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Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
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6 април 2010
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Убо кажа нигеров плус види го отцените на играчите Албиол го напраја Барзаљи а Барзаљи Ранокија :D[DOUBLEPOST=1455472134][/DOUBLEPOST]Paul Pogba reveals Lionel Messi gave him advice and warns “I want to be the best. I don’t play to come second.”

ОД ова и се плашам кај него ова и се забележува веќе утакмици на назад во многу лош филм е влезен дефинитивно...[DOUBLEPOST=1455472273][/DOUBLEPOST]

Фиорентина (гости), Интер (гости), Рома (гости), Милан за Наполи сигурно
ќе изгубат некој поен

Rugani & Barzagli are expected to start vs Bologna, Bonucci could miss the game. [GdS]
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ВАР експерт
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15 јануари 2013
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Барзаљи оценет со 6ка за мечот, со објаснување дека неколку пати го изгубил Игуаин и не успел да го стигне на неколку негови уфрлања.


Погба кога не силуе, кога остава натпреварот сам да му дое, тогаш е светска класа. Али за жал тоа негово филмање многу е лошо за тимот, не' кочи. Мора да созрее, тимска игра е ова, цел меч играј како е најдобро за тимот, а не откоа 3 пати ќе згрешиш и Алегри коа ќе полуди. Исто и Квадрадо, прва опција му е индивидуалност наместо за тимот... во прво полувреме со Наполи имаше 2 чисти подавања што ќе беа после гол шанси, он еднаш шутна од мртов агол, еднаш предрибла... Ме загрижуе што цела сезона до сеа не го разбраа тоа, инаку перфектни ќе бидат. Такви работи не смеат против топ тимовите во ЛШ.
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Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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‘Difficult for Allegri to leave’

Marcello Lippi says ‘I see myself in Max Allegri’ and doesn’t think he’ll go to Chelsea: “It’s difficult to leave Juventus.”

The former Juve and Italy boss reflected on the crucial win over Napoli on Saturday evening, praising the ‘angry’ Simone Zaza.

I’m friends with Allegri, I see myself in him a little from when I arrived at Juve aged 46,” Lippi said to Radio Anch’io Lo Sport.

“There’s the same concreteness and desire to do important things.

“He got onto the same wavelength as the club straight away. At Juve if you want to win something, you must try to win everything.

Chelsea? When you’re at Juventus it’s difficult to leave.

“The person who came out best from Saturday’s match was the referee Orsato, who was perfect despite somebody saying absurd things during the week.

“Napoli have never faced a team as strong as Juventus until now, they definitely did less well than expected.

“On the other hand, the Bianconeri played the match that we all thought, with great compactness.

I really like Zaza, he has great character and determination. He’s living the dream at Juventus but also is angry, wanting to play more and each time he transmits this fury to all his teammates.”
Lippi: ‘Old Juve players fundamental’
By Football Italia staff

Juventus’ older players are ‘fundamental for their dependability’ according to Marcello Lippi.

The former Italy CT also revealed that he was ‘annoyed’ with Andrea Barzagli after his move to Wolfsburg in 2008, refusing to call him up as a result.

“The dependability of the old players with the new was fundamental,” Lippi said to Radio Anch’io Lo Sport.

“To lose Pirlo, Tevez and Vidal isn’t easy. Moving from Pirlo to Lemina is another thing entirely.

The younger ones don’t have the ability to overcome these difficulties, while you need Buffon, Chiellini and Barzagli to point the boat back in the right direction.

Barzagli made me angry by going to Wolfsburg in the summer transfer market. It annoyed me and for a while I didn’t call him anymore. Then he understood that Italy is his normal habitat, coming back to be one of the world’s best defenders.

“The Champions League certainly takes energy away from the league but, compared to when the draw was made, now things have changed.

“I’m sure that in Germany they’ve changed their thoughts about Juve and at Bayern their self-esteem has diminished.

“The Juventus players know they mustn’t made calculations, now that they’re back on top of the table they will look to also get back to their best in Europe.”

Juve target Barzagli extension
By Football Italia staff

Zaza: U Juventusu sam postao bolji igrač i čovjek
Dan nakon sjajnog gola za pobjedu Juventusa u derbiju za scudetto protiv Napolija, junak meča Simone Zaza je prokomentirao svoj dosadašnji razvoj.

„Takav sam kakvog me vidite, mlad, željan dokazivanja i s dosta prostora za napredak. Kada pogriješim, izvinim se, nisam neki nemilosrdni ubica. Imam živ karakter, temperamentan sam i željan dokazivanja. Nekad to iskazujem na pravilan a nekad na pogrešan način.”

“U ovih nekoliko mjeseci u Juventusu, postao sam svjesniji svojih kvaliteta i mana, imam više samopouzdanja i napredovao sam u taktici. Postao sam bolji igrač i čovjek. Rad i razgovori s Allegrijem su dragocjeni.“

“Neki mladi igrači nemaju ni jednu šansu u karijeri, ja sam prvu propustio, ali sam drugu objeručke zgrabio. Imao sam sreće po tom pitanju.““

„Svjestan sam važnosti gola koji sam postigao, možda je i ključni u borbi za scudetto. Neobična proslava gola? Nisam htio da slavim, htio sam samo da pošaljem poljubac mami i tati koji su bili na tribini Juventus Arene ali su mi svi skočili na leđa pa sam se prepustio slavlju.”

“Htio sam da proslavim gol prije svega s Moratom jer mi je on kao brat, nema zavisti između nas i nismo konkurenti. Kada je izlazio iz igre, rekao mi je: zabit ćeš gol.. takvi smo ja i on..“

“Nakon poraza od Sassuola promijenili smo, ne mentalitet, ali pristup utakmicama da, više smo željni pobjede. Prije dolaska u Juventus nisam shvatao težinu igranja ovdje, ja, kao ni drugi mladi igrači.”
[DOUBLEPOST=1455538806][/DOUBLEPOST]Mario Lemina, mladi Gabonac, pristigao ljetos iz Olympic Marseillea, nikako da prebrodi svoje muke s povredom koljena.

Igrač koji je ostavio pozitivan utisak u nekoliko prvih utakmica koje je odigrao u ne tako sjajnom početku sezone Juventusa, nakon što je proveo dva mjeseca na liječenju u Barceloni, pridružio se treninzima prve ekipe početkom ove godine.

Taman kada je povreda koljena izgledala kao ružna prošlost, zapaljenje tetiva se vratilo i pitanje je kada će mladi veznjak opet biti na terenu. Također, upitno je i hoće li Juventus iskoristi pravo otkupa nakon ovakvog razvoja situacije.
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ВАР експерт
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15 јануари 2013
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Тоа сакав да го пишам уште некни. На голот на Заза прв полета Мората да се радува од клупата иако беше изваден токму тој од игра за да влезе Заза. Многу почесто сум гледал обратни ситуации, односно незадоволни играчи кога ќе бидат заменети, ама не незадоволни од самите себе како и што треба да биде, туку лути на тренерот и на соиграчот кој влегува, отколку ваков случај како некни кога се виде дека не постои ривалство во нападот, туку комплементарност, исто и Манџукич го дадоа среќен како аплаудираше.

Против Болоња тешко ќе биде, од психички аспект може и најтежок меч сезонава бидејќи првпат браниме водство на табелата, а играме против стегнат тим на гостински терен со неколку повредени играчи. Ругани се надевам ќе изигра одлично, бидејќи сигурно ќе стартува заради болницата во одбрана што е моментално.


И не само сега, неколку месеци наназад слават ко еден коа некој од нив ќе дае гол. И цел тим е таков, баш се ко семејство, а тоа ретко се глеа...

Ругани топ ќе биде, со Наполи беше неверојатно смирен и ладнокрвен, плус неколку јаки пасови имаше... Идната сезона мора сериозни минути да добива.


Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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Agent: ‘Zaza didn’t want to leave’
By Football Italia staff

Simone Zaza’s agent insists there was “never a real possibility” of the striker leaving Juventus.

The forward was linked with a move to the English Premier League in January, but stayed in Turin and came off the bench to score the winner against Napoli on Saturday night.

“There were expressions of interest from Premier League clubs in January,” Christian Maifredi admitted on inBlu Radio.

“They’ll benefit from greater financial resources next season from television rights. There was interest, but nothing more.

“There was never a real possibility of Zaza moving away from Juventus, that wasn’t what he wanted or what the club wanted.

“Today no-one thinks of leaving this great team.”[DOUBLEPOST=1455549412][/DOUBLEPOST]
‘Pogba, Dybala not for sale’
By Football Italia staff

Beppe Marotta warns selling Paulo Dybala “never entered Juventus’ head” and they’ll “hold on tight” to Paul Pogba.

The Bianconeri pair are two of the most promising young players in world football, and have been linked with the likes of Barcelona.

“Dybala was a conscious decision, but risky,” Marotta admitted when asked about the €40m summer signing on Gr Parlamento.

“We knew we had chosen a very important talent, able to represent the future of the club. Moving from Palermo to Juve is a big jump.

“The lad has taken that step in the best way. He can still give more, he’s one of the best players out there.

“It’s never entered Juve’s head to sell him.

Paul Pogba? He’s a great player, he can still give a lot to the Juventus cause. When you’re young performances can be up and down, but the fact he’s made mistakes means he has the courage to act.

He’s an important asset for our club, and we’ll hold on tight to him.

We’ve tried to consolidate our group more than make big profits. We rejected a €30m offer for [Simone] Zaza and €20m for [Daniele] Rugani.

Marotta received criticism from many Juventus supporters at the start of the season, with the Old Lady starting slowly having sold Carlos Tevez, Arturo Vidal and Andrea Pirlo.

“I’ve been in football for many years, rushing to judgement is an integral part of this world. We have difficulties, above all after the loss of important players like Vidal, Pirlo and Tevez, who were difficult to replace, both in football terms and as people.

We opted for quality players, young players, perhaps less experienced but able to represent the present and future of this team.”

Juan Cuadrado has impressed in recent weeks, having joined on loan from Chelsea this summer, is the move likely to be made permanent?

“We took a chance, taking a player on loan,” Marotta acknowledged.

We’re considering, there’s a gentleman’s agreement with Chelsea. He’s a player who brings something different to Allegri’s team.

Finally, Marotta discussed next week’s Champions League Last 16 showdown with Bayern Munich.

“Unlike the Champions League, the League is a stage race where the best team always wins. In the Champions League luck and chance are decisive.

“We’re facing Bayern after a long winning run [15 matches] in the League, and for the first time this season we have a team which is superior on paper [having gone top of Serie A].

“Bologna comes first though, we have to pass a test against a team which is going through a good period.”

Toa e разликата моментално помеѓу нас и останатите клубови во Серија А она болдираното со големи букви
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[DOUBLEPOST=1455558066][/DOUBLEPOST]И уште еден графикон :)

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Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
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6 април 2010
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Оп аватар :D[DOUBLEPOST=1455563166][/DOUBLEPOST]Marotta: ‘Allegri not joining Chelsea’
By Football Italia staff

Juventus general manager Giuseppe Marotta denies Coach Massimiliano Allegri could join Chelsea - “Juve is a point of arrival”.

The tactician has been linked with a move to Stamford Bridge at the end of the season, after Jose Mourinho left the club and Guus Hiddink took over on a caretaker basis.

The former Milan boss has strongly denied the talk, and the Bianconeri's general manager has also ruled out a move to London.

“When things go well a Coach’s value goes up,” Marotta admitted, speaking to Gr Parlamento.

“Juve is a point of arrival for a Coach, one of the world’s biggest clubs. It’s not easy to find a bigger team than Juventus, unless you consider it the end of a cycle.

“And the winning cycle can continue.”

Allegri’s predecessor, Antonio Conte, is expected to leave his role as Italy CT after Euro 2016, could he return to Turin one day?

“Conte had many successes and achievements at Juventus. He was here for several years, three seasons. He won a lot.

“It’s normal that the cycle comes to an end. Now he’s coaching the national team, but the relationship remains good.

“The fact that there are rumours that great teams are thinking about him proves that our choice was correct.

“A return? A recurring phrase in football is ‘never say never’, but the assumption is that our Coach will remain with us.

“I’m convinced that we’ll go forward with Allegri for many years.”[DOUBLEPOST=1455569965][/DOUBLEPOST]Jednog dana trenirao sam na terenu zajedno sa Zampariniem i video sam Paula kako gleda Barreta dok ovaj puca slobodnjake. Rekao sam predsedniku: ''Sad ću pustiti Dybalu da šutira''.

Približio sam se i rekao mu:''Paulo zašto ti ne šutiraš?''. Odgovorio mi je: ''Kako mogu ja da izvodim kada je tu kapiten koji to savršeno radi''. Odgovorio sam mu "Probaj ti da ih izvodiš,imaš sjajnu nogu".

Uzeo je loptu i šutnuo je tako dobro da je ona završila u samom ćošku gde se spajaju prečka i stativa.Predsednik je odmah otrčao kako bi ga zagrlio,on se samo okrenuo i rekao: ''Imao sam sreće mister''.

Ja sam ga šutnuo i rekao mu: ''Kakva ku**eva sreća, i Pirlo je tako govorio''.

Gennaro Gattuso
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