Илири = Словени


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17 јануари 2006
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Iliri se star balkanski narod. Tie bile ili stari sloveni ili pak bile celosno slovenizirani, zosto site juznoslovenski narodi se identificirale kako ILIRI vo sredniot vek, pa se` do pocetokot na 20 vek.
Taka, ilirskiot jazik oznacuval juznoslovenski jazik, a pod poimot ILIRI se podrazbirale juznite sloveni.
Juznite sloveni imale nacionalna svest deka se ILIRI, pred se` srbite, hrvatite, bosancite i crnogorcite.
Za ilirskoto poteklo na jugoslovenskite narodi, postojat mnogu istoriski dokumenti, ilirski (slovenski) knigi, ilirski (slovenski) gramatiki itn.

Eve edna stara latinska istorija od 16 vek za ILIRITE t.e. slovenite:
G.B. Palatino: Libro Nouvo, 1545, Rome

Treba znati da ILIRSKI narodi, iliti Schiavoni, imaju dvije vrste pisama, pa se istočnije pokrajine služe onim koje sliči grčkomu, čiji je izumitelj bio Ćiril, odakle ga nazivaju ćirilicom, a druge, južnije ili zapadnije pokrajine služe se onim, čiji je izumitelj bio sveti Jeronim, pa ga nazivaju bukvicom, koje je pismo različito od svih drugih na svijetu. Imate također znati da je govor puka onaj vlastiti kojim se uvijek mole, i svi narodi razumiju ga, kao što mi razumijemo svoj narodni jezik, vrlo je bogat riječima ali veoma teškog izgovora onomu koji nije u njih odgajan od malena, te njim imaju pisane misale, brevijare i molitvenike naše Gospe, pa i Bibliju.

Ima bezbroj knigi napishani na ilirski [slovenski] jazik za ilirskata [slovenskata] gramatika, jazik itn., a tuka ke gi nabrojam samo nekolku od niv:

Bartol Kašić, Institutiones linguae Illyricae (Osnovi na ILIRSKIOT jazik/slovenski bukvar). Rim, 1604.

Ardelio della Bella: Instruzioni grammaticali della lingua illirica, u: Dizionario italiano, latino, ilirico. Venecija, 1728, Dubrovnik, 1785; samostalno: Principi elemetari della grammatica illirica. Dubrovnik, 1837

Blaž Tadijanović: Svaschta po mallo illiti kratko sloxenye immenah, i ricsih u illyrski [vo slovenski], i nyemacski jezik. Magdeburg, 1761, Tropava, 1766.

Josip Jurin: Grammatica Illyricae juventuti Latino-Italoque sermone instruendae accomodata. Venecija, 1793.

Josip Voltić, Grammatica illirica, u: Ricsoslovnik illiricskoga, italianskoga i nimacskoga jezika s' jednom pridpostavlienomm grammatikom illi pismenstvom: sve ovo sabrano i sloxeno od Jose Voltiggi Istranina, Beč, 1803.

Franjo Marija Appendini, Grammatica della lingua Illirica … Dubrovnik, 1808, 1828, 1848, 1850.

Šime Starčević, Nova ricsoslovica illiricska vojnicskoj mladosti krajicsnoj poklonjena, Trst, 1812.

Ignjat Alojzije Brlić, Grammatik der illyrischen Sprache, wie solche in Bosnien, Dalmatien, Slavonien, Serbien, Ragusa [Dubrovnik] & c. dann von den Illyriern in Banat und Ungarn gesprochen wird. Fьr Teutsche verfasst und herausgegeben von Ignatz Al. Berlich, Ofen, 1833;

Vjekoslav Babukić, Osnova slovnice slavjanske narěčja ilirskoga uredjena Věkoslavom Babukićem. Danica ilirska, II, 1836, br. 10,

Antun Mažuranić, Temelji ilirskoga i latinskoga jezika za početnike. Zagreb, 1839, 1842.
Vjekoslav Babukić, Grundzьge der illirischen Sprachlehre von Professor Věkoslav Babukić; Fondamenti della grammatica illirica di professore Věkoslavo Babukić tradotti da V. V-ž-ć /=Vladislav Vežić/, u: Ilirsko-němačko-talianski mali rěčnik od Josipa Drobnića, sa osnovom gramatike ilirske (protumačenom němački i talianski) od Věkoslava Babukića. Troškom Matice ilirske. Beč. Tiskom jermenskoga manastira. 1846-1849.

Andrija Barić, Slovnica serbsko-ilirskoga jezika za decu u Dalmacii i u druzih deržavah jugoslavjanskih. Spljet, 1851, 1861.

Jerolim Šutina, Principi di grammatica illirica, u: Vocaboli di prima necessita… Zadar, 1850, 21855, 1879.
  • Andrija Torkvat Brlić, Grammatik der illyrischen Sprache wie solche im Munde und Schrift der Serben und Kroaten. Beč, 1854.
  • Fran Volarić, Ilirska slovnica za početne učionice. Trst, 1854.
  • Ivan Danilo, Grammatica della lingua illirica. Zadar, 1855.
  • Andrija Stazić, Grammatica illirica pratica secondo il metodo di Ahn e di Ollendorff. Split, 1855, Trst, 1861.
Adolfo Veber (Tkalčević), Skladnja ilirskoga jezika za niže gimnazije. Beč, 1859, 1862. itn. itn.

I makedoncite porano od drugite juznisloveni bile narekuvani ILIRI.
Џовани Кулиновиќ, парох на Скопје во својот извештај do Papata од 1671 г. на италијански пишува:
„Во Скопје нема црква за католици. Катедралната црква Св. Пречеста веќе е претворена во џамија. Свештеникот врши богослужба дома и во една молитвена капела... Има 15 католички куќи со 100 лица. ...Има потреба од еден eyangelistario, и тоа Илириц [Општо име за Јужни Словени во тоа време. - А.М.], бидејќи во католичката богослужба евангелието и Апостолот се читаат и пеат на илирски јазик.“ (Ibid. 596)

Vo sredniot vek se javuvaat i ILIRSKITE GRBOVNICI, t.e. grbovite na ilirskite [slovenskite] nacii. Megju niv, se naogal i grbot na Makedonija.

Ilirski grbovnik od Belgrad, 1602 g. Prva e Makedonija stavena kako ilirska nacija.
Член од
17 февруари 2008
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A be Bitusanec, zaludno se trudis, koga ovie raboti so godini gi znam, od hrvatite, sum gi procital. Hahaha, ajde makedonce ajde. Sega izleze slavomakedonce e ilirce, pa Anticko makedonce istotaka ilirce, a vcera mi kaza deka albancite nemaat vrska so albanija od kafkaz, i deka albanija e makedonsko vo paket so skenderbeg, deka nie sega sme Albanci a ne albanci. hahahahahahha

Bravos be, samo gledam deka vo forumov nema nisto so koe sto se branite protiv grcite, tuku samo tonete podole, pa normalno deka ke vi ja promenat licna kartata


Борец за човекови права
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17 јануари 2006
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Mr.M[][]N;1257530 напиша:
A be Bitusanec, zaludno se trudis, koga ovie raboti so godini gi znam, od hrvatite, sum gi procital. Hahaha, ajde makedonce ajde. Sega izleze slavomakedonce e ilirce, pa Anticko makedonce istotaka ilirce, a vcera mi kaza deka albancite nemaat vrska so albanija od kafkaz, i deka albanija e makedonsko vo paket so skenderbeg, deka nie sega sme Albanci a ne albanci. hahahahahahha

Bravos be, samo gledam deka vo forumov nema nisto so koe sto se branite protiv grcite, tuku samo tonete podole, pa normalno deka ke vi ja promenat licna kartata
E de, ilirite bile isto taka Makedonci. Olimpija, majka mu na Alex Makedonski e ilirka.
Iliri, traki i makedonci vo antikata bile srodni narodi kako makedoncite so srbite, denesnite sloveno-bugari, horvatite, slovencite itn.
A dali ima ilirski-sqiptarski knigi od minatoto? :pos2::pos2::pos2:

Eve go ilirskiot grbovnik od Belgrad od 1602 g., so naciite koi gi vladeel Nemanjich:

P.S. Nema nikade Albanija ili Sqipria, a ima Makedonija:wink:
Член од
17 февруари 2008
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E pa brat, so da ti kazam poveke, nekade te nema, nekade te ima, pa taka si odi taa rabota. Gord sum barem sto ne me stavile megu ovie SLAVJANSKI mesta, sot e i logicno, se gleda deka sme avtohtnoni. Pa ako bilo pisano slavite da se iliri, togas svaka cast na niv, a svaka cast i na logikata so ne mozes da zabelezis deka toa e segasniot grb na Srbija, ali so da pravime.

Auuu i zaboraviv, vidi kako pisuiva na latinski.

regis stephani vrosa nemanich insignia

Regis Stephani - Carot Stefan Dusan

Pa fala Bogu so neam vrska so nego, cisto slovensko carstvo.....Mnogu nisko pagas Bitusanec....


Зона на самракот
Член од
26 август 2007
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А ти на никој начин не ги поби неговите аргументи,туку пишуваш глупости на темава.:toe:
Член од
17 февруари 2008
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А ти на никој начин не ги поби неговите аргументи,туку пишуваш глупости на темава.:toe:
ako ti e za prvite fakti so gi napisa drugarot bitusanec, gi znam od porano i ne mi znacat. Zapoznaen sum dobro so MAtica Ilirska, pa zatoa Dalmatite imaat pravo da se narecat potomci na Dalmatite Ilirski, pa koj znae, mozda i tie ni se braka, ai i svaka cast imame odlicni odnosi so Dalmatite, i mnogu nasi ziveeat tamu i si rabotat,

A za toa Regis Stephani vrosa nemanich insignia, te molam ali toa e cisto carstvoto na Car Stefan Dusan, znaci slovenite, so site tie narodi navedeni vo taa slika.....
Член од
4 јануари 2008
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Илиро-тракиските јазици биле зборувани од Дунав па се до Бело море, од Јонско до Црно море, а денес, освен крајниот запад, не се променило скоро ништо.


Член од
20 декември 2007
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Mr.M[][]N;1257733 напиша:
Jas gi poznavam jugoslovenskite jazici, pa se smeam koga gi slusam ovie gluposti.
не беше по твоја сопствена желба туку затоа што мораше
ајде признај си

Ne znam vo koj pravec ste trgnale, nieden od vas tuka nema uniifciran stav za makedonstinata, samo improvizacija i transformacija na tugi istorii.
мислиш обратно
Член од
4 јануари 2008
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Mr.M[][]N;1257733 напиша:
Izvini, ali sve sto kaza e outside. Vidi malku svetska istorija, zemi si nauci go albanskiot jazik, nauci nekolku zbora, ne se plasi. Jas gi poznavam jugoslovenskite jazici, pa se smeam koga gi slusam ovie gluposti.

Ne znam vo koj pravec ste trgnale, nieden od vas tuka nema uniifciran stav za makedonstinata, samo improvizacija i transformacija na tugi istorii.

А ти се што кажа е толку inside што еве, ме остави без зборови, па немам што да одговорам :pos:


Зона на самракот
Член од
26 август 2007
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"Принтиран" е во Загреб...:wink:


Walking away
Член од
25 ноември 2007
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ЛЕЛЕ... А бре битушанец... Да постираше нешто интересно за твоите предци од карпатите, словените...битки, војни,освојувања со задоволство ќе го прочитав... ама ова илири = словени ... смешно дури и глупаво да се каже ... Хрватите,Србите,Бугарите горди си се на своето словенско потекло и многу нормално потврдуваат дека словените мигрирале на Балканот... Не знам што е со вас ... Вие сте мешавина на словени и илири,македонци и траки затоа и ве нарекуваат славо-македонци (мелези) и нема ништо лошо во тоа ама да тврдите дека илирите,македонците и траките биле словени , тоа навистина е глупаво да се каже...срамота кој да ве чуе...

Ајде читај па после кажи нешто паметно ... Инаку самиот наслов се ти кажува... Југословенска ПРЕД словенска историја...

[SIZE=-2] http://workmall.com/wfb2001/yugoslavia/yugoslavia_history_pre_slav_history.html [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Source: The Library of Congress Country Studies[/SIZE] << BACK TO HISTORY CONTENTS YU010101.
Palace of Roman Emperor Diocletian, Dubrovnik
Courtesy Sam and Sarah Stulberg

Ancient peoples inhabited the lands that now make up Yugoslavia for millennia before Rome conquered the region in the first century A.D. Archeological findings reveal that during the Paleolithic period (ca. 200,000-8,000 B.C.) man's ancestors hunted and foraged in the mountains, valleys, and interior plains of today's Yugoslavia. In the Mesolithic period (8,000-6,000 B.C.), man expanded the use of tools and weapons and settled throughout the country. Farming came to the area at the dawn of the Neolithic Period (6,000-2,800 B.C.) and spread throughout the region by 4,000 B.C. Yugoslavia's Neolithic inhabitants planted cereal grains, raised livestock, fished, hunted, wove simple textiles, built houses of wood or mud, and made coarse pottery and implements.
Man began working with pure copper in the region in the third millennium B.C. During the Bronze Age (2,800-700 B.C.), the population grew, settlements multiplied, and craftsmen began casting ornaments, tools, and weapons. After about 1450 B.C., smiths began working with locally mined gold and silver, horses and chariots became more common, and trade routes stretched to northern Europe and the Aegean. During the Iron Age (beginning 700 B.C.), trade flourished between the developing city-states of Italy and Greece and the region's first identifiable peoples: Illyrian-speaking tribes north of Lake Ohrid and west of the Vadar River (in present-day Macedonia), Thracian speakers in the area of modern Serbia, and the Veneti, who probably spoke an Italic tongue, in Istria and the Julian Alps (in present-day Slovenia and northwest Croatia).
Greeks set up trading posts along the eastern Adriatic coast after 600 B.C. and founded colonies there in the fourth century B.C. Greek influence proved ephemeral, however, and the native tribes remained herdsmen and warriors. Bardylis, a tribal chief of Illyria (present-day northwest Yugoslavia), assumed control of much of Macedonia in 360 B.C.: Philip II and his son, Alexander the Great, later united Macedonia and campaigned as far north as present-day Serbia. In the fourth century B.C., invading Celts forced the Illyrians southward from the northern Adriatic coast, and over several centuries a mixed Celtic-Illyrian culture arose in much of modern Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia, producing wheelturned pottery, jewelry, and iron tools.
In the third century B.C., Rome conquered the west Adriatic coast and began exerting influence on the opposite shore. Greek allegations that the Illyrians were disrupting commerce and plundering coastal towns helped precipitate a Roman punitive strike in 229 B.C., and in subsequent campaigns Rome forced Illyrian rulers to pay tribute. Roman armies often crossed Illyria during the Roman-Macedonian wars, and in 168 B.C. Rome conquered the Illyrians and destroyed the Macedonia of Philip and Alexander. For many years the Dinaric Alps sheltered resistance forces, but Roman dominance increased. In 35 B.C., the emperor Octavian conquered the coastal region and seized inland Celtic and Illyrian strongholds; in A.D. 9, Tiberius consolidated Roman control of the western Balkan peninsula; and by A.D. 14, Rome had subjugated the Celts in what is now Serbia. The Romans brought order to the region, and their inventive genius produced lasting monuments. But Rome's most significant legacy to the region was the separation of the empire's Byzantine and Roman spheres (the Eastern and Western Roman Empires, respectively), which created a cultural chasm that would divide East from West, Eastern Orthodox from Roman Catholic, and Serb from Croat and Slovene.
Over the next 500 years, Latin culture permeated the region. The Romans divided their western Balkan territories into separate provinces. New roads linked fortresses, mines, and trading towns. The Romans introduced viticulture in Dalmatia, instituted slavery, and dug new mines. Agriculture thrived in the Danube Basin, and towns throughout the country blossomed into urban areas with forums, temples, water systems, coliseums, and public baths. In addition to gods of the Greco-Roman pantheon, Roman legionnaires brought the mystic cult of Mithras from Persia. The Roman army also recruited natives of the conquered regions, and five sons of Illyrian peasants rose through the ranks to become emperor. The Illyrian, Celtic, and Thracian languages all eventually died out, but the centuries of Roman domination failed to create cultural uniformity.
Internal strife and an economic crisis rocked the empire in the third century A.D., and two ethnic Illyrian emperors, born in areas now in Yugoslavia, took decisive steps to prolong the empire's life. Emperor Diocletian, born in Dalmatia, established strong central control and a bureaucracy, abolished the last Roman republican institutions, and persecuted Christians in an attempt to make them identify more with the state than the church. Emperor Constantine, born near Nis, reunited the empire after years of turmoil, established dynastic succession, founded a new capital at Byzantium in A.D. 330, and legalized Christianity.
In 395 the sons of Emperor Theodosius split the empire into eastern and western halves. The division, which became a permanent feature of the European cultural landscape, separated Greek Constantinople (as Byzantium was renamed in A.D. 330) from Latin Rome and eventually the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. It likewise separated the lands in what is now Yugoslavia, exercising a critical influence on the Serbs and Croats. Economic and administrative breakdown soon softened the empire's defenses, especially in the western half, and barbarian tribes began to attack. In the fourth century, the Goths sacked Roman fortresses along the Danube River, and in A.D. 448 the Huns ravaged Sirmium (now Sremska Mitrovica northwest of present-day Belgrade), Singidunum (now Belgrade), and Emona (now Ljubljana). The Ostrogoths had conquered Dalmatia and other provinces by 493. Emperor Justinian drove the invaders out in the sixth century, but the defenses of the empire proved inadequate to maintain this gain.
Slavic tribesmen poured across the empire's borders during the fifth and sixth centuries. The Slavs, characteristically sedentary farming and livestock-raising tribes, spoke an IndoEuropean language and organized themselves into clans ruled by a council of family chiefs. All land and significant wealth was held in common. In the sixth century, the Slavs allied with the more powerful Avars to plunder the Danube Basin. Together, they erased almost all trace of Christian life in Dalmatia and the northwestern parts of present-day Yugoslavia. In A.D. 626 these tribes surrounded Constantinople itself. The Avar incursions proved key to the subsequent development of Yugoslavia because they immediately preceded, and may have precipitated, the arrival of the Serbs and Croats.
Data as of December 1990

[SIZE=-2] NOTE: The information regarding Yugoslavia on this page is re-published from The Library of Congress Country Studies. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Yugoslavia PRE-SLAV HISTORY information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Yugoslavia PRE-SLAV HISTORY should be addressed to the Library of Congress. [/SIZE]


Walking away
Член од
25 ноември 2007
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Хрватите се доселени словени во Илириа ...


With Slavonia, an autonomous state. It is bounded on the north by the Danube and the Drave; on the east by Servia; on the south by the Save; and on the west by Styria, the River Kupa, and the Adriatic Sea from Fiume (Rieka) in the north-west to Obrovac on the Dalmatian frontier.

The name Croatia is derived from that of a people called Croats (Hrvat, Chrobatos) i.e. "the nation ready to defend its home and rights", whose migration from Southwestern Russia and Galicia of today — then known as "White Croatia" or "Great Croatia" (Velika Hrvatska) — towards the old Illyricum and Dalmatia began in the early part of the fifth century. There were several migrations at different times. The people settled during the first half of the sixth century in Pannonia Inferior, now Lower Hungary, and on the eastern banks of the Danube. Here they struggled for their very existence against the Avars, a bloodthirsty people, and then crossed the Drave to Pannonia Superior and Dalmatia, provinces of the Roman Empire, to which they gave the name of Croatia. From 610 to 641 the Croats established their settlements on a firm basis. From that time forward they suffered various vicissitudes owing to the constantly changing political life. The provinces occupied by the Croats were already peopled by Illyrian and Celtic tribes as Roman domains. Friendly terms were maintained, however, and together they made war against the common enemy, the Avars, conquered them and finally established their own state. The executive head of the Croats was the "ban" a title still in use, and he had unlimited power as leader and governor of the people. Heraclius, theByzantine emperor, was compelled to abandon his provinces in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. At that time the Croats occupied the following provinces: Illyricum Liburnia, Pannonia, Dalmatia, and a part of Histria, now known respectively as Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia, Istria, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their kinsmen, the Serbs, settled in Montenegro, Northern Albania, Old Servia, and the western part of the Servian Kingdom. The cities of Zara (Zadar or Jadera), Trau (Trogir or Tragurion), Spalato (Spljet), and Ragusa (Dubrovnik), on the Dalmatian coast, and the islands Veglia (Krk) and Arbe (Rab or Absorus), in the Adriatic, remained Latin in character. Elsewhere, however, the assimilative power of the Croats was stronger and the Latin race disappeared.

Србите... исто така доселени словени во Илириа...


A European kingdom in the north-western part of the Balkan peninsula.

The greater part of the territory of the present Kingdom of Servia belonged, at the beginning of the Christian era, to the Roman Province of Moesia, the western part to the Province of Dalmatia. Under Roman supremacy a number of cities arose along the Danube and the Morava, and the country attained to a considerable height of economic prosperity and intellectual development. Christianity found entrance into the Roman districts of the Balkan Peninsula at an early date and suffered but little in this region from the persecutions of the emperors. Martyrs are not mentioned until the reign of Diocletian, when several suffered death for Christ at Singidunum (Belgrade). During the migrations the country was traversed in succession by Ostrogoths, Huns, and Lombards. In 550 it was conquered by the Emperor Justinian, head of the Eastern Empire. Soon after this, the Avars fell upon the land, devastating and burning wherever they went, and turned the region into a wilderness. In the seventh century the forefathers of the present Serbs, a tribe of the southern Slavs, migrated into the country, which received from them the name of Servia. During the Middle Ages and well into modern times the term included not only the present Servia, but also Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, and the northern parts of Macedonia and Albania. In the early centuries of their history the political cohesion of the Serbs was slight; the political organization was based upon the family clan, the sadruga (zadruga). The sadruga was composed of about fifty or sixty persons, who bore a common name and obeyed an elder who was the representative of the clan in dealings with outsiders or with the gods. All members of the clan had the same rights and were entitled to a share of the common possessions. Several such family-clans formed a tribe whose affairs were managed by a council of the family elders. At the head of the tribe was a Zupan, elected by the elders of the families. The religion of the Serbs was a natural religion. They worshipped their gods in the open air and accompanied their sacrifices with singing. They had neither images, temples, nor priests. In common with all Slavs they believed in a life after death.

Црногорци исто така... дојдени словени...


A kingdom in the Balkan Peninsula, on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea; the territory was in ancient times a portion of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Emperor Diocletian made Southern Dalmatia a separate province, Praevalis (Dioclea, Dioclitia) with Dioclea as its capital. From the seventh century the north-western portion of the peninsula began to be invaded by Slav tribes; one of these, the Serbs, settled in the territory which they still possess, and founded there several principalities (Zupanate), the most southern of which was called Zeta, or (after the ancient Dioclea) Duklja. From Zeta sprang the Nemanjiden family, under whose autocracy the Servian Empire attained its greatest power. Stefan I Nemanja was recognized as Chief Zupan by Emperor Manuel I, in 1165; having reduced into submission the stubborn lesser Zupans, he embraced the Orthodox Faith, and then began to organize the Servian Church. His youngest son, Sawa, or Sabas, after being appointed first Orthodox Archbishop of Servia in 1221, founded a see for Zeta in the monastery of St. Michael near Cattaro. In the Empire of the Serbs, each heir apparent to the throne was first appointed administrator of the Province of Zeta. However, under King Stefan Dusan (1331-55) a member of the Balscicz family was named Governor of Zeta. From 1360 to 1421 this family ruled in Zeta, notwithstanding the constant opposition of the Cernojevic family, settled in Upper Zeta. On the destruction of the Great Servian Empire by the Turks after the battle of Amsfeld in 1389 Zeta became the refuge of the most valiant of the Serbs, who refused to submit to the Turkish yoke.
Член од
17 март 2005
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PIRRO: prestani da postirash tekstovi vo nedogled i bez izvor. Od sega napishi tvoj komentar i daj link, diskutiraj. Dokolku nemash izvor kje gi brisham kako nerelevantni.
Член од
5 мај 2005
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Каплан Ресули ја пишува вашата историја, не нашата :tapp:
А Васил бугарчето...вашата. :)

Bartol Kašić, Institutiones linguae Illyricae (Osnovi na ILIRSKIOT jazik/slovenski bukvar). Rim, 1604.

Ова ептен ми е интересно, Илирски институции...

Сеа едно трик прашање...знаеш кој учел во таквите илирски институции, особено во Рим и Наполи во 15-18тиот век??

Да те посочам малце? Матренга, Барди, Богдани....Арбреши, кои зборувале албански. Епирски. Јазик којшто јас денеска го зборувам.

Илирите ако се словени, а го зборувале истиот јазик што го зборувам јас...можда...

Ама па чудно ми е...

Сеа според целава твоја теорија...вака одприлика се десило.

Илирите биле словени, словените биле словени...дошле албанците од кавказ, им украле јазик и историја, и ги натерале СИТЕ словени да зборуваат на друг туѓ јазик...
Илирскиот јазик останал разбирлив само за албанците...а словените го заборавиле илирскиот јазик, дека нормално дојденциве од кавказ ги натерале на тоа...

Чудно...ептен чудно.

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