us to knowing that Strootman is nearing a return to action – we can’t wait to have him back."

"I’m always trying to achieve the perfect squad. I’m in a permanent state of restlessness; I’ll never stop working and I’ll never be satisfied. I’m convinced that this group of players will compete, but that’s not enough for me. That’s just the way I am. I’m not trying to say that we’re still looking to bring players in; it’s just my way of working. I’m never completely satisfied at the end of a transfer window – there’s always more to be done. Nonetheless, I’m very pleased with the group of players that we have, as is Rudi Garcia. We’ve got two or three players in each position now, so we’re expecting big performances from the team, like the one they put in against Fiorentina. I’m not going to give our transfer window a score out of ten – at the end of the season we’ll see whether or not we fought for the title."

"Rabiot is an exceptional player, a guy who was only born in 1995 but is playing in a team full of superstars. Of course we’re following him. We’re big fans of his, but we’ll go about it the right way, working closely with PSG. As a big club, we want to behave correctly when dealing with other great European clubs. We don’t want to do PSG the discourtesy of taking him on a free - we’ll do the same thing as we did with Sanabria. It’s sure to be a tricky one because his contractual situation is no secret and there are a number of great clubs interested in him. We’ll give it a go."

"Pallotta has already responded to this matter in detail. Bayern Munich have asked us to put an end to all the quarreling. In some senses, the player tried to behave in the right way but in others he messed up. When we signed him, he agreed to join us despite the fact that our offer was lower than a different offer he’d had from another club in Italy. In January he came to me and told me that he’d received a big offer, but asked to stay subject to certain conditions. His request was very high indeed, high enough that we could barely accommodate it and weren’t keen on doing so. However, we did want to give him a fair contract renewal. We sold him for €28m + €4m add-ons, not for €61m as I had initially demanded, because he was no longer the same Benatia – he was no longer the giant of a man with a real fire in his belly that he was when he joined us. He just didn’t want to be here anymore. Maybe I was being too kind when I called Sissoko (Benatia's agent) a minstrel!"

"I must just say something first of all. In order to join Roma, Maicon passed up on a lot of money from Manchester City to accept a lower offer from us. He said no to easy money to come to Roma so we must be grateful to him for that. He’s not up to anything, as I’ve read in various places. He often played for us when he was far from 100% and still managed to have a great season. Let’s pay him the respect he deserves – it’s his own life to live the way he wants. He played against Colombia and he's fine."

"That’s a tough question for me. I always feel down emotionally speaking after a transfer window. Sometimes you’re forced to make painful decisions. Lamela and Dodò are great players, as is Marquinhos, and selling them was not something that the coach wanted – we had to let them go. Dodò was sold because he’d come to believe that he wouldn’t be able to develop here because he didn’t feel fully appreciated. He made a tough call, but it was the right one for him. Perhaps now he’ll get the recognition he deserves when he plays well. I’m not accusing the press, I’m just saying that was the main factor behind his departure. Lamela and Marquinhos were sold for more economic and technical reasons."

"Do I share the same view as De Rossi? Look… being a gentleman I wouldn’t like to say too much about Lotito because he used to be my president. However, I don’t think he should be saying that a player can’t speak about an owner because that’s a very outdated view. When Daniele De Rossi speaks it’s correct that everybody listens to him because he always speaks sense."

"Our roster has all the necessary attributes to fight for the Scudetto, but I can’t deny that all of the other clubs have also strengthened. Inter have, as have AC Milan thanks to three great days' work from Galliani. Lazio have made some shrewd buys, Fiorentina are up there and Napoli still have a great roster. Having said that, we need to ensure that we’re challenging for the championship. Would I give up smoking for a month if we won the Scudetto? No – anything else! Juventus? They definitely haven’t become weaker, but perhaps some of the choices they’ve made have allowed us to close the gap on them. It certainly isn’t a 17-point gap anymore."

"We’re playing the strongest team in the group first, even if they don’t get much recognition. CSKA have an awesome squad – they’ve won the last two league titles and boast players that we’d all love to have on our rosters. There are just a few days until we play them and, of course, we want to win but it’ll be difficult."

"Iturbe is a great player, but perhaps he’s not realized that fully yet. He’s had a tough start because when he joined the group he stopped doing the things that usually come naturally to him. I’m sure the chemistry will come."

"You always listen to the market. I listened to the rumors surrounding Destro and it’s true that I had some meetings about Mattia, but deep down I never wanted to sell him. There’s also a bit of vanity there, I suppose – it feels good to receive a big offer and reject it. I wanted to understand how he was thought of in other countries. We know all about Destro, he’ll be our center-forward this season and he’ll do a great job of it."

"We renegotiated his contract and his wages are high, which might have raised a few eyebrows in the locker room, but we couldn’t risk losing him on a free transfer. In any case, there was no issue because our players are smart enough to understand."

"Letting him go was devastating for me. Lots of people really wanted him to stay on so you can imagine how hard it was for me to tell him he was no longer in our plans, and that we were signing a player of the same age but with more international experience (Keita). That was really tough. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Rodrigo all the best and say that I hope he can bring Perugia, my hometown club, back to Serie A."

"Roma don’t pay over the odds for players to keep them away from our rivals. When I sign a footballer, I pay the right price – sometimes even less than he's worth. I heard it said that we paid €5 million for Bastos last year when in fact he was signed on loan and cost us next to nothing."
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21 ноември 2009
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Кој ќе ви бидат годинава стандардни дефанзивци? (кога нема да бидат повредени)

Boom Shaka Lakka

Silence!! .. I kill you!
Член од
29 август 2008
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штета вечер барем прво полувреме нема да го фатам, гледам нападот ќе трпи промени, Љајич, Дестро и Флоренци од прва минута,па да видиме што можат тие, бидејќи доколку сме ефикасни натпреварот сигурно го добиваме, само да не промашуваме зицери
Член од
22 јануари 2005
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ROMA (4-3-3) De Sanctis; Maicon, Manolas, Castan, Cole; Pjanic, Nainggolan, De Rossi; Ljajic, Destro, Florenzi #EmpoliRoma

Нова информација во врска со суспензијата на Манолас.

UEFA have confirmed that Kostas Manolas is not suspended for Roma-CSKA, but Daniele De Rossi has a one-match ban for elbowing Srna in Shakhtar v Roma in 2011.

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